Discussion - Dev Diary: Designing Day Jobs Feature




I must admit this feature sounds a lot more fun than it did initially.

For alt-a-holics like me this will lead to switching characters a LOT. Like I needed a reason to contantly switch characters....

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



what i don't understand is why ppl are acting like this is going to ruin their badgers?

I have 2 accounts with almost full slots on each. My main, Energor, is my Badger. I "want" all the badges. But i'll never get them. some are just to much work. But i have other toons. I want to try all the powers, I want to see all the arcs. So Energor hardly gets played. So this is perfect for him. Login in, go to a specific building log out and play all my others. Log in once every 30 days and move him. (i play him more than that since I like his build but you get the idea)

Meanwhile all my other non online toons can be working to whatever they happened to be logged out near. I don't see all the doom crying. This game is meant to be played in a way that makes you have fun.

That being said if you only have 1 or 2 chars, you are missing like 75% of the game. Its about the costume creator and the powers. Most of the people I know have dozens of alts and are always making more. this system is a great way to not feel guilty when you don't play a certain toon for a few weeks.

I think it will be some nice surprises when I log in a hardly used toon. I'm looking forward to it.

Energor lvl50 Elec/Elec Blaster 492 Badges
Noob Killer lvl50 Fire/Fire Tank
Goth-Gal lvl50 Stone/Mace Tank
Agent Brian lvl42 Emp/Rad Defender
Biker Queen lvl50 Thugs/Force Field Mastermind



Who cares if they have all the badges? I sure as hell don't.

[/ QUOTE ]

Once again, I'm sure they don't care what you think either.

Debate this issue based on its merits, whether you give a damn about other people's concern isn't the issue, even if you'd like to make a mountain out of it. Screaming out you don't care about what is obviously important to some people reminds me of a kid who covers his ears and goes blah blah blah I don't care what you say.

Like I said, debate the issues based on its merits. Leave your contempt out of it if you want people to take you seriously.

The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.



This seems to tick off people who only badge on one character and/or play very few or no alts.

Well, I have a full list of characters on every single server, so, I don't think I'll have a problem getting day job badges, especially since I'm crazy enough to badge on ALL of them. lol




The Badge Hound's lament that they need to get every badge should be vigorously ignored by the development team, for, in the end, it's a demand that the devs do not put in so much content that they can't do it all. In the end, it's a brake on the development of the game. It's the equivalent of demanding an amusement park that's not so large that they can't go on every ride in a single day.

We should be hoping that there's so much content and games and systems that no one person or toon can do it all.

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Well said.



Who cares if they have all the badges? I sure as hell don't.

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Once again, I'm sure they don't care what you think either.

Debate this issue based on its merits, whether you give a damn about other people's concern isn't the issue, even if you'd like to make a mountain out of it. Screaming out you don't care about what is obviously important to some people reminds me of a kid who covers his ears and goes blah blah blah I don't care what you say.

Like I said, debate the issues based on its merits. Leave your contempt out of it if you want people to take you seriously.

[/ QUOTE ]

They don't care what I think and it is they that are making the mountain out of nothing. They want the system to constantly adhere to what they want, while some of us don't mind either way. It's that whole different strokes for different folks sort of thing. This new set of badges really helps out people who play a lot of alts. I have quite a bit of characters, even my main that has a lot of badges (and is pretty much my badger), so it is a nice addition in my opinion. It seems that people are trying to make it out to be a system that rewards you for not playing or for doing nothing and that simply is not the case. It rewards your offline characters while you are playing one of your alts. So you are still, I hope, enjoying the game.

~ Infinity Heroes ~
Dark Voltage - 50 NRG/NRG/EM Blaster
Shure Shot - 50 Arch/NRG/MM Blaster
Silent Shadow Blade - 50 Katana/SR/BM Scrapper
Uphir - 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster



Dear Devs,

The Day Job system sounds great! Sneaky way of sneaking in Rest XP! Very well done!

That being said, if you want to drop the badge time down to, say 20 days, to make the badgers feel better, that works for me too.




