Discussion - Epic Badges.




A while back I said I would support lowering the requirements if they could legitamately close the loopholes. If they can't, then I would rather they did nothing for pretty much the reasons you gave.



A while back I said I would support lowering the requirements if they could legitamately close the loopholes. If they can't, then I would rather they did nothing for pretty much the reasons you gave.

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Perhaps you could call out the piece where you explain why it matters how much someone farms?
If farming is possible, is it somehow a different achievement if they're farming 100 million instead of 25 million?



Empath is a little tricky since its the only epic badge where the only way for most ATs to get it is by doing something that has not much to do with the badge. I agree that its likely that whoever came up with the requirement did so without really thinking about it and so I think it has the most legitamate argument for change.

Having said that, my own opinion is that it shouldn't. Why 100 million instead of 25 million? Because even if an epic badge is awarded for basically doing nothing it should be awarded for doing a whole lotta nothing. My opinion is that an epic badge needs to feel huge. A badge for nine months of leaving my computer on is a goodly amount of big. The roughly two months of doing it for 25 million, not big enough. All of this is my opinion and as such is worth as near to nothing as yours or anyone else's. Now if a dev comes out and says, look we're sorry we messed this one up and changes it I'll try real hard to not throw myself off a cliff. Or, ideally, if they make gladiator and pet healing (to counteract lava baths) not count toward the badge, knock the number way down to where an actual empath could get the badge in a year or two of post 50 play and make the badge mean something, that would be fantastic.

If this is going to be changed it will probably ostensibly be as a reaction to a change in game play and not because the people have been clamoring for it. Most badges that were changed that I can remember could be traced to some other change that gave the devs an excuse to make the change, RV isolater being one (of many I'm guessing) exception. Zookeeper's change coincided with a tank nerf which greatly reduced their monkey herding capabilities. Longbow and OB contaminated were put into zones and stories where they made alot of sense given the themes of new content. My guess is a lowering of the empath requirement will have to have some kind of dev face saving game change to make it "make sense".



Now if a dev comes out and says, look we're sorry we messed this one up and changes it I'll try real hard to not throw myself off a cliff.

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Lets face facts here. Unlike zookeeper, which is part of an accolade, Empath is not needed for anything else.

So your choices are: (A) Try get the requirements changed, or (B) Do meta-gaming to "have them all".

You chose option (B). That this took nine months of your gaming time is no one else's fault.

I guess that is the price for having the badge sooner than the rest of the population.

My guess is a lowering of the empath requirement will have to have some kind of dev face saving game change to make it "make sense".

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They have that already: Enhancement Diversification. This alone cut all heals across the board in half. It doubled the anticipated timeframe to get all healing badges and the damage taken badges as well.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



They have that already: Enhancement Diversification. This alone cut all heals across the board in half. It doubled the anticipated timeframe to get all healing badges and the damage taken badges as well.

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Theoretically, you could argue that ED radically increased the amount of damage people take, reducing the time it takes to get Empath by conventional means from centuries to only decades.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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They have that already: Enhancement Diversification. This alone cut all heals across the board in half. It doubled the anticipated timeframe to get all healing badges and the damage taken badges as well.

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Theoretically, you could argue that ED radically increased the amount of damage people take, reducing the time it takes to get Empath by conventional means from centuries to only decades.

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No, you can't. While people can and do take more damage, it is just more likely to be fatal. The only way you would get an increase is if the recharge times of the healing powers were less than they were before ED. Recharge times didn't get changed with ED.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters




Another strawman. I never said "Remove badges" I said, "Remove epic badges". Why? Because the behavior that people have exhibited towards these badges are unhealthy and worse than anything else I've seen in game including loot.

