Reviews of Victory Forum user MA missions
think you can do mine at some point #1056?
Going through Kong's points one by one:
Don't Skulls and Hellions already take Supradyne? I thought they just didn't turn into Dyneheads like the Trolls because they're wimps and can't get very much normally.
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Negative. Going off of the information provided on the CoH wiki pages, Skulls are simply a gang; the Bone Daddies get their normal powers through some netherworld ritual or something. No 'dyne involved. As for the Hellions, they pick up their powers through magic (or whatever you want to call it) rituals performed as they do more crimes. Also, no 'dyne involved.
Why are Nemesis troops helping a Skull EB? And a Hellion EB?
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The idea was to have them doing some sort of 'duke-em-out' bit, like we've seen in various other dev-created missions. However, I was not able to find such an emote for the EB/AVs or the Nem group, so it is what it is.
Is there any point in making the last mission timed?
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Well, if you want to leave some overpowered skulls, hellions, and your standard Lord Nemesis just hanging out having a costume contest under Atlas all day, then... /e shrug. Timer's at an hour, so it's not a difficult assignment.
Why is there an Arachnos flyer in AP for a Nemesis invasion?
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Unfortunately, the only way to get that Atlas Park map is to have it be the one that's fromt he LRSF, which means an arachnos flyer. Other Atlas Park maps would have been the total devastation maps from mission 3 of LRSF, or some of the 40+ GV content. While I did not look for it, the Atlas safeguard map would not have worked imo, as you're not there at city hall.
While there weren't any glaring problems with this arc it left a lot of questions unanswered.
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I'll answer this broadly before getting to your specifics: since when did any Nemesis arc answer each and every last question you had?
Why did Nemesis suddenly take interest in Atlas Park?
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Why would he stop taking an interest in it? One would think that would be a major goal of his, to take control of the city; sure, it's a bit more direct than usual, but eh. He's taken over the country before, what's wrong with taking over the city?
As kong and I discussed ingame, and.. agreed to disagree on, "it is what it is". IMO, that statement means a short, semi-funny little mission that's not much of a challenge, so that anyone could do. It was not meant to be the next "Melvin and the mysterious Malta Group".
About the enemy descriptions, yea, we thought about fixing that, but left it. So yes, glaring hole. It is also meant to be a simple little thing, with amusing clues. It's not meant to be the next "Wheel of Destruction" bit.
@Death Conqueror
-Goal for 2011: Survive, stay alive, and continue to thrive.
think you can do mine at some point #1056?
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I'm going down the list of missions in the stickied "Mission Architect List". If you think your mission is worthy of being advertised to the general Victory populace, by all means post it in that thread. It's supposed to be a representative sample of the best that Victory can do.
And here I thought it was just a place to post your missions/arcs...
If you think your mission is worthy of being advertised to the general Victory populace, by all means post it in that thread. It's supposed to be a representative sample of the best that Victory can do.
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No, sorry.
I've already forgotten about most of you

You're on the right track, Viv. Scooter pretty much set the thread up as a place to post MA missions from people in Victory (which is why I'm sketchy on a post or two that seem to be people based on another forum). Which is great, I have to trim down the huge amount of missions somehow. If Scooter hadn't gotten it stickied like he did, I would have asked for a thread for the Victoryites to post their missions to.
Obviously, people can interpret it different ways. It's not that crazy of an idea to expect someone to put a mission up that's well put together (for what it is trying to do... so make as good of a description as you can).
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
I like the use of $archetype, but the attempt to change my character's backstory in the arc is just odd.
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Odd, and not entirely serious - but almost required by the Lesbian Hellion origin story.
Firemullet is a minor but official bit of game lore.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
I just ran your MRLH arc and I can't believe it hasn't been reported yet, either by people who don't get it, or by those who do and are offended.
Great arc... I just wish it had more text!
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

Actually, it has been reported, a couple times, but apparently not enough times that it's been pulled automatically yet.
The usual complaint is "gay bashing", when in fact it's trying to make fun of gay-bashing. Others object to any LGBT material in the MA at all. Neither, AFAICT, are forbidden by the ToS, and there are no bad words or sex scenes in the arc itself.
I wish I could search for arcs with complaints. If they're non-farm complaints, those might be more interesting than others.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
If you ever need an email of support to the devs about your AE mish, I'd do it in a hearbeat.
I've enjoyed all your AE arcs.
VIRTUE: Ms Pris - 50 scrapper, Brai Master - 50 tank, Candi Pain - 50 scrapper
VICTORY: Little Bertha - 50 blaster
Actually, it has been reported, a couple times, but apparently not enough times that it's been pulled automatically yet.
The usual complaint is "gay bashing", when in fact it's trying to make fun of gay-bashing. Others object to any LGBT material in the MA at all. Neither, AFAICT, are forbidden by the ToS, and there are no bad words or sex scenes in the arc itself.
I wish I could search for arcs with complaints. If they're non-farm complaints, those might be more interesting than others.
