Discussion - Epic Badges.




I'll agree that the debt badges are pretty much "right" in terms of when they are achieved.

Even with all the Rikti fighting in Issue 10, I think the mez badges are slightly to the high side. It would take a long time (post 50) to get during normal character development even for the third "normal" badge, for instance.

Sidekicking is a tricky one. What we had when Issue 5 was released was as obscene as the Empath badge was (something like 3,000 hours, or about 6 level 50s devoted to mentoring, if I recall correctly). I really do not want to put the badges out of reach, but maybe a slight increase might be in order.

The 1,000 pillbox badge is just plain ugly. Even the 250 Heavy badge is annoying.
Maybe the pillbox and heavy badges should be 25, 50, 100, and have new "epic" badges at 200, 400, 600.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Ok, Epic badges, my purely personal take:

Fabricator is my personal guideline on what an epic badge should be, honestly: I had it in 14 days after I9 launched; I was the third verified with it on Badge-Hunter. It tops the progression for that category of badges. It takes quite a bit of time to get; but you can spread it out and have it not be too bad, or you can power through it. You would probably never get it in casual play but working on it isn't _that_ bad. My only real problem is no progress bar.

Mez: I'm honestly not sure where to file these. They're almost trivially easy to farm but I would be surpised to see anybody get even the third through normal play. They're probably pretty close to right considering earning all six is a bit of a joke on the badge collectors.

Debt: No real problems with them. I wouldn't mind the last one being a bit higher, given that once you hit 50 there's no reason _not_ to work on them unless you're SK'ing; and even then you can tweak your results with entering or exiting SG mode.

Mentoring: I don't think the last one needs to be increased; this one more than any will naturally vary a lot depending on your play style. I know some people who are desparate to get the last few; but I have an alt who had all 6 by 32 without ever delibirately trying for them, much less trying to farm them. I would look into the levels for the other 5; as near as I can tell the requrements for each successive badge get progressively EASIER, not harder. The first one in particular is long for a first badge in a long sequence.

Healing: I've got no problem with the first several; I was more than half-way to the 4th on my Bots/Poison MM before I ever heard of farming it. I think, given how much I still play that alt, that I would be well on my way to the 5th if I hadn't been farming it. I could deal with 25 for the 5th and 50 for the 6th just fine; even double might not be too crazy. 1 Billion is just nuts, as others have quite clearly explained. (And I look forward to earning Empath through AFK farming so I can post my statement that I would not be upset or find my accomplishment diminished if they dropped the requirement for others. )

Damage: The epics mostly prove that either a) you play badly; or b) you can stand around AFK a long time. Even tankers have mitigations of various sorts that make earning these in real play unlikely at best. The Accolade/Dull Pain bug is a big problem here.

Influence/ Infamy: I personally think the numbers for the last two are too high; but not by an order of magnitude like the healing or possibly even the damage badges. They are, as has been pointed out, the ones you would get in actual play. I would personally drop them somewhat; but I don't think I would want the last one to go below 500M; and I wouldn't have a problem with a Billion for #6 and either 250 or 500 M for #5. The whole SG tax is a completely separate issue; but I would deal with that by crediting for inf earned before awarding prestige or some other workaround rather than dropping the requrements that much. (And unlike some of the other badges, I can accept as valid the argument that dropping the requrements would not be fair to the people who already have them. I'm not sure the argument is _sufficent_, but it's valid.)

Probably a longer post than you wanted; but since the thread was still polite I figured it was a good time to figure where I stood and post it.



Not caring how long posts are, as long as they stay polite .

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



<-- still working on the epic cookie eating badge.

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Farming with your avitar! Haxx0rzz!!

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform




I think all badges should be left alone. In fact, I think they need to create a new class of badges called "Mythical" Badges.

For example,

Incarnate of Asclepius - 1 Billion points of damage healed to player characters only; must have healed at least 1000 unique player controlled entities

Create several more like "Incarnate of Ares", etc. That way, we can finally learn who is the TRUE badge-hunter. Make the number of points needed to get the badge so high that literally trying to finish even one of these badges would preclude the character from doing just about anything else.

Put it out there. Then reward the first person who completes it with a mention on the boards and in game spam.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



You're a bad man, Geko




You're a bad man, Geko


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Think about how cool it would be if you (and not Beef Cake ) were the first one to earn one.

Of course, this would be after you made it past the competency trial and were allowed out of the mental health institution. But it would still be cool.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.




I think all badges should be left alone. In fact, I think they need to create a new class of badges called "Mythical" Badges.

For example,

Incarnate of Asclepius - 1 Billion points of damage healed to player characters only; must have healed at least 1000 unique player controlled entities

Create several more like "Incarnate of Ares", etc. That way, we can finally learn who is the TRUE badge-hunter. Make the number of points needed to get the badge so high that literally trying to finish even one of these badges would preclude the character from doing just about anything else.