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Oh plluuuease. Instead of FIXING the Empath badge by putting in requirements that a normal AT can achieve within the reasonable lifespan of the game, you are advocating removing it entirely. That, is precisely the misguided defeatist attitude that I spoke of. You want to, and i quote "remove epic badges" instead of fixing the existing badges. Something more misguided and defeatist I have rarely seen. Heck, if the devs had taken THAT attitude with Blasters, whom they admitted were not performing the way they wanted, they would have removed that AT instead of fixing it instead lol. Sure glad you aren't in charge. In fact, ultra rare phat lewt encourages the same obsessive stupid farming behavior too. Lets remove all epic loot. Pwnt.

The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.



No, you can't. While people can and do take more damage, it is just more likely to be fatal.

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I was mostly kidding, but you cannot argue that people are dying more post ED than before. That would cause a massive drop in player performance, deducible from the issues that blasters were datamined to have. In fact, I believe the devs did say at one time that the one thing ED didn't affect too much was levelling speed. People just downshifted a bit.

Even so, the sweet spot - ED or no ED - for levelling is fighting +3s (mathematically somewhere between +3s and +4s actually, but there's no such thing as a +3.5). Fight anything higher than that, and you are generally taking longer to kill them than the increased XP per kill accounts for. So when the steamroller teams dropped down from +5s and +6s down to +3s, they didn't lose all that much XP/hour ground.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Now if a dev comes out and says, look we're sorry we messed this one up and changes it I'll try real hard to not throw myself off a cliff.

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Lets face facts here. Unlike zookeeper, which is part of an accolade, Empath is not needed for anything else.

So your choices are: (A) Try get the requirements changed, or (B) Do meta-gaming to "have them all".

You chose option (B). That this took nine months of your gaming time is no one else's fault.

I guess that is the price for having the badge sooner than the rest of the population.

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I was trying to funny with my statement. Failed. Came off a little snarkier than I meant.

I am not at all bitter that it took me nine months and it didn't really cut into my gaming time since I only farmed it when I would have been afk anyway. What I should have said is if they end up cutting the requirements for the badge its the one I would understand the most. I may be mildly annoyed the same way I was for zookeeper or OB isolator, but you gotta roll with the punches. If I had known that those badges were going to change when I got them I probably would have got them when I did anyway because I like to get the badges early. That's just personal preference and I understand why some people would feel differently.

My guess is a lowering of the empath requirement will have to have some kind of dev face saving game change to make it "make sense".

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They have that already: Enhancement Diversification. This alone cut all heals across the board in half. It doubled the anticipated timeframe to get all healing badges and the damage taken badges as well.

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Seems a little late for them to use that as an excuse, but they could I guess. I'd be surprised though.



Overall I feel that the Epic damage and Heal badges are the 2 that need to be lowered the most. I'm fine with the Epic Money badges since with the market there will always be things to purchase, etc. hence a need for steady income.

Also I would reiterate my previous idea that 42+month vet rewards could offer you to choose a badge of your choice that your toon doesnt yet have, the limiter being that in order to choose one like Empath you must have the first 5 heal badges. Also you cannot choose an accolade that requires certain component badges, example Born in Battle. Choose a missing component badge to BiB but not BiB itself.

incorporating something like that into the hi level vet rewards, could work.


Epic Badge Recipies get added to the Market. Their cost to buy the recipie is at a Fixed price like that Teleporter to the Market is, but you need:

1. A lot of Ingredients, some of which are rare/pricey
2. A high crafting cost of at least 600,000
3. To craft the Empath badge you still must have the first 5 heal badges, otherwise you just gain the next one in the series.



Not a huge fan of this personally. You should get the badge for what the badge is for IMHO.



Epic Badge Recipies get added to the Market. Their cost to buy the recipie is at a Fixed price like that Teleporter to the Market is, but you need:

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There is a certain logic to doing this when the badge unlocks the reward: in essence, the badge becomes a placeholder that means "earned the reward in some way." There's no specific reason for requiring only one way.

