Discussion: Changes to Task/Strike Force Missions





Whatever the motivation behind this change, it makes doing multiple Virgil runs slower for villains, making the villain Pool C recipe market tighter. But that market's already in a miserable condition, and the prices do not need to be pushed higher.

Before this change is made (it seems inevitable with a few tweaks), villains need more SFs, at the very least 3 more to patch the missing level ranges: 10-15, 30-35, and 40-45. A non-SG one for 20-25 would be appropriate too. More casual players doing SFs will contribute nicely to the Pool C situation.

The villain SFs themselves are all (except RSF) very well done, so there is a question why people don't do them often. Perhaps they should be reduced to a minimum team-size of three due to the lower population. This would probably mean adding in some NPC help for the AVs though.



The farming potential isn't really the main point of contention in the change -- for me, anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good, thought I was going to have to argue counter-point again.

My concern, as others have also pointed out, is that TFs and SFs that have higher minimum player requirements are going to be that much harder to complete with pick-up groups because the missions will no longer adjust to the attrition that might happen.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would be amazed if changes to the TFs werent already in the pipeline (as I noted earlier it could be as early as I12). Yes many of them need a rehash & some need their team size requirements altered. I cant for one minute believe that the devs would make this change without knowing that a few adjustments would have to be made "Soon".

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Early isn't [censored] I12... Early is like realizing people have to play with the [censored] you put on live.



meh, Katie can still be done in 20-25 mins.

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and I can add to my collection of crap of the hunter

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Guys, we need to figure out a way to exploit the game that involves the RSF tech, toggle debuffs, vill patrons, other QoL issues, and anything else we feel needs to be fixed, then people need to complain about how they relate to RMT, THEN they might get fixed.

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Ooo my...... I luvies you, Doyler

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lmao, nice. but the problem is they don't actually fix stuff so we'll end up with the problems being even worse



We know that finding out about this change after the patch is already live is not the ideal way to go about it. It was never our intent to “hide” or “stealth” this change out, it was simply lost in the volume of other changes spanning many months.

[/ QUOTE ]
This part I am not buying even for a second. It has happened way too much since the begining of the game, [...] a pretty huge change that we should have known about [...]there is absolutely no excuse that something this big gets missed [...] You guys need to do better because this is inexcuseable [...]

[/ QUOTE ]

Whoa. Someone needs to take a stress pill and/or switch to decaf...

Sure, it's unfortunate that a somewhat (but not very) important detail was left out of the initial patch notes, but the problem was rectified within days. What's the problem?

Seems like some people are just plain looking for something to complain about. Take a deep breath. Relax. Walk around the block. Come back, and enjoy the game.


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



The farming potential isn't really the main point of contention in the change -- for me, anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good, thought I was going to have to argue counter-point again.

My concern, as others have also pointed out, is that TFs and SFs that have higher minimum player requirements are going to be that much harder to complete with pick-up groups because the missions will no longer adjust to the attrition that might happen.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would be amazed if changes to the TFs werent already in the pipeline (as I noted earlier it could be as early as I12). Yes many of them need a rehash & some need their team size requirements altered. I cant for one minute believe that the devs would make this change without knowing that a few adjustments would have to be made "Soon".

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They have had what, 4 years to fix posi? and how many other bugs out there will never be fixed because they dont benefit players? I will believe they are fixing TF's when I see it. Have they fixed gauntlet yet? again?

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Fix the god damn tech bug in the RSF (and every elevator/door in the game)

Give villains a katie equivalent, so that they can get recipes in half an hour like the heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]

I keep hearing that villains are doing cap in 20 min. that not good enough?

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Fix the god damn tech bug in the RSF (and every elevator/door in the game)

Give villains a katie equivalent, so that they can get recipes in half an hour like the heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]

I keep hearing that villains are doing cap in 20 min. that not good enough?

