Discussion - Epic Badges.




BIG difference between coding things you may not want and coding things no one can achieve. If they coded transfers but charged $1,000 for them, it'd be a waste of code because so few people would care. Empath is the same - it's affecting far too few people to be of any use.

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How is that remotely comparable? Transfers are intended to be available widely. Empath is intended to only be available to a very, very small group of people.

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Funny, you ask "how" and then immediatly state how.
It'd comparable because I said "if.." *If* transfers had been intended for only a few.
And the point is that Empath SHOULD NOT BE intended only for a very very small few.

Or, at least, it's not CODED for a very small few who heal for 5 years, it's coded either for farmers or for those who heal for insanely huge numbers of (~20) years. Which means, back to my point, it's not serving it's *intended purpose*, since it's not available for "a few years of healing".
If the goal is "about 5 years" then you should be all in favor of the math that's done that shows exacly how much one can be expected to heal in that time, which is a number far lower than Empath's current value.

It's pretty clear to me that Positron never intended for people to "catch em all". Otherwise, why make badges like that?

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Again, this is also not what was coded. Especially not the first batch before Empath even existed. If the Devs really did intend a system where people don't have access to everything, they didn't give us THAT, they gave us a system where certain things are of different levels of inconvenience.
(and really, not the first, nor I expect the last, of such things to be handed to us in a manner that doesn't quite match the design intent. For example, I'm sure last issue didn't intend for level 17s to get purple recipe drops.)



Funny, you ask "how" and then immediatly state how.

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It was a rhetorical question.

And the point is that Empath SHOULD NOT BE intended only for a very very small few.

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I think it should, why shouldn't there be some badges that only a very few people will get? I think that makes those badges special. It's like bug hunter. The devs have to give you that badge. And that's what's so great about it. Not everyone is going to have it.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



And the point is that Empath SHOULD NOT BE intended only for a very very small few.

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I think it should, why shouldn't there be some badges that only a very few people will get? I think that makes those badges special. It's like bug hunter. The devs have to give you that badge. And that's what's so great about it. Not everyone is going to have it.

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But back up a minute here.
Sure, we have a progression of healing badges, just like a number of damage, selling, or mentoring badges. Obviously there's a scale that some are "easy" and some are "hard" and some are "really just for the truely dedicated/obsessed". And one can argue about where those levels should be set.

Empath is,
A) Not actually achievable by that top group within *any* reasonable time without farming,
and B) EASILY and TOO OFTEN achieved by people not in that group at all, namely farmers.
Ergo, Empath is not working correctly.

Before the issue of whether there should BE a category "really just for the truely dedicated/obsessed", the issue is that Empath doesn't *do that*.
Do you at least agree with that?

Then the debate as to how to fix it, and if the fixed Empath should have a "really just for the truely dedicated/obsessed" requirement, and just how high that requirement should be... that's all after the fact that you acknowledge that Empath in its current form needs to be addressed *some how*.




Except, you don't see anywhere near the same level of obsessive behavior on these boards towards ultra-rares.

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LOL look in the mirror and see its Champion. In one particular occasion, I remember someone waving a banner with the Apr-June sub numbers and declaring phat loot a winner, but was embarrassingly silent when the Jul-Sept number showed that people came back to give loot a fair try, then decided that they wanted to be elsewhere. This incidentally was the same someone who fanatically defended just about every post against loot, egging the devs on in every opportunities, but seems to somehow think that the people OCD about loot has left lol. I guess it is true, OCD people are often the last to recognize their own OCD. You reviled and found badge OCD intolerable, but when in fact you aren't that much saintlier than those you denounce. The behavior just comes in a different form.

The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.




Except, you don't see anywhere near the same level of obsessive behavior on these boards towards ultra-rares.

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LOL look in the mirror and see its Champion.

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I don't have one piece of ultra-rare loot. In fact, I've barely played my high level at all. I'm just happy ultra rare loot is THERE! I don't have to have it. Now how is that in any way comparable to the behavior of the people who believe their game is ruined if they don't have Empath?

In one particular occasion, I remember someone waving a banner with the Apr-June sub numbers and declaring phat loot a winner, but was embarrassingly silent when the Jul-Sept number showed that people came back to give loot a fair try, then decided that they wanted to be elsewhere.

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You didn't read closely enough, because I posted all over those threads. Like I said at the time, people came back for loot, but it didn't keep some. Ah well. I still like loot. In your hazy memory of the subject, you forget that I never said that loot was going to bring people to the game. I said it wouldn't hurt the game.

