Reviews of Victory Forum user MA missions
Still working on these for tickets and to provide feedback.
Completed both with 50 MM bots/storm, diff 5 (as usual).
Arc Name: A Badger's Plea
Arc ID: 18816
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Tangerine Witch
Difficulty Level: easy
Synopsis: A thief attacked an unsuspecting hero while at Wentworths, and made off with some of the rarest badges in the game! It's up to you to stop the thief and retrun the badges.
Estimated Time to Play: 20-25 minutes
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I gave 4 stars to this. Overall, no general errors I could find (typos/mobs/etc.). But was too short of a mission, sorta over before I knew what was going on. The custom mobs were okay, but my MM handled pretty easily. Maybe a bit longer, I could have reviewed better.
Arc Name:Crustacean Fancy Pants Plaza
Arc ID:3009
Creator Global/Forum Name:Jack Drek
Difficulty Level:Medium
Synopsis:Basically, it's an extension of a level 40-45 hero arc, but there are no spoilers. Mostly, I ran around thinking what if there really was a place called Crustacean Fancy Pants Plaza, took notes on the arc, and threw in one or two of my toons because they seemed to fit in with what would be the story. You'll either get all the allusions, some of the allusions, or will just think it's total wackiness, so it's not for everybody, but some will love it.
Estimated Time to Play:30 minutes average, I'd say
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Lots of fun on this one. Orange is definitely not my color too! Those arrows hurt (play and find out!). Very nice story and was fun for me. Good dialogue and custom mobs.
Arc Name:Can't We all Just Get Along
Arc ID:31519
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Masque
Difficulty Level:Fun, funny and fast
Synopsis: You must stop the epic battle between the PvPers and the PvErs, by any means necessary. Special Guest Stars include: Desmodos, Death Conqueror, Hip Hopper, Madame Pistacio, Me and everyone's favorite fly/phase Mind/Ice Dom.
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Completed at max diff; 50 bots/storm MM w/ 33 Crab Spider LK'd up
As Masque describes it, fun, funny, and fast. Has a lot of little tid bits that you will recognize. I was laughing as a particular mob and one of the lines from a boss. I would recommend this one. Didn't see any errors or issues with the missions. 5 star'd.
Arc Name:Can't We all Just Get Along
Arc ID:31519
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Masque
Difficulty Level:Fun, funny and fast
Synopsis: You must stop the epic battle between the PvPers and the PvErs, by any means necessary. Special Guest Stars include: Desmodos, Death Conqueror, Hip Hopper, Madame Pistacio, Me and everyone's favorite fly/phase Mind/Ice Dom.
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Completed at max diff; 50 bots/storm MM w/ 33 Crab Spider LK'd up
As Masque describes it, fun, funny, and fast. Has a lot of little tid bits that you will recognize. I was laughing as a particular mob and one of the lines from a boss. I would recommend this one. Didn't see any errors or issues with the missions. 5 star'd.
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First dialog of text from the rat, "fluffy Bunnies and Face eaters" which seems like it can't decide if it's a title or a description. Also "1 Bunny Badges" and "1 PVP IOs" sound awkward. There was in depth text around the Bunny Badges glowy but absolutely no text on the PVP IOs glowy.
Personally, I would have included descriptions on the custom mobs and clues to help people who aren't in the loop. Unless this map was only designed for the few people who know what's going on.
End was a little flat, too sudden. Maybe add another mission where they either make peace or break out into another epic fight. Otherwise it feels like it's been cut short.
grats on graduating elegost
global id @Panzer
End was a little flat, too sudden. Maybe add another mission where they either make peace or break out into another epic fight. Otherwise it feels like it's been cut short.
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I wanted to end with them having talking over their differences, however, I can't figure out a way to make a mission that would do that. I mean most of our current arcs end with "hey good job you captured (insert name here) and saved the day". If we could make cut scenes I could see having something to tie up the story.
