Lost server slots with new patch




Lost a slot when I deleted a char, when will this be sorted?



...but our MONEY is already in their BANK...

[/ QUOTE ]
Which doesn't mean squat. Its Sunday, let them have a break. This problem just cropped up for me today but looks like it has been persistant since the last patch update. Have faith, the Devs will find a fix to the problem. They haven't let us down before . So take a deep breath, look at a character you might want to play today or go outside. You won't loose your money, because they don't want to loose you.



I just deleted 2 characters to reroll.. and the slots didnt come back to me..

Grrr... I want my slots



Yup, same problem here, missing one slot on one account and all the free extra slots on my other account.

Proud Member of Fusion Force.



Having the same problem here. Going from memory, I'm missing 1-2 assigned slots on Liberty and two unassigned slots as well.

I was going to delete an alt to free up a slot, but from what I'm hearing it sounds like the slot won't reappear.

It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.
-- Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World



I lost six slots on Virtue, kind of annoying since I just settled on a new costume design/powerset I wanted to try. Hope this gets fixed soon.

"Thank God I'm only watching the game, controlling it!"



same issue here with my entire household.

PSI-on: DM/PB Defender (Triumph)
Disco Lord: MA/SR Scrapper (Triumph)
Spec-tor: MC/PA Dominator (Triumph)
The Regional Manager: Merc/FF MM (Triumph)



It sounds like it's in the hands of NCSoft rather than the devs according to Ex's post (about it being an issue with PlayNC).

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Lost mine on Victory. Guess I won't be doing anything new with characters until this gets a fix.



I deleted a char on Pinnacle to reroll a new one. When I deleted her the slot became unavailable.

Looking forward to the fix.



My slot request finally went through the other day after a month of trying to buy slots and I was about to roll an alt today and now they are gone... CoH/V is cruel .



Same here, lost all my extra slots and can't claim new ones, in game store system for new slots is not appearing as well



Just happened to me. Last night I had all my slots, but this morning when I logged in all my extra slots were missing, and so was the icon to buy more.
Two other accounts in this household and both are missing theirs as well. One of us just created a new character on Thursday night, so we definitely had our slots then, but somewhere between then and this morning all of our open slots went unavailable and so did the purchase option button.



just logged in this morning to see my redeem slots is not there anymore

Master Buddah-50, Anti-Buddah-50, Buddah Nebulous-41, Sonic Whale-50, Dark Buddah-50, Raider engineer-50, Bio-penguin-50, Fried-Chicken-36, Harrier -50, Alpha Centauri-40 and many others!

SSBB FC: 3909-7361-0879



I lost a single slot on Virtue last night. I deleted an old character to make a new one and the slot became unavailable. The shopping bag icon disappeared as well.

You know, just to throw this out there - I had a whole mess of crepes this morning. They're just like pancakes, maybe even better.



Add me to the House of the Missing Slots.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Yep. Two slots missing. I also don't have the purchase new slots buttons (not that I'd want to buy new ones when I should have two more on Virtue for vet rewards.)



Ditto, just dropped an alt to make a new toon... locked, no shopping bag, etc.

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



Count me in...I lost 5 slots as well, 2 freebies and 3 vets. Sorry for the duplicate post, I was so angry I did not look first to see if there was already a post about it. linky Glad to see so little has been done or said about it, typical NCSoft MO. I'm so damn tired of all of these bugs, please fix them or watch your revunes dwindle as all of your customers start to leave.

I find it amazing how fast they can nerf something or make puny textual changes that nobody cares about, but when it comes to annoying games bugs, they take forever to fix. Tell me something dev’s, all that fricking time you spent of creating/building the new “Cimerora” zone couldn’t have been spent fixing the ever growing bugs that plague this game?



Mine are back up and running again.. maybe servers are back up now.



I'd lost two as well but mine are back too



Back as well

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



To those complaining that they can't claim slots, remember that the free ones could only be claimed for a short amount of times while veteran and purchased slots have no limit.



My slots have returned! WOOTSAUCE ON A YAYSTICK!



I just logged in (23-jun-08 @ 2:20 PDT) and found that every extra slot on both accounts that was available last night is now gone. I logged out and back in but there was no change.

Edit: Just logged back in and noticed that while I still don't have the extra slots I should, I also don't have the icon to open the store to buy more. Again, this is on two different accounts.

[/ QUOTE ]

I just wanted to let you all know that we've been monitoring this thread and have also received your in-game petitions (Thank you!).

As an fyi, none of your purchased slots are gone. The Server that handled the slot inventories tied to your account and all Transaction services (Rename, Transfer, Character Slot purchases) experienced an Outage earlier today.

When this occurred, players were unable to Rename their Characters, Transfer their Characters, Purchase Character slots or Redeem "banked" unassigned character slots.

The service has since been restored (as many of you have noticed because the Rename/Transfer buttons are visible), and we're going to continue monitoring the server's performance throughout the day and evening.

Regarding the interupption on June 17th, some backend services were undergoing maintenance after the 17.20080604.1T patch was published to the Live servers, so Transaction services weren't brought back online until after public access had been granted to players.

In the future, we'll try to make sure that proper notification is in place if Services may not be immediately available after a normal Maintenance or Patch publish.

These transaction systems were architected so that even if the Transfer, Rename, and Character Slot purchase systems went down for maintenances, troubleshooting or crashes, that they didn't also bring down access to the servers for players to continue playing.

Our focus is to always ensure public access to the game. Services such as Global Chat, Auction and Transaction services can be brought offline, while gameplay access can be restored and maintained.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.