14 -
We played a Champions game set in our hometown of Pittsburgh for about 3 years, some very fun evenings spent laughing and talking geek talk. One of my favorities follows:
So we are in an alien ship searching for something, the alien race was actually my "hunteds" but were working with me temporarily. We land on some world exit the ship and a massive laser blast comes from across the desert to incinerate the handful of aliens that were with us.
then another blast disintergrates the entire ship.
My character, the leader of the group, took it as a personal affront that someone was shooting at them and proceeds to fly toward the source of the blast in a zig zag pattern in case they shoot again. My friend follows suit flying after me, and the rest of the team comes by ground. No other shots come as it turns out the shooter was an enemy of the alien race but the rest of us didn't really merit attention.
We arrive which triggers the next stage of the adventure.
But before that the GM stops us, because his is floored. He never, EVER thought we would head straight at the weapon that could disintergrate an ENTIRE SPACE SHIP.
I inadvertantly skipped about 3 games sessions worth of info he had planned as he expected us to try and circle around the long way.
His face was priceless.Hey, my guy was always headstrong and charges in without a plan most times, it was an actual "disadvantage".
Quote:*sigh* I have the book coming in a few days and am looking forward to reading it, but I'm really upset to see she is a he. That is just stupid. I plain refuse to acknoledge those 3 seconds in Let the right one in movie. lol. It makes no sense (without having read the book) why pretend to be a girl. it kind of ruins things. but whatever like I said I loved the original and just ignore that part, and will see the new movie soon. I just think the crying game crap doesn't add anything to the story at all.Book spoilers and delicate content.................................
Eli in the book is several hundred years old. They were taken into a castle as a child and made a eunuch and was abused by the strange lord of the castle and turned to be a child forever. The fact all of this was done pre puberty explains his androgynous appearance.
Hakan (in the book) is a former teacher who was fired because it was revealed he was a pedophile. Eli used Hakan to procure blood from people as to not create more vampires and paid him with money even though he said he would do it for free. He makes several requests for physical contact but it is never reciprocated from Eli. And even after Eli finally gives in, events get in the way of it ever happening.
And even though technically Eli isn't a child, Eli looks like one and is therefore attractive to certain predator types and has in the past used it as a method of getting blood. -
some great suggestions! I grabbed a few of them off of itunes and next time I recharge will be added to my phone.
keep em coming if you think of more. -
Hey gang,
I just got an iPhone on Sunday. I've wanted one for a few years and it finally made sense financially. I'm sure I'll get anti Apple telling me I should have got something else but that is irrelevant.
I'm not even an "Apple guy" I just like the iphone.
anyway to those of you that have one already could you recommend some Apps?
Anything either useful or fun would be appreciated.
I currently have:
mafia wars
angrybirds lite
igun lite
battery magic
free ones would be best but i'm not against spending a few dollars for something good. thanks everyone -
allow me,
"Well, this has been a tragic day. Nobody should learn what I learned today. I think I might have over reacted."
it took me like 7 mins of slowly typing it out to figure out what it was. didn't even dawn on my WHY it was typed like that until you guys said it. very funny. -
ok so someone explain this to me.
however many years ago shortly after Red Hulk came out, just after World War Hulk, and no one knew who Rulk was. I thought I saw a comic that clearly showed Rulk being Rick Jones.
am I crazy? was that a bait and switch? I know I saw it. -
Quote:here's one, what about the fact that kirk/sulu should have been splattered all over the transporter room since they were falling at terminal velocity when they hit the floor? lol. if we are to believe that the transporter, naturally or cause of chekov, slowed down thier molecules it would have been nice to explain that.I'm an engineer by trade IRL. Sci-Fi movies doing "impossible" things don't bother me as long as they explain the reason why they're defying traditional logic/physics. My "suspension of disbelief" is simple in those cases. I can even get over major canon changes, again if there's adequate explanation (i.e. the Spock/Uhura love thing and having Kirk's father killed all happened in the "alternate" timeline). I can even buy Chekov saving Kirk and Sulu because he had a few minutes to get to the Transporter Room and I happen to accept the fact that this ship is NOT THAT BIG to begin with. You are still suffering under the assumption that this is a ship as big as the one we see in TNG.