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Well, I was one of the folks who didn't get it. I didn't file a complaint, but I did ask for clarification. Sorry, but it's easy to miss the joke and view the whole thing as gay bashing. I respect your intentions, but you should be prepared for complaints, particularly if folks don't know where to ask inquiries.
Considering your intentions, I hope it does not get removed, but I would not be surprised if it did.
Arc: Martian Chimpanzees and the Cyborg Cheerleaders of DOOM!
Arc ID: 69947
Author: Loonatik
My rating: *****
Very nice tongue in cheek story here. Monkeys from Mars are kidnapping cheerleaders. Very nice texts with lots of fourth wall breaking.
My suggestion:
I would think up a couple more cheers for the first mission, so the cheerleaders can have different things to say, and break those events up into two or three different ones. This doesn't require different cheerleaders or anything else, just the substitution of two or three different events for the one that's repeated.
If you call them all "cheerleaders to rescue" in the plural to-do statement, the MA does the math and treats them as one. Unless your space is very tightly budgeted, adding text and separating events doesn't use up that much overhead. If there is space, I would do the same with some of the later events as well.
Still - very nice custom mobs, and a story that's pure fun.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
think you can do mine at some point #1056?
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I'm going down the list of missions in the stickied "Mission Architect List". If you think your mission is worthy of being advertised to the general Victory populace, by all means post it in that thread. It's supposed to be a representative sample of the best that Victory can do.
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i can not say it is the best, the most i can say is i like it and i hope you do too.
Arc: Martian Chimpanzees and the Cyborg Cheerleaders of DOOM!
Arc ID: 69947
Author: Loonatic
My rating: *****
Very nice tongue in cheek story here. Monkeys from Mars are kidnapping cheerleaders. Very nice texts with lots of fourth wall breaking.
My suggestion:
I would think up a couple more cheers for the first mission, so the cheerleaders can have different things to say, and break those events up into two or three different ones. This doesn't require different cheerleaders or anything else, just the substitution of two or three different events for the one that's repeated.
If you call them all "cheerleaders to rescue" in the plural to-do statement, the MA does the math and treats them as one. Unless your space is very tightly budgeted, adding text and separating events doesn't use up that much overhead. If there is space, I would do the same with some of the later events as well.
Still - very nice custom mobs, and a story that's pure fun.
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Thanks for the feedback. You're not the first person to mention the objectives being a little repetative so it is something I've definitely got to work on. Oh, and thanks for the heads-up on the breaking them up into multiple events fix - the only thing preventing me from doing that was my fear of hitting the player with a wall of ojectives in the Nav bar .
The objective nav statement is generated automatically by the singular and plural texts. If you make them identical you can have as many separate events as the map will allow, and as I said the game itself will add all the events with identical plural texts and do the math. In other words, if you have:
Objective 1 - Free a captive
Navigation Text (Plural) -
- cheerleaders to rescue
Objective 2 - Free a captive
Navigation Text (Plural) -
- cheerleaders to rescue
the nav window will display "2 cheerleaders to rescue" even though the objectives are two separate goals with separate text events displayed.
FWIW, the technique for inserting fake glowies is similar. You can create multiple glowie objectives and give them identical names and item picks, just make one required and the rest un-required. The required one is, of course, the real clue. The unrequired ones will beep at the player and display whatever text you want them to.
One of these days I will include a mission whose goal is to defeat a boss who will bear the name "Defeat all enemies".

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
Notes: First Mission: The custom group consists of only a single type of mob (Paragon Police Officer), which is a LT that stacks cascading def debuffs at level 13.
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This mob has always been problematic...Minions were defined just not spawning..It's fixed now.
Second mission: Just Minions and mostly Bosses in this one, still level 13. You had better have your mez protection on this map, all of the bosses are mezzers. You'll get an ally though, and the ally can solo the entire map if need be.
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Again I have no control over the AI of the allies. She is set to be defensive. I was told that having sort of hold protection would be a good idea considering the guantlet that this map provides.
Fourth mission: Just because a map can handle a lot of glowies doesn't mean it's a good idea to max it out.
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If you actually read the mission intro and send off you would have figured out that anything but the Main objective are not required. I get dinged cause you have poor impulse control. (oh thats why they named that badge that)
Overall: There's at least some storytelling, and there are some interesting maps, but it feels like it needs the hand of an editor. Do we really need the last two missions to end in the same way? Why am I forced to hold the idiot ball to keep the story going? I would have liked the custom groups to have a little more variety (at least one minion, lt, and boss), especially if you're just using pre-build mobs.
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Again problematic spawns that are fixed now. It is supposed to show the duality of the character, and the conflict she is experiencing.
Every time someone runs the mission they find another typo...I think the game is adding them in or changing my text. I fix them and they still show up .
Side note part two is now fixed and got backdoor nerfed due to the prisoners. it's up and running.
Thanks Kong for the review.

