General Forums Merge!




Starting next Wednesday October 3rd, 2007 we will be merging our two general discussion forums into one forum entitled "City Life" General Discussion where COH/COV game related discussions will take place.

We will be changing the name of the current COH General and closing the Villains General forum.

This week we will be collecting any threads that should be moved over and kept from the current Villains general forum.

After doing tracking and receiving community feedback on this issue we feel this is the best way to ensure general topics which are appropriate for both groups get the attention they need.

We will be discussing this move on this topic located in the News, Announcement, & Discussion Forum.

If you have questions, comments, concerns or a link to a thread that should be moved please join us here for the discussion.


Ex Libris




Okay, now I'm feeling paranoid. Between those cryptic issues of the Paragon times and the merging of GD forums, I'm beginning to wonder if the two games are going to be drawing ever more closer together over the next few issues.

Are we moving away from factionalism? Mind you, I'm not saying I disapprove, but the trend does seem worrisome.

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AE Story Arc #536752: Torn Asunder
An army from far, far away has been driven from their homeland and landed on Earth. They desperately need a new home and they're liking the look of ours.

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How about merging the markets at the same time



Ex Libris, is this just a cleanup move or is this part of the Issue 11 pre-hype? It looks suspicious.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



How about merging the markets at the same time

[/ QUOTE ]

How about QFT!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



It's a good idea.

... which totally fits with a snake eating its own tail.

;tinfoil hat



...and the sound of a thousand elitist Heroes cried out "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"



It's just a clean-up move that has nothing to do with i11. Comment was made in another thread about this merging.



Plz Save the CoV thread concerning the Black-Market.... and DON'T move it into the Market forum either plz, We've already got a different one there too and they both have definite and distinguishing nuances that qualify them for the 2 separate forums they're already in. (IE: one concerning DropRates/Prices, the other Concerning population and CONTENT).





Okay, now I'm feeling paranoid.

[/ QUOTE ]
*nods vigorously*

How about merging the markets at the same time

[/ QUOTE ]

How about QFT!

[/ QUOTE ]
*nods vigorously*

I can almost hear the Devs cackling madly.



It's just a clean-up move that has nothing to do with i11. Comment was made in another thread about this merging.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who said that? I read that post that said that Ex wanted to do this for a long time. In fact, that suggests that since she just got approval now, that there might be ulterior motives.

/tin foil hat

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



It was part of the discussion in the giant (and now locked) suggestions thread Ex made in the Suggestions forum. No need for tinfoil hats!

Or is there?

I support, endorse and otherwise approve of the merging of the CoH and CoV forums into a single entity. I think it will be good for both sides of the fence, but especially for CoV.



Im glad of the merge.



Plz Save the CoV thread concerning the Black-Market.... and DON'T move it into the Market forum either plz, We've already got a different one there too and they both have definite and distinguishing nuances that qualify them for the 2 separate forums they're already in. (IE: one concerning DropRates/Prices, the other Concerning population and CONTENT).

[/ QUOTE ]

Perhaps a link to said thread so Ex knows which one you mean would be helpful?

And EG, I've been talking about merging the two sections with Ex for a long time. I'm one who wondered why we needed two Generals to begin with. There's a lot of issues that affect both Hero and Villain stuff.

If folks take a moment to title their thread appropriately, there shouldn't be much confusion at all.



Merging the forums is good news.

I think it's overdue.



Cool. Thanks, Ex.

Be well, people of CoH.



It's just a clean-up move that has nothing to do with i11. Comment was made in another thread about this merging.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who said that? I read that post that said that Ex wanted to do this for a long time. In fact, that suggests that since she just got approval now, that there might be ulterior motives.

/tin foil hat

[/ QUOTE ]
It was suggested quite a while ago. I gather that monster thread was pretty much the last straw(tm).

Just random timing, no hidden motives. You are far too paranoid.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



bad mistake and idea

what about the posts that we already see to much the ppp's,epics and dev hating even more people have to read that garbage?

wonderful idea *facepalms*



bad mistake and idea

what about the posts that we already see to much the ppp's,epics and dev hating even more people have to read that garbage?

wonderful idea *facepalms*

[/ QUOTE ]

but but but's true!!

BUT I approve of the merge. This place has become soooo freaking cluttered since Ex took over, I mean, I know she is a chick and all but "Hey, EX" this ain't your purse sweetheart!! It's OUR forums!! Clean up the crap"......just don't touch my posts!!

Ex doesn't own this place Lighthouse does... and Ex certainly doesn't carry a purse.

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.







I don't care much either way, but wasn't this how it was originally and there was an uproar that CoV didn't have its own forum?

Kid Lazarus, 50 empath Defender
Freek, 50 mind/psi Dominator
Black Khopesh, 43 db/wp Scrapper
Circuit-Boy, 40 elec Brute
Graf von Eisenfaust, 38 db/wp Brute
Blue Banshee, 35 sonic Blaster
Blood Countess, 33 mind/storm Controller
Dr. Radon, 32 rad Corruptor
Phantom Pirate, 32 db/wp Stalker



Plz Save the CoV thread concerning the Black-Market.... and DON'T move it into the Market forum either plz, We've already got a different one there too and they both have definite and distinguishing nuances that qualify them for the 2 separate forums they're already in. (IE: one concerning DropRates/Prices, the other Concerning population and CONTENT).

[/ QUOTE ]

Links help so we don't grab the wrong one or miss the one you are speaking about.

This has been a long time coming but we have been tracking the forum populations and this just makes the most sense.

For posts that are just general fodder then please report them to a moderator to review, we are working to keep the general clutter and noise down as much as possible but this is a community effort to maintain the forums.




This is, I think, good news. I love to frequent both the CoH and CoV GD subsections, but the Heroes side definitely was the more popular one.

I think merging the two sections will get more of the suggestions and discussions about CoV into the public square, so to speak.

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




How about merging the markets at the same time

[/ QUOTE ]

How about QFT!

[/ QUOTE ]

and a BOOOYAH for empasis.

the less pretense that CoV is some sort of entirely separate game, the better. Share forums, shared market, shared zones...that's the future.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



bad mistake and idea

what about the posts that we already see to much the ppp's,epics and dev hating even more people have to read that garbage?

wonderful idea *facepalms*

[/ QUOTE ]

but but but's true!!

BUT I approve of the merge. This place has become soooo freaking cluttered since Ex took over, I mean, I know she is a chick and all but "Hey, EX" this ain't your purse sweetheart!! It's OUR forums!! Clean up the crap"......just don't touch my posts!!

Ex doesn't own this place Lighthouse does... and Ex certainly doesn't carry a purse.

[/ QUOTE ]

I love this place!!! You guys rock, Ex and "The House"!!

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.