Eden and Sewer Trial Rewards




Anything that players assume "requires" shivans needs to be revamped.

Shivans are nice, but should not be necessary for success.



I did the sewar trial and got a level 40 rare recipe. Waste of time as I am a 50. i don't need to sell I need recipes that i can use.



A level 50 can use a level 40 recipe.

Some 50s specifically build with lower level recipes for set bonuses when exemping.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Like a dozen people have said-- update the trials to level 50, hami-o's are becoming scarce now since the changes to hami (great changes, took it from being monotonous to being annoying and monotonous)... this game suffers from a lack of end game content at least that would provide a bit more of it.




Coming late to this one but the Eden and Sewer Trial should be changed so that you can access it at any level above the level range and it should auto exemp. I've tried to find a team for the Sewer Trial before and it was just not a fun experience. Getting people above the level range wasn't a problem, the problem was that we needed to have 3 others with in the level range willing to do it. Most knew that you would get debt if you were in the correct level range and so therefore weren't interested in doing it. I thought about doing the Eden trial but after my lack of success with the sewer trial I just gave up and did radio missions or whatever and was out of the level range.



50's don't use level 40's? Are you INSANE? Ever hear of the MIRACLE set? or GIFT of the ANCIENTS? Come on now, I have characters PARKED under 40 *just* to have a chance at these!

As for Hami's - I have over 60 in my bin *after* dumping a LOT on the market at rock-bottom prices (and still not selling them all). HO's are all but useless; I am even to the point now of taking the recipe on the STF and Hami Raids...


"Look how many pages of crap are in this thread already!" -r0y to all threads on these forums.



50's don't use level 40's? Are you INSANE? Ever hear of the MIRACLE set? or GIFT of the ANCIENTS? Come on now, I have characters PARKED under 40 *just* to have a chance at these!

As for Hami's - I have over 60 in my bin *after* dumping a LOT on the market at rock-bottom prices (and still not selling them all). HO's are all but useless; I am even to the point now of taking the recipe on the STF and Hami Raids...


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Seriously. The difference between a level 40 set IO and a level 50 set IO is only a few percentage points, and if you factor in the set bonuses they still significantly outperform slotting generic IO's or SO's. In fact many sets will be severely cut off by the ED caps in one or more areas when a full set is slotted using level 50 IO's.

Slotting level 40 sets instead of level 50 sets can give nearly the same result at a savings of millions in crafting costs alone.

i've found HO's ideal for rounding out some powers where i don't desperately need the bonus for the 5th or 6th slot in a set and want to boost it in areas where the set values are lower or not available.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...




Coming late to this one but the Eden and Sewer Trial should be changed so that you can access it at any level above the level range and it should auto exemp. I've tried to find a team for the Sewer Trial before and it was just not a fun experience. Getting people above the level range wasn't a problem, the problem was that we needed to have 3 others with in the level range willing to do it. Most knew that you would get debt if you were in the correct level range and so therefore weren't interested in doing it. I thought about doing the Eden trial but after my lack of success with the sewer trial I just gave up and did radio missions or whatever and was out of the level range.

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heheh you just need a plan for the sewer trial and make sure every1 understands the plan before going in ;p

plan: 1. time the blowing up of the generators
2. drop phantom army on the hydra head before you attack
(the head won't see the illu right on top of it so he's safe as long as the army is out)



Frankly I am disappointed with the Eden Trial.. it Took us 17 minutes to finish it. One person flies/super speeds to the Rock Wall AV, TP's everyone there, and then everyone takes out the Rock Wall. The same person flies through the crack in the lower right hand part of the Mold Wall AV, and heads to the area behind the Crystal Titan, and tp;s the team over there. The team releases the 4 people from thir "cages". Then everyone is TP'd over to the Crystal Titan - and he is quickly taken out. 17 minutes for a trial - and you get a rare recipe like LOTG or Numinas ++ from it....
Yet many of you complain that the risk vs reward is not fair.. your right, the way "Speeden" Trial is run, you should only get an SO.



The Eden trial has been in the game since launch and has barely been touched. Of course it needs some help. It needs the same kind of love that the Sewer Trial just got. I hope that an updated Eden trial is in the pipe



I havent had the chance to check with i12 if they fixed the geometry bug with the second wall of Eden. But the second wall is much worse than the first if ya have to fight it.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



I havent had the chance to check with i12 if they fixed the geometry bug with the second wall of Eden. But the second wall is much worse than the first if ya have to fight it.

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Last I heard, it was closed off. It adds an extra 5 minutes to the fight at most.



Yeah, did it not long ago...killing Quarry twice at the first wall, clearing the titans room & and still had a LONG time to go on the timer.



Meh. Ill still run the trial for the badge, but theres a reason its the only TF i have yet to run. If all the other TF's of similar level produce greater rewards (as opposed to SO's), why shouldnt this one?




The Eden and Sewer Trials are some of the best/most unique content in CoH. They are fun and have some interesting an unique maps. Instead of eliminating a portion of the reward, I would rather see the Devs take the time to fix and update the Trials.

Cyclone Jack

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Gents, I'm not saying we will never take the time to revisit this, or other, existing content. I'm just giving you the down low on what the current status is. We know you want everything and it can be hard to understand why we aren't doing something when the reason is not visible to you. We have a lot working behind the scenes and know that you will appreciate it when it does come to fruition.

The Eden and Sewer Trial aren't killing anyone currently They are still do-able content and have the additional reward of the rare recipe for anyone running them to choose from. Like anything in life, there is always room for improvement. Lets not get too down on them. Thanks.

