ATI Issues and Settings Recommendations




As far as I know, the high def audio for the ATI cards is only available for the HDMI output.

If you removed your audio card, put it back in.

If the card is still there, you may have to go into the audio control panel in your OS and make sure your default audio is still selected, ie not the ati audio.



Yeah, a friend set it back to the default, and all is well. Thanks!

(Sad part is, this isn't for MY computer. I still can't see through water... )



So, perhaps you can help me with this, I just a Toshiba Sateilite laptop with a ATI Radeon X1200. And guess what? It's having issues. Mainly the ground textures are very inconsistant, the road may in the right place one moment, but in the next it's overlapping the sidewalk. Also the my character often "sinks" about 1/4-1/2 under the ground just standing still or walking. Any advice?

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I had this problem with a laptop as well. I fixed it by enabling FSAA to x2... I know, weird solution, but it works.



So, perhaps you can help me with this, I just a Toshiba Sateilite laptop with a ATI Radeon X1200. And guess what? It's having issues. Mainly the ground textures are very inconsistant, the road may in the right place one moment, but in the next it's overlapping the sidewalk. Also the my character often "sinks" about 1/4-1/2 under the ground just standing still or walking. Any advice?

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I had this problem with a laptop as well. I fixed it by enabling FSAA to x2... I know, weird solution, but it works.

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Unfortunately, that doesn't help me, thanks though.



Please don't flay me for multi-posting - Billz already gave me some support love in my original post, but I now realize that this is a better place for this to be at least mentioned, in case others find themselves in the same position in the future.

Here's a thread I started that explains the problems I'm having with error messages re: "GL_ARB_multitexture" at Launch, after installing a Sapphire Radeon HD3850.

Any help would be much appreciated - I miss my CoH.

Edit to add: Okay Here's a guy having the same problem, but with an Nvidia card - still, he says SpyBot was keeping some of his old drivers from being scrubbed, he tracked them down, removed them manually and it fixed his problems.

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Turns out this was an issue with my *motherboard chipset drivers* not communicating effectively with my new HD3850 card.

I updated the *motherboard chipset drivers* via the manufacturer's website and am no longer experiencing this problem.

Good luck!



I have a 4870 and apparently, no Antialiasing is being applied to my game, either from in-game or from CCC.

Any suggestions ?

by the way, if i force AA from my CCC and then in-game i switch from off to 4x, which one is applied ?

edit: I figured it out. disabled Boom, DoF, AA and AF and set water to low, like Billz said, and then the AA from CCC got applied.
It is really weird to turn AA from the in-game from off to 4x and the it actually disables it =P

I got a 4870 along with a Core2Duo E8400 just yesterday and i am really not impressed with the graphics on this game.. come on, i just played Far Cry 2 !

@Prandi - Freedom

# 143959 - Freedom Phalanx, Arachnos Forces and the Deadly Virus.



If set in the CCC, it overrides the game.

If AA isn't functioning, as per the first post in this thread, you probably have bloom, depth of field, high water or desaturation effects turned on.

If all of those are disabled, and you have FSAA set in the CCC, and FSAA is still not functioning, then I have no clue. Something else is now broken.

And considering Agent Ruby's sudden appearance and then total silence, I'd expect that if anything new breaks, it will probably stay that way like everything else that gets broken regarding ATI around here.

Be well, people of CoH.



Okay, hopefully this is my last question...

I recently upgraded my hardware, getting a 3870HD for my desktop along with a decent 2.9ghz dual-core processor. I've been able to successfully up my graphics to 1680x1050 with the graphics settings recommended by Bill, along with upping Particles to 50,000 and the view distance to 200%.

I'm having a different strange issue, though. I'm having input delay. I'm running at a silky smooth 60FPS CONSTANT, even on 8man controller teams... but I have a very annoying input delay issue. I've pinned the issue on Anisotropic Filtering. I've disabled it, and now the input's gone... but I'm very OCD about anisotrop, and would like to find some sort of workaround.

Any way to fix this without killing anisotrop? Tried lowering to 2x, it's still there.



Same problem if you have AF disabled in CCC but enabled in game?

Be well, people of CoH.



Yep... tried both at every setting available, and I'm still getting the delay

EDIT: Okay, so I talked to a friend about this, and he told me it's probably an entire different issue that has nothing to do with anisotrop. He thought I was just seeing things. And he was right... I compared them again, and they were equal.

Turns out the issue is actually Vsync. I turned it off in Cats along with Triple Buffering, and no more mouse delay (however I was now experiencing AWFUL stuttering... constant 60FPS still, but if I watched, say, a power line as I ran by it, it jerked forward in little steps). Flipped back on Vsync/trip buff through Cats, and it's silky smooth... but mouse delay's back again.