But when things are physically impossible (like the size/layout of that engineering room relative to what they've told me about that ship) for no constructive reason that bothers me. I guess I just like to have things internally consistent in my movies, literally in the case of this room. *shrugs*
And for what it's worth this whole "engineering room size/layout" deal would be like #89 on my top 100 reasons to dislike this movie.
but once again that is just a suspension moment that we aren't supposed to worry about. the spatial relation stuff is clearly a pet peeve due to your job so its going to bother you no matter what kind of movie it is in.
thanks for the civil and fun debate. -
Quote:I find this interesting. (almost said fascinating, lol) I don't quite understand the "nit-picking" on the opposite stuff. i'm all about bashing hollywood for butchering any source material they get their greedy hands on. just look at dragonball evolution or supermario bros. but even successful movies like Spider-man and Transformers have horrible HORRIBLE changes to core elements of the source material.Again I never strictly said an engine room had to look pristine and clean. I'm just saying an industrial distillery the size of a warehouse does not look appropriate on a 23rd century ship that has an iBridge that looks like a 27th century timewarp vessel. Sorry, but it doesn't.
And for another bit of "Star Trek 101" I'll cover what's wrong with the size of the engine room we saw: The crew of a galaxy class ship in the time of TNG might have had over thousand family/crew. But since this movie was technically set at the "beginning" of the TOS era the ships were relatively smaller (even considering the "reimagining" of Abrams). The numbers always varied a bit depending on what source you cite, but the Constitution class Enterprise never had more than around 400-500 crew.
According to every dimension you care to mention for ANY of these ships (TOS, TNG and/or AbramsTrek) a room the size of the one we saw in this movie was ridiculously too big. Even though the JJprise was pegged at being like 700 meters long the room we saw would have filled maybe half of that in all three dimensions. Stupidity on that order simply doesn't deserve to be in a movie that otherwise has some good things going for it all things considered.
I don't mind that Abrams decided to toy around with established Star Trek canon.
But when he made simple "set scaling" and design choice errors I don't see the need to cut him any slack. *shrugs*
and yet you fixate on the size ratio of the engine room to the rest of the ship? well I'm sure you have bigger problems with the movie than that, but the way you are saying it makes it seem like that is the straw that broke the translations back. to each thier own, of course, but it seems like an aspect that should be "suspension of disbelief" i mean if you are going to care about stuff like that how about the fact that they can RUN anywhere in the ship within 60secs?
Russian kid (no way I can spell the name right) ran from bridge to transporter bay fast enough to save kirk and sulu. wouldn't that make the entire ship WAAAAY to small? I think stuff like that is just meant to be not worried about. If i was a star trek fan I'd be more annoyed with the spock/ohora love thing, or having kirks father killed, etc.
anyway not saying your opinion is wrong, just voicing mine. -
Quote:I get what you are saying, and you make a good point in what will car engines look like in the future. (but even that pic that was posted however cool it looked didn't look like a dashboard as far as I'm concerened) The engine room did look like a warehouse more than an engine room, but I still don't think it took away from the movie. It's like saying a garage is supposed to look like the living room just because it is part of the same house. it's not. you don't carpet or hang paintings in the garage (unless maybe you are super rich) you have dirty concret floors with oil spots and tools lying around. they often look nothing like anything you find in the rest of the house.Nerd speed ahead, Mr. Sulu...
Imagine how nice car engines a few hundred years from now are going to look in relation to the rest of the car (of course assuming we still use anything like a car at that point).