Put it out there. Then reward the first person who completes it with a mention on the boards and in game spam.

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I've already thought of a way to game that Asclepius one.




I think all badges should be left alone. In fact, I think they need to create a new class of badges called "Mythical" Badges.

For example,

Incarnate of Asclepius - 1 Billion points of damage healed to player characters only; must have healed at least 1000 unique player controlled entities

Create several more like "Incarnate of Ares", etc. That way, we can finally learn who is the TRUE badge-hunter. Make the number of points needed to get the badge so high that literally trying to finish even one of these badges would preclude the character from doing just about anything else.

Put it out there. Then reward the first person who completes it with a mention on the boards and in game spam.

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I've already thought of a way to game that Asclepius one.

[/ QUOTE ]


Make a distributive requirement. You get nothing if any one entity receive more than 5% of the healing!

Require than the character cannot have earned more than .01% of the healing credit in one unique playspace.

Close any and all loopholes. Make the badge for healing ONLY players, ONLY during normal play and require that you find at least 20 different characters to heal for 50 million Health.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.




I think all badges should be left alone. In fact, I think they need to create a new class of badges called "Mythical" Badges.

For example,

Incarnate of Asclepius - 1 Billion points of damage healed to player characters only; must have healed at least 1000 unique player controlled entities

Create several more like "Incarnate of Ares", etc. That way, we can finally learn who is the TRUE badge-hunter. Make the number of points needed to get the badge so high that literally trying to finish even one of these badges would preclude the character from doing just about anything else.

Put it out there. Then reward the first person who completes it with a mention on the boards and in game spam.

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I've already thought of a way to game that Asclepius one.

[/ QUOTE ]


Make a distributive requirement. You get nothing if any one entity receive more than 5% of the healing!

Require than the character cannot have earned more than .01% of the healing credit in one unique playspace.

Close any and all loopholes. Make the badge for healing ONLY players, ONLY during normal play and require that you find at least 20 different characters to heal for 50 million Health.

[/ QUOTE ]

Still gameable, just needs a little bit more time.

Define whatcha mean by "playspace". Is it per login, per zone, per mission, etc?



Geko, out of the pool and start a "discussion" somewhere else. We really need this to be flame free.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Geko, out of the pool and start a "discussion" somewhere else. We really need this to be flame free.

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't flame anyone and I'm entitled to post my opinion anywhere on the boards. You know that.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Geko, out of the pool and start a "discussion" somewhere else. We really need this to be flame free.

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I didn't flame anyone and I'm entitled to post my opinion anywhere on the boards. You know that.

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Neither did I.

For the most part, I took EG's posts more along the lines of exasperation funneh. That, and I was just stating, anything along those lines would be gameable. It might be "time-consuming" but things would still be gameable.



Geko, out of the pool and start a "discussion" somewhere else. We really need this to be flame free.

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I didn't flame anyone and I'm entitled to post my opinion anywhere on the boards. You know that.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, but we both know that you have a twisted sense of fun, and like tweaking things you think are stagnant. I was hoping to keep this particular topic on a serious note, though.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I don't mind the epic badges so much, to each their own.

The 10,000,000 damage for Born in Battle is very irritating, however. It was a pain getting that before level 30 on my pvp villains...so I sincerely hope the Developers don't foist such a requirement on any other accolades in the future.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I think it's about time that all the epic badges get looked at.



I think it's about time that all the epic badges get looked at.

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I agree. The money badges I'm ok with since we have a market and IO's now hence the need for constant in game funds, but the Epic Heal and Damage badge should be reevaluated, and this is coming from someone with an Immortal Mastermind. I would NOT feel cheated at all if the Epic requirements were cut down some.

And please activate the tracking meters for Artisian thru Fabricator.



I think it's about time that all the epic badges get looked at.

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If you see me running, well, you know I've done something stupid again. Self preservation means you should be running as well.



The money badges should allow the sale of items on the Market by now though. They will be easier to get, but it makes more sense.



I don't think so - you've already got the items sold badges.





If you see me running, well, you know I've done something stupid again. Self preservation means you should be running as well.



I would like a change to the Villain accolade requirements, at least... farming for epic damage is annoying to just get one of the accolades. I'd have much less problem with it if it were more like Empath. Way out there, but not needed for anything else.




Actually the damage badge for the villain accolade is not an epic badge (anymore). 10 million hitpoints is the last of the regular damage badges.

The High Pain Threshold Accolade does require an Epic Badge: the 1st Epic Debt Badge.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Hey, I've barely got the 500k damage badge on my Mastermind...






The money badges should allow the sale of items on the Market by now though. They will be easier to get, but it makes more sense.

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Be way to easy to farm out the money badges that way. We have badges for items sold now instead.

Ah well back to money badge grinding....