Eden and Sewer Trial Rewards




Yes it is. Though, i have been in a KHTF that only took 16 minutes. (That was defeating all 10 Mary's...)

With an experienced crew and Ambrosia from the start, it can be done.

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Just out of curiosity, what was your team build on the Katie Hannon run? I've run it before with a good team but I've never quite been able to break the 30 min mark.



Hi all,

>appreciate that, in the larger scheme of things, we have our designers working hard to bring out exciting new content in a timely manner and not spending too much time optimizing the experience of dated content.

This, in my perhaps not so humble view, is the worst possible choice you can make. You basically say: forget old bugs, forget making the most uninteresting content interesting. I have gotten over a dozen peeps to CoH but I will not be able to get anyone here if I tell them content that is *in the game* and *will* be encountered is far below par (and quite a bit of it is; the older 40-45 stuff for instance).
You can do so much better. Do you really think you should let old content (full missions with 'kill all' - I mean a twelve-year-old can do better than *that*) irritate people? You should take it out, or adjust it.
As for the trials: I agree with all that Sewer and Eden trials are some of the best content in the game (I tell new players about it first time I chat with them).
You did not abandon The Hollows nor Faultline now did you?
Suddenly abandoning reason on the Trials makes *no* sense at all to me. I want to have a fun game, not one where I know the content that was 'sub-par' will be encountered by every character I make.

And an SO is, at those levels, a hazard to anyone's health, not a 'reward'

I hope you rethink this 'strategy' and am frankly surprised CoX of all games would go into the horribly short-sighted direction of 'only new content matters' as it has no logic or reason. Or reward...just a lot of frustration and bad publicity is what you will get.

Lucas aka Xin Yue



What exactly is a LOTG, what does it do, and what do the letters stand for?

5 ppl asked me today and I do not know but I see those letters ALOT in chats etc?

17 minutes for a trial - and you get a rare recipe like LOTG or Numinas ++ from it....
Yet many of you complain that the risk vs reward is not fair.. your right, the way "Speeden" Trial is run, you should only get an SO.

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Someone mentioned that the geometry bug has been fixed, I can't say from experience that it is since the last time I ran this trial it was still there, but what I really wanted to point out is that since this is a Trial it should give you the option of choosing a random recipe from Pool D (http://cityofheroes.wikia.com/wiki/Recipe_Drop_Pools) which does include both a LotG and a Numina's, but they're the triples, not the procs.

I've heard that the drop pools are buggy, and drops don't always behave as they should, but according to my understanding Eden should never drop a Numina +Recovery/+Regen or a LotG +7.5% Recharge/Def.

If this is not the case, please point me to the details

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In the context you quoted, I'm pretty sure it's Luck of the Gambler, which is an IO set or recipe with some desirable bonuses.

It might mean something else too, although I can't think what right now.



With all due respect - the Sewer Trial used to be the favorite way to level in your mid-30's to 40.

They nerfed Krakens and now no one does the "content."

So I have to say again as I said at the time - If you make something so undesirable to your players it goes from 75%+ are playing it until no one is playing it - is it still content?

Surely your in game data mining shows you no one even bothers with the sewers now. It also likely shows rarely is the Eden trial done.

In fact many players likely even know it exists.



It also likely shows rarely is the Eden trial done.

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Bet you're wrong on that one.



It also likely shows rarely is the Eden trial done.

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Bet you're wrong on that one.

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Guess the reward part of this topic is pointless with the i13 merit rewards coming. But the points brought up about not being able to exem properly and perhaps the trials getting reworked a bit still stand. I hope the devs consider that before this gets unstickied.



Why not make the Titan IO's go up to 50? Is it really that difficult? =S

Global: @NR
POHSYB: We've been in this meeting for six hours. Can I go back to my box?
Pohsyb sighs.



My only ideas for this would be to give out the Hydra-Os and Titan-Os still, but hand them out at your current level with the chance of being anywhere from base level to 3 above you. Maybe I want Titan-Os for a toon of mine instead of Recipies! I don't always wanna revolve around the Invention system.

I'd just like to see these enhancements continue to be givin' out, but with the chance for a base, +1, +2 or +3 reward.

EXAMPLE: A level 47 does the Sewer Trial. Upon finishing the Trial they were awarded a random level 48 Hydra Enhancement. They do it again and get a base level Hydra Enhancement. They do it a third time and get a +2 Hydra Enhancement.

-Bookkeeper Jay