I don't know what to do



I am having some issues with certain rikti map (it goes invisible), could this be because of any CCC option (i am thinking about adaptive anti aliasing)

@Prandi - Freedom

# 143959 - Freedom Phalanx, Arachnos Forces and the Deadly Virus.



Cat 9.1 was released Jan 29, 2009, just thought I'd drop this in here so it can be disected



Cat 9.1 was released Jan 29, 2009, just thought I'd drop this in here so it can be disected

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Been meaning to take them for a spin, gonna wipe current cats and try it now.



Running the 9.1's now on my 2600XT pcie.

High water still ghosts and breaks FSAA.

Played a while, no other issues to report.

Feel free to upgrade I would say.

Only major change in the cat 9.1 is the introduction of opengl 3.0.

Carry on!



Two quickies:

1. Having trouble telling if my AA is operating or not, after having set it up based on recommended settings in this thread - how do you pros usually do it, just take a screenie and switch back and forth to compare?

2. If I change something in CCC while CoH is running, should I see the change immediately or would I have to exit and restart CoH?




It seems that version 9.2 crashes quite regularly for me. It can be worked around by replacing atioglxx.dll in C:\WINDOWS\System32\ with one from a previous(8.10 in my case) version.

To do this:

1. Download previous version
2. Run installer, but don't actually install(Click Cancel after files are extracted)
3. Start > Run > cmd
4. Navigate to C:\ATI\SUPPORT\8-10_xp32_dd_69561\XP_INF\B_69777 or whatever path the files were extracted to.
5. type expand atioglxx.dl_ atioglxx.dll C:\WINDOWS\System32\



Newly installed HD4850 (1GB) and I'm getting no AA and crazy is totally unplayable. Windows 7 beta (yeah, but my Nvidia 7850 was fine) drivers, no CCC installed.



An update to my last post:

That doesn't seem to work in my case, anymore. Forgot to post an update as I just booted back into Ubuntu and washed my hands of it.

Canceling my CoH account, for the time being.



An update to my last post:

That doesn't seem to work in my case, anymore. Forgot to post an update as I just booted back into Ubuntu and washed my hands of it.

Canceling my CoH account, for the time being.

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I'm a stranger to this incompatibility, and I have to say canceling will be on my agenda too if I don't discover a quick fix for the CoH issues with my new card...and I'm coming up on 60 months in. They are just too many hero-based MMORPGs coming up the pipe to deal with this.



I just got an HD 4870 and was having the no FSAA problem as well on catalyst 9.2. What fixed it was setting FSAA, Depth of Field, Bloom, Water Effects, and Desaturation all to off, and then set AA to 4x via the Catalyst Control. It was frustrating, though, since AA would not turn on if any of those settings was enabled to any extent on the ingame menu.



I just got an HD 4870 and was having the no FSAA problem as well on catalyst 9.2. What fixed it was setting FSAA, Depth of Field, Bloom, Water Effects, and Desaturation all to off, and then set AA to 4x via the Catalyst Control. It was frustrating, though, since AA would not turn on if any of those settings was enabled to any extent on the ingame menu.

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I actually think Windows 7 is horking me when it comes to ATI...CCC is not supported for Win7 yet so the game handles everything.



I just got an HD 4870 and was having the no FSAA problem as well on catalyst 9.2. What fixed it was setting FSAA, Depth of Field, Bloom, Water Effects, and Desaturation all to off, and then set AA to 4x via the Catalyst Control. It was frustrating, though, since AA would not turn on if any of those settings was enabled to any extent on the ingame menu.

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Timestamp on thread original post:
#8661590 - 07/09/07 05:58 PM

Timestamp on quoted post:
#13113203 - 02/25/09 01:43 AM

Almost 20 months later, and nothing has changed.

On that note, though, CCC managed FSAA functions with Water on Low, just not High.

Be well, people of CoH.



I just got a new Dell with a ATI Radeon HD 4870 x2 and my game locks up before it even makes it to the login screen. Anyone know if there is a solution to this?



I just got a new Dell with a ATI Radeon HD 4870 x2 and my game locks up before it even makes it to the login screen. Anyone know if there is a solution to this?

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Is Crossfire enabled?



Newly installed HD4850 (1GB) and I'm getting no AA and crazy is totally unplayable. Windows 7 beta (yeah, but my Nvidia 7850 was fine) drivers, no CCC installed.

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WinVista 64 bit. ATI 4850 1GB
Overclocked AMD X2 CPU
ASUS AMD chipset board (latest and greatest AMD chipset and southbridge as of Dec 08)
Zero lockups. Zero crahses. no issues with graphic glitches. I haven't tried fisabling catalyst AI yet, but that usually causes funkadelic colors when you enable things you shouldn't.