City of Heroes/Villains Live Events Poll!
Very neat, Ex! Hope the feedback helps.
Me and live don't mix too well, heh. Sounds like some interestin things may be in the works none the less.
Phantom Rose: Ill / Kin / Psi
Soleau: Ice / Icy / Ice / Core: Ice / Fire / Pyre / Wind / Eclipse / Flare / Corona
Solo Space
There we are. All voted up and such! Hope you like my answers!
Note: Your last question says "pick two", yet I was only able to pick one. Bug?
Last Question. Two servers Protector and Freedom. I was only able to select one, maybe you can stealth another Freedom vote into the tally (not like Freedom would need it)

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
Last Question. Two servers Protector and Freedom. I was only able to select one, maybe you can stealth another Freedom vote into the tally (not like Freedom would need it)
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Yeah I couldn't select two either, Victory could probably use the vote given its my other home next to Virtue.
That last question is a little confusing?
"What servers do you consider home? (two choices)
Users may choose only one"
LOL I see a few of us caught the same thing at once.
Two choices? Choose only one?
Last Question. Two servers Protector and Freedom. I was only able to select one, maybe you can stealth another Freedom vote into the tally (not like Freedom would need it)
[/ QUOTE ]
My vote for Freedom didn't get in either.
I suppose my definiation of a live event diffes from what this poll is about. I concider a live event soemthing that happens in the game. Similar to what MxO used to do before SOE screwed it up.

erm, home server (Two Choices) you may only choose one....
Actuly if it was a decently big event i might actually take that trip to the US i have been planing... I'l prolly take the tip anyhow.. but why not combine fun with more fun.
I don't really have the money to trek on down to the States, if their were to be CoX Con you can bet your life I'd try just about anything short of selling a kidney on the black market to make it there
"Take the Yuan-Ti, bash them with a club made of frozen stupidity, then rip out their sense of subtlety with a rusty spoon, and then you have the Snakes of Mercy Isle" -Taltha Widowfang, drow stalker
Now playing at an MA near you: Dragonslayers #335375
Maybe as a suggestion you guys could join the Wizard World circuit to go along with SDCC. It doesn't seem that it would be a huge commitment, and I can't think of a more natural fit. I've often wondered why you guys don't send reps there to begin with, but I'm sure you have your reasons.
We are going to be at Comicon, Gencon, and PAX this summer. The event we are talking about is more about creating a COH/COV player oriented gathering.
We are going to be at Comicon, Gencon, and PAX this summer. The event we are talking about is more about creating a COH/COV player oriented gathering.
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Having been to a couple of these in the past (Earth and Beyond, anyone), I just have a couple of minor thoughts to throw into the ring.
The presence of devs / designers / customer service / qa / etc. makes an incredible difference.
That said, the programming team probably want to keep a fairly low profile, since they work in an area that many people don't grok. It's a little hard to discuss xyz feature of a game when a dev starts breaking it down into classes, inheritance and the like.
Keeping that in mind, designers can provide a massively useful interaction, being as they can explain why things are the way that they are.
Likewise, CS reps (from NCSoft) should be considered a very important part of the team. Even so far as to say that retired people that we know and love *cough* *cough* CuppaJo *cough* *cough* should have an option to be present. I'd be surprised if anyone here would dissent with the statement that Cuppa had a big hand in forming the player/NCSoft relationship that currently exists.
Finally, doing it at an Internet cafe type location is close to mandatory. What's the point in being there if we can't play? And make certain that free / cheap 802.11 access is available for those of us that want to bring laptops.
And as an adjunct to that, make sure a day or two ahead of time that the location is good to go. Those that attended the E&B birthday party at certain locations may remember a sense of DOOM when we found that the machines at the cafe weren't even set up to play the game.
P.S. you're missing an option in the poll. In the "Would you attend an event of this sort" question, you don't have a HELL, YEAH! option.
Scrappers are just like chainsaws. Somewhat hard to handle, EXTREMELY dangerous, and by far the most fun when wielded by the slightly insane.
@Alissara - an Angry Angel
The Angry Angels. When it absolutely positively has to be spanked today.
One thought I had. Prior to Issue9, you had the Developer Conference, and you were showing i9 to the press. This was during closed beta. I have no idea how easy/hard it is to enable accounts for Test server access like you did, however if you planned an event and either showed off a Closed Beta upcoming publish to the PLAYERS, or ideally gave them closed beta access for the rest of that test cycle, that would be pretty sexy.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
erm, home server (Two Choices) you may only choose one....