[/ QUOTE ]
not anymore...can still do it quick but not like that. and the 20 mins is probably just for the first part...w/ last mission it is more around 30 mins but you cannot do that with a team.



We know that finding out about this change after the patch is already live is not the ideal way to go about it. It was never our intent to “hide” or “stealth” this change out, it was simply lost in the volume of other changes spanning many months.

[/ QUOTE ]
This part I am not buying even for a second. It has happened way too much since the begining of the game, [...] a pretty huge change that we should have known about [...]there is absolutely no excuse that something this big gets missed [...] You guys need to do better because this is inexcuseable [...]

[/ QUOTE ]

Whoa. Someone needs to take a stress pill and/or switch to decaf...

Sure, it's unfortunate that a somewhat (but not very) important detail was left out of the initial patch notes, but the problem was rectified within days. What's the problem?

Seems like some people are just plain looking for something to complain about. Take a deep breath. Relax. Walk around the block. Come back, and enjoy the game.


[/ QUOTE ]
The problem is, there was no testing done. It pops on live and the players are told its a bug. Then that message disappears and lo and behold, it is working as intended. Their bug mutated and became a fix. They dont have a clue if it is working properly. We have to do their quality control because it was a big secret. It was, otherwise we would have known to go to test to try it out. They didnt overlook nerfing content hat has been in the game since the beginning.It doesnt have to be a conspiracy. It can be a bad choice by posi, who we all know is infallible.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Fix the god damn tech bug in the RSF (and every elevator/door in the game)

Give villains a katie equivalent, so that they can get recipes in half an hour like the heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]

I keep hearing that villains are doing cap in 20 min. that not good enough?

[/ QUOTE ]
not anymore...can still do it quick but not like that. and the 20 mins is probably just for the first part...w/ last mission it is more around 30 mins but you cannot do that with a team.

[/ QUOTE ]
Thats quicker than katie and you dont fight 10 av's. What do you want them to do, copy cap and give it to heroes and giv kati to vills? 1 30 min df not good enough? People seem to have this fixation on katie. I mean she is hot, but give her a break.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Fix the god damn tech bug in the RSF (and every elevator/door in the game)

Give villains a katie equivalent, so that they can get recipes in half an hour like the heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]

I keep hearing that villains are doing cap in 20 min. that not good enough?

[/ QUOTE ]
not anymore...can still do it quick but not like that. and the 20 mins is probably just for the first part...w/ last mission it is more around 30 mins but you cannot do that with a team.

[/ QUOTE ]
Thats quicker than katie and you dont fight 10 av's. What do you want them to do, copy cap and give it to heroes and giv kati to vills? 1 30 min df not good enough? People seem to have this fixation on katie. I mean she is hot, but give her a break.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, but I've done cap a few times and I've done KHTF a lot... results?

Best time on KHTF = 19 min WITH A FULL TEAM OF 8
Best time on CAP = 27 min SOFT LOADED for one

Mary and her squad are cake when you have 6 blasters rotating their nukes on the spawns. That was the best KHTF I did. Other's averaged around 30 min with 8 man teams.



You give me a Katie villianside and I'll run that puppy so fast with multiple teams you wont have time to blink.



Yeah, once again the devs identify a problem and haul out a sledgehammer to 'fix' it.

A minor annoyance, to be sure, but it IS an annoyance and a detriment to many players who have never soft-loaded a mission.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Katies with AV fights averages around 27-35 min (justice global pugs)
Caps runs not including last mission 20-30 min, last mission vaires but
ussualy over 10 min so Katies is faster.

New rules the katies wont change in time (those are not soft loaded times
and are a team of 8, Caps very likely adding 10-15 minets minimum.

Yes villains don't have a katies after this NERF .
I'll note that quick katies of i9 were WAY to easy,
But this is not that lv of a change its FAR worse
and not because of the Caps SF either (though
it is anoying) its for the other SF's and TF's.
(as noted in MANY other posts im looking at you
posi and shard TF's, and that darn teck in LSF.

