Discussion: Changes to Task/Strike Force Missions




No hey this change is cool. I really enjoyed doing LGTF with 6 people (sometimes 5 cause the kin would go afk) spawned for 8. It was really good inf, which is weird cause I thought this is why things were changed.

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!




So they are going to farm 5 minnions & 2 Lts per mob in which the TF caps at what, lvl 40?


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Yep. That drops high arcane and drops inf as their real level, just like working out debt does while malefactored. All they lose is purples, which is inconvenient, but...

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And gain NOTHING!!!

Ok case in point... farming that single mish of Ice Minstral.

That'll cap them at lvl 40, spawned for a 4 man team, no Purples, no lvl 50 Recipies, and since they arent completing a TF, no Pool C Drops. The ONLY benefit is taht they wont have to pad their mish temporarily

Compare that to what they are doing now:

They have to pad, the single down side. They get Purple Drops, they get lvl 50 Recipies, they can spawn a map for 6 man spawn size. But BEST of all... they can freely choose who they wish to face. So they can continue to fight the week pathetic Family if they wish.


I just spelled it out for all of you... the ONLY thing that they gain is the lack of needing to pad, but they ultimately loose out on sooo much more.



Guys, we need to figure out a way to exploit the game that involves the RSF tech, toggle debuffs, vill patrons, other QoL issues, and anything else we feel needs to be fixed, then people need to complain about how they relate to RMT, THEN they might get fixed.



Positron's TF shouldn't be affected much.

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Other than I know that I won't ever plan to do Posi's TF ever again, since that is a TF I would much rather solo than try to take a team along on for a ride against the three most annoying villain groups of the first 15 levels of the game.

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They could give Posi the long-awaited redo before this as well. Even with a good team it's way too long. Letting one person solo and come back for badge was the most reasonable way to finish.

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I can agree with this. I'll add the Shadow Shard TFs to that list though...



Positron's TF shouldn't be affected much.

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Other than I know that I won't ever plan to do Posi's TF ever again, since that is a TF I would much rather solo than try to take a team along on for a ride against the three most annoying villain groups of the first 15 levels of the game.

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They could give Posi the long-awaited redo before this as well. Even with a good team it's way too long. Letting one person solo and come back for badge was the most reasonable way to finish.

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I can agree with this. I'll add the Shadow Shard TFs to that list though...

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I completely agree with this & fully expect it in the relatively near future (heck may even be part of I12)



Guys, we need to figure out a way to exploit the game that involves the RSF tech, toggle debuffs, vill patrons, other QoL issues, and anything else we feel needs to be fixed, then people need to complain about how they relate to RMT, THEN they might get fixed.

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best plan ever

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Whether or not this helps farmers depends on what missions are found effective and what kinds of salvage drops are or will be in demand - who knows yet? Give them time, they’ll figure something out. It doesn't matter anyway because it'll drive up the already insane prices of some of these TF recipe drops if less people are running them.

Higher prices = higher demand for inf = RMT farmers win.

It's really becoming a deterrent to me to play and level more toons when I know I simply cannot give them the builds I want. Maybe people are supposed to crave the impossible-to-get phat loot. Maybe it’s the new business model to force players to farm and reset missions endlessly if they want to afford the good stuff. Maybe farming is the elusive “endgame content” they’ve been looking for.

Come on, Devs, you guys made the in-game economy. Make it work and people won’t want to cheat the system.



Sorry I don't buy it that this wasn't intended to be stealthed in. Far far FAR too many things have been changed in the game and we've heard the party line 'oh yeah.. that somehow slipped past the patch notes' too many times.

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]




2. Reduce the minimum number of players required for a TF or SF to a maximum of six. Only exception: STF and LRSF, since they are meant to be endgame challenges and "hardcore".

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Just to quickly touch on this (since I'm on the Training Room with the Wedding Event, but reading here too) - most Task Forces and Strike Forces have a requirement of 4. I was looking over documentation on the list of SF/TF.

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let's walk through this together.

