Discussion: Halloween Event On Now!




Thumbs up for the early start of the event.
Usually people know well in advance when an event is supposed to start, but in this case it came as a pleasant surprise, something I personally appreciated.

The Zombie invasion is amusing, and I find the pacing of the ToTing to be much more enjoyable this year (especially if on a team. ).



And since this can't be pleaded enough: Bring back the Tier 3 Inspirations, please!

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It is possible that this had something to do with the change to the door timers.
With the increased ToT rate, we would end up being swamped by Tier 3 insps.
(as a side-effect it'd probably also lead to more people leaving ToT spawns behind as they rush from door to door to optimize their drop rate)

Given the choice between Tier 3 insps and the much more enjoyable (to me personally at least) ToT rate this year, I'd go with the increased ToT rate.



The timers for the Apocalypse do seem extremely long, but I also saw the same thing happen on Freedom that an earlier poster mentioned about almost all of the zones having one at the same time. I got most of the badges with one toon, but I've been waiting for about an hour with another one and nothing's happened. Frustrating.



It's now been two hours since a single invasion on Freedom. Can something seriously be looked at in regards to the timer? This is a bit stupid.

"A good Defender is the battle hardened Corpsman who will kill a Nazi with a tongue depressor while putting a splint on your leg, then hand you a fresh clip of ammo." ~Jock_Thompson
Repeat Offenders, TNT Profile, My little hero



It's now been two hours since a single invasion on Freedom. Can something seriously be looked at in regards to the timer? This is a bit stupid.

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1) take a deep breath
2) chill out

zombie EBs look awesome and I got a good laugh from the zombie minions doing a shouryuken like animation befpre popping out of the ground



hmm, who said this was a cover up to try and divert attention from the slip up of announcing crossover?



It's now been two hours since a single invasion on Freedom. Can something seriously be looked at in regards to the timer? This is a bit stupid.

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1) take a deep breath
2) chill out

zombie EBs look awesome and I got a good laugh from the zombie minions doing a shouryuken like animation befpre popping out of the ground

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Why would I need to chill out? It's not like I posted something like ZOMG THIS EVENT IS COMPLETELY BROKEN!!!!!!!1111!!!1! FIX IT NOW OR I QUIT!!!!!111!!1!!

You would think that two and a half hours (now) is a bit much time between invasions. Considering they've been happening several times on other servers during this time.

Can you understand my concern?

"A good Defender is the battle hardened Corpsman who will kill a Nazi with a tongue depressor while putting a splint on your leg, then hand you a fresh clip of ammo." ~Jock_Thompson
Repeat Offenders, TNT Profile, My little hero



concern was noted, timer probably got broken when the event went live...not a surprise there. Don't think anything has ever gone 100% smoothly once it leaves beta working correctly.



Actually I'm not sure of this, but did anyone notice if the global alert tells you if there's one going down in a different zone?
(I think they do, but I didn't take notice)



Yes, they say:

Zombie attack in Founders' Falls.
Zombie attack in Striga Isle.

Also, amazingly fun and great art and titles on the badges. Will be rolling alts with just this in mind.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



We need a Shotgun Temp Power, I amd suprised they forgot that!

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We already have one. It's called Holy shotgun shells. You can get it in a Striga arc. Cone AoE, special damage vs Undead >=)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Is the dropping of Tier 1's from Treats intentional or a bug?

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This is very disappointing; I've been waiting for weeks to refill my coffers with Tier 3 inspirations from the event. Sadly, without those for an incentive, I think I'm already done with the event. I have all the previous badges, the new ones took me about 7 minutes to get, and I have no interest in the costume change temp powers. Less than an hour into it, and I'm already over the event.

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Complainer FTW!!!! W00T First to Cry!!!!1111One
Congo Ratz



I'm loving everything about this event except that the new ToT timers allow griefers on Invincible to click multiple doors quickly and then tow giant crowds of 52s and 53s through everyone else trying to ToT.

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did the devs listen to any input about griefing? obviously not. Pi was hell on a level 41 and there is no where else to go.

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You can ToT in Cim



hmm, who said this was a cover up to try and divert attention from the slip up of announcing crossover?

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Huh? Crossover? What do you mean?



is there any more costume parts like the pumpkin face helmet?



To Lighthouse:

So when you say their fashion sense is despicable, was it because they were born that way? (Aquabats)?



Have they fixed the invasions on Freedom yet? I was ion from 9-12 last night, and 7-11 this morning....no invasions redside on Freedom at all.



I'm loving everything about this event except that the new ToT timers allow griefers on Invincible to click multiple doors quickly and then tow giant crowds of 52s and 53s through everyone else trying to ToT.

