Known Issues: Live: Feb. 20, 2009
Shields/Costume: Lots of glove costume pieces clips into ALL/some shields.
I like this one I use the vanguard glove as an emmitter for the energy and gem shields.
When men are full of envy they disparage everything,
whether it be good or bad.
Ego sum pro alll vicis fossor astrun proclul sol solis nunouam seeing vorago pro mihi.
Emotes from the boom boxes category sometimes fail or only trigger a dance animation.
(new) Mission: Players and all enemies within Line of Sight are auto-killed when the player enters the villain version of "Defeat source of Shivan attacks"."
This also happens Villain version too.
I also had this happen in the third mission of the Mender Tessact oro tf.
NeoSaturn-L50 Kat/Regen Scrapper

Paragon Family Swift
NeoSaturn's Deviations
Window opacity can not be saved, and resets upon zoning or opening the settings window.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
UI: Unpinned Friends window will continually reopen when closed.
[/ QUOTE ]
Being pinned or unpinned has no effect. I never unpin my Friends List, and it still continually reopens when I close it.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

(new) Mission: Players and all enemies within Line of Sight are auto-killed when the player enters the villain version of "Defeat source of Shivan attacks"."
This also happens Villain version too.
I also had this happen in the third mission of the Mender Tessact oro tf.
[/ QUOTE ]
I also had it happen in the mission in the Ouros intro arc where you flash back to Breakout. All the Longbow in sight dropped dead.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Nemesis staff and Blackwand root whether or not the power actually goes off.
"You'll never defeat SetTargetHealth 0. "-Castle
"Oh, and we�ll probably nerf Regen again�just for fun."-BaB
"so we are looking into the possiblity of maybe someday thinking about maybe implementing something similar to this, in the future" -Positron
Nemesis staff and Blackwand root whether or not the power actually goes off.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually Nemesis Staff, Blackwand and Lost Curing Wand will root if you are standing still and your target is either out of range or not within line of sight. However if you are moving there is no rooting even if the target is out of range or not within line of sight.
Also drawing weapons with Dual Blades seem to alternate between drawing a single weapon or drawing both.
Note: I assume all you posting here or have also encountered any of these "new" problems not in Ex's first post are /bug(ing) them.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
(new) Animation: Starting attack chains with certain powers from the Arachnos Soldier powerset causes the gun to not appear."
[/ QUOTE ]Also, almost all combat animations are missing for Bane Spider ranged mace energy-beam attacks.
City terminals are still null and shows no figures of any of its categories.
Level Pact: Pacted players that reach level 50 and maximum experience will continue to see pact messages. ** (Workaround: To correct these messaging players will need to break the pact. Players that break the pact will not be able to re-pact, so please make this choice wisely we will be addressing this messaging error in a future update)
[/ QUOTE ]Wouldn't someone in a pact at 50 have their pactmate also at 50, in which case it doesn't matter whether they're in a pact or not...?
Only exp is shared between pactmates, pactmates are always the same level, and at 50 there is not more experience to gain. What's the harm in breaking your pact when you're 50, again?
Only exp is shared between pactmates, pactmates are always the same level, and at 50 there is not more experience to gain. What's the harm in breaking your pact when you're 50, again?
[/ QUOTE ]
Surprisingly, inf is always evenly divided between pact mates.
Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides
UI: Unpinned Friends window will continually reopen when closed.
[/ QUOTE ]
Being pinned or unpinned has no effect. I never unpin my Friends List, and it still continually reopens when I close it.
[/ QUOTE ]
From what I have seen, it generally only re-opens if you are holding a key to move a direction (I think it also affects autorun but not 100% sure on that). Stop, and close your friends list, then you should be ok to keep moving without it re-popping up.
EDIT: This is for when the friends list is pinned, not for when it is unpinned. Unpinned just keeps popping up no matter what I have tried.
City terminals are still null and shows no figures of any of its categories.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've heard it claimed in-game by people that they were turned off because spammers were using them to target people.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
UI: Unpinned Friends window will continually reopen when closed.
