Sync Issues?
It happens to me so much that i made this little bind to save me from typing /sync all day.... /macro sync "$$ sync"

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I dont know what specific info helps, but...
A few days ago my gf was doing some Cim missions and all of a sudden she started rubberbanding like Ive never seen. Whenever she passed a certain place on the map, it would put her back a few halls back. She prolly ran that route a dozen times, outcome was always the same. When u checked the map, it looked like she wasnt moving. I suggested /sync and all was well.
We would like to know if you stay out of sync for more than 10 seconds. The server should automatically try to /sync if you're out of sync for that long.
I have been having some issues in various zones on various characters on Champion. They have been happening a lot in the early mornings (pacific time) 1 - 3 am. /sync seems to help.
I have had a few instances inside missions too. Solo isn't too bad for sync but lately its been an issue.
I also have more mapserver issues.
This next bit may be a different issue but: I have gotten sync issues and then disconnected when opening spam email. The first time was in a mission and the second was while hunting warwolves outdoors in Striga. With the latter I noticed severe rubberbanding just as my email notice turned red. Since I was outside I decided to clean out the spam. As soon as I did I was disconnected from the game.
We would like to know if you stay out of sync for more than 10 seconds. The server should automatically try to /sync if you're out of sync for that long.
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I don't recall the rubberbanding etc lasting more than 10 seconds. If mapserve is related then the issue is fixed in 10 seconds but comes back repeatedly in a mission or zone.
We would like to know if you stay out of sync for more than 10 seconds. The server should automatically try to /sync if you're out of sync for that long.
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It was WAY more than 10 seconds - maybe over a min of rubberbanding the same distance. The distance itself between points was moderate, and I watched her do it over and over. It almost felt like a joke.
Hmmm... The_Alt_oholic hasn't posted yet?
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I've never had the sync problem before but now it seems to be a common occurrence. The first time it happened I thought it was just bad lag, but after about a minute or so I remembered the sync command and it stopped the rubberbanding. Its been happening quite frequently recently and as I stated before it has never happened to me in the past. I think it has something to do with one of the recent patches because before this problem didnt exist for me.
We would like to know if you stay out of sync for more than 10 seconds. The server should automatically try to /sync if you're out of sync for that long.
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It was WAY more than 10 seconds - maybe over a min of rubberbanding the same distance. The distance itself between points was moderate, and I watched her do it over and over. It almost felt like a joke.
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I've had the same thing happen during a mayhem (King's Row lvl 14 character I think), kept snapping me back to the truck. I was worried at first about the timer, but fortunately everything the skulls and clockworks were destroying, I got credit for. Went on for 2 or 3 minutes and ended up with 17min on the clock.
Stepping out of the mission and back in fixed it, although I guess /sync would have worked just as well.
We would like to know if you stay out of sync for more than 10 seconds. The server should automatically try to /sync if you're out of sync for that long.
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Happens more on high level toons, my 50 PB is particularly bad, desyncs 70%+ of the time on zoning, and almost never fixes itself.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
On my account I notice I am out of sync every few minutes or so, /sync works but I will still end up out of sync again within a 10-20 min time frame. So with that said I am out of sync about 15 minutes out of every hour of game play.
My main character "ManEater." SS/Inv Brute on Freedom desyncs Every. Time. I. Zone. It's been this way for over a month.
I have a "Sync" macro in my tray and use it whenever I step through a door now.
None of my other characters are affected.
*shrugs* seems this game get more screwy/buggy every time a dev tries to re-balance the balancing they did for the orginal balance was balanced
seriously though it needs to stop
I go out of sync every once in a while. When it happens, it's always right after I've zoned (either from finishing a mission or going to a new zone). When I rubberband back, I just hit /sync and it's fixed.
The next time it happens, I'll test out that 10 second rule.

