Reviews of Victory Forum user MA missions
Arc reviewed:[color= yellow] Belated Justice[/color]
Arc ID:[color= orange] 88003[/color]
Faction: Heroic
Author: @Grey_Pilgrim
My rating: **** 4 Stars
tl, dr: very long, mid-level arc (20-29), uses some good, underutilised standard groups from that level range, adheres to canon with good writing, takes a bit of a risk with a dynamic character being the focus
What I see here is a very good leveling arc that fits the game's lore/canon well. My favorite thing about this arc is that is uses some of my favorite enemy groups in the game, the Tsoo and the Warriors. I can understand why they are restricted to low mid-levels story-wise but it's a shame you really don't get to see nearly as much of these groups on your journey to level 50 as you do say, the Council or the Circle of Thorns. I appreciate the work Grey Pilgrim has done here to expand upon that, and in keeping with the game's storyline as well. Kudos.
Naturally with such interest also comes some critcal review.
I'll try not to spoil the story any more than I have to.
It starts off with a hero asking you to help him finish his revenge mission, because he heard you were someone who could help him, which I was a bit miffed over initially. After finishing the arc I can see how that approach seemed necessary, to get the hero involved in someone else's story. That's probably the only gripe I have with the arc. That and the way Warrior bosses pwn my regen scrapper, haha. Once you get over the feeling you are powerleveling this guy the story becomes very engaging. It took me a few minutes before I caught the pun with his name by the way, well done.
I liked how the first boss was named "Diomedes?", reminded me of those Nemesis? missions. Anyone who has used the mission editor knows it's fairly limiting how much text you can include, here one extra character is adding depth to the storytelling. Simple devices like that can be overdone, but if added tastefully shows a good repetoire.
I thought the taunting emotes some of the Warriors were doing were hilarious. (Just going through my notes here...)
Oh yes, some of the text was quite gruesome, although the goriest bits were tucked away in a clue. It's meant to motivate the contact, which I think is related to my trouble with it being someone else's story fueling the encounters, but again I can see how mechanically it is needed to provide the final twist.
I was starting to get worried that I would have to drag this guy through every mission, so I was glad to hear of this two-pronged attack he suggested about halfway through the arc. Even though it did seem over the top to antagonize not one but two rival groups to lure his prey out of hiding, by then he had related to you a fair amount of backstory and you could appreciate his enthusiasm a bit more.
I expected to rile up one group while the contact went and did the other. So far it's been a story of revenge against the Warriors. Now come two large Defeat All missions in succession. Yes, it's up to you to stir up both rival factions, not just to get out alive after but defeat every person in the building. If this were a villainous arc I'd pass it off, but it seemed too long and too methodical for a hero, these groups may be known criminals, but they're only guilty by association this time.
Before I sound too critical, I love where all this is going, the final scene with the different groups mixing it up is great. My suggestion would be to cut the first Defeat All mission out, the one with the Family in the office, mostly because I think the Family are a bit boring (I wish they would expand the range of the Mooks a bit more) and the large office maps really are a pain to do Defeat Alls on.
This segment of the story is important to set things up, but since it doesn't deal with the main enemy group they shouldn't be longer than necessary. I would leave the Tsoo mission in, because the Tsoo rock, however they are a pain to do Defeat Alls against, mostly because of Sorcerers and Ancestor Spirits flying off all over the place. It would be nice to know how the Family and the Tsoo would think it was the Warriors before you finish the missions as well. Maybe I missed it in the intro dialog, but I was wondering until I read the mission exit popup stating I'd left behind a Warrior headband and weapon. Maybe mention collecting those from one of the earlier missions as a lead-up.
The last mission is of course, the best. Plenty of cool bosses to fight, I never did get the chance to slice up Tub Ci before so that was a plus. Like I mentioned earlier, I don't want to spoil too much of it but I like the way it ended, nice sense of drama.
So I hope I wasn't too hard on your work, Grey. I think you have a 5 star arc in there, just trim the length a hair so that the story stands out more. I think the reason this arc hasn't gotten more reviews is that is very long and within a restricted mid level range, which is going to limit your audience. You put a lot of work into this arc and it shows.