Arc Name: A Most Precious Cargo
Arc ID: 17747
Faction: Heroic
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Valdy
Difficulty Level: Moderate/Hard
Synopsis: Help a reluctant hero retreive something valuable taken from him. Four missions overall. Two with custom enemies. Mid-sized teams are excellent for this arc. I designed this arc to be something a team isn't supposed to "walk-in, walk-out" of. I put a lot into the writing and strategy of this arc. DPS is a nice plus for the end EB/AV.
Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hours.
Link to More Details or Feedback: Please use in-game feedback or PM me here.
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5 starred.
Ran over the weekend. Overall, very well laid out, good story, and nice custom mobs IMO. I went and read all the text I could see from the contact and in the missions and couldn't find any errors or confusing parts. Dark powers can be a pain, esp. when the last mob rezzed on me . Maps were very reasonable in size. I ran at diff 5 for 1st 4 missions but had to drop to 4th diff to get AV to EB spawn instead since I couldn't finish the AV off (or put a dent for that matter).
Only comment/complaint was the EB/AV at end in the one lab room that is multi-tiered and giant lab equipment in the center. He kept jumping down then up then down and up and around over and over. I was ready to strangle him to kept still. This I think is related to the mob AI in general for running and not directed at Valdy's arc.
Edit - Very late to add that I was on a bots/storm MM for my toon.
I also enjoyed running the "Precious Cargo" arc. Very well done. Yes, the EB at the end was... a pain, but I'm a stone tanker so I'm used to taking half an hour to beat things.
"I swear you could fling a man hole cover across the street and hit more notes than 90% of those idiots on American Idol" -Desmodos
"Every time you post I feel like I been hit with a fist full of smart! Thanks." - Volken re: Sucker Punch
Arc #36984 V'kta A'cha Vox'm
for The Rise of Evil 1
good jokes here and there
I like back stories for peoples main toons
a good selection of maps
i dislike beeing lvl 14
the mission objectives are not as clear cut as they could have been
what i would have changed
the glowies on the last mission i would have lowerd there activations time
it is a pritty good arc, but glitchy i am giving it 3 stars untill the glitches are fixed
Arc Name: The Scroll of Wishes
Arc ID: 50882
Faction: Heroes or Villains can play
Creator: @Baryonic Cell
Synopsis: Help Azuria as she seeks to learn more about a mysterious magical artifact known as the Scroll of Wishes. Encounter the Sanguine Sailors, a fearsome band of mystic pirates who seek to use the scroll for their own purposes.
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Ran this last night with Baryonic Cell (him on a /rad corr and me on a /kin corr, I think 3 diff? I can't recall). Overall, short and straightforward arc with no flaws that I could find. BC did mention he is updating the dialouge a little and I didn't see mistakes in the mission text as it is now. Good mix of custom mobs especially with an ranged bow/healer mob. I gave it 5 stars. It is good short arc to play.
Thanks for helping me test the arc, Penny! I'm glad you enjoyed the run. I've been taking small teams through it recently trying to get a feel for how it plays against different groups of archetypes.
My general design goal was to create a handful of fast playing missions based around some fun custom mobs...good to hear I am on the right track.
ranged bow/healer mob
[/ QUOTE ] ... hehe get them first!
[color= orange]edit:[/color] I just realized the original description in the Mission Architect List thread says it's five missions long. In the process of editing, the arc has been reduced to three missions.
Yeah, it's a good idea to doublecheck things. Somehow the first mission of my arc had picked up a "defeat all" objective, though I have no recollection of ever selecting that or wanting it in the first one. It only makes sense storywise for two of my missions, and I set them up to be pretty easy to do as a defeat all.
My arc has stalled out at 8 reviews/stars, so if anyone can run it, please do. I also tweaked my final boss to have Invuln as a secondary (rather than SS, as melee sets now have ranged attacks, yay), so I'd like to know if that made him too hard. I tested him with GP, and while things were a bit tough (he hits hard), I don't think he's too tough.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
After you hit the "republish" button, don't edit the arc for a few minutes. What can happen is that your changes will be in "publish limbo" waiting for the servers to catch up. You'll hit edit and be working on the same old arc. When you republish that one, all of the changes from the first republish will be lost. It's very annoying to fix a bug and then get a report about the very same bug a week later, especially if it's a really stupid/obvious one.
I think that can be helped by closing the MA window after editing (I think it causes it to refresh). At least it did the last time I edited something... I got the notice that the arc had been edited/republished/whatever immediately after closing the MA window, which had been open for about 10-15 secs.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Arc 27178: "The Monstrous Regiment of Lesbian Hellions"
Rating: 5/5
Overall: This is a solid arc, but it is rated PG-13. I really appreciate how the author did a good job making the mobs look like lesbian stereotypes, but maybe that's just the part of me that's not PC. Do not run this arc if you are politically correct, it will just offend. However, unless you are particularly sensitive this will not be a problem, it's all in good humor.
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Sums up my opinion of the arc too.