Issue 12 Guide to Slotting Regeneration with IOs





The regeneration set has gone through many changes throughout the years, and is much different today than it was back when the game first launched. Since the release of Invention Enhancements (IOs), slotting has changed significantly, meaning that regeneration has new slotting opportunities, as well as many other sets.

This is NOT a guide to help you level up your regeneration Scrapper. This guide is made to help you slot your regeneration powers with IOs, both common and sets.

Fast Healing- This is an auto power, so no need to worry about slotting Endurance or Recharge…just healing. If you’re on a tight budget or just don’t want to spend a lot of money on this power, a simple 1-3 common Healing IO slotting works perfectly fine. If you have money to spare, this is a perfect spot for procs and uniques, such as Regenerative Tissue: +Regeneration, Miracle +Recovery, or Numina’s Convalescence +Recovery/Regeneration.

If you’re going to slot one of those procs, I recommend also slotting the Heal enhancement from those sets in Fast Healing so that you can get the first Set Bonus.

Reconstruction- A very important power from the set. You have 2 main choices here- Doctored Wounds or Numina’s Convalescence. Personally, I recommend Doctored Wounds for the +Recharge set bonus and the much better price.

You could slot all 6 from the Doctored Wounds set, but it really isn’t worth the extra enhancement slot…you’ll be perfectly fine with 5, all but the Healing/Endurance. The set bonuses granting +Healing and +Recharge are very worthwhile.

Quick Recovery- Yet another important power from the set. This will help to eliminate your endurance issues, so it is crucial that you slot this for Endurance Modification. I recommend slotting 1-2 Common Endurance Modification IOs, 1 Performance Shifter Chance for +Endurance, and 1 Performance Shifter Endurance Modification to get the first Set Bonus (+Movement Speed) without losing any effectiveness from the power.

Dull Pain- Yet another important power. This is your high healing, long recharging power, so you want to focus on those 2 aspects.

This is where you’ll want to try out some of the Numina’s Convalescence set. I recommend slotting Numina Heal/Recharge, Numina Endurance/Recharge, Numina Heal, 1 Common Heal IO, and 1 Common Recharge IO. This will give you a large boost in the Healing capability and Recharge of the power, as well as giving large +Regeneration and +Health Set Bonuses.

If you can’t afford the Numina’s Convalescence set, the next best thing would be to slot 5 or 6 of the Doctored Wounds set, all but Endurance/Heal if you’re going for 5.

Integration- This is, yet again, a very important power. Since it is a toggle that has a very nice regeneration built into it, you want to focus on Endurance and Healing.

I recommend the Doctored Wounds set for this power, 5 slotted. Don’t slot the Recharge enhancement…it’s not worth it in a toggle, plus you’ll get a little recharge from the enhancements that do recharge and healing/endurance. The set bonuses from Doctored Wounds are very beneficial, like I discussed with the Reconstruction slotting.

You could also slot Numina’s Convalescence here, but that would cost much more money, although it works well if you can afford it.

Resilience- Being an auto power, you don't need to focus on Recharge or Endurance. I personally recommend slotting this with the Stadfast Resistance/Defense enhancement for a little added defense, and a common Resistance IO if you can spare the slot.

Instant Healing- This is a long recharging click power that gives a very large +Regeneration bonus. This means that you want to focus on Recharge and Healing.

Once again, the Doctored Wounds set comes into play. Slot 5, all but the Endurance/Heal. This gives the beneficial set bonuses as mentioned in the Integration and Reconstruction slotting.

Numina’s Convalescence set is also a decent choice here, but would cost much more money, although it works well if you can afford it.

Revive- This isn’t too useful, so I only recommend 2-3 slots using the Efficacy Adaptor set. If you’re slotting 2, I recommend Endurance Modification/Recharge and Recharge/Accuracy (Give best Recharge enhancements). If you really want to put in a third, the next best would be Endurance Modification/Recharge/Accuracy, since it is the only one left with Recharge in it.

Moment of Glory- Here is where you get some of that nice Defense slotting in. Luck of the Gambler is your friend!