When did you run this, Baryonic? The patch this morning added in ranged attacks for bosses (Bladed Justice is also a boss), so I changed the final boss to have Invuln as a secondary. It also supposedly changed up the AI for characters using Dual Blades, so I'm curious as to how that worked out for your ally. I'll have to try it out again to see how it goes with him (before it was hit or miss if he would attack, like it is with most melee characters... I was hoping the AI tweaks and ranged addition would help out more with him).
I also like the Tsoo and Warriors a lot, so it was easy to choose them, especially since they intersected with one of my hero's backstories (the Family are also fun in a way... who doesn't like dropping some goombas?).
I'm not sure why you're miffed at having to help a fellow hero. Most contacts in the game (hero and villainside) have heard about your exploits in some way and want your help. And hopefully it's clear as you go why this contact does need your help (I also would hope that this story becomes your hero's as well, and more involved and interactive than most arcs from contacts- you're the first to say you felt like it was someone else's story).
Hmmmm, not sure what to say about the two missions to rile up the other groups. I would say dropping one as you said makes it less of your hero's story, and lowers the stakes a bit for that last mission (I also wanted to make sure it wasn't a lucky chance that that final boss shows up in the last mission). If you drop that Family mission, their placement in the last mission would feel a little more random and tenuous.
Also, after the setup for the third and fourth mission, I didn't think I needed too much info about you planting evidence. I thought about planting a glowie you could interact with, but I figured it simplified it to just put in the mission end text that you planted the evidence (and since you fought the Warriors a lot in the first two missions, I didn't think you needed too much info on how you got the stuff).
And this is more of a random comment, but I find it weird that a five mission arc is even considered long... you get to that many missions (that take longer to play) before or during the twenties. Most story arcs in game are even longer, even if you took out all the fedexes. Just an odd sentiment that confuses me from some... MA seems to foster a need to go fast, fast, fast, when it already cuts out travel time!
Anyway, food for thought. I'll have to think it over, as I think there is good logic for the way things are... so we may just be looking at things differently (such is the nature of creative works, heh). Thanks for the help.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Ah, one other thing. I was debating whether you could set up those two middle missions as "try to defeat all the enemies so no one can report back" (in the mission text from the contact) to satisfy those that don't like absolutely having to defeat all, but also to maintain the story sense.
Or would that just be confusing? What does everyone think? I know some don't like defeat alls no matter what, but it does make sense for some, and I wonder if this is a way around the problem.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
I ran the arc around noon today, wrote up the review right after. Post-patch, FWIW. The ally really didn't do much in fights, I noticed the ink men were slowing my attacks at times, maybe he was suffering from that as well, but even on the Warrior missions he seemed sluggish.
As far as the Family's placement being being tenuous in the last mission if you don't do their middle mission, it would depend on how the contact's dialogue went. If he made it clear he'd be involving them while you went after the Tsoo it would make sense to me.
Cutting the mission was just one suggestion, if there was a way to write the story to avoid the need for 2 defeat all missions against secondary targets that would be cool as well. Not trying to rewrite your story here though, really.
MA seems to foster a need to go fast, fast, fast, when it already cuts out travel time!
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Actually my first beef with the mission editor was that it's all staged to be virtual. When I re-subbed I was under the impression you could set actual door locations as well. That would be awesome but trouble in the wrong hands.
My point there was that the longest parts of the arc had the least to do with the main part of the story. I understood why we went after the Warriors, but searching every floor of the Family's office building and knocking out even the guys making coffee in the break room for half an hour or so threw off the pace of the story. Perhaps if it must be defeat all, make the maps smaller and/or less objectives in each of those missions. They each had multiple bosses and objects to destroy.
What I'm gettin' at here is when the contact lays out the plan to stir up the two groups to draw out his rival, you've essentially given away what happens in the next two missions before you've done it. The last mission is the most fun and the one I'd be looking forward to most in a replay.
[color= orange]edit:[/color] I think part of the trouble folks have with long arcs is that as yet, you can't be in the middle of more than one MA arc at a time. The dev's arc are longer, but unless you're talking about a Task/Strike Force proper you can have up to 3 going at a time.
