ATI Issues and Settings Recommendations




Thanks for this thread. I am *loving* my Radeon 4670 right now instead of worrying about glitches and stuff.



I have ran into very very little problem running nearly everything maxed out on my 4870



Do you still have to turn off water effects? I am getting two 4870's in crossfire and wanted to know.



Not off, just set them to Low



You may still get some odd reflections in Low. If you do, just set them to Off in that case.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



In Catalyst Control Center:
Under Display Options:
3d Refresh Rate Override: Same as Desktop
Under 3D settings:
Anti-Aliasing: 4X (Temporal Disabled) (2X for better performance)
Anisotropic Filtering: 4X (2X for better performance)
Catalyst A.I.: Disabled (I've seen no benefit in leaving this enabled)
Mimmap Detail Level: High Quality
Wait for Vertical Refresh: Always On (Disabling this will yield better performance, but will causes screen tearing. YMMV.)
Adaptive Anti-Aliasing: Disabled
API Specific:
Enable geometry instancing: Yes
Support DXT texture formats: Yes
Alternate pixel center: No
Triple Buffering: Yes (If you disabled Vertical Refresh, do NOT enable this)
Force 24-bit Z-buffer depth: No

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't find these three on my catalyst menu? I just recently got the 4870 with the updated driver package.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Below are links to images on how I set-up my CCC and in-game settings. I'm currently running the 9.5 drivers and the in-game preferences are tweaked slightly to my preferences, beyond the recommended settings for ATI cards.

Catalyst Control Centre: 1 - 2 - 3

In-Game Settings: 1 - 2

Others may chime in with their experiences. Hope these help!

-- Lady T

Edit: Fixed a link. Forgot to mention the CCC is in "Advanced" view.

I don't have an alt problem. I like trying new things.

VirtueVerseCity Info TrackerParagonWiki



The newest versions of the Catalyst Control Center don't seem to have these settings.

I figure, if you can't find the setting, it's not worth worrying about.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



After setting things the way many in here had suggested, I had the issue that the game seemed to be ignoring my settings entirely.

I don't know if it is mentioned anywhere in this thread, but I actually had to turn off the advanced settings in the game, use the slider to push all the way down. This forced the game to relinquish the AA and AF settings to the driver - which it should have been doing already. Then I switched to advanced mode and cranked everything back to where it should be.

Took me a good half hour of futzing with it to figure out that it would work when I did that.

This is my first gaming ATi card in 15 years. The difference in color saturation is striking coming from nVidia.

The 4890 is an awesome card. It is very annoying that NCSoft and ATi can't get on the same page about getting it working easily for everyone. It is pretty unacceptable that every other game I have thrown at this thing works flawlessly, but I have to set up a profile so it works with this 5 year old game...



The newest versions of the Catalyst Control Center don't seem to have these settings.

I figure, if you can't find the setting, it's not worth worrying about.

[/ QUOTE ]

All of the settings in L_T's post are there and working in the newest drivers. make sure you are looking at the "All Settings" window.



The newest versions of the Catalyst Control Center don't seem to have these settings.

I figure, if you can't find the setting, it's not worth worrying about.

[/ QUOTE ]

All of the settings in L_T's post are there and working in the newest drivers. make sure you are looking at the "All Settings" window.

[/ QUOTE ]

If I were responding to L_T, you might be right. But, I was replying to Santorican's question about 3 settings and No, they aren't there.

Santorican asked about:

Enable geometry instancing: Yes
Support DXT texture formats: Yes
Force 24-bit Z-buffer depth: No

[/ QUOTE ]

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Catalyst A.I.: Disabled (I've seen no benefit in leaving this enabled)

[/ QUOTE ]

The one important advantage for me to have this enabled is the ability to manually control the fan speed of the card. You need to have both boxes checked off in this section in order to override the auto settings of the fan. I do NOT perform any overclocking and leave the timing settings alone. Having a cooler vid card with the fan at 80%-100% is better than leaving it up to the driver determining what IT wants the fan rpm to run at.

Just my 2cents

XFX Radeon 4850HD



Catalyst A.I.: Disabled (I've seen no benefit in leaving this enabled)

[/ QUOTE ]

The one important advantage for me to have this enabled is the ability to manually control the fan speed of the card. You need to have both boxes checked off in this section in order to override the auto settings of the fan. I do NOT perform any overclocking and leave the timing settings alone. Having a cooler vid card with the fan at 80%-100% is better than leaving it up to the driver determining what IT wants the fan rpm to run at.

Just my 2cents

XFX Radeon 4850HD

[/ QUOTE ]

It's nice to hear that fan control is now part of the CCC. If Catalyst AI must be enabled for that to function, then it should absolutely be enabled.

Do you notice any performance issues/bugs (besides it being hotter when your fans aren't cranked) with it enabled versus disabled?

Be well, people of CoH.



I have not noticed any.

At first I thought I had made the fan adjustment correctly by
-unlocking the AI section by clicking on the padlock icon
-UNchecking the AI Overdirve feature
-Checking the box next to Manual Fan
-adjusting the percentage fan slider to where I wanted it
-hitting the Apply button
IMAGE HERE (courtesy of another site-I did NOT overclock the card)

I had been playing for over an hour or so and the entire screen would go blank with a solid color or a BUNCH of colored blocks. I would have to hold the power button in order to shut my computer down. This happened to me twice on different nights.