Posi: 3.
Synapse: 4.
Sis: 5.
Cit: 6.
Manti: 7.
Numina: 4.
Q: 8.
Sara: 8.
Augustine: 8.
Faathim: 8.
STF: 8.
LRSF: 8.
Cap, mantis, renault, mistral: all 4.
LGTF: 8.

The average is higher than 4.

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Just went to red tomax and looked em up. The average for all hero side is 6.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
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You are in a maze of twisty little passages



"Who you are making it hard on is people who enjoy SOLOING, who enjoy CASUAL game play or those that enjoy PVP and want the accolades."

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I call BS on this statement. TFs and SFs have always been intended to be done as a team. That means not solo. If you can't manage to solo them then find a team.

The funny part is certian players are still going to manage to solo some of these.

Solo players have 98% of the rest of the game to solo with. So no sympathy here.

I also find it hard top believe that this is going to effect casual players to much. Either they have the time to do these or they don't.

All this angst is because people will have to take more time to get thier shiney from the Cap SF.

Boo Hoo.


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I don't call BS on it since I said it. If I want to team I will, HOWEVER if I feel like not teaming, I won't. This change was made to make it so I have to. I'd rather personally run a Hess TF solo myself. I find it 1. enjoyable, 2. oh yeah enjoyable and 3. rewarding. I do the entire thing, I load in my accts and bam I get the rewards. And since not all of the rewards are IMO taskforceworthy (cuz yeah...I really need that 17,000th "Sting of the manticore" or yet another "Trap of the Hunter"), I am always hoping that ONE out of the FIVE get something I either need or can sell.

As long as I'm not breaking the EULA when I play, I see no reason to penalize me for how I play OR for the devs to tell me how to play. I'm a paying customer, I expect to be treated as such.

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When we are talking about TFs and SFs we are talking about 2% if not less of the content in this game that is intended for teaming.

I suggest step up you game then and overcome the new challenge solo or do the TFs/SFs when you do feel like teaming.

This is about the time it takes to get to the shiney at the end, not the teaming experiance, its about keeping all the loot for yourself.

I have no sympathy for this and I'm glad they made this change.

And since not all of the rewards are IMO taskforceworthy (cuz yeah...I really need that 17,000th "Sting of the manticore" or yet another "Trap of the Hunter"),

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This is the only statement I agree with.

In a few weeks all this angst will blow over just like the Katie angst did, and people will adapt to the change and people will continue to do the SFs/TFs to get the shiney at the end as efficiantly as they can within the given perameters.


AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)




How is this a bad thing? Especially since I wont get any more "will you anchor" requests

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Since you're the one focusing on RMT, do you realize that most of them have at least three accounts? I know of one with six .

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You know an RMT farmer that has six accounts and haven't reported him?

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious




The reason it's bad in the limit is that they become the ones least affected by this change. The logic goes: slower/longer TF for more folks = higher prices for desirable pool C drops = more RMT business since they can still make large amounts of inf.

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Ppl are saying that RMTers are going to exploit this TF change...

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I didn't. When I said 'boon to farmers' I didn't say anything about RMT. If you want to create the straw man argument that everyone in this thread that is talking about farming problems caused by minimum loads is solely focused on RMT, then I guess you just might win against that false premise. Score one for you!

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Higher prices = higher demand for inf = RMT farmers win.

It's really becoming a deterrent to me to play and level more toons when I know I simply cannot give them the builds I want. Maybe people are supposed to crave the impossible-to-get phat loot. Maybe it’s the new business model to force players to farm and reset missions endlessly if they want to afford the good stuff. Maybe farming is the elusive “endgame content” they’ve been looking for.

Come on, Devs, you guys made the in-game economy. Make it work and people won’t want to cheat the system.

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Im all good with having TF/SF remaining team content requiring a specific amount of players.

However, please devs consider lowering the minimum team requirement for doing all the TF/SF in the game. I could live with a minimal requirement of 4 players. Content that require at least 7-8 players really is over the top especially if people drop or leave during it. It might even scare away players. Some wont even want to join and try the content because theyll be worried about wasting their time if some unreliable players decide to leave during TF.

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




Thank God, it's about time.