Arc 7780 "Nobody of Consequence"
Rating: 4/5
3rd mission could have used a smaller map
Arc 6788: Bad Bad Bad Bad Boys
Rating: 2/5
I didn't know the COT had twinks, I guess you learn something new if you play the game long enough. Enemies were a tad over-powered, the mission objectives leave a lot to be desired, backtracking in the cave to find the cauldron than backtracking once again to defeat the prince was obnoxious.
Don't mess with Texas!
So I read the furore early in the thread, and decided I'd take my soft capped (but not obscenely expensive) kat/SR on "What the Vudu?!?!".
The first EB is just tedious, he seems to use bodyguard, and is able to resummon his pets fast enough that he's just a huge bag of hits.
The second one was fine, except that I got hit with enormous lag as soon as he summoned in (multiple auras the problem ?). Also the Oranbega map meant that in the 50 excursions round the portals to get where I needed to go, I lost my ally and really couldn't be bothered to go and get him.
The minions/lts are fine, although all the non positional psi is irritating on a /SR, and again the choice of an Oranbega map was unfortunate in that there are several places where it's almost inevitable that you'll fight 2 groups at once, meaning the to-hit buffs stack up.
Overall I like this arc, the Oranbega map is probably necessary for story purposes, but does cause some issues. I 5 starred it, but had an average 4 star rating rather than 4.5 been necessary for HoF, I'd have 4 starred it. I think it is good enough, but could do with a little fine tuning.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
Thanks for trying it. It sounds like you completed it and didn't just steam roll through it? What difficulty did you use? Did you find the custom mobs different to fight than what you fight in the normal game? Did you find yourself having to use inspirations? That's what I want out of my missions. Running through it solo on my Scrapper, I was afraid the mobs were too easy and teams would just laugh their way through it. I've been surprised by the comments....and I like it.
(edit: I have not seen what the latest patch did to my mobs. I will be checking that out when I get time)
As for stars in-game, rate what you think it deserves, not what a badge calls for *shrug*
I really wish people would get away from being negative on AI issues. The ally is NOT necessary, he's there for flavor, on purpose. If I had him as an escort, I would gladly take any negativity about it. But since I know that the AI is wonky (for allies, NPCs, mobs, etc), I chose to not go this route. As for the MM, that's how MMs are. I wanted an MM and he does as is expected (now if he rez'd and/or was using RTTC, then yet again the settings on him were changed and I will gladly fix that).
And no, I still hate public comments/reviews. I'd have preferred a PM to get more details as to what issues specifically you'd have liked to see.
I've already forgotten about most of you

Voodoo, my 2 cents: If you set up an arc such that a high power solo scrapper is forced to chomp down insps more or less constantly, it means that other than tanks, brutes, and maybe Masterminds your arc could easily be unplayable. I've played through my arc on a Defender, Corruptor, Warshade, and Blaster just to make sure it's not too overpowered for anybody to solo (although each build does require different tactics, and some of them are still difficult).
The easier it is for a scrapper to solo, a team will easily mow through it. My blaster also did not have a problem with soloing it (with a lower diff). I will continue to do MA missions that offer a real challenege compared to the run-of-the-mill snooze-fest found in 99% of the rest of the game.
I will change the description to read "Created for team-play" and will take the Dev stance of "if you're having trouble, get help".
I'm honestly done trying to defend why I did what I did. The pros have vastly outweighed the cons, as well as the people who didn't have such dire problems compared to those that did. If anyone else would like to comment on this particular arc, do so in-game or PM or I'll just consider it noise.
I've already forgotten about most of you

If you set up an arc such that a high power solo scrapper is forced to chomp down insps more or less constantly, it means that other than tanks, brutes, and maybe Masterminds your arc could easily be unplayable.
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Wouldn't that also mean that anything a scrapper can breeze thru would essentially be a snore-fest for a halfway decent team?
Killed me a few times on my WS. No biggie. In the end I prevailed. :P I was on Unyielding when I ran it, BTW.
<sigh> Viv says its no longer "all me".
The easier it is for a scrapper to solo, a team will easily mow through it. My blaster also did not have a problem with soloing it (with a lower diff). I will continue to do MA missions that offer a real challenege compared to the run-of-the-mill snooze-fest found in 99% of the rest of the game.