I took a look at the AI settings again and noticed the fan gauge was not reading what I set it to. I checked the AI Overdrive box and tried it again. IMAGE HERE (courtesy of another site- I did NOT overclock the card as shown) It was only after I did that the fan responded to the percent I set it at and all has been fine since.



I think I'm confused. I see the red dot next to Manual Fan Control when ATI Overdrive is not selected. Then the dot disappears when you enable ATI Overdrive.

Is the red dot present when you enable ATI Overdrive and Manual Fan Control but have Catalyst AI disabled?

Be well, people of CoH.



Like I said, those pics were from another source. I'm at work right now so I couldn't capture screenies of my own to upload. =)

Pay no attention to the red dots, they mean nothing in reference to my explanation. I placed the pics so you could reference the AI Overdrive/Manual Fan check boxes I stated above.

Basically, you need to have both boxes checked in order for the Manual Fan adjustment have effect.



I sanyone else getting their card maxed out on activity in the CCC on the login screen? when i start the game, I only have a couple of minutes before the heat alarm starts beeping. I opened CCC and saw the activity spikes at 99% until I logged in all the way. It is *only* CoH that does this, and I play a LOT of high end graphics games.



Originally Posted by Mephisto_Kur View Post
I sanyone else getting their card maxed out on activity in the CCC on the login screen? when i start the game, I only have a couple of minutes before the heat alarm starts beeping. I opened CCC and saw the activity spikes at 99% until I logged in all the way. It is *only* CoH that does this, and I play a LOT of high end graphics games.
No problems here.

I've sat on the login screen several times this weekend due to ISP issues and losing internet connection.

No problems at all with the CCC.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



If you have your settings as is suggested and the game still looks jagged make sure your GUI scale and 3D scale are the same.

When I changed my resolution the 3D scaling was set on a different resolution - creating jagged edges as if forced FSAA wasn't working. I've been looking at my settings over and over; trying different settings and nothing worked until I figured out that the scale was different (not something I usually look at).



I tried the suggested settings and they really helped. I had the problem where buildings and things would look clear and crisp close by but buildings and scenes farther away would have a kind of blur effect. When I used the suggested settings this problem cleared up so my thanks. Still having one issue though think something like it might have been mentioned but was't clear. Sometime when either selecting a contact or option like costume, ID etc. For like a second screen flash's to an earlier moment kind of like a screen cap. Am i only one with this issue and if not is there anything that can be done? No worries if not just knowing if it's a known issue would be enough.



Originally Posted by Wraiths_Bane View Post
I tried the suggested settings and they really helped. I had the problem where buildings and things would look clear and crisp close by but buildings and scenes farther away would have a kind of blur effect. When I used the suggested settings this problem cleared up so my thanks. Still having one issue though think something like it might have been mentioned but was't clear. Sometime when either selecting a contact or option like costume, ID etc. For like a second screen flash's to an earlier moment kind of like a screen cap. Am i only one with this issue and if not is there anything that can be done? No worries if not just knowing if it's a known issue would be enough.
The "blur effect" you see on buildings in the distance is supposed to add some kind of realism I guess. Some people like it. Personally, I don't. You turned it off when you disabled the "Depth of Field" option. Yes, it was THAT simple. lol (Now that you turned it off, you can also see stars in the sky at night.)

As for your screen freezing for a moment, it could be any number of things. Without knowing more about your system, I'd have to guess you are running with limited memory available to the system, or some options are set too high for your system. Keep in mind that the options in this thread are for Quality, not Performance. Turn down some settings as needed.

If that doesn't help, I suggest starting your own thread in this forum. Include a detailed description of the problem, and a CoH_Helper report. We'll be able to make a better determination after that.



FYI, the Catalyst 9.8 drivers under Win7 Professional x64 broke my Sapphire HD4850 - the entire system would just do a hard crash and I'd have to reset it (stock speeds, Zalman aftermarket HSF/ram coolers). Reverted to 9.7 and problems solved.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
FYI, the Catalyst 9.8 drivers under Win7 Professional x64 broke my Sapphire HD4850 - the entire system would just do a hard crash and I'd have to reset it (stock speeds, Zalman aftermarket HSF/ram coolers). Reverted to 9.7 and problems solved.
Ah, atioglxx.dll in the error message?

Had that problem on my old offsite PC. Damn thing killed any chance of a I16 comic. The uninstall crapped out & the system's now only stable in safe mode. It'd have been faster to wipe the whole damn box.

When I finally retire that box, the video card is going to be taken out, left on the driveway, and run over a few dozen times. Might even rent a mini-steamroller for the event. It'd be worth it.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Grandville and 92** series cards
Having Geometry Buffers enabled within the game while using a 92** series card causes graphical anomolies in Grandville and often an inability to even zone there.
Couple of notes on this issue:

The problem can also occur in the STF on the final mission. Not a surprise considering the map is a slice of grandville.

I ran into this issue with a 9000M card. Both in grandville and on the STF. Maybe rather than 92** series it's anything 92** or older?

The good news is that this thread was a cinch to find and the solution of turning off geometry buffers fixed it with no trouble at all.



Fix water.

It has been over 2 years.