I have noticed it more on my higher level characters than on lower ones, for whatever reason. For me, it's when I use the tram heading from one zone to another, more than zoning out of a mission. Example; I'll head to Atlas to pay the base rent, or etc, and attempt to move towards my destination, when I'll get a few feet and *smack* rubberbanded back to the tram. I definitely have noticed it lasting much longer than ten seconds of time as I fly/move/whatever from point 'a' (usually the tram) to point 'b' (doesn't matter which direction). /Sync, or logging out and back in fixes the problem.
My main character "Ogon Dark" a Level 50 also experiences near constant de-sync'ing when zoning.
I do not see this issue happening on my other characters with any regularity.
I wanted to also mention, that Human_Being mentioned a pet theory about the /sync problem and it having to do with an excessive amount of Set Bonuses. Looking at all the people with 50's reporting it in this thread, it might be worth asking if many of these same 50's have long lists of Set Bonuses.
Just throwing it out there, as after watching the behavior of my characters that have /sync problems, ones without any bonuses never go out of /sync. So perhaps there is something to that?
I've been having /sync problems on a daily basis, a couple of times an hour sometimes, ever since Issue 12. Never had it before that.
I've had it on low-level characters too (level 4 as I recall) so I don't think it has to do with bonuses.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss
We would like to know if you stay out of sync for more than 10 seconds. The server should automatically try to /sync if you're out of sync for that long.
[/ QUOTE ] Would THIS explain some of the rubberbanding reports we've seen lately as well?
I still get the sync problem fairly frequently, often enough that I have a button macro'd to execute the /sync command on just about every one of my characters, at least the ones that are getting any significant playing time. I had major problems with it last summer, then it seemed like it got fixed, or maybe it just went on vacation for a while, then a couple of months ago it started happening regularly again.
I can't say if it's lasting more than ten seconds, because I've not waited that long to use /sync. But I have had it happen where I zone into a new zone or a mission, and I take off over land and several seconds pass before the rubberbanding yanks me back to my entry point.
Next time it happens, I'll wait and see if it clears on its own.
OK... after writing the above post, I logged in for a couple of hours, and had the /sync bug once, taking the train from Talos to Steel Canyon. After rubberbanding back to the train exit, I stood still for about 15 seconds before trying to move again. It seemed to have fixed itself. I did not rubberband a second time.
I've been having the rubberband issure when I'm either entering or leaving the base (any server, both sides).
Thank you for the time...

I have been have sync problems across all the servers I play, just like Tymer. I'm also getting map servered for a minute or two. I had it happen tonight and was killed waiting for the server to come back. It doesn't matter what I'm doing the screen freezes and the words "Mapserver Disconnected" appears (something to that effect), so I can't even do the /sync command. It is driving me crazy.
No DOOM today, DOOM tomorrow. There's always a DOOM tomorrow.
Global: @Kiriko-chan Test: Myskatz Kittens Beta Test: @Plantrezz
Arcs: 5318 ROUS (just a little beat 'em up)
8500 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road.
244321 One more time down the Yellow Brick Road v2
We would like to know if you stay out of sync for more than 10 seconds. The server should automatically try to /sync if you're out of sync for that long.
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I couldn't give you an exact time, but I know within the past week I've been out of sync a couple of times and both lasted for longer than 10 seconds. Since then if I rubber band more than one after zoning I just /sync and haven't had any problems after that.
*shrugs* seems this game get more screwy/buggy every time a dev tries to re-balance the balancing they did for the orginal balance was balanced
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You called?
On topic--I run into very frequent de-syncs with my main (Balanced on Virtue), but I'm not sure how long they last now. I've gotten into the habit of hitting my sync bind every time he zones, since that's when he loses it. He doesn't lose sync every time, but often enough to be worth the bind. None of my other characters seem to have this problem.
I'll make a point of holding off on the bind and timing him next time it happens.
The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.
I'm still getting it fairly regularly, especially on Black Starbeam. I've also been just hitting my bind. Not hitting the bind basically had me rebounding every 10 seconds, with no actual resyncing until I got sick of it and just hit the bind after a minute.
Black Starbeam - The Reciprocators
Making money, not earning it.
Hi Everyone,
We are still seeing a few reports of players becoming out of sync (ghost maps, the door bug, out of body experience) with the servers.
Please post here if you are still having problems.