Zen_Concern and other wackos claimed loot would be the death knell of the game. I said they were nuts. And they were. Else, why is CoX in the running for most improved game of 2007?

This incidentally was the same someone who fanatically defended just about every post against loot, egging the devs on in every opportunities, but seems to somehow think that the people OCD about loot has left lol. I guess it is true, OCD people are often the last to recognize their own OCD. You reviled and found badge OCD intolerable, but when in fact you aren't that much saintlier than those you denounce. The behavior just comes in a different form.

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All that proves is how little you actually read the posts. I defend loot as an advancement metric, not because I want it. Let's look as some of the "phat loot" of Inventions.

Numina's Regen/Recovery - I have don't have even one on any of my 15 commonly played characters

LoTG 7.5% Recharge - Same

Hamis - My two oldest characters have a few, my main and first character a lot, but that's over 3.5 years of play.

Ultra-rares - none.

I actually don't mind the epic badges. If people would stop obsessing over them and just play then it wouldn't be such a bad thing.

I have actually displayed NONE of the behaviors people here do about these badges. I have defended leaving loot just as rare as the devs want it to be. Because, if you actually read my post, you'll see one unerring trend. I DON'T CARE IF I [u]PERSONALLY[u] HAVE ANY PARTICULAR PIECE OF LOOT. I just like that loot exists as a reward metric. Likewise, if people would just be happy with badges as an achievement and not get so worked up about "catching them all" I would see no problems.

You're conflating two different concepts in your mind. I'm not saying that everyone who likes badges is exhibiting OCD tendencies. I'm saying that some people take it too far with this need to "have them all".

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.




How long should it take to acquire Empath?

How long for farmers?
How long for non-farmers?

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Wow! I was right, a flame"war" started. Nobody seems willing to compromise either.

Some people want the epic badges to be completely out of reach for all but a few while others want them able to be gotten by all, especially those with powers tailored to certain badges like empath.

Ok so here is a possible compromise.
They could make the badges just in reach of normal, not farming it constantly, play for the archetypes/power sets made for it like defenders and corruptors for empath, and it could still be out of reach of everyone else unless they farm it.

As it is right now, the players who could get this through normal play get it much slower than the farmer. That will always happen really, but it should be achievable in a manageable time for those that don't farm it.

Everyone keeps dancing around the issue of how much time is manageable in normal play. We all have different ideas about that, but there is one inevitable truth; this game will eventually either end or need a massive upgrade at which point there either will be no badges or point to them or progress will be nullified.

If I played an empathy defender for the sake of being compassionate in game I would want that Empath title and be able to use it. How long would you play a character who took 5 years or more of farming healing to get empath? I'm not sure anyone would be "that" compassionate anymore.

They are marks of accomplishment of course, but do you really have to work at it for years to actually "deserve" that title. It doesn't give a power or any other reward. Accolades are the only badge I could see being worthy of years of work like that. I can't see accolades ever being like that either.

Think of it this way. Would you rather work all your life or win the lottery and be set for life? What if you could "compromise" and work until you are 40-50 and be set for the rest of your life? Working all your life sucks, and you would probably get bored without something to do if you won the lottery. You have to experience the slow, tedious and miserable to enjoy the respite from it.

There is always a point of too much and too little. These badges are too much right now, but we can't make them too little. Let's not argue over if they should be too much or not, and start coming up with a good amount they should be.



How long should it take to acquire Empath?

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That is what this discussion is about.

How long for farmers?

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This should not even be a consideration. You should not design a game based on extreme behavior. Heal/arena farms are extreme. They are not playing the game, they are setting the game up to play itself while they are away. Do we really want to encourage this?

How long for non-farmers?

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This is a better question. When the developers encourage play the game improves. With a goal of 25 million for Empath, at 90,000 HP healed/day my suggestion would get the badge in 10 months (about 300 days). Given that those with aid other, that would be 2-5 times as long, but still should be doable in about 5 years, rather than the 30-60 it would take now.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters




You're conflating two different concepts in your mind. I'm not saying that everyone who likes badges is exhibiting OCD tendencies. I'm saying that some people take it too far with this need to "have them all".

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I was going to respond to the rest of your post but that last statement just stuck out too much like a sore thumb to not refute. Did you READ this thread, and in particular the OP? Neither the OP nor I were talking about this "must have them all" thing that is in *your* mind. The OP clearly, exactly and articulately detailed why the REQUIREMENT for Empath is stupid. Don't let your pet peeve, which doesn't exist in the OP, turn this legitimate into a platform to discuss what you want, which is apparently badge OCD. Because if you are going to put a spot light on that, don't be surprised that others will put *your* OCD on the spot light. It matters not whether you have zero, or one, or many purple or rare loot pieces. You and I and just about everyone who frequent the forum know who is the loot champion here even if you don't want to admit it. So, do you want to talk about badge OCD, or whether Empath was designed right or not?