[/ QUOTE ]
Being pinned or unpinned has no effect. I never unpin my Friends List, and it still continually reopens when I close it.
[/ QUOTE ]
From what I have seen, it generally only re-opens if you are holding a key to move a direction (I think it also affects autorun but not 100% sure on that). Stop, and close your friends list, then you should be ok to keep moving without it re-popping up.
EDIT: This is for when the friends list is pinned, not for when it is unpinned. Unpinned just keeps popping up no matter what I have tried.
[/ QUOTE ]
When I first log in on any character, the first thing I do is check my global chat channels for new MOTDs, then open my Friends list to sort my Global list by who's online. I'm not doing anything else, yet when I attempt to open my Super Group window and sort that by who's online, more often than not, the Friends window will keep popping up.
If I do the Super Group window first, then Friends, attempting to close it will still have it continue to pop up.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

(new) Mission: Players and all enemies within Line of Sight are auto-killed when the player enters the villain version of "Defeat source of Shivan attacks"."
This also happens Villain version too.
I also had this happen in the third mission of the Mender Tessact oro tf.
[/ QUOTE ]
Anyway, i had something similar happen when doing the Cavern of Transcendence trial a couple weeks ago. The whole team zoned into the map at the same time and when the loading screen cleared several teammates were dead and the rest of the team was down to 5% health or so. There were no enemies in sight, living or dead. Several of us filed bug reports at the time.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
# (new) UI: Players cannot break Coalitions with the Coalition button." ** (Workaround: The bug affects the UI button only, /coalition_cancel sgname will break a coalition correctly.)
[/ QUOTE ]
Still not working for me get the same "Given Super Group is not in your coalition!" error message
any ideas Ex?
EDIT: found out how to do it, might be worth mentioning its /coalition_cancel "sgname"
UI: Unpinned Friends window will continually reopen when closed.
[/ QUOTE ]
Being pinned or unpinned has no effect. I never unpin my Friends List, and it still continually reopens when I close it.
[/ QUOTE ]
From what I have seen, it generally only re-opens if you are holding a key to move a direction (I think it also affects autorun but not 100% sure on that). Stop, and close your friends list, then you should be ok to keep moving without it re-popping up.
EDIT: This is for when the friends list is pinned, not for when it is unpinned. Unpinned just keeps popping up no matter what I have tried.
[/ QUOTE ]
Since having to keep my friends list pinned, Ive noticed this as well.
# (new) UI: Players cannot break Coalitions with the Coalition button." ** (Workaround: The bug affects the UI button only, /coalition_cancel sgname will break a coalition correctly.)
[/ QUOTE ]
Still not working for me get the same "Given Super Group is not in your coalition!" error message
any ideas Ex?
EDIT: found out how to do it, might be worth mentioning its /coalition_cancel "sgname"
[/ QUOTE ]
I have tried this with 2 SGs.. and it didnt work
1 i know has 0 people in it...
not sure of the other
but cannot break them at all
what about the, can't set the mission till every one is in the zone bug?
I notice they still don't mention that 99% of emotes won't work with shield powers activated. They toons almost never get out of attack stance to "relaxed" even when noone is targetted.
come on i14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.....really wants the base editing limit bug to be fixed
and when I say Fixed, I mean made so people can decorate their sg's however they want...with only the limit of the pc.
What I dont mean is: nerfing salvage racks, nerfing magic,putting a limit on sg items or in general... just nerfing that which needs not the nerf.
nerfing is bad. nerfing makes bugs.
hang on lemme get my angst ballons out....
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
Emotes: Flyposes will not work when the Blazing Aura or Arctic Air power is activated.
[/ QUOTE ]
This also applies to Ice Armor: Glacial Armor as well. This one has been for a while too.
"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.
I'm hopping they fix the bug with my MM and not being able to name my pets :-\
Nothing major I know, but I'd really like this option back.