I think that this one change will COMPLEATLY end
SF/TF work for the most part, save for katie and a few
die hard TF fans that are loving this change. It makes
the, *shivers* idea of accualy using RMT seem almost
better. *ok now I feel dirty for saying that* But it does
put a HUGE dampner of the "FUN" of the TF's and SF's
were more will end in failure with mobs to great a
size after a couple people leave because of power
outages or the TF taking to long for worker/student
who has work/school to go to.

(this is a QR and please excuse the AWFUL spelling / grammer
its been a long night and ive been drinking a little to much)
(have to love the Valentine's day dinner with the BF )




dunno if anyone said it yet, but won't this make farming EASIER?!

"Cool, i can solo missions meant for 5/6/7/8 people!"

Controllers ftw.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I vote this stealth-nerf that favors RMT farmers to be:

[Censored] of the year!

Any and all spelling, grammar and logic errors are intentional so this post will blend seamlessly into the Internet
Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!



I pretty much have one word for this change...


Poorly thought out, poorly executed, and poorly justified. Shame on you, Devs. SHAME ON YOU.

This is not a change to put in place until you do some MASSIVE adjustments to existing TFs. Horrid horrid horrid. You just slammed the nail in the coffin of most pug TFs.

"A good Defender is the battle hardened Corpsman who will kill a Nazi with a tongue depressor while putting a splint on your leg, then hand you a fresh clip of ammo." ~Jock_Thompson
Repeat Offenders, TNT Profile, My little hero



On second thought, changing my position over the team aspect of TFs/SFs, no I dont think this is good even if it fixes people handling TF's Solo. Whats wrong with that? Some people don't have a regular SG crew, and most Pugs will not play a TF an hour at a time. If a player wants a chance a Pool C drop, and mind you most times its not a good drop, now they have no choice but be subject to the whims or other players. The most solid block of time I have to play is at night, 12am on and usually both work days. Its hard finding people who would want to play through a TF. Its hard enough at times getting people to just start it as fillers. Yes some of them I can still do Solo but now the time commitment has shot up.

To have such a change happen and announce it afterwards is a diservice. Things get lost in the shuffle so it can be forgiven, but something like this should have shown up on test first.

Add all that and the fact now that players who do this legit may also be penalized because some teamates decide to drop when it might get difficult or long. Now all you will have is people doing the short TFs more and more while only hungry badgers and story nuts do the longer ones, and now harder because the player base is thinned out by the ones doing the shorter ones.

Lastly how does this benifit anything? Keeping people from Farming Recipes? Its still going to happen, especially by the RMT who will create diedicated, specialized teams just for that purpose. The villain market will most likely suffer, even with it already being weaker, and in the end it will not change how broken Pool C drops are anyways, with rewards coming that that specific player cant even use (Confuse drops for Kheldians? Thanks for the hours Positron TF).

This was a lousy fix...



Fix the god damn tech bug in the RSF (and every elevator/door in the game)

Give villains a katie equivalent, so that they can get recipes in half an hour like the heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]

I keep hearing that villains are doing cap in 20 min. that not good enough?

[/ QUOTE ]
not anymore...can still do it quick but not like that. and the 20 mins is probably just for the first part...w/ last mission it is more around 30 mins but you cannot do that with a team.

[/ QUOTE ]
Thats quicker than katie and you dont fight 10 av's. What do you want them to do, copy cap and give it to heroes and giv kati to vills? 1 30 min df not good enough? People seem to have this fixation on katie. I mean she is hot, but give her a break.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, but I've done cap a few times and I've done KHTF a lot... results?

Best time on KHTF = 19 min WITH A FULL TEAM OF 8
Best time on CAP = 27 min SOFT LOADED for one

Mary and her squad are cake when you have 6 blasters rotating their nukes on the spawns. That was the best KHTF I did. Other's averaged around 30 min with 8 man teams.