The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.



How long should it take to acquire Empath?

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That is what this discussion is about.

How long for farmers?

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This should not even be a consideration. You should not design a game based on extreme behavior. Heal/arena farms are extreme. They are not playing the game, they are setting the game up to play itself while they are away. Do we really want to encourage this?

How long for non-farmers?

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This is a better question. When the developers encourage play the game improves. With a goal of 25 million for Empath, at 90,000 HP healed/day my suggestion would get the badge in 10 months (about 300 days). Given that those with aid other, that would be 2-5 times as long, but still should be doable in about 5 years, rather than the 30-60 it would take now.

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I am not particularly concerned about encouraging or discouraging farming, with regard to people who enjoy farming.

However, I am concerned about people who dislike farming but farm anyway because they feel they 'have to to get the badge'.

If something can be gotten in 5 years farming, and 25 years not farming, my hope is that only the people who truly enjoy farming will even try for it.

If the thing can be gotten in a year if you don't farm, and 2 months if you do, then MORE people will farm for it.

On the other hand, if the 'farming period' is short enough, then it won't drive people away from the game.

If it can be gotten in 5 years if you don't farm, and 1 year if you do, it won't really change the current situation, IMHO: people that are willing to farm for 5 years are willing to farm for one. I admit it would change so that people would indeed be able to get the badge in 5 years of casual/normal play, and if that's acceptable then fine.

Won't change my personal gameplay either way: I don't have the patience or inclination to farm for anything, in general.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!




You're conflating two different concepts in your mind. I'm not saying that everyone who likes badges is exhibiting OCD tendencies. I'm saying that some people take it too far with this need to "have them all".

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I was going to respond to the rest of your post but that last statement just stuck out too much like a sore thumb to not refute. Did you READ this thread, and in particular the OP? Neither the OP nor I were talking about this "must have them all" thing that is in *your* mind. The OP clearly, exactly and articulately detailed why the REQUIREMENT for Empath is stupid. Don't let your pet peeve, which doesn't exist in the OP, turn this legitimate into a platform to discuss what you want, which is apparently badge OCD. Because if you are going to put a spot light on that, don't be surprised that others will put *your* OCD on the spot light. It matters not whether you have zero, or one, or many purple or rare loot pieces. You and I and just about everyone who frequent the forum know who is the loot champion here even if you don't want to admit it. So, do you want to talk about badge OCD, or whether Empath was designed right or not?

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Couple of concepts to unpack there. First, I am the high priest of loot and I'll never turn from my lady loot. It's the very fact that I have no concern with her fickleness and wait patiently for her caress that I have not exhibited any OCD tendencies at all.

Next, as for Empath and the other epic badges. I bring the general issue of obsessiveness into this discussion, because I see no other reason for anyone to care about Empath or the other epic badges. Seriously, if you aren't obsessive about it, why do you care how long it takes?

If it took 50 years, so what? If it takes months of farming, so what? It's a badge. There are several hundred others to seek. Why is this one so important...unless....I was right all along and this is just a very well veiled attempt to ensure that everyone can "catch 'em all."

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



How long should it take to acquire Empath?

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That is what this discussion is about.

How long for farmers?

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Doesn't this sidestep the foundational question of, "Should everyone be able to acquire Empath?"

I've not seen one argument that addresses that question. Because if the devs never intended for most people to get Empath, then it certainly bears on the remaining questions, wouldn't it?

This should not even be a consideration. You should not design a game based on extreme behavior. Heal/arena farms are extreme. They are not playing the game, they are setting the game up to play itself while they are away. Do we really want to encourage this?

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No. But I take a small issue with how you worded the statement. The devs MUST consider extreme behavior. The fact that they didn't led to the nerfathon of 2005.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



If something can be gotten in 5 years farming, and 25 years not farming, my hope is that only the people who truly enjoy farming will even try for it.

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The problem as it exists right now is that it can be had in about 9 months (sooner if you have multiple accounts, longer if you don't have a "perfect" farm) from farming and over 30 years if you are a dedicated healer (more if only using aid other) to get it. I think a lot of the people disagreeing here clearly do not understand the time scales involved here.

If the thing can be gotten in a year if you don't farm, and 2 months if you do, then MORE people will farm for it.