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Yeah! What he said! <putting on my oversized foam Back Alley Brawler gloves> Don' t make me B'slap you!

Indig , leader of the City of Gaymers

City of Gaymers on Guildportal.com



Meh. Ill still run the trial for the badge, but theres a reason its the only TF i have yet to run. If all the other TF's of similar level produce greater rewards (as opposed to SO's), why shouldnt this one?

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What ever happened to running these things for *fun?*

Sheesh. Wonder how many of the folks doing "speed" runs or going for recipes can actually describe what the maps look like.



I understand that point of view, but respectfully disagree with it. The Eden trial has some of the most interesting maps in CoH. The Sewer trial is also a very unique experience. Despite it being "dated", it is still valid content. It'd be nice if the bugs in these trials were fixed, including the Titan-O issue. Could it perhaps give a SHOE instead for those lvl 40+?

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But what about those of us who have "alternate-life-style" feet?

And, in keeping with the genderization of badges and awards, would it be a woman's SHOE or a man's? Stiletto heel or workboot? Or would a unisex "persun's" SHOE be preferable?

We must also be considerate of players whose cultural heritage does not predispose them to wearing SHOEs as we commonly think of them in our narrow, ethnocentric western mindset. Would a mocassin (AKA "moccasin" and "moccassin"), or a pair of sandals, be culturally insensitive? What about the vast cultural pool of perfectly valid societies which are not predisposed to wearing SHOEs at all?

Then there is the pet issue; ultimately, pet owners will begin playing CoX with their pets in attendeance. This demographic has already been addressed with the costume option of shoulder-borne pandas and cats (though admittedly, the sexist restrcition of these options to female characters does leave the practice open to justifiable censure). Surely the pet-owning player deserves consideration as well. This would require a SHOE that horses could wear, dogs could chew, cats could relieve themselves in and fish could use when bicycling, and although what use a parakeet might have for a SHOE is certainly open to interpretation, the game must recognize the right of that parakeet (and their human partner) to make such a decision for themselves (in respectful dialogue reaching a fair compromise, of course).

In closing, this decison to eliminate, truncate, reduce, re-state, devalue, redefine, and otherwise alter (in any quality-enhancement sense) the essential nature of any in-game reward should be reviewed with the same deep regard and respect for the wishes of all CoX players that has been shown with every other such modification implemented over the long history of the game.

To wit:

"Lets wrap this up, I've got tickets to Weezer... heads or tails?"


If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



I have fun running all the TF's with my global and non-global buddies. But why run aTF for the hay of it when there's another TF I can run for the hey of it AND get a cool reward too! It's kinda one of the reasons RPGers enjoy RPGing. Constant improvment.



Dash buddy, I think you just convinced me. I know kung fu.



My opinion... either SOs and/or Generics should be phased out, but SOs should definitely not be included in the TF rewards. the only real benefit I can see from choosing a SO over a recipe is that you know what you're getting instead of wasting 2-3 hours for something you can't use or has little or no value on the market. I hope there is a larger conversation going on how to improve the TF reward selection.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



17 minutes for a trial - and you get a rare recipe like LOTG or Numinas ++ from it....
Yet many of you complain that the risk vs reward is not fair.. your right, the way "Speeden" Trial is run, you should only get an SO.

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Someone mentioned that the geometry bug has been fixed, I can't say from experience that it is since the last time I ran this trial it was still there, but what I really wanted to point out is that since this is a Trial it should give you the option of choosing a random recipe from Pool D (http://cityofheroes.wikia.com/wiki/Recipe_Drop_Pools) which does include both a LotG and a Numina's, but they're the triples, not the procs.

I've heard that the drop pools are buggy, and drops don't always behave as they should, but according to my understanding Eden should never drop a Numina +Recovery/+Regen or a LotG +7.5% Recharge/Def.

If this is not the case, please point me to the details



17 minutes for a trial - and you get a rare recipe like LOTG or Numinas ++ from it....
Yet many of you complain that the risk vs reward is not fair.. your right, the way "Speeden" Trial is run, you should only get an SO.

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Someone mentioned that the geometry bug has been fixed, I can't say from experience that it is since the last time I ran this trial it was still there, but what I really wanted to point out is that since this is a Trial it should give you the option of choosing a random recipe from Pool D (http://cityofheroes.wikia.com/wiki/Recipe_Drop_Pools) which does include both a LotG and a Numina's, but they're the triples, not the procs.

I've heard that the drop pools are buggy, and drops don't always behave as they should, but according to my understanding Eden should never drop a Numina +Recovery/+Regen or a LotG +7.5% Recharge/Def.

If this is not the case, please point me to the details

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Eden drops from pool C, not pool D. This is to ensure that the respec trials (and Hamidon raids) have a pool to themselves.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Yep go back through the patch notes for just after I9. The Eden trial is referred to as the Woodsman Task Force.


@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Ah I see, so it's a Trial/TF hybrid of some sort... well that does make it quite a nice reward, but even if the hole in the wall isn't fixed, is it really possible to kill 200 DE, the Rock Wall and the Titan in 20 mins?



Ah I see, so it's a Trial/TF hybrid of some sort... well that does make it quite a nice reward, but even if the hole in the wall isn't fixed, is it really possible to kill 200 DE, the Rock Wall and the Titan in 20 mins?

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Yes it is. Though, i have been in a KHTF that only took 16 minutes. (That was defeating all 10 Mary's...)

With an experienced crew and Ambrosia from the start, it can be done.

Ice Ember