But when the badge exists solely to mark a particular accomplishment, I don't think it makes sense to buy your way out of the accomplishment. Because while I think its perfectly acceptable for the Fusion Generator badge to mean "healed a bunch of stuff, or spend a lot of money, to gain access to this doohicky" I don't think it makes any sense for Empath to mean "healed one billion points of damage, or healed 50 million points of damage and spent some influence."

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



In fact, ultra rare phat lewt encourages the same obsessive stupid farming behavior too. Lets remove all epic loot. Pwnt.

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Except, you don't see anywhere near the same level of obsessive behavior on these boards towards ultra-rares. If so, show me. Where are the dozens of posts screaming about how ultra-rare loot is too hard so make it easier? Because I don't see any.

What I see is people having fun with loot. The OCD people about loot left, thank goodness. And this all ignores the fact that there are game balance reasons why ultra-rares are ultra rare.

Pwnt what? In your imagination maybe, with the people so "obsessed" about loot.

I will say you were right about one thing. Empath isn't meaningless. It's dangerous and destructive. Anything so useless that gets people so worked up and crazy should be removed. Period.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Geko, are we seeing the same people?

I'm not seeing people getting worked up and crazy. Mostly, I'm just seeing people who are irritated that it's going to take a couple of decades to get a badge, and who would like Someone In Charge to please take a look at it, admit it's borked, and fix it, or explain why it shouldn't be fixed (with a really, really good explanation on why it should take a couple of decades).

In my world, irritation doesn't equal worked up and crazy.

The only person, honestly, who I'm seeing get weird about all this.. is you.

Yes, people farm for this badge. They do so by effectively putting a rock on their keyboard and going to bed. Or to play with the puppy. Or to spend time with their spouse. Or to wrap Christmas presents (which I've got to finish doing). Or ...

... or maybe to read forums, which causes much more strange behavior than farming for a badge does. Strange, obsessive behavior, in some people, who occasionally get crabby.

I hope your month gets better. Mine sucks too (except that I got married on Wednesday, which rocked).

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I got married on Wednesday

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Loc: Pacific NorthWet

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Initially I was going to say that you forgot an "s" there, but living near Vancouver, B.C. all my life, I would say that is a fair description of the region from B.C.-Oregon.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I hope your month gets better.

[/ QUOTE ]

This month, both personally and professionally (and recreationally come to mind), has been awesome.

I not sure what you think is "weird" about my argument that the epic badges encourage behavior that is counter productive and thus the badges should be removed. I'm not upset at all. In fact, to be honest, I really don't care what the devs do. I just find this to be an interesting question of MMO design and ethics.

Like Arcana said awhile back, I would never have created this badge (or any of the healing badges) in the first place. But now that they have, if we recognize that there is a problem, then it seems to me that ALL options should be on the table.

What's so crazy about just removing the badge? You remove the badge, then the total badge count goes down by one, a badger doesn't have to concern themselves with it, and it's over.

I ask you, "Why is that not a reasonable and humane response to the problem?"

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Now if a dev comes out and says, look we're sorry we messed this one up and changes it I'll try real hard to not throw myself off a cliff.

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Lets face facts here. Unlike zookeeper, which is part of an accolade, Empath is not needed for anything else.

So your choices are: (A) Try get the requirements changed, or (B) Do meta-gaming to "have them all".

You chose option (B). That this took nine months of your gaming time is no one else's fault.

I guess that is the price for having the badge sooner than the rest of the population.

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There is another option: (C) Recognize that you really, really don't have to "have them all" and just accept that you'll never have Empath.

Because, IMO, that's the best option by far. B is crazy, and probably cheating. A is basically asking the devs to change the rules mid-stream to the detriment of those who did B. And the detriment of the "game" of badging.

I guess this really gets to what badging is supposed to be about. Is it's "Gotta catch em all" or is it, "Wow this hero(villain) did this heroic(dastardly) thing!" I think originally it was supposed to be the latter, but the OCD that MMO gamers exhibit morphed it to the former.