I recommend 2-3 slots in here of Luck of the Gambler. Any will do…just focus on recharge, and maybe defense. If you have the money, I recommend the +7.5% Recharge enhancement from Luck of the Gambler.

2 Luck of the Gambler enhancements will give you a nice Regeneration set bonus, while 3 will give you that and a +Health bonus.

A note on Doctored Wounds vs. Numina’s Convalescence: I personally slotted Doctored Wounds in every power I suggested it in and slotted 2 Numina’s Convalescence in Dull Pain (Heal/Recharge, Endurance/Recharge), so that is why I mentioned more about Doctored Wounds than Numina’s Convalescence.



Nice guide, but the green text is just about unreadable.

High Beam - 50 Blaster Energy/Ice - 1228 Badges
Munitions Mistress - 50 Mercs/Traps
Many Other 50's, Too Many Alts, All On Freedom
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!



Nice guide, but the green text is just about unreadable.

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I was thinking the same thing, but was waiting to see if it was just me...going to go work on that =P

EDIT: I missed've got to be kidding me...give me a minute...



Basically, slot Numina and Doc Wounds until you run out of inf ?

@Prandi - Freedom

# 143959 - Freedom Phalanx, Arachnos Forces and the Deadly Virus.



Basically, slot Numina and Doc Wounds until you run out of inf ?

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Seems like that, doesn't it? =P

As I wrote the guide, I began to notice how much repeating I did, but let's face it...Doctored Wounds and Numina are 2 really good sets. And Regeneration is focused around healing powers, so naturally, you should go for the good healing sets.

My comment on the bottom of the guide I basically used to show that I recommend using mostly Doctored Wounds, since you get a better return for your money, mainly due to the +recharge that I found to be VERY helpful on my farming MA/Regen. Numina is also useful, but more for the Regeneration and Health aspect, although it costs MUCH more money.

Basically for the argument between the two, I'm trying to say that Doctored Wounds should be slotted at least 2-3 times (I suggest Reconstruction, Instant Healing, and Integration), while Numina can be slotted a little less for the added regeneration and health (set bonuses for 2 and 3 slotting, so I suggested it in Dull Pain).



I'm still fairly new at the whole IO set thing, so forgive me if this seems like a silly question...
Do the procs (Numina's +Regen +Recovery, etc...), err, proc, if you slot them in auto powers like Fast Healing?



+Regen or +Recovery aren't really procs - what's meant by procs are the "chance of X" enhancements.

That said, they all work in auto powers.



I believe that all uniques, including Numina +regen/recovery, work as long as it's slotted. Meaning that if it's slotted in a toggle power, it works even if the toggle is off. If slotted in a click power, Instant Healing for example, it works while it is on and I am pretty sure for 120 seconds after it shuts off.



Some uniques work as procs and some as set bonuses. Ones that work as procs will activate every 120 seconds. If they are in an auto power, they are effectively permanent. If they are in a toggle power, they are active as long as the toggle is turned on and for up to 120 seconds after it has been turned off. If they are in a click power, they will be active for 120 seconds after the power is activated.

Uniques which work as set bonuses are always on, even if the power they are slotted into is not active.

There are also different restrictions regarding levels and exemping between the two.

The health uniques are procs. They do have a chance of doing something. It's just that the chance happens to be 100%. What makes them procs is that they don't enhance the power into which they are slotted. Instead they perform an action, or procedure. That's my understanding of the term anyhow.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Awesome, thanks for clearing that up for me, everyone.



This seems like a sensible guide overall, but ... 5 slots in Integration and 2-3 in Revive??

Integration is perfect with 3 (2 heal, 1 end/heal) and a single rech in Revive should be ample. So that's 3-4 slots spent for nothing but the associated set bonuses. Unless you're 50 and have slots to burn, you're probably better off using those slots on powers that actually need enhancing ...



Nice guide!

One thing that you touched on but did not go in-depth about was what stacked set bonuses would be good for */regens. From your advice it was clear you thought +recharge, +HP, + regen, and +def were good bonuses . . . but you didn't offer a rubric for evaluating trade-offs other than, for Doctored Wounds and Numina's, price. Such a rubric could help */regen scrappers slot not just their secondary, but to choose sets and bonuses for their primary powers as well.