It's about time the devs finally listen to the constant stream of players asking for more forced teaming. I can hardly read a single page on these forums without someone complaining that there's not enough forced teaming. Heck, more forced teaming is pretty much the only topic ever discussed on the defender board. So this is a good step in the right direction.

Also, nothing tears me up more than people not playing the game the same way I want them to play it. I keep a little rag next to my laptop, so I can wring it with worry every time I think about someone, somewhere, possibly softloading a Task Force. Katie Hannon runs, softloading -- or, egad, softloading a Katie Hannon run! -- it's the end of the game as I know it, and I'm glad it's finally been stopped.



What happens when you begin with the bare minimum and then several team mates need to quit?

This change prevents casual players from organzing Task forces and strike forces, especially Villainside where subscriptions are dwindling and reducing the player pool already.

The late explanation is superficial and hardly persuasive. Villainside Cap Au Diable SF was farmed because the redside market is anemic compared to the blueside market. This change will only increase this large gap. Clearly NCSoft is making changes to keep the game interesting by preventing easy recipes, but what will you do when the market has so few?

I'm tempted to think that NCSoft is attemtping to manage serversize by making CoV uninhabitable.

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Quoted for Extreme Hyberbolic Ignorance

Most of the people I see complaining here are the ones that used soft loading to then run Multi Cap SFs.

This is just like the Katie nerf it just adds about 10 more minutes onto the SF run.

You all need to change your pampers.


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If this was a change JUST to the Cap SF, then fine. This change is GLOBAL to ALL TF's. HUGE difference.

Plus it flies completely in the face of the devs "risk vs reward" mantra. (If you have a 6 person TF, and lose 3, your risk is now greater than your reward)

It also severely penalizes PUG's, and the fact that some TF's were DESIGNED to be multiple-session events.



Furthermore, Task Forces Recipes really need to be looked at and you might consider having these rewards dropping in game some other way or at least let the players make a "choice" upon TF completion. Garanteeing players to get a recipe they CAN use really wouldnt hurt the game IMHO.

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.





The reason it's bad in the limit is that they become the ones least affected by this change. The logic goes: slower/longer TF for more folks = higher prices for desirable pool C drops = more RMT business since they can still make large amounts of inf.

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Ppl are saying that RMTers are going to exploit this TF change...

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I didn't. When I said 'boon to farmers' I didn't say anything about RMT. If you want to create the straw man argument that everyone in this thread that is talking about farming problems caused by minimum loads is solely focused on RMT, then I guess you just might win against that false premise. Score one for you!

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Where did I say "everyone in this thread" is saying that. I said "Ppl" as in "People" not Everyone. But look closely, because there clearly are ppl in this thread who are & were saying that RMTers are going to exploit this change.

Nice try though

Oh, and once more... No, simply No. RMT Farmers are Not going to be exploiting this change.



Two accounts. Fire/Kin Controller (or possibly a Fire/Ice Tank) doing the damage, an Empath buffbot on Follow providing constant Clear Mind or Fortitude.

For a solo squishy? Ya not so good. For someone with Mez protection with a buffer providing even more? Not that big a deal.

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So now it takes 2 ppl to farm (thats 2 paid for accounts as far as NCSoft is concerned)...

How is this a bad thing? Especially since I wont get any more "will you anchor" requests

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Sure you will. anywhere in pi. hey didnt eliminate old types of farming, just added new ones.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages




The reason it's bad in the limit is that they become the ones least affected by this change. The logic goes: slower/longer TF for more folks = higher prices for desirable pool C drops = more RMT business since they can still make large amounts of inf.

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Ppl are saying that RMTers are going to exploit this TF change... No... simply No. They will not be using this feature. The Bosses spawned will discourage them. The Infl / Hour ratio will not work out in their favor.

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If fewer people run he tf's, there will be fewer dops. Fewer drops = higher prices. Higher prices encourages people to buy inf. RMT's win.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages




The reason it's bad in the limit is that they become the ones least affected by this change. The logic goes: slower/longer TF for more folks = higher prices for desirable pool C drops = more RMT business since they can still make large amounts of inf.