What I would love to see it the devs make badges that are mutually exclusive, or that are exclusive to certain sets. For instance, create a "Swordsmaster" badge (if there isn't one already) that ONLY swords sets can earn by unlocking more sword options. Empath could have been limited to Defenders, Controller, Corrupters and MMs. Things like that.

I think it would be so much better for the game as a whole, if it became completely impossible for one character to have all the badges.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



There is another option: (C) Recognize that you really, really don't have to "have them all" and just accept that you'll never have Empath.

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You mean, C) Lower your standards.
You mean, C) Consider that the Devs bothered coding content you're not intended to use.
You mean, C) Don't bother actually wanting to play and enjoy this game. Leave. Go somewhere else.
Right. Sure. Whatever.

And those EndMod sets that are broken, let's pull that off the known issues list and just tell people they should decide they didn't need to slot for that anyways, there are plenty of other IOs to slot. Oh yeah, let's all start a new campaign about how you don't really want more HP from your rez rings and you should scrap those Robo Surgeons instead of waiting for them to be repaired, you can put plenty of other objects in your base. Got lag in zones? The problem is that you're impatient, not that the game needs optimizing. Stalkers don't have enough HP? Let's forget AT balancing, let peoeple stop playing Stalkers and play more Brutes.

None of those make any sense.



There is another option: (C) Recognize that you really, really don't have to "have them all" and just accept that you'll never have Empath.

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You mean, C) Lower your standards.
You mean, C) Consider that the Devs bothered coding content you're not intended to use.
You mean, C) Don't bother actually wanting to play and enjoy this game. Leave. Go somewhere else.
Right. Sure. Whatever....

None of those make any sense.

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Correct. None of your specious statements above make any sense.

I don't see how it's lowering my standards to accept that the badge requirements are extremely high and that I won't therefore have a badge.

As for coding content that I'm not intended to use, the devs do that all the time. I've not used the rename or server transfer yet. Despite the fact that I whined for it for many years, I've yet to actually make use of the unlimited respecs now available to us. Not everything in the game is going to be things "I'm intended to use." And thank goodness for that.

The last comment is simply petulant. With any MMO you have to find the enjoyment in it that you will and accept that in a game that's intended to appeal to broad groups of people, that there will be things that you don't like in the game. I hate ED, but I still enjoy the game as a whole. Are you really telling me, that giving up on Empath would mean you wouldn't enjoy the game? Is that what you mean?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



(except that I got married on Wednesday, which rocked).

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I don't know you at all... don't recall ever seeing your name before... but...


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- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



I don't see how it's lowering my standards to accept that the badge requirements are extremely high and that I won't therefore have a badge.

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I didn't say that.
I rephrased your suggestion C and made it clear that you're asking the people who are crying over Empath to lower *their* standards and accept they'll never have them all.
I don't care about your standards. and I'm wondering why you're trying to dictate other peoples'.

Maybe, though, your advice can apply to you. Accept that you can't control how others play the game and recognize that you really can't win every argument and find a new thread.

As for coding content that I'm not intended to use, the devs do that all the time. I've not used the rename or server transfer yet. Despite the fact that I whined for it for many years, I've yet to actually make use of the unlimited respecs now available to us. Not everything in the game is going to be things "I'm intended to use." And thank goodness for that.

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BIG difference between coding things you may not want and coding things no one can achieve. If they coded transfers but charged $1,000 for them, it'd be a waste of code because so few people would care. Empath is the same - it's affecting far too few people to be of any use.
This may be a shock, but that comment was not about what you PERSONALLY intend to use. This isn't about you.

The last comment is simply petulant. With any MMO you have to find the enjoyment in it that you will and accept that in a game that's intended to appeal to broad groups of people, that there will be things that you don't like in the game. I hate ED, but I still enjoy the game as a whole. Are you really telling me, that giving up on Empath would mean you wouldn't enjoy the game? Is that what you mean?