Personally, I think +recharge is great for a */regen scrapper. The more often Dull Pain is up, the more often it buffs HPs. +Recharge also helps IH and reconstruction. Oh, and did I mention it also helps with every single attack?

5-slotted Doctored Wounds gives a +5% recharge bonus. 5-slotted Crushing Impact also gives a +5% global recharge bonus. Due to the rule of 5, more than 5 +5% recharge bonuses have no effect. Depending on how many melee attacks you have, and how many sets of crushing impact you plan on slotting, this might affect your choice of DW over Numina's.

HP and regen are great bonuses. That said, slotting for recharge is like slotting for HP and regen, because you bring up dull pain and IH more often. Not sure how much +recharge it takes to make those perma (or if its possible for IH) but just thowing it out there for contemplation.

+defense is a stat that interests me. Steadfast protection gives +3% to all, Gaussian's 6-slotted in tactics gives +2.5% to all, combat jumping gives +1.88% to all, weave gives +3.75% to all. Obviously you could slot CJ and Weave up with 3 LOTG to get some extra health, global recharge, and regen (as well as a spash more defense). That's getting you > +10% even without dipping into other +defense set bonuses. Not that much of a numbers cruncher, but it seems like that would be a direction someone could take */regen. If I've got my defense straight, 15% means mobs will miss you 33% more than at 0% . . . and a medium defense inspiration will take you beyond the soft cap. Seems like it would be not a bad thing to think about.

Lastly, when it comes to HPs every AT has a cap. I'm not sure exactly what the numbers are, but beyond a certain point it does no good to add more HP.

Anyway, just a few suggestions. I generally agree with your advice for how to slot regen powers. Thanks for posting your guide.



My MA/Regen has Integration 5 slotted and has all primary attacks 6 slotted (Except Thunder Kick with 5), so I never saw the issue. As far as Revive, I never got it, so I was just trying to think of a way to make it slightly useful.



Any chance someone could do this for willpower? It's similar but different enough that it would be useful.



A note on Regenerative Tissue in Fast Healing:

Fast Healing provides a base regen of 75%
Regenerative Tissue provides a regen bonus of 25%
Slotting a single, white SO in Fast Healing increases its regen from 75% to 100%, yielding a regen boost of 25%

Generally speaking, an SO provides the same benefit in Fast Healing as the Regenerative Tissue proc.

Though there are exceptions.

When exemplared to low levels, SOs can have their benefits severely cut. The Regenerative Tissue proc remains at 25%

When zoning, the Regenerative Tissue proc can temporarily stack with itself.

If you already have a 95%+ enhancement bonus in Fast Healing, Regenerative Tissue ignores the effects of ED.

Generally speaking, though, it provides very little bang for the buck. If you've taken health, it's better in there (where the single, white SO is only worth 13.3%, anyway)



I have a MA/Regen. My personal preference is to 5 slot Crushing Impact into my attacks with the 6th slot reserved for a proc of some sort. This leaves me able to slot Numina/ Miracle into most of my regen powers, so I can get the +regen, +recovery, and +health set bonuses. It works out pretty well for me, but, as with most cases, there are many viable ways to build a set.



A Health/Fast healing reply.
A note on Regenerative Tissue in Fast Healing:

Fast Healing provides a base regen of 75%
Regenerative Tissue provides a regen bonus of 25%
Slotting a single, white SO in Fast Healing increases its regen from 75% to 100%, yielding a regen boost of 25%

Generally speaking, an SO provides the same benefit in Fast Healing as the Regenerative Tissue proc.

Though there are exceptions.

When exemplared to low levels, SOs can have their benefits severely cut. The Regenerative Tissue proc remains at 25%

When zoning, the Regenerative Tissue proc can temporarily stack with itself.

If you already have a 95%+ enhancement bonus in Fast Healing, Regenerative Tissue ignores the effects of ED.

Generally speaking, though, it provides very little bang for the buck. If you've taken health, it's better in there (where the single, white SO is only worth 13.3%, anyway)

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YEAH!75% base in FH....40% base in health.
If you're gonna put ANY of the procs in, and you've taken health... PUT THEM IN HEALTH.