Dear Devs,

The Day Job system sounds great! Sneaky way of sneaking in Rest XP! Very well done!

That being said, if you want to drop the badge time down to, say 20 days, to make the badgers feel better, that works for me too.


[/ QUOTE ]

~ Infinity Heroes ~
Dark Voltage - 50 NRG/NRG/EM Blaster
Shure Shot - 50 Arch/NRG/MM Blaster
Silent Shadow Blade - 50 Katana/SR/BM Scrapper
Uphir - 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster



Not listed:

Working Girl: Log out from a motel inside Paragon City to earn this badge.

Reward: Double the size of your global friend list; Gain ability to call contacts instantly.

[/ QUOTE ]



Let me add that as one of those crazy "OCD badge-obsessed peoples" that I face a future of having to marionette 12 or so characters x 11 servers between various jobs for a year, count in human error, it will likely take even longer.

That said, I'm happy about this feature in the game.

I'm a person who doesn't team at low levels because Ouroboros does not grant me the ability to "keep" my progress with contacts (another issue, I digress) so I actually mish on a contact until the bar is full, then abandon the story arc for the next, just to fill every gauge.

So I find it funny when people use their OCD as an excuse to talk smack about this feature. Hell, I'm not even employed right now and I still have no problem with it. :P

I play unusually. Im OCD about badges and completism, but I do what I have to do to make things work for me. It means soloing almost exclusively at lower levels, but that's adaptation.

That's an ability we have as humans.

I think this feature will be great, personally.



Not listed:

Working Girl: Log out from a motel inside Paragon City to earn this badge.

Reward: Double the size of your global friend list; Gain ability to call contacts instantly.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

Let's not be sexist! The genders are equal in CoX!

*Imagines which of his male characters will become call boys.*



Gothika said:
As odd as this may sound, I don't see why hard-core badgers should have a monopoly on how new badges are introduced into the game. The badge mini game is there for all of us, not just you. Badges from the day job mini game may favor the casuals and/or altaholics, but it doesn't exclude the hard-core badgers. It may take longer than you like and acquiring the badge may be unsatisfying for you, but there's nothing preventing you from getting the badges. All that's required is logging out at a certain spot and patience. There's nothing wrong with badges that reward different styles of play. Would you also object to new badges with PvP as a requirement?

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Thank you! 'Badge Hunters' everywhere, I love ya, really! But play nice with the other kids, it's our toy too.

StratoNexus said:
Badges are signs of a variety of achievements that can be gotten in various ways and are being engineered more and more so that a variety of playstyles are included. I am glad that more and more badges are seen as out of reach by more and more people (but most badges are still obtainable by most people). Everyone should have some badges they view as unavailable or unobtainable by them or by their playstyle choices, IMO.

Making all badges forever be achieved in the same manner as previous badges is not a direction I want to see the game take. I want to see more and more variety in the types of badges created, not less.

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Agreed. Why should there be only one method of receiving badges? Where in the CoH lawbook is it written that a badge can only be a reward for once certain type of action?

Celestial_Fury said:
So basically, once the first 60 days have passed, pretty much every characters you own will now have access to a FREE bonus you didnt even had to really work for.

How is that not cool?

People really complain about a gifted horse in this case. Its not even funny. Its sad.

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It's new, and it's free. We all understand already that NOBODY plays COH 24/7. If it has ever been attempted, it only lasted for 11 days at which point the player died at the keyboard of sleep deprivation.

***Don't think of it as being awarded for doing nothing. Think of it as doing something (earning badges, accolades, powers, etc. . .) when you USED to be doing nothing in-game.***



I am not a badger and I still dislike the current time. An entire month just seems too long. It should be cut in half.



And if you're an anti-badger like CodeJunkie and Venture,

Don't have time for a full reply, just wanted to hit this: my main, whom I rerolled (at 50) in i11 to switch origin and primary, has 369 badges.

I'm not "anti-badge". I like badges. I just don't think that a) they should be free or easy or b) that anyone should have any expectation of having them all on one character.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



I think I'm gonna have to drop from this argument. This whole thread has spiralled into a "lolbadgers ur lazy" argument with a few good but repeated arguments on either side and more singling-out and baiting than was necessary.