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Again, you need to take farming completely out of the question. Farming will occur, no matter what. Farming at the level needed for a few weeks is a sign of "I need to get it now", farming for most of a year for one badge is counterproductive.

Won't change my personal gameplay either way: I don't have the patience or inclination to farm for anything, in general.

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Those of us who don't want to farm shouldn't have to feel forced to. Currently the badge is so far out of reach of normal play that to get it through play would likely exceed the game's lifespan several times.

It isn't "got to catch them all". The problem is that it pretty mch at this point is that it is an established fact that the top healing badges are impossible to achieve through play.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Doesn't this sidestep the foundational question of, "Should everyone be able to acquire Empath?"

I've not seen one argument that addresses that question. Because if the devs never intended for most people to get Empath, then it certainly bears on the remaining questions, wouldn't it?

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I am pretty positive in thinking that the developers never intended tanks, blasters, and others with out aid other/healing powers to get the healing badges.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



How long for non-farmers?

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This is a better question. When the developers encourage play the game improves. With a goal of 25 million for Empath, at 90,000 HP healed/day my suggestion would get the badge in 10 months (about 300 days). Given that those with aid other, that would be 2-5 times as long, but still should be doable in about 5 years, rather than the 30-60 it would take now.

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Save me the trouble of digging thru your posts, please...
How did you derive a the 90,000 HP/day as the rate of Maximum Speed Healing?
What did you establish as a per day rate of Full Speed Aid Other?

I agree that a dedicated healer you play multiple times a week should have the last badge in a year, which probably means 10 months at the level 50 rate. We may end up needing to debate what is an average play time per week of a dedicated player. Though I think both the healing per hour from such characters AND the play time could be datamined by the Devs and back-filled into the calculation if they accept the 10 month value by itself.



How long for non-farmers?

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This is a better question. When the developers encourage play the game improves. With a goal of 25 million for Empath, at 90,000 HP healed/day my suggestion would get the badge in 10 months (about 300 days). Given that those with aid other, that would be 2-5 times as long, but still should be doable in about 5 years, rather than the 30-60 it would take now.

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And this is key. Positron actually said in an interview that he figured Empath would take about 5 years. As we now know, that estimate turned out to be utter fantasy. Since that is apparently what was *INTENDED*, the requirement should be adjusted accordingly.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



How long for non-farmers?

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This is a better question. When the developers encourage play the game improves. With a goal of 25 million for Empath, at 90,000 HP healed/day my suggestion would get the badge in 10 months (about 300 days). Given that those with aid other, that would be 2-5 times as long, but still should be doable in about 5 years, rather than the 30-60 it would take now.

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Save me the trouble of digging thru your posts, please...

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Actually I believe the forums ate where I came up with the numbers for the 1st post in this thread.

How did you derive a the 90,000 HP/day as the rate of Maximum Speed Healing?

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Level 50 Illusion/Empathy controller, about 3 hours of play at level 50 with a full team. I think I checked the info booths and got that number. It has been a while though. Well before IOs were introduced.

What did you establish as a per day rate of Full Speed Aid Other?

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Full speed Aid Other was about 100k, healing for the max amount by a non-healer at level 50 (6 times a minute), slotted with 3 ++ Heal SOs and 3 ++ Recharge SOs (no IOs or set bonuses thanks to being done before Issue 8). I think it worked out to 100k/hour, providing you were not interupted. See just how ideal that number is?

I agree that a dedicated healer you play multiple times a week should have the last badge in a year, which probably means 10 months at the level 50 rate. We may end up needing to debate what is an average play time per week of a dedicated player. Though I think both the healing per hour from such characters AND the play time could be datamined by the Devs and back-filled into the calculation if they accept the 10 month value by itself.

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Personally I look forward to the city vault, so that I can see exactly how much I am healing in a hour. Then I will revisit the the original post's calculations and remove the ideal values.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



First, I am the high priest of loot and I'll never turn from my lady loot. It's the very fact that I have no concern with her fickleness and wait patiently for her caress that I have not exhibited any OCD tendencies at all.

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Some people refuse to acknowledge that they are OCD about badges, while some refuse to acknowledge they are OCD about other things. Funny thing is, those folks aree usually the last to recognize their own problem. I'm sure you think "you can quit any time too". See? Not so nice when you are on the receiving end, is it? Maybe from now on you'll think twice about mocking others because your self dubbed "high priest" habits might be under the microscope also. And if you think your obsession is somehow BETTER than others, well, I've got news for you. It isn't. Its just as ugly.

The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.