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I left that part blank - they're all home to me
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Rock the vote, Paragons and Rogues. Rock the vote.
- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie
Me 'n my posse:
o.o;; I find it odd that Virtue and Guardian seem to be fielding the most Forumites right now.. that aside, by "third party venders" in that one section... does this mean there's a chance that the long abandoned CoH merchandising scheme might finally be seeing the light of day?!!
<-- will take a mekman and several badge pls
I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe
What do you mean by "Only pick 2 servers you consider home."????!!! I'm an ALT-AHOLIC! All the servers are considered home! Down with server prejudice! Up with ALT-AHOLICISM!
If there was a "Live" event done and you recreated some missions, that would just be hilariously fun/funny if done right. I'd go to one just to participate in that
This space is intentionally left blank.
After a few bad experiences, I try to avoid 'cons' of any type for a few reasons and answered the poll accordingly. However, I thought that I'd list my problems with them as objectively as possible simply to offer constructive information.
Note that I'm not saying 'All you guys suck and I'd never want to meet you.' I'm trying to say 'These are the reasons that I avoid cons, but if you could moderate them somehow for a CoX gathering, I and players like me might be more inclined to show up'.
- Crowded hotel suites: A lot of smaller gatherings take place in crowded hotel meeting rooms. The close packing and usually unfavorable result this has on air conditioning is really uncomfortable for me.
- Unwashed, Smelly Fanboy syndrome: Err... enough said. (Kinda goes with the above reason.)
- Travel times: I live in the Texas Panhandle. Travel to and from more major metropolitan hubs is usually in the range of 3-8 hours, even by plane. The only 'Day Trip by Car' locations outside that area for me are Lubbock, TX, and Oklahoma City, OK, and both of those are pushing it.
- Poor Security: By this I mean both the 'overzealous body-search' and 'you are absolutely responsible for your own belongings even at knifepoint' types. I figure that any gamer-oriented event will likely be a 'bring your own PC' event if you wish to participate in some of the hosted entertainment. Having to be handcuffed to your PC kinda takes the fun out of it.
- Expensive Lodgings and Transportation: This goes hand in hand with the 'travel time' problem.
- Unexpected Outdoor lines: The only thing worse than having to stand in a line outside during the summer is hearing everyone in line with you complain about it.
Again, this is not meant as a complaint, but as a list of things affecting my attendance at most cons.
<-- will take a mekman and several badge pls
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If you poke around the Europe site, they display some most excellent looking Enamel Badges. I've been trying to figure out a way to get me some.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
You guys should do it in Indianapolis, Indiana. Several reasons why.
Central location in the US. Most travel arrangements will bring you either directly to or VERY close to Indy. (plane, bus, I70, I65, ect...)
Cheaper than Chicago. For every dollar you spend in Indy you'd spend 2 or more in Chicago.
More hotel space than Chicago, and thus, cheaper rates.
More Convention areas. As a city, Indy is used to big conventions, (Star Wars Celabrations, GenCon, Indy500, HUNDREDS more...).
Indy is used to seeing an influx of people for events (see above).
Oh, and Jack's In-Laws live here, so Mrs. Statesman can see mom and dad. And when Mrs. Statesman is happy, EVERYBODY's happy.
Oh, and of course, the best reason....Cause I live there. And I'm poor and want to go, I can afford a 20 min drive.
But yeah, Indy is centrally located, it's cheap, lots of space for cons and lots of hotels.
<-- will take a mekman and several badge pls
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If you poke around the Europe site, they display some most excellent looking Enamel Badges. I've been trying to figure out a way to get me some.
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I'll have one of those arachnos badges thanks
As an aside, I like the idea of having comic artists to draw your toons for you. While I live in Australia and likely won't be able to come along (unless of course someone wants to venture out to Supernova next time it's on) I'd imagine that this would be a lovely addition to any kind of convention/roadshow/whatever happens to eventuate
What part of phnglui mglw'nafl Cthulhu r'lyeh w'gah nagl fhtagn don't you understand?
The community team here at City of Heroes/Villains is considering planning and organizing some live player events. We wanted to get some feedback for this process, so we will start with a poll and discussion thread.
Please keep your feedback constructive so that we can plan the best events possible.
*Sorry about the last question... I was so excited I forgot to implement the two choice bad*