Discussion: NCsoft and Vivox Voice Chat
Sweet, and first post, and make it work with CoX, so we can get lip movement while we talk! UP UP AND AWAY!
- Chemofrost lvl 50 Rad/Ice Defender
- Pushrod lvl 28 Nrg/Nrg Blaster
*shiver* Voice chat is a bad idea, but at least it's not integrated into the game.
This is really doom.
two posts until doom - is this a record?
Yes. I'll have to bug Ex for an "Official Doomcaller" title.
This is really doom.
EDIT: lulz, I'm waiting for the gerlz to go CrAzY.
Very nice......................very nice. Hope we dont get influence and infamy sells pitches while on there!
View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6785073/1/Meus_Profiteor#
my email chrismfears99@yahoo.com
Well, Voice support failed to WoW(pun intended) them in 'Second-Life.' I wonder if Co* can fare any better?
Yay! Looking forward to this.
Voice chat makes things soo much easier (partially because I'm a spaz when trying to type during combat)
How much? $$$ Thats all I need to know.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

As a point of clarification not included in the press release specific for City of Heroes and City of Villains, this new voice chat technology will be used through the PlayNC Launcher and not directly through City of Heroes.
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Through the launcher? Interesting...
Well, my SG occasionally uses Vent anyhow, so I support this, and will be happy to test it out
OTOH, if it will be an additional cost, we already have a free Vent server that one of our coallie SGs lets us use
Kinda glad we're finally getting voice chat. I've died a few times due to typing. what I'm curious about is how the chatrooms will work. Will each channel that is set up now have it's own chatroom, and we will be able to switch through them like we switch through channels, or will we have to set up our own channels. It's a very good idea for teams, but for community chat channels, it may be a little troublesome, so I guess it's one of those "teams only" or "SG only" things where it will work the best in these situations. Damnit, I've been typing too much lately :P
One question.
Will we be able to disable this completely?
Yeah! Because my SG have been waiting 4 years to speak over the internet to each other... oh wait. We did not wait.
Well, I'm sure this newfangled soloution will be much better than the two very popular and well-loved, cross-platform / cross-gaming systems out there (there is more, but vent and TS are pretty much the top 2).
All I can hope for is that someone got a decent payoff at NCSoft for this; otherwise, why waste your time?
Scratch that. I forget. There will always be the Atlas Park teaparties of sg-less n00bs to cyb0rz themselves silly...
I guess this is an OK idea after all.
(seriously, who isn't on vent, TS, skype, etc. by now?)
"Look how many pages of crap are in this thread already!" -r0y to all threads on these forums.
Sounds interesting depending on if there is an extra cost to use any/all of the features, and if the features will be disable-able through an options situation for people that aren't interested in using the software.
I'm looking foward to it how ever.
One question.
Will we be able to disable this completely?
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It won't be enabled at all be default. Seems like you'll opt in instead.
AS an aside, I wonder how Tabula Rasa will work this, since the game has built-in voice chat confused:
(seriously, who isn't on vent, TS, skype, etc. by now?)
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Me. If I wanted to hear people's voices, I'd call them.
Great for the people I care, doesn't bother me who doesn't care and won't use the NCSoft launcher either.
Winston Churchill
Only through the launcher, opt in, disable it...
Just curious, what is the point of it?
How is it going to work?
Will it be on a friends list or will there be endless chatter from everyone accessing it?
Can we use it to talk to one person at a time, as well as a whole group?
Will voice chat be kept on channels, and if so, can they be marked invite only?
Why through the launcher and not integrated into the game?
Questions about whether or not it can be disabled or opting in or out whatever seem like no-brainers... you don't want to use it, don't turn on your microphone and turn down the volume. Viola: disabled.
Now, let's have some poingant answers on this topic.
Voice chat is quickly becoming a requirement for any MMO. It is just far too convenient to just talk rather than typing everything out. It is just a fact of life we'll have to accept. The days of being able to type out instructions over ooc chat like we did when raiding Fear and Hate in Everquest are long gone. It is just nice to see PlayNC also capitalizing on integrated voice chat for their launcher.
this new voice chat technology will be used through the PlayNC Launcher and not directly through City of Heroes.
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That's kinda too bad. When you are using voice chat, it's often convenient to see who is doing the speaking. A "talking" button (maybe like a buff icon?) in the team window would be a very cool thing.
We don't need a talking icon for everyone just standing around though.
Plus, I hope their voice options includes a "stentorian" option.
But otherwise this is a pretty cool thing.
Voice chat is quickly becoming a requirement for any MMO. It is just far too convenient to just talk rather than typing everything out. It is just a fact of life we'll have to accept. The days of being able to type out instructions over ooc chat like we did when raiding Fear and Hate in Everquest are long gone. It is just nice to see PlayNC also capitalizing on integrated voice chat for their launcher.
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I swear, I will kick any and every person that still uses stupid abbreviations (LOL, OOC, and anything that remotely sounds like 1337 speak)...
Its bad enough having to read that, but tolerable because I understand some people aren't brilliant with a keyboard and need shortcuts. But I have no patience for people that, given the option to speak, still fall back on inane abbreviations. I will kick people and the only explanation I will give is "blame NCSoft and voice chat." followed by /ignore.
No thanks. My Xbox headset collects dust, too.
This is relevant to my interests! Awesome news
Only through the launcher, opt in, disable it...
Just curious, what is the point of it?
How is it going to work?
Will it be on a friends list or will there be endless chatter from everyone accessing it?
Can we use it to talk to one person at a time, as well as a whole group?
Will voice chat be kept on channels, and if so, can they be marked invite only?
Why through the launcher and not integrated into the game?
Questions about whether or not it can be disabled or opting in or out whatever seem like no-brainers... you don't want to use it, don't turn on your microphone and turn down the volume. Viola: disabled.
Now, let's have some poingant answers on this topic.
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Sorry gang, no answers to those questions are available at this time. This announcement is more for the business side of things, with the actual goods to come later as the tech is put to use and made ready for consumption by users.
Community Relations Manager
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Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement.
In a press release put out on May 13, 2008 NCsoft and Vivox announce collaboration to bring voice to the NCsoft Player Community.
Click here to read the full press release
As a point of clarification not included in the press release specific for City of Heroes and City of Villains, this new voice chat technology will be used through the PlayNC Launcher and not directly through City of Heroes.
Community Relations Manager
If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.