The inf badges, on the other hand, you need to actually play the game to earn them. And it's not casual play, either. Farming, tough enemies, long play hours... it takes a LOT of work to get the epic inf badges in any decent amount of time. It's FAR more likely for someone to be sitting at the computer for an unhealthy length of time working on this type of badge.

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If someone is to talk about "harmful", the top influence badges is definitely much more "harmful" to a person than Empath. With Empath, at least you can go to work while you sit with your thumb up your nose in the arena. But with Popular and Leader it is different. I remember when one of the top badge idiots bragged about his Leader badge, and someone raised an issue, he INSISTED that he has a life. Oh yeah, I'm sure his son is real glad his dad sat in front of the computer for hundreds, if not thousands, of hours farming influence instead of spending that time reading or playing ball with him.

The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.



ummm Gecko, I care how long it takes because I want the badge title for certain epic badges. Other people are the same way.

We don't want to farm for 5 years straight ignoring all other characters and friends who want to team to get the title we think would be best for our characters.

What if every badge took that long to get? Everyone would complain that they can't get their title they want even you.

It's a title. A little word below your character name. It is also another number to the collectors.
The collectors/farmers don't care about the time to get it as much as the people who just ant to achieve the title someday. They may care as much or more sometimes, but it is just adding another 1 to their badge total.

Is this really so important to people that the badges stay out of reach or would everyone benefit from being able to get that title or +1 a little sooner with less masochistic behavior?




I remember when one of the top badge idiots bragged about his Leader badge, and someone raised an issue, he INSISTED that he has a life. Oh yeah, I'm sure his son is real glad his dad sat in front of the computer for hundreds, if not thousands, of hours farming influence instead of spending that time reading or playing ball with him.

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I believe that idiot was me. No kids. I only did it while my wife was at work or watching her soap opera. She would occaisionally say something like "Ugh.. Badging again?" But was generally very supportive. The dogs may have gone to the park a little less than they would have otherwise.

And it only took 10 weeks per billion. So about 5 months. All solo. If anyone wanted to work on it much less obsessively than I did they could get it in a very reasonable amount of time. Its not nearly as rough as people are making it out to be.



Again, you need to take farming completely out of the question. Farming will occur, no matter what. Farming at the level needed for a few weeks is a sign of "I need to get it now", farming for most of a year for one badge is counterproductive.

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I don't think you can take farming out of the question. As has been stated, if you lower the requirement more people will farm the badge and it will be just as meaningless as it is now. If they fix arena and lava spa farming people will take two accounts and heal a toon that's basically farming damage. Farming will always be there. As much as people want the empath badge to mean something I doubt that that will ever be possible.



First, I am the high priest of loot and I'll never turn from my lady loot. It's the very fact that I have no concern with her fickleness and wait patiently for her caress that I have not exhibited any OCD tendencies at all.

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Some people refuse to acknowledge that they are OCD about badges, while some refuse to acknowledge they are OCD about other things. Funny thing is, those folks aree usually the last to recognize their own problem. I'm sure you think "you can quit any time too". See? Not so nice when you are on the receiving end, is it? Maybe from now on you'll think twice about mocking others because your self dubbed "high priest" habits might be under the microscope also. And if you think your obsession is somehow BETTER than others, well, I've got news for you. It isn't. Its just as ugly.

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Do you know what obsessive compulsive tendencies are? I really don't think you do. Because if I say, "I really don't care if I get any particular piece of loot." And you say, "You're OCD about loot." All that shows is that you don't have any idea what you're talking about.

EDIT: I guess I should point out here that we're both using the psychological term obsessive-compulsive disorder incorrectly and should stop playing armchair psychologists with a disorder that's very serious.

But I'm a narcissistic (censored), GFN, what's your excuse?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.




I remember when one of the top badge idiots bragged about his Leader badge, and someone raised an issue, he INSISTED that he has a life. Oh yeah, I'm sure his son is real glad his dad sat in front of the computer for hundreds, if not thousands, of hours farming influence instead of spending that time reading or playing ball with him.

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I believe that idiot was me. No kids. I only did it while my wife was at work or watching her soap opera. She would occaisionally say something like "Ugh.. Badging again?" But was generally very supportive. The dogs may have gone to the park a little less than they would have otherwise.

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Actually I think he was refering to Beef_Cake, but don't let us stop you taking credit as well...

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters




I believe that idiot was me. No kids.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, I wasn't referring to you. Was definitely not you, that person has at least a boy.

The only thing worse than devs making bad decisions is the hoard of fanboys and bootlickers that keep cheering them on.