Anyway have you ever seen -any- of the rest of the Star Trek shows or movies? We sure as heck know Abrams hasn't. Even Enterprise (which is suppose to be set like 100 years -before- this latest movie) has an engine room that at least stylistically matches the bridge. JJ couldn't have made these two things on his new ship look much different if he had used the look and styling of a cathedral versus the insides of an igloo.
I'm not suggesting the bridge has to be all that much cleaner/nicer than the engine room of a ship. I'm just suggesting it has to look like it's ON the same ship that bridge is on an not some kind of holodeck simulation.
P.S. I won't even mention (much) the failure of scale Abrams achieved with that stupid engine room of his. If that 'room' was actually on a ship the ship would have to be about 3 times bigger than it actually was to accommodate it.
And as for the size thing, I have to disagree there as well. the ship is basically a flying city. when you see the shots of ppl looking out windows or doing things on the hull (from any of the movies) they are super small. it's not a skyscrapper it's a skyline. IIRC i've heard in either movies or TNG that the crew of the Enterprise is in the thousands. you need quarters for each of those members or families. plus room for them to move around and not get cabin fever, etc. I think this movie probably gave a more realistic ratio of engine room to ship than any before.
but thats just me. -
Quote:ok this is going to sound waaay more A-hole then I mean it to be (which is zero) but have you ever opened the hood on your car? how does that look anything like the dashboard and seats inside the car?That was actually one of the bigger "problems" I had with movie. I sort of didn't mind the "ibridge" that was clearly designed by Apple and I sort of didn't mind the steampunk distillery as the engineering room when considered separately. What bugged me was how both of those things were on the SAME ship?!? Talk about a jarring mismatch.
You can make fun all you want about the cheesy 1960's styled look of the original series. But at least all the different rooms of that old TV Enterprise looked like they all belonged together on the same ship. JJ Abrams' ship looked like they gathered junk parts from a ship scrapyard and welded it all together piecemeal.
seriously. it's all grease, oil, matte(sp) metal moving gears, belts,etc. while the dashboard is sleak, smooth, shiny with buttons and lights.
granted now cars engines are so compact that they look more like a box than all the parts of an engine from 20 years ago, so they do look sleaker and more like the inside but not enough really.
The differences between the bridge and the engine room never struck me as odd. (other than the giant waterslide coolant with a blender attachment that scotty was in) -
I am obsessed with this Movie. I've watched the trailer about 10 times since I found it yesterday, lol.
And of course I found out about it AFTER I got back from comic con. Grrr. They had a panel with the stars and premiered the trailer. I actually have a pic of the Poster for it, I just thought it was a indy comic or something, no idea it was a movie.
I can't wait for this movie, it will be a "see in theaters opening weekend" for me.
I just hope it is as good as the trailer seems, if not I will be very disappointed. -
that worked perfectly thanks.
4 years in this game but I never needed to contact a dev before lol. -
Hey I want to send a message to a specific dev, how do I do it? PM's have limited characters right? I don't want to write a book but I need like 2 paragraphs. I tried an email but it said the dev didn't exist when I put thier handle in the To line. It's somewhat important. at least to me. lol.
thanks. -
what i don't understand is why ppl are acting like this is going to ruin their badgers?
I have 2 accounts with almost full slots on each. My main, Energor, is my Badger. I "want" all the badges. But i'll never get them. some are just to much work. But i have other toons. I want to try all the powers, I want to see all the arcs. So Energor hardly gets played. So this is perfect for him. Login in, go to a specific building log out and play all my others. Log in once every 30 days and move him. (i play him more than that since I like his build but you get the idea)
Meanwhile all my other non online toons can be working to whatever they happened to be logged out near. I don't see all the doom crying. This game is meant to be played in a way that makes you have fun.
That being said if you only have 1 or 2 chars, you are missing like 75% of the game. Its about the costume creator and the powers. Most of the people I know have dozens of alts and are always making more. this system is a great way to not feel guilty when you don't play a certain toon for a few weeks.
I think it will be some nice surprises when I log in a hardly used toon. I'm looking forward to it.