I'll still check the thread from time to time, but unless someone directs a question at me specifically, I've said all I can say without (continuing) going in circles. Direct a post at me, and I'll do my best to reply to it.

Well, all except Venture. If he asks me a question, let him know he's on my ignore list.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



I think I'm gonna have to drop from this argument. This whole thread has spiralled into a "lolbadgers ur lazy" argument with a few good but repeated arguments on either side and more singling-out and baiting than was necessary.

[/ QUOTE ]Fair enough. When an argument devolves into people shouting their personal preferences at each other, there's little more to be gained.

I do think it wouldn't hurt anything if the devs shortened the day job requirement such that, based on their datamining, the average player (who plays, what, 2-3 hours a night?) would reach the badge in 30 days of both online and offline time. Or 25, or whatever.

Really, this all reminds me of EVE Online. For those who don't know it, advancing is done through a time-based skill system. You pick which skill you want to work on (can only have one at a time), and it chugs away nonstop, whether you're on or offline. Lesser skills can be completed in 10 minutes to an hour, with duration increasing the higher the skill level or specialization, with some skills taking over 30 days to complete. A common practice when you have skills like that is to have the long-term skill chugging away while you're offline, but when you log into the game you switch to a shorter-term skill, usually something that will complete during your session, so you can get an immediate benefit.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Day Jobs seems like an interesting new feature. It presents a new way to earn rewards and badges....a change to the paradigm. I'm looking forward to its introduction into the game. "Change is good!"



Hey Posi (or whoever is in command of these Day Jobs)...

Hearing all the clamoring about 30 days OFFLINE being too long to acquire a Day Job Badge...

And going off your quote of... [ QUOTE ]
And the 30 days is what we are initially going with. The values may change in beta.

[/ QUOTE ]

Would this be a possible happier medium for casual and hardcore gamers (and is it possible)?...

For every ONE second logged off... you get ONE second towards the Day Job badge (based on where you logged at)

For every TEN seconds logged in... you get ONE second towards the Day Job badge of your last log out location?

So, in 4 hours of Log Off... you'd get 4 hours towards badge...
And in 4 hours of Log In... you'd get 24 minutes towards the badge...

Just a suggestion to NOT promote NOT playing CoX and your favorite toon (especially if they are a badge hunter)...




I'm hoping a dev can give us some clarification on one point. When day jobs were first discussed, they made it sound as though you either "worked at your day job" by logging off in one of the selected spots, or were "on patrol" if you logged anywhere else.

But the announcement makes it sound as though we are always on patrol when we log off. I disagree with that completely. It's enough of a pain to not outlevel some things in the game, like those stupid Safeguard missions. I think it should be one or the other. That way you can log off in a day job zone even if you don't care about it just to avoid the 2xp on alts you want to slow down.

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



Hey Posi (or whoever is in command of these Day Jobs)...

Hearing all the clamoring about 30 days OFFLINE being too long to acquire a Day Job Badge...

And going off your quote of... [ QUOTE ]
And the 30 days is what we are initially going with. The values may change in beta.

[/ QUOTE ]

Would this be a possible happier medium for casual and hardcore gamers (and is it possible)?...

For every ONE second logged off... you get ONE second towards the Day Job badge (based on where you logged at)

For every TEN seconds logged in... you get ONE second towards the Day Job badge of your last log out location?

So, in 4 hours of Log Off... you'd get 4 hours towards badge...
And in 4 hours of Log In... you'd get 24 minutes towards the badge...

Just a suggestion to NOT promote NOT playing CoX and your favorite toon (especially if they are a badge hunter)...

[/ QUOTE ]
The RP element of this is that when you are online, your character is a superhero. When you're not online, your character still is "doing stuff". Clark Kent is writing his next article. Peter Parker is studying for an exam.

I know you're trying to find a happy medium between competing interests, but this really isn't "a reward for not playing".