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*sigh*. You're still trying to read into this and make it about personal opinions. It's not.
It's about the fact that Empath is far too high and beyond any personal opinion. The decision to want it or not is superceded by the fact that people *can't* get it in rational time.



I have to say again, Geko, that your assumption that trying to get empath constitutes unhealthy behavior is baseless. As someone who has it and knows several people who have it I can say that I have real world proof that it isn't. Until you can give me examples of people who have lost their job, spouse, money whatever I don't see how you can expect anyone to except the argument as valid.

How exactly do you think its unhealthy? If you can be more specific I can be more specific in my refutation.



I think, and this is just a random thought, not trying to make a big deal of it... but I think stuff like the inf badges are WAY more unhealthy than Empath is. Empath is just annoying, but it pretty much requires afk farming. Sure, you COULD sit and watch, but there's not much to do other than chat with the people there with you. So, if anything, Empath encourages you to get off the computer and do other stuff. Sleep. Go outside. Do your job. Be with family. Whatever.

The inf badges, on the other hand, you need to actually play the game to earn them. And it's not casual play, either. Farming, tough enemies, long play hours... it takes a LOT of work to get the epic inf badges in any decent amount of time. It's FAR more likely for someone to be sitting at the computer for an unhealthy length of time working on this type of badge.

Just some food for thought.



From - Snow Globe:
I got married on Wednesday

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Thank you.

Loc: Pacific NorthWet

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Initially I was going to say that you forgot an "s" there, but living near Vancouver, B.C. all my life, I would say that is a fair description of the region from B.C.-Oregon.

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Yeah, no 's' forgotten. It's raining at the moment. I swear I'm growing webbed feet.

From - Zubenelgenubi:
(except that I got married on Wednesday, which rocked).

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I don't know you at all... don't recall ever seeing your name before... but...


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Thank you. We thought so, too. And I'm usually pretty quiet. Also, mostly over in bases, posting-by-proxy for my husband, who had been resisting the forums until now.

From - Geko:

This month, both personally and professionally (and recreationally come to mind), has been awesome.

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That's fantastic. I still hope it gets better, so you can have a stellar one. I hope mine gets better, so that I actually finish at least half my task list. Given that my task list is taller than I am, and I'm nearly 6' tall, you have a much better chance than I do.

Please forgive me if you think I am unfairly trimming heavily critical parts of your post; I am considering the whole thing when replying, however I am mostly quoting for reference. The entirety is, after all, reproduced above.

I not sure what you think is "weird" about my argument that the epic badges encourage behavior that is counter productive

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Regarding the argument that the farming behavior is counter productive, I actually have no particular dispute. I would hesitate to put a "most" on it, but I suspect a considerable number of the badgers on the game would find that farming - as in going and standing in lava pits, sitting in CoT missions on auto-heal with a red crystal, figuring out how to arena-heal, or whatever - is rather counter-productive behavior, if you consider the point of the game to go out and have fun doing something instead of standing around having something done to (or for) you.

That being said, what I do find strange is the... persistence, I suppose, with which you (seem to) insist that the behavior is damaging and / or unhealthy. Again, I hesitate to use the term "most"; however, from what I have observed in the discussions surrounding these badges, the advice is generally to "set up X SITUATION - and then go do something else". As a result, these sorts of situations happen while the player is asleep, or at school / work - the usual things that suffer because of an obsession with a game.

Please note that I am not saying I do not understand what you're looking at in terms of what can be obsessed about. I've seen game obsession happen with several people, on a few different games, where they've become so completely obsessed with a game that they've skipped class and work (one was fired), had their eating and sleeping go awry, and their health in general suffered. Those are rather extreme cases, granted, but I do understand.

I'm not saying that that sort of behavior cannot happen here. It obviously can and will. I am saying that I do not think the way the epic badges are set up (either as is, or with an overhaul) will necessarily lead to that sort of behavior in the majority of people who would normally seek them; I am inclined to believe that it would not promote that sort of behavior in those who are not generally predisposed towards self-destructive, addictive behaviors in the first place.