The real numbers don't lie(too often anyhow)

For "best results" ,
Fast Healing - 3 generic Heal IO's.
Health - Numinia's unique, Numinia heal, and a numinia heal/(recharge or endurance)
- Regenerative Tissue
- Miracle +recovery, Miracle Heal
That slotting gets 99.1% on Fast healing 96.13% on health, Also gives you the 45% regen, and 25% recovery from the uniques. AND 12% regen, Extra HP, and even a little +2.5% recovery for gravy!

Now this is comming from my spine/regen scrappers point of view... and I HERD(not like the old days, but 2-3 yellow/red mobs are very common). The extra ~60% regen(do't forget more HP means better regen rate) and 27.5% recovery, ON TOP of regen's normal IO'd JUST covers my end usage(provided there's no end draining attacks like Katie TF storm witches) and I'm REGEN, so I obviously can never have enough regen!

Well, ok, that last sentance wasn't entirely true. If I have so much regen that, even with "floored" regen debuffs on me, I STILL have capped regen, then I've PROBABLY got enough regen... for now at least

P.S., Don't panic if you don't have enough slots to 6-slot Health(though i had extra and did so)
Alternate, Low slot slotting would look like
Numinia's +regen/+recovery, Numinia's Heal, REgenerative Tissue +regen, and a Basic heal IO.
leaves you with 83% for health(close enough to ED cap for most regenners) 57% regen boost, and a 10% recovery boost. Not too shabby for 4 slots.

and for the REAL mizers, 3-slot health for the uniques. 40% regen from health, 45% regen from uniques, and 25% recovery from uniques.

If you can't bring yourself to dedicate even those TWO slots to health..... better delete your regen and roll something else.



IO 50 heal, numina 50 heal and either heal/rech or heal/end in fast healing is an easy +12 regen as well.

3 50 IO heals - 99.1 percent or 149.325 regen.
1 50 IO Heal, 2 numinas - 96.7 percent or 147.5 + 12 = 159.5 regen.

Rough 10 pts higher for the same slotting. And you can even go Numina Heal, heal/rech, heal/end in it for roughly 91 percent (143.25+12= 155.25 regen) and you'd get the 1.88 percent hit point bonus.

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



I am working on my final build for my regen scrapper, and was told that MOG effectively stops my regen. Is regen considered a 'heal' in MOG? It was suggested that I not take MOG, and it made enough sense that I haven't taken it - yet. After all, without regen healing, I really don't have much defense.... Could somebody shed some light on this for me?



ahh! Thank you! There are so many "experts" in the game that learning the ropes can be quite confusing at times.... Again, thank you very much!



So how should you slot MOG? 3 Recharge or slot for +def??



So how should you slot MOG? 3 Recharge or slot for +def??

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I'm not an expert by any means, but I would go with recharge of those two options.



I concur.. MOG is much more useful with +rech

White Valkyrie - BS/Regen Scrap
Fear of Silence - Ninja/Dark MM
Corporate Zombie - Necro/Poison MM
Ardent Cataclysm - Stone/Fire Tank
Angelic Heart - Peacebringer
Maelstrom - Elec/Elec Brute
Novastar - Energy/Fire Blaster



Too lazy to check if anyone cleared up the proc question. THe health uniques act on a timer. They are procs, which are activated just like damage procs. The difference is, if they're slotted in toggles or autos, they're perma. There's a mechanical reason why. The way autos work is, they cycle. Imagine health is ticking in the background, and it doesn't actually show in the tray. It activated, and you get the bonus. Just for argument's sake, we'll say 5 seconds. If the proc in health lasts longer than that 5 seconds, it'll reactivate before it wears off. So yeah, it's always on, like the power. In a toggle, it works the same way as long as the toggle is on. If the toggle is off, it won't tick.

Luck of the gambler is always on even if the toggle is off.
Steadfast is always on.

Damage procs have to be activated, but toggles count.

Health procs and stamina procs have to be activated, like damage procs. The upside is that you will always have a place to slot them, with health, and with a regen, lots of auto powers. The downside is they don't work in click self heals. At least not permanently.

Kismet is always on. THere are others too. It's easy to pick out the difference.