I will change the description to read "Created for team-play" and will take the Dev stance of "if you're having trouble, get help".
I'm honestly done trying to defend why I did what I did. The pros have vastly outweighed the cons, as well as the people who didn't have such dire problems compared to those that did. If anyone else would like to comment on this particular arc, do so in-game or PM or I'll just consider it noise.
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Oddly, I've found the opposite to be true for tough MA mobs. A lot of times the mobs are tough because they happen to have a powerset or two that stack in nasty ways (like Dark Miasma), and when every group is stacking the debuffs 3 or 4 times it turns into team wipe city. It's like fighting the CoT in the teens and 20s when the Ghost LTs start showing up and flooring everybody's to-hit.
Well built teams (full of buffers/debuffers of their own) will manage, but PUGs will be slaughtered even harder than usual.
Solo on a scrapper/brute is, IMHO, the easiest way to play the game. It's not the best XP or anything, but it's the mode least likely to kill you. Even most AVs (downgraded to EBs) are manageable.
Thanks for trying it. It sounds like you completed it and didn't just steam roll through it? What difficulty did you use? Did you find the custom mobs different to fight than what you fight in the normal game? Did you find yourself having to use inspirations? That's what I want out of my missions. Running through it solo on my Scrapper, I was afraid the mobs were too easy and teams would just laugh their way through it. I've been surprised by the comments....and I like it.
(edit: I have not seen what the latest patch did to my mobs. I will be checking that out when I get time)
As for stars in-game, rate what you think it deserves, not what a badge calls for *shrug*
I really wish people would get away from being negative on AI issues. The ally is NOT necessary, he's there for flavor, on purpose. If I had him as an escort, I would gladly take any negativity about it. But since I know that the AI is wonky (for allies, NPCs, mobs, etc), I chose to not go this route. As for the MM, that's how MMs are. I wanted an MM and he does as is expected (now if he rez'd and/or was using RTTC, then yet again the settings on him were changed and I will gladly fix that).
And no, I still hate public comments/reviews. I'd have preferred a PM to get more details as to what issues specifically you'd have liked to see.
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Unyielding difficulty.
I should elaborate on the non positional psi was irritating. The SR gets hit by the mind control fear as their AoE def doesn't work against it. There then follows 10 seconds where they can't hit me and I can't act so nothing happens, I get feared again so I get one attack, then another 10 seconds of inactivity.
I found the escort's extra damage important to doing enough damage to kill the MM EB. With a resist based tank, or other lower damage/defence toon, I strongly suspect I would be unable to kill the MM without him as there would be so many darkity dark debuff icons on me, I'd miss a lot and he could resummon all his pets as fast as I could kill them. Fine this is on a warehouse map so keeping the escort is easy.
What I was suggesting was that the last mission for mechanical reasons would be better on a non Oranbega map, although for story reasons should probably be there. That said you don't need the help for that EB, he's a lot easier to kill. I commented because it's a totally avoidable AI issue, just use a map without portals.
I basically steamrollered all but the EB fights except where I had to fight 2 groups at a time which reduced my hit chance from 95% to 25-30 and caused me problems. The MM took me several minutes as I could only make serious progress when most of his pets were dead, and he resummoned them soon after I killed them. I have aid self, would have used a lot more insps without it.
The second EB would have been no problem at all, except the demon seemed to cause massive lag.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
That first MM EB spawned as the second group down the hall, before freeing the escort. And I agree that with a tank, the escort damage is essential, or at least on my ice/fire tank.
Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity
If you set up an arc such that a high power solo scrapper is forced to chomp down insps more or less constantly, it means that other than tanks, brutes, and maybe Masterminds your arc could easily be unplayable.
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Wouldn't that also mean that anything a scrapper can breeze thru would essentially be a snore-fest for a halfway decent team?
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Of course, it's always a little more complicated than that. Scrappers have powers that are much more solo oriented than team oriented. Sure, they have the damage to take on AVs and stuff like that, but they don't have the massive nukes to take out overflow mobs that Blasters have and in exchange have more survivability. Scrappers also have better mez protect than most ATs (counting Kheldians).