Global name: @k26dp



I've not read through all the posts on this, as most of what I've seen in the comments is about the Day Jobs. I have no interest in the Day Jobs, period. Though if standing my toons at the SG base or WW/BM would give an advantage, I would do that, as that's where I leave my toons anyway.

The part of this that concerns me most is the On Patrol feature. I have over 60 active alts. What this means for me is that even if I play 6 alts a day, so long as I play them for just one level each I will be continually receiving double xp. I suppose that's intended as a reward, but I feel I'm already earning levels pretty quickly, usually picking up several levels every time I play.

And how is this going to change the game? Well, if the goal is to gain xp (and this is how the game is set up), then the smart thing to do is to play each toon for a level and move to the next. Since players can often gain a level in just 1-3 missions, it means we could see people dropping from teams even faster than before and we'll spend even more of our in-game time recruiting.

I'm just surprised the devs feel they need to do this in order to sell their product. You'd think they'd put more pathways of compelling content in the game or make new types of toons to play, but instead they do more and more to remove the challenge of leveling up your toons. I think they're focusing so much on the reward side of play they've forgotten entirely about the challenge side of the equation. You're supposed to balance challenges and rewards, not simply dish out the rewards. Can we please have more challenges in the game?

Or is logging your toon out in a particular location supposed to be a "challenge?"

There are so many things I wish they'd do to improve the game, but they never do them.

I think the best two rewards they've put in the game since I joined (in May 2005) have been the Sands of Mu veteran power and the jet packs / zero-g packs from the safeguard / mayhem mishes. These help with some of the challenges that were more onerous than fun, such as having to walk long distances or trying to solo missions with a tank, def, or troller at low levels.

After that, I think the veteran wings and trenchcoat, the temp stealth powers from pvp zones, and the Ouroboros portal are the best game rewards. I think the ability to convert 3 insps into 1 insp of your choosing is the best innovation in the game.

And the best content? I don't think there's a lot of good content, which is why people mostly do scanners and paper mishes. I like doing the TFs and the safeguard / mayhems (with side missions) because they are more challenging. I think it would be great if NCsoft would make it easier to find and join TF / trial teams, and if they could use the safeguard / mayhem missions as a template for team pvp play.



Not listed:

Working Girl: Log out from a motel inside Paragon City to earn this badge.

Reward: Double the size of your global friend list; Gain ability to call contacts instantly.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

Let's not be sexist! The genders are equal in CoX!

*Imagines which of his male characters will become call boys.*

[/ QUOTE ]

I believe the Male Counterpart to the "Working Girl" Badge is called "Gigolo"



If the required time was cut in half, I wouldn't complain... but... *shrug* I'll deal either way. :P



Well, if the goal is to gain xp (and this is how the game is set up), then the smart thing to do is to play each toon for a level and move to the next.

[/ QUOTE ]
Dunno about you, but I play to have fun. XP isn't the be-all end-all, otherwise nobody would exemplar.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Who cares if they have all the badges? I sure as hell don't.

[/ QUOTE ]

Once again, I'm sure they don't care what you think either.

Debate this issue based on its merits, whether you give a damn about other people's concern isn't the issue, even if you'd like to make a mountain out of it. Screaming out you don't care about what is obviously important to some people reminds me of a kid who covers his ears and goes blah blah blah I don't care what you say.

Like I said, debate the issues based on its merits. Leave your contempt out of it if you want people to take you seriously.

[/ QUOTE ]

They don't care what I think and it is they that are making the mountain out of nothing. They want the system to constantly adhere to what they want, while some of us don't mind either way. It's that whole different strokes for different folks sort of thing. This new set of badges really helps out people who play a lot of alts. I have quite a bit of characters, even my main that has a lot of badges (and is pretty much my badger), so it is a nice addition in my opinion. It seems that people are trying to make it out to be a system that rewards you for not playing or for doing nothing and that simply is not the case. It rewards your offline characters while you are playing one of your alts. So you are still, I hope, enjoying the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

See? So much easier if you talk about the issues instead of post nonconstructive tripe like "I don't give a damn what they think."

The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.