@Animorph 2
Also known as;
Maverick, Living Phantom, Role-Player, Live-Wyre, Eagle Eye, Toy-Man, Cartoon, Jetfire, Reflex, Mer-Man, Spartacus, Step, Reaver...
Date: February 20, 2009. All of the below items are bugs with this live version and are made known to players so they can work around them while corrections to these issues are being tested and made ready.
[*] Emotes: Flyposes will not work when the Blazing Aura or Arctic Air power is activated.
[*] <font color=red>(new)[/color] Animation: Starting attack chains with certain powers from the Arachnos Soldier powerset causes the gun to not appear."
[*] Text: The Patron Plaques in Grandville have not been updated to reflect the Patron Pool changes.
[*] Tailor: "Copy Current Colors" button does not work unless you have a subcategory selected.
[*] Pathing: Protector Bots get stuck on their own Seeker Drones
[*] Chat: P-strings appearing in Hero Zone Event Chat frequently. --FIXED IN ISSUE 14
[*] <font color=red>(new)[/color] Bases: Bases expanding beyond the data limits and bases with over 12,000 items may become corrupt. (To check on the amount of items in the base, use the Base Editor - Upgrade Plot screen to display how many items are currently placed in the base. If base corruption occurs, please file a ticket with CS by using /petition (enter) or the web support at and they will work with you on available solutions. )
[*] <font color=red>(new)[/color]Level Pact: Players that purchase character server transfers will break active pacts when transferring this includes players that move to servers together.
[*] <font color=red>(new)[/color]Level Pact: Pacted players that reach level 50 and maximum experience will continue to see pact messages. ** (Workaround: To correct these messaging players will need to break the pact. Players that break the pact will not be able to re-pact, so please make this choice wisely we will be addressing this messaging error in a future update)
[*] <font color=red>(new)[/color]Mission: Enemies within Line of Sight are auto-killed when the player enters the hero version of "Defeat source of Shivan attacks
[*] <font color=red>(new)[/color] Mission: Players and all enemies within Line of Sight are auto-killed when the player enters the villain version of "Defeat source of Shivan attacks"."
[*]<font color=red>(new)[/color] UI: Players cannot break Coalitions with the Coalition button." ** (Workaround: The bug affects the UI button only, /coalition_cancel sgname will break a coalition correctly.)
[*] UI: Selecting the "Hide...Recipes missing ingredients" option in the Merit Vendor will affect the "Hide...Unowned Recipes" option in Invention Tables
[*] UI: after accessing a patron plaque once, the scrollbars disappear during future accesses.
[*] UI: Unpinned Friends window will continually reopen when closed.
[*] Shields/Costume: Lots of glove costume pieces clips into ALL/some shields.
[*] UI: Global Chat Channels will randomly change colors upon zoning
[*] Art: Genin do not display any graphical change when upgraded with the skill Train Ninjas" [*] Art: Mace art is missing for Arachnos Widows who acquire Patron Mace Mastery powers" [*] Art: Ice Slick does not show up on Rikti Tile set.
[*] Art: Mace art is missing for Crab Spider Soldiers who acquire Patron Mace Mastery powers
[*] Art: Pocket D Super Group beacon is missing
[*] Art Costume: Female>Lower Body>Pants>Flared Pants are no longer available in the costume creator or tailors --FIXED IN ISSUE 14 [/list]
Fixed since last update to list:
<ul type="square">[*]Chat: Coloring chat bubbles through the options menu will not show in game [*]Powers: Scrapper Regeneration > Resilience no longer provides smashing resistance in PvE or PvP. [*]VEAT: Cannot create EATs even after unlocking them after server downtime unless logging in another[*]Level 50 beforehand [*]Chat: Some tells can get cut off in tells and Arena & Help Channels. [*]The chat box may not always display a notification to inform players they have earned Merit Rewards. [*]Bases: 2 walls of every room do not allow changes along the z-axis for base details.[/list]