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Yes, this is super annoying. My hubbie and I kept getting wiped out by the spawns of someone +6 levels above us in PO. He'd wait until we clicked and was fighting, then he'd run over and click our door and run away. Rinse, repeat. Complete jerk. He followed us for quite a while and caused us to wipe several times. I should have petitioned him.



Okay, I have a question!

Why do the Apocalypse Zombies have knockback protection?

It's not so much that they have it, as I can't find a 'thematic' reason for them to have it.

(That, and just me grumbling 'cause a lot of my Toons use KB as an iatrical part of their personal defense.)

So... IS there a reason for the Knockback protection? Or will it remain a mystery?

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Okay, I have a question!

Why do the Apocalypse Zombies have knockback protection?

It's not so much that they have it, as I can't find a 'thematic' reason for them to have it.

(That, and just me grumbling 'cause a lot of my Toons use KB as an iatrical part of their personal defense.)

So... IS there a reason for the Knockback protection? Or will it remain a mystery?

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Just a guess but I think the reason they have it is to give them a chance at actually fighting the hoards of players and all their AoE effects, otherwise they would constantly be on thier backs and unable to fill their role as something that needs fighting

Bonnie and her bunny
Arc ID: 59406

The Trash Came Back
Arc ID: 350303



It's not so much that they have it, as I can't find a 'thematic' reason for them to have it.

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Thematic reason, no.

They initially didn't have knockback protection on test, but it was added after player input. (They were too easy to kill without it.)



I just wanted to give my two cents feedback on the halloween event. the only thing that really bugs me affects every special event we have where there is a zone announcment. there is no distinction between different instances of a zone when they get over crowded.

Case in point, I see the announcement that zombies are attacking Paragon Island. well that's fine but I was in PI but nothing was happening. I went to my base and started zoning in and out of my base till I found the right instance of PI that was being attacked.

In the end it was PI3 that was being attacked but there were 6 versions of PI that were populated. also I was very lucky to get into PI3 when I did because each time I zoned back to my base to check the next ver the previous versions were full.

my suggestion is to either add the event to ALL versions of a zone that has multiples or state in the zone event channel what zone has the activity.

I have noticed this issue with several events past, please take a look and see what can be done about this annoying anti-player friendly issue.

Bonnie and her bunny
Arc ID: 59406

The Trash Came Back
Arc ID: 350303



I'm loving the event!

Couple of things I noticed though:

ToT "Spirits" are not spawning nearly as much as the rest.
No tier 3 insp like last year (no biggie really)
I also agree about the lack of distinction between multiple instance zones. But oh well, same happens w/ the Rikti invasions
Invasion timer seems a bit odd. I've been on 6 hrs or so and notice that either all zones get hit, or 1 or 2 zones get hit. On Virtue, there was a mass invasion (all zones) around 6:45 pm EST, then two seperate zones around 7:30 pm, and then the next invasion wasn't until after 9:00 pm.

Overall, lots of fun!

PS, Jack in Irons needs to spawn more

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
| Home Server: Virtue |

Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]



Okay, I play on Victory, and tonight... was not a good night to be in Talos Island.

First, we had the mass Zombie attacks - I think most of the non-hazard zones came down with a bad case of undeath within a span of like... 30 seconds.

But this isn't about those zones. This is about Talos. Where the Zombies were fought off with the players' usual enthusiasm. Soon Nightmares were defeated, and the dead stopped rising. Good job everyone, time to sit down, lick our wounds, and sell off loot.

But wait? What's this? A giant pumpkin-headed monster has appeared?

Yes, Eochai was paying Talos a visit. Teams of weary heroes began gathering themselves to take the monster down.

But not long after they started... the War Walls fell down. The Air Raid sirens started calling. Yes, the Rikti had decided to pop in for some tea and mayhem.

Incidentally, I understand that real estate prices in Talos are falling.... ^_~

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I just wanted to give my two cents feedback on the halloween event. the only thing that really bugs me affects every special event we have where there is a zone announcment. there is no distinction between different instances of a zone when they get over crowded.

Case in point, I see the announcement that zombies are attacking Paragon Island. well that's fine but I was in PI but nothing was happening. I went to my base and started zoning in and out of my base till I found the right instance of PI that was being attacked.

In the end it was PI3 that was being attacked but there were 6 versions of PI that were populated. also I was very lucky to get into PI3 when I did because each time I zoned back to my base to check the next ver the previous versions were full.

my suggestion is to either add the event to ALL versions of a zone that has multiples or state in the zone event channel what zone has the activity.

I have noticed this issue with several events past, please take a look and see what can be done about this annoying anti-player friendly issue.

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I've noticed this myself villainside. There's a warning about an attack in Grandville, and by the time I fly from the Black Market to the boat Grandville 1 is Full and 2, 3 and 4 show no signs of any zombie invasion.

Which means everyone in 2, 3 and 4 miss out completely.

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.