[/ QUOTE ]
you still can only do 1 every 3 hours.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Fix the god damn tech bug in the RSF (and every elevator/door in the game)

Give villains a katie equivalent, so that they can get recipes in half an hour like the heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]

I keep hearing that villains are doing cap in 20 min. that not good enough?

[/ QUOTE ]
not anymore...can still do it quick but not like that. and the 20 mins is probably just for the first part...w/ last mission it is more around 30 mins but you cannot do that with a team.

[/ QUOTE ]
Thats quicker than katie and you dont fight 10 av's. What do you want them to do, copy cap and give it to heroes and giv kati to vills? 1 30 min df not good enough? People seem to have this fixation on katie. I mean she is hot, but give her a break.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, but I've done cap a few times and I've done KHTF a lot... results?

Best time on KHTF = 19 min WITH A FULL TEAM OF 8
Best time on CAP = 27 min SOFT LOADED for one

Mary and her squad are cake when you have 6 blasters rotating their nukes on the spawns. That was the best KHTF I did. Other's averaged around 30 min with 8 man teams.

[/ QUOTE ]
you still can only do 1 every 3 hours.

[/ QUOTE ]

Most people have more than one character.







Fix the god damn tech bug in the RSF (and every elevator/door in the game)

Give villains a katie equivalent, so that they can get recipes in half an hour like the heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]

I keep hearing that villains are doing cap in 20 min. that not good enough?

[/ QUOTE ]
not anymore...can still do it quick but not like that. and the 20 mins is probably just for the first part...w/ last mission it is more around 30 mins but you cannot do that with a team.

[/ QUOTE ]
Thats quicker than katie and you dont fight 10 av's. What do you want them to do, copy cap and give it to heroes and giv kati to vills? 1 30 min df not good enough? People seem to have this fixation on katie. I mean she is hot, but give her a break.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, but I've done cap a few times and I've done KHTF a lot... results?

Best time on KHTF = 19 min WITH A FULL TEAM OF 8
Best time on CAP = 27 min SOFT LOADED for one

Mary and her squad are cake when you have 6 blasters rotating their nukes on the spawns. That was the best KHTF I did. Other's averaged around 30 min with 8 man teams.

[/ QUOTE ]
you still can only do 1 every 3 hours.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can easily run two KHTF's in an hour. I just won't accept the second reward until 3 hours later. And as someone else said, multiple chars.



Wow, so they alter the game to work as they intended, and everyone complains?

People, we're starting to sound like the WoW forums here. :/



I vote this stealth-nerf that favors RMT farmers to be:

[Censored] of the year!

[/ QUOTE ]

...right when $$ on the best recipes was set to inflate by LEAPS and BOUNDS, they go and do this on top of it without removing those crappy Mez/Snipe recipes from Pool-C first. I give it 2 weeks before the INF-farmers find ways to farm the hell out of this and the better recipes all start costing over 100 million each.

Such epic LoLz.
It's like Positron is intentionally GIVING me the noose to hang him with on this issue...I love it



Seems incredibly "from the hip" for a solution to "softloading" or "farming" or whatever the specific "problem" was.

For me, taking on a 8 man spawn solo is totally do able on a few of my toons. Taking on an 8 man spawn duo or trio is do able on almost every one of my toons. /hubris 1 (IE: the minority)

For my sister, wife, SG mates and pretty much all in-game friends, taking on a 8 man spawn with 8 people is probably about 1 in 3 chance of a team wipe. (IE: the majority)

Do they not want a majority of folks to be able to finish some of these god awful "8 people to start" TF? Guess I'll have to slog through the thread and see how they address loss of team members due to attrition and time... but who am I kidding? Just let the "TF farmers" continue to farm the TF drops and I'll continue to "behemoth farm" and buy them. Win/Win!

Edit: The timing on this, with a community that was ever so slowly turning back to the Dev love of the days of yore was really bad. Nothing like picking someone up just to knock 'em down again I guess?