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  1. One major problem was the way the story was written in the RWZ. Maybe a way that both Heroes and Villains can be in the same zone, yet have a more neutral standpoint... or Hell, even coding to say different things to different factions! With the new staff, it could be done.

    Just some way where we're not treated like heroic sidekicks.
  2. Laureth

    Moving Day!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Don't lose the "Buff Stalkers" memo in the shuffle.

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  3. Number 3 seems to be the one that cuts it for me... any chance the cape could be a half mantle so you dont see the loop around the neck? That's always egged me a bit to see it out of nowhere...
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Heheh, of course I didn't get a screen shot, so I have no evidence...But she does have a cat girl outfit she isn't sharing with you all >_> Muaahahahaaa!

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    SILENCE!! You'll make them ask for it! T_T
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    i like pushing this, how about a bikini.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    No. You don't see a villain trying to bring the reign of Arachnos over your pitiful souls in a skimpy swimsuit. Let's not start now.
  6. Well, using the help and advice from all of you, I made some changes, and got better screenshots thanks to BlackBerryThorn. ^^

    [u]First Costume:[u]

    [u]Second Costume:[u]

    [u]Third Costume:[u]

    [u]Fourth Costume:[u]

    I changed the 1st one the most, and the 4th one had the shoulders changed. The 2nd one has a new belt as well, and I plan to make the 3rd costume a half mantle to loose the loop. ^^;;

    Hopefully the changes were for the better!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    It is very nice.

    Still, I make no promises regarding the next time we meet.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...who called it? :3
  8. Aww, that's precious. realize though, now she WILL try to kill you when your back is turned. :3
  9. That's mostly my face having a Sightless mask on it. o.o

    Nevertheless, all of this was a BIG help! Thank you very much!
  10. Alright, thank you all! If anyone can think of more changes, I'd be very happy! ^^
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Maybe toning the red down a little? I don't think its that bright on Arachnos, but still looks great! And the costumes themselves are very nice.

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    I tried to tone down the red on that one, but Pocket D seemed to just butcher the costume to High Hell then. I dun know what happened with that one. o.o
  12. So long story short, I'm not quite sure of my costumes, and I need some clarification or suggestions on how to fix up my current costumes, if needed at all. She's a level 50 Robots/Dark/Mace MM, who's a loyal fanatic to Arachnos. Not sure if this helps.

    [u]First Costume:[u]

    Long story short, I was looking for a sort of simple, yet elegant and sinister look to it. Like the badass that walks down a street and KNOWS she could kill anyone.

    [u]Second Costume:[u]

    Long story short, costume for official Arachnos business... the thing she wears when dealing with Arbiters or taking part in operations.

    [u]Third Costume:[u]

    This one... belts and stripes. Lots of them. Think a different stance on trying to be dark and ebil looking, but without a cape or glowing stuff.

    [u]Fourth Costume:[u]

    ENTIRELY experimental thing I tried. People claim it turned out well, but I'm not sure of it myself. This one needs looking at the most.

    Thaaaaaaaaaat's pretty much it. Confused on one or two, but need help on them all. I'd appreciate any feedback. ^^;;
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    "It's a time for heroes!"

    ...OH, how I loathe that line... no respect for villains it seems. DX

    Glad to have you back anyhow, Manticore.

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    No slight intended to the villains out there! The Praetorians are still my favorite CoH creation and Ghost Widow's journal pieces are my pick for best Manti-lore.


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    I loved those journal entries. Had the entire vibe that I'd expect of the Ghost Widow character. Honestly, excellent work. ^^
  14. "It's a time for heroes!"

    ...OH, how I loathe that line... no respect for villains it seems. DX

    Glad to have you back anyhow, Manticore.
  15. *dances with 15 minutes of fame, then realizes how much of a drama **** he was there*
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I for one welcome the subjugation of those scum sucking redside [censored]...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    HEY. As a proud member of Arachnos, I RESENT that remark! T_T

    *runs off crying*
  17. ...and the sound of a thousand elitist Heroes cried out "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"
  18. Meh. I have a difficult time with this.

    Granted, you have the chance to learn said skills in a GAME... but by no means does a game teach you how to utilize said skills.
  19. Indeed it is. Keep it up, guys! Love reading this stuff!
  20. You're my idol now.

    Well, second to our Lord Recluse... :3
  21. Oi... EXCELLENT job for the Mastermind review. Practically hit the nail on the head there. Loved every bit of it.

    Keep it up! Hope to maybe contribute myself to this thing! X3
  22. Very nice work indeed. Keep it up, and hope to see some interviewers running around Guardian sometime soon.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Congratulations, Obsidius! Next issue, we'll run all the answers, so you can be sure to double check yourself.

    Thank you, everyone for posting your reactions! We're getting lots of great feedback (and I'm getting lots of tips on how to make better clues).

    Yes, Behind the Mask is easily becoming a high in demand feature. I'd venture a guess and say more than half the help we've been offered (here and in PMs) is people willing to sacrifice their time to be interviewed.

    Thanks again for your support!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Indeed. It'd be something really nice to be a part of. ^^
  24. Alas, after a few months, I can finally contribute to this thread!!

    8x8 layout, been trying to go for an Arachnos theme.


    Relatively colorful to try to give a spectral look to it, and the weapons/banners try to give the ambience of Arachnos around the area. Trees to calm people as well and find peace with themselves.

    Meditation Corridor
    Inner part of the Corridor

    My meditation corridor. Mainly for RP purposes, but quite a sweet place for me. Has definite ties to the Arcane for Laureth's ties to the Netherworld, but still retains the loyalty and ties to Arachnos.


    Bleh. I dun need to explain these.
    Teleport Room

    Alas... the big room of them all.

    Arachnos weapon shrine
    Office area

    All in all, I hope this base design succeeds in my original intent! Feedback and/or comments is encouraged!
  25. Laureth


    [ QUOTE ]
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    so, my question is, are you calling for complete removal, or one-time use?

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    What's wrong with merely reducing their effectiveness to make sure players don't abuse them/need them as much? Don't take things as black and white.

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    in what way were you thinking of reducing their effectiveness? bring them down from EB to boss level? LT level? Would that fit in with the idea of risk vs. reward? just curious, really. what's your take?

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    That or reducing the numbers on their attacks/debuffs. Maybe lower the time a Shivan is out. Not that difficult to get a Shivan (I practically solo them anyhow), and nukes... Hell, that speaks for itself.

    It's not all just "z0mg you mentioned Shivan reduction, you're trying to remove them". There are other ways around it.