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Ppl are saying that RMTers are going to exploit this TF change... No... simply No. They will not be using this feature. The Bosses spawned will discourage them. The Infl / Hour ratio will not work out in their favor.

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If fewer people run he tf's, there will be fewer dops. Fewer drops = higher prices. Higher prices encourages people to buy inf. RMT's win.

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Because you MUST be IO'd out... and soley with Pool C Drops... True Story




Plus it flies completely in the face of the devs "risk vs reward" mantra. (If you have a 6 person TF, and lose 3, your risk is now greater than your reward)

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This is a problem that can be solved.


It also severely penalizes PUG's, and the fact that some TF's were DESIGNED to be multiple-session events.

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Then players need to be more flexible with thier time then. I understand what your saying but a rollback isn't the solution.

The solution is quoted below and I support any effort to get this done.

Celestial Fury Wrote: [ QUOTE ]
However, please devs consider lowering the minimum team requirement for doing all the TF/SF in the game. I could live with a minimal requirement of 4 players. Content that require at least 7-8 players really is over the top especially if people drop or leave during it. It might even scare away players. Some wont even want to join and try the content because theyll be worried about wasting their time if some unreliable players decide to leave during TF.

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AE Arc: 305214 Blood Diamonds (Villainous)




All you need is one map out of all those TFs that will spawn CoT and you're set. I don't run the TFs often enough to have all the maps memorized,

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Clearly, because if you had run more TFs you'd know taht you'd STILL get 2-3 Death Mages per mob regardless.

I'll ask once more... Which TF are you all refering too?

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Clearly you sir are a foogin newb afraid of Death mages.. * cough cough* 3 tf's were listed and also 5 people responded to your dumb " death mages " are a deterrant idea.

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Which 3 TFs? Please relist

RMT Farmers will NOT fight Death Mages...

1) too risky

2) take too long to defeat

3) the infleunce / hour ratio doesnt work to their benefit

Ofcourse I learned along time ago that those who immediately jump to personal attacks generally know that they are in the wrong

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Really? Who would have originally thought that a CONTROLLER (fire/kin) could SOLO groups set for 6? EASILY?

Not to mention they wouldn't have to deal with bosses anyway on a TF set for 4. So what if they aren't lvl 50 mobs. They're still getting inf (double inf btw since they're exemped) and ARCANE SALVAGE. Farmable? Um....DUH! Of course!

What farmer wouldn't want the ability to farm large mobs without having to have fillers?



I congratulate you on this clever and timely change.

There is of course another exploit. And note that I'm using the word exploit, so this is clearly top priority.

Sometimes a person will invite people to a TF / SF, and then kick them later. And this is, um, griefing. Yeah, that's it, griefing! Terrible terrible griefing. It must be stopped.

So what you must do to fix this exploit, is make it so that one person alone can start a TF, but it still spawns for 3-8 like it otherwise would.

You know. To stop the griefing exploit RMT terrorist farmer conspiracy.




So they are going to farm 5 minnions & 2 Lts per mob in which the TF caps at what, lvl 40?


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Yep. That drops high arcane and drops inf as their real level, just like working out debt does while malefactored. All they lose is purples, which is inconvenient, but...

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And gain NOTHING!!!

Ok case in point... farming that single mish of Ice Minstral.

That'll cap them at lvl 40, spawned for a 4 man team, no Purples, no lvl 50 Recipies, and since they arent completing a TF, no Pool C Drops. The ONLY benefit is taht they wont have to pad their mish temporarily

Compare that to what they are doing now:

They have to pad, the single down side. They get Purple Drops, they get lvl 50 Recipies, they can spawn a map for 6 man spawn size. But BEST of all... they can freely choose who they wish to face. So they can continue to fight the week pathetic Family if they wish.


I just spelled it out for all of you... the ONLY thing that they gain is the lack of needing to pad, but they ultimately loose out on sooo much more.

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You think Rmt farmers are so dumb they dont know how to sell salvage,Tremere? Especially given the various farming missions decreases the game received over all to balance the xp curve that really isnt a boost at all