I guess I could make them go back to fighting, I guess that is what would actually happen IRL (can IRL be used to talk about events that would happen in a game?).
The text things, descriptions, and such.... I had most of that filled in, then got the "text is too long" issue, so I ended up deleting a lot of it. I ran it with some pug groups and they all kept complaining that it didn't auto sk, so I quickly edited it to make it autosk you up, and then found out it exceeded the maxium file size.
I really dropped the ball after that, I guess I really should go back and remove the autosk and fix up the dialog and descriptions.
Thanks Penny and Londer.
Masque, your post is the main reason why this thread shouldn't exist (here or anywhere for any arc); they can be edited/changed dependent on feedback and *forced* to change dependent on changes to the game.
How many people are going to go back and re-do the person's arc, and then do another review? Or re-do their star ratings up or down? If so, how many tims are you going to do this?
These aren't movies or books or music albums with a final distribution. They are, and forever will be, works in progress for the most part. Feedback should be kept behind the scenes because it can skew potential others from trying it out and/or going in with fresh eyes.
Adding that reviews of the Dev Choice missions would be a better choice because they are different beasts, and are basically set-in-stone (for the most part), to be played as-is. And honestly, I haven't played one yet that I liked or would even consider on par with what's already in the game
Sidenote - the MA listings need a "last edited date" description and search feature IMO.
I've already forgotten about most of you

You bring up a good point Voodoo. I don't have enough time to keep reviewing the arcs - I will squeeze an arc in if I can. And trying to run again with the changes will be hard, unless really fun arc.
As for you comment on Dev's choice, that is my opinion too. I am a little amazed at their ranking and the arcs themselves.
Arc Name: What the Vudu?!?!
Arc ID: 18911
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: VoodooCompany
Difficulty Level: Medium to Hard
Synopsis: An old group has sprung up to try to take over the Circle of Thorns. Can you find out more about them and hopefully prevent them from becoming too powerful?
Estimated Time to Play: Long
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Completed with MM (50 bots/storm) at diff...
5 for the beginning missions, 4 for the last to spawn EB rather than AV.
A solid arc with challenge and a good story line. The custom mobs were well designed and with a good mix of powers. The fire really kept eating up my min bots.
I would like to see this as a team, but didn't see anyone on this afternoon that I team with. I enjoyed it quite a bit. I did have to drop the last miss down one notch because the AV had an annoying habit of healing, then rezzing! The ally was realistic too in that I could barely keep him alive with healing, maybe I should have tried with my emp def... Luckily my storm heal allowed him to stay awake since he slept quite a bit.
Edit - I am still trying to run arcs for feedback (not for any badges or such). But sorta ran out of the "short" arcs and now need to spend time on the long/very long arcs. I know I15 bring more changes too, so may think about waiting also to try some.
Got a couple more done:
Completed both 50 bots/storm MM, diff 5.
Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting
Arc Name: Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting
Arc ID: 2517
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: drfantasy
Difficulty Level:1-54
Synopsis: Based on the hit song from the 70s.
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A short mission with some martial art action, 70's style. Overall, I liked the mission, quick and fun beating up those so-called kung fu masters. Not a lot of dialogue, but didn't detract from the mission for me.
Arc Name: Rescue the 4th Wall
Arc ID: 92390
Faction: Neutral
Creator Global/Forum Name: Camper
Difficulty Level: Easy Peasy
Synopsis: A short jokey mission that I don't want to say much about or I'll give away the already somewhat feeble joke.
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Just like the one up top, short and fun mission. Looking for a "quickie", this would be good. Liked the custom mobs.
I gave both 5 stars for their ratings.
PS - When not trying to level my dom or in a TF, I am spending my off-time trying out the VF MA arcs posted in the other thread. Usually using my MM in CAD since she can solo AV's. But sometimes I am using my 50 DM/regen scrapper for blue side. If any wants to partner up for their arc and I am free, just send a PM to @PennyPA.