Depending on your definition of a halfway decent team (which probably includes a tank and one or two defender/controllers when full up), you're spawning more mobs, not to mention higher ranked mobs (I've run Invinc and Unyielding both and unless a MA mission actually has a boss objective, there are no bosses). The Scrapper can breeze through the Mastermind summoned stuff and Controller summoned stuff solo, but on a team, those can start summoning large amounts of mobs that are too many for a Tanker to keep taunted, especially fire controller bosses that may end up locking down your controllers with group holds and even blasters who can't use their AoEs until they figure out and defeat the NPC locking them down.
If you set up an arc such that a high power solo scrapper is forced to chomp down insps more or less constantly, it means that other than tanks, brutes, and maybe Masterminds your arc could easily be unplayable.
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Wouldn't that also mean that anything a scrapper can breeze thru would essentially be a snore-fest for a halfway decent team?
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Of course, it's always a little more complicated than that. Scrappers have powers that are much more solo oriented than team oriented. Sure, they have the damage to take on AVs and stuff like that, but they don't have the massive nukes to take out overflow mobs that Blasters have and in exchange have more survivability. Scrappers also have better mez protect than most ATs (counting Kheldians).
Depending on your definition of a halfway decent team (which probably includes a tank and one or two defender/controllers when full up), you're spawning more mobs, not to mention higher ranked mobs (I've run Invinc and Unyielding both and unless a MA mission actually has a boss objective, there are no bosses). The Scrapper can breeze through the Mastermind summoned stuff and Controller summoned stuff solo, but on a team, those can start summoning large amounts of mobs that are too many for a Tanker to keep taunted, especially fire controller bosses that may end up locking down your controllers with group holds and even blasters who can't use their AoEs until they figure out and defeat the NPC locking them down.
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Which is kind of my point. Judging an arc on the basis of "soloable with a defender" is rather arbitrary. It really doesn't tell us much about the arc.
In other news...
Arc Name: Martian Chimpanzees and the Cyborg Cheerleaders of DOOM!
Arc ID: 69947
Faction: Custom
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Loonatic
Difficulty Level: Solo friendly. Recommended for level 30+ (though I did solo it w/my lv 24 blaster)
Synopsis: Martian Chimpanzee Invaders! Cyborg Cheerleaders! Space Captain Uranus! 'nuff said.
Estimated Time to Play: About an hour
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Done on 50 bots/storm MM at max diff.
Definite 5 starred by me. I had a lot of fun and great custom mobs and dialogue. No mistakes or items from what I could tell.
If you set up an arc such that a high power solo scrapper is forced to chomp down insps more or less constantly, it means that other than tanks, brutes, and maybe Masterminds your arc could easily be unplayable.
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Wouldn't that also mean that anything a scrapper can breeze thru would essentially be a snore-fest for a halfway decent team?
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Of course, it's always a little more complicated than that. Scrappers have powers that are much more solo oriented than team oriented. Sure, they have the damage to take on AVs and stuff like that, but they don't have the massive nukes to take out overflow mobs that Blasters have and in exchange have more survivability. Scrappers also have better mez protect than most ATs (counting Kheldians).
Depending on your definition of a halfway decent team (which probably includes a tank and one or two defender/controllers when full up), you're spawning more mobs, not to mention higher ranked mobs (I've run Invinc and Unyielding both and unless a MA mission actually has a boss objective, there are no bosses). The Scrapper can breeze through the Mastermind summoned stuff and Controller summoned stuff solo, but on a team, those can start summoning large amounts of mobs that are too many for a Tanker to keep taunted, especially fire controller bosses that may end up locking down your controllers with group holds and even blasters who can't use their AoEs until they figure out and defeat the NPC locking them down.
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Which is kind of my point. Judging an arc on the basis of "soloable with a defender" is rather arbitrary. It really doesn't tell us much about the arc.
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FWIW I solo'd the arc in question with my 48 widow using Diff #2 (same as my Blaster). While the defense is higher (I believe) than an SR scrapper, the damage is far less. The -rch and -spd debuffs do help as you stack enough it messes with the AI and they'd rather run then fight. But they can't.........cuz they're slowed and stuff ain't recharging. >.> I made my last AV a flier and that [censored] took full advantage of it While the Widow's mez protection offers a substantial resistance to Fear, I was never feared that I could tell (no icons from either fear attack popped up). Hell of a lucky streak or defense was playing a part.