Anyone who is inclined towards that behavior has other outlets that they can reach for in this game, as well. Off the top of my head, I can think of such things as farming for every purple rare possible (just to have, not to use), soloing every single GM and completing the contact bar for every contact a character gets in the game (I'm not sure if that's even possible blue side). I'm sure that other people could come up with stories of "There was this one guy who..." as well. So, no, I'm not disputing at all that true obsessive behavior in game does happen.

I am, however, wondering why you (apparently) think that these badges, specifically, will or do lead towards these sorts of self-destructive behaviors en masse, when the currently given information indicates that they do not, leading instead to actions that, while not necessarily "fun" within the scope of the game, are profitable yet non-intrusive?

I just find this to be an interesting question of MMO design and ethics.

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See, a general discussion of game design and ethics might be an interesting one to get into. Please don't start it or I'll never get off this darn forum, and I have to go to work. If you do, PM me the link please or I won't find it, because I have to severely curtail how many of these boards I read.

Incidentally, if you haven't heard of a board called "the Forge," let me know. I'll PM you a link. It's more for indy RPG development, but it addresses a lot of design elements. It's not my cup of tea, but you might be interested.

Like Arcana said awhile back, I would never have created this badge (or any of the healing badges) {...now they have so...} that ALL options should be on the table.

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I agree on never having created these badges, most definitely. And I actually have no argument against having all the options on the table. I think you're going to get some, shall we say, vehement discussion regarding some of those options, however.

What's so crazy about just removing the badge? You remove the badge, then the total badge count goes down by one, a badger doesn't have to concern themselves with it, and it's over.

I ask you, "Why is that not a reasonable and humane response to the problem?"

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If no one had ever gotten the badge, ever, I'd be right there with you. And I know life isn't fair, so I'm trying hard to not bring the "It's not fair to the people who've already gotten it or are >< close to getting it" part up. And even worse, it's an interesting question.

However, I face six hours of retail smiling and Oh-Help-Me Christmas Music. Fortunately, I don't have to sell anything, I just have to explain to people that I can't sell them anything (It's Not My Department). Have a better day than that.

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Maybe, though, your advice can apply to you. Accept that you can't control how others play the game and recognize that you really can't win every argument and find a new thread.

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Not trying to "win". I'm having fun. Heck, you guys should thank me. If I did leave the thread, this would be another thread about Empath that would wither and die with badgers crying in their beer about the badge.

I love when people argue with me in threads I started. Great for bumping!

BIG difference between coding things you may not want and coding things no one can achieve. If they coded transfers but charged $1,000 for them, it'd be a waste of code because so few people would care. Empath is the same - it's affecting far too few people to be of any use.

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How is that remotely comparable? Transfers are intended to be available widely. Empath is intended to only be available to a very, very small group of people. If Positron thought it would take 5 years, then that shows that the badge isn't intended to affect more than a very select few.

It's pretty clear to me that Positron never intended for people to "catch em all". Otherwise, why make badges like that?

This may be a shock, but that comment was not about what you PERSONALLY intend to use. This isn't about you.

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Everything is about the EvilGeko. Quiet your insolence against the reptile.

*sigh*. You're still trying to read into this and make it about personal opinions. It's not. It's about the fact that Empath is far too high and beyond any personal opinion. The decision to want it or not is superceded by the fact that people *can't* get it in rational time.

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But it's only your opinion (shared by other I'll admit) that the badge requirements are too high.

And there's an assumption built into that opinion that I don't think is true. That assumption is that the developers intend for it to require a reasonable amount of effort to earn every badge.

I've seen absolutely NO evidence of that at all. In fact, the contrary assumption, that I hold, is almost certainly true. And that is that the devs really don't intend for one person to easily, if at all, have every single badge that exists and certainly not the epic badges.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.