I did go ahead and changed the ally from aggressive to defensive; he was blastering away from a longer distance than when I first made the arc even. Hell, I think his range is greater than my actual character Not sure if that popped up with the last patch or not.
Anyway, I'm sticking with the notion "If you're having trouble solo, get help". That's just how I play this game and for the most part, what the Devs intend.
Way more than I wanted to go into.........happy "reviewing"
I've already forgotten about most of you

Which is kind of my point. Judging an arc on the basis of "soloable with a defender" is rather arbitrary. It really doesn't tell us much about the arc.
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Sorry, I misinterpreted what you were saying as all missions that are a breeze for scrappers are too easy.
Arc Name: Under The Wire
Arc ID: 103823
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Valdy
Difficulty Level: Moderate/Hard
Synopsis: Crey has managed to get their hands on some technology that will help them in their recruitment efforts. Time gets shorter and shorter as you try to foil their plot! This is a blast to play with a big team on level 3 or 4. It starts off easing into the arc and gets more frenetic near the end. Coordination is vital with the last two mishs. There is no EB/AV at the end, but the last mission can be one heck of a rush!
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5 stars
Solo'd with 50 bots/storm MM at lvl5 diff.
Well written and quite a challenge on the settings I used. It does get more fast paced and you need to keep moving - which is why I liked it so much. Valdy, you almost got me in the end since I got caught in a surprise you placed and nearly failed (or I was a bit slacking from being overconfident on an MM! ). I would really like to see this in a team setting to increase the mob number and bosses. I agree with Valdy that if a large/full team did this, then they better be coordinated in the last missions.
I made some adjustments to my arc, so if anyone that has played it before (or not) to let me know how they work, I would appreciate it. I took out the two defeat all missions in the middle a couple weeks ago, but then I have also made those two missions shorter, partially in a hope to get more people to play (you get more tickets for more missions, but everyone wants these arcs to be short for some reason), but also to make sure they don't distract from the main storyline too much. Also made some other minor text adjustments throughout that will hopefully make the story better, etc.
Hehe, I played through it with a team recently and got killed by one of my own ambushes. I was playing a Blaster and completely forgot I should be prepared for one of them (and the mission text even warns you!). Too funny.
And as always, I'm wanting more people to play it- let me know if you do and if you like it, etc.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Arc Name: Finding Bunny's Ears
Arc ID: 159599
Faction: neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @FooFooBunny
Difficulty Level: 1-54
Synopsis: Bunny needs you to find her ears and kick someones butt for stealing them.
Estimated Time to Play: Fairly quick. 10 minutes or so.
Link to More Details or Feedback:
My first attempt. Be nice, I'm still trying to figure everything out.
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Completed 50 bots/storm MM with LK'd 38 fire/fire dom, max diff setting.
A quick mission with lots of chickens! They were done to a golden brown with my friend's fire dom. I 5-starred since I could find no errors in text or set up. And glad you fixed it Bunny, my first time the other day with 5 EBs ambushing at the front door was a little brutal. Hope to see more.
Arc Name:Modern Piracy
Arc ID:103749
Faction:Crey, Council, Pirates.
Creator Global/Forum Name:@Elegost
Difficulty Level: moderate/hard
Synopsis:Modern Pirates. Nobody likes them.
Estimated Time to Play: 20-30 minutes.
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Complete myself as 28 earth/fire dom LK'd up with 38 fire/fire dom, max diff (or at least 4, my friend had star).
Arrrrrgh! There be pirates causing mayhem. My friend and I had a few rough spots, but otherwise a fun arc. Those custom pirates had a few tricks on us. Couldn't find any errors or other items in the missions. I gave it 5-stars and should be a decent challenge for teams.
Sadly I haven't been around for a while to make the few suggested changes I've been given. Luckily, most of which are just flavor and not mechanics. I graduate next Thursday, though, so I should be on more often after that
~Also need to make a realistic synopsis...
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
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^Professional Katana/regen build thread
Usually edits go through pretty quick (1 or 2 seconds), but sometimes it can take up to a few minutes before they go through. I was bitten by that once.