A Call for Issue 9 Related Guides and Information.
I would really appreciate OFFICIAL guides. Player generated guides are from observation, and although they are frequently spot on, as far as we know, it would seem a better solution to have the software developers release formulae, and relevant numbers, rather than having people with no firsthand knowledge of how things were coded give us direction. The currently used, and requested approach seems flawed. Not only has the playerbase successfully performed quality control ( regen and fighting numerous + lvl foes, on the WRONG server, for example), but is now being pushed into reverse engineering data and techniques that should be presented by the people collecting the post $1000 I've paid since release for myself and my daughters' accounts. At a low average of 100K players, at 14$ per month, that's 1.4 million per month, at a LOW estimate. PLUS retail game costs($200 in my case, as an early adopter of both games, 2 accts), probably adding no more than $10 profit per player times about 300K estimated purchases. All these figures a LOW estimates to establish that, even on a worst case scenario, NCSoft/Cryptic can afford to salary someone to keep a revised online manual with real numbers available as "spoilers" option.
I would much rather have a direct line of information, that could then be evaluated/corrected by the playerbase. If I purchase a car, I can readily get manufacturer information on many things. Most owner's manuals will have more than enough information to get you going. Because automobiles are a one time purchase, and don't have monthly fees that go to the manufacturer, it seems reasonable to buy a Bentley guide for my A4, for example.
I realize the expansions are free. That's great. Except I liked the game just fine at release, and would definitely quit over useless nerf expansions or non- CoH related expansions that cost like other MMO expansions. Issues 4, 5, 6, would have lost a great many CoH players, in my estimation, were we expected to pay $25 to $50 for what tiny amount of "content" there was in there. Issue 7 was not much better. Issue 8 revamped some same old hazard zones at low levels. Inventions seems great and all, except now that I can get perma- hasten and then some on my Ill/Rad, what am I to do with him. Oh, let me guess, more Level 50 carnies/council/arachnos Radio missions. I was VERY outspoken about the journey being the game, but with 1500 ACTUAL in- game hours on my 50 Controller, and hundreds apiece on the other 4 L50s I legitimately levelled the slow roast method, I finally understand the complaints of lack of high end content.
I don't want to ever see the hollows again. Running around with 2 attacks, and defenses made of paper, pre 22 on my scrapper is as much fun as punching myself in the face. Someone else PLEASE punch me in the face, so I can make it to 38 on my claws/DA, without losing interest. I could immerse myself in the game and RolePlay, but every single street has some lady getting her purse snatched, or 6 guys intimidating X citizen. Hell, in order to be a true hero, i'd never leave Atlas Park or Galaxy City. Since the world is largely about as interactive as my wife when I forgot to take out the trash, RolePlay and effecting real change are out the window for me.
After all this, you want me to consider making it City of Reverse Engineering, for what reason? Please justify why the folks that create this environment cannot divulge how to use it? What is the hold up on telling us how things work, so that we can use it for powerful builds, OR for making quirky fun specialty builds?
I've said too much, the whitecoats are coming. Don your protective mayonaise, before it's too late!!
I would really appreciate OFFICIAL guides. Player generated guides are from observation, and although they are frequently spot on, as far as we know, it would seem a better solution to have the software developers release formulae, and relevant numbers, rather than having people with no firsthand knowledge of how things were coded give us direction. The currently used, and requested approach seems flawed. Not only has the playerbase successfully performed quality control ( regen and fighting numerous + lvl foes, on the WRONG server, for example), but is now being pushed into reverse engineering data and techniques that should be presented by the people collecting the post $1000 I've paid since release for myself and my daughters' accounts. At a low average of 100K players, at 14$ per month, that's 1.4 million per month, at a LOW estimate. PLUS retail game costs($200 in my case, as an early adopter of both games, 2 accts), probably adding no more than $10 profit per player times about 300K estimated purchases. All these figures a LOW estimates to establish that, even on a worst case scenario, NCSoft/Cryptic can afford to salary someone to keep a revised online manual with real numbers available as "spoilers" option.
I would much rather have a direct line of information, that could then be evaluated/corrected by the playerbase. If I purchase a car, I can readily get manufacturer information on many things. Most owner's manuals will have more than enough information to get you going. Because automobiles are a one time purchase, and don't have monthly fees that go to the manufacturer, it seems reasonable to buy a Bentley guide for my A4, for example.
I realize the expansions are free. That's great. Except I liked the game just fine at release, and would definitely quit over useless nerf expansions or non- CoH related expansions that cost like other MMO expansions. Issues 4, 5, 6, would have lost a great many CoH players, in my estimation, were we expected to pay $25 to $50 for what tiny amount of "content" there was in there. Issue 7 was not much better. Issue 8 revamped some same old hazard zones at low levels. Inventions seems great and all, except now that I can get perma- hasten and then some on my Ill/Rad, what am I to do with him. Oh, let me guess, more Level 50 carnies/council/arachnos Radio missions. I was VERY outspoken about the journey being the game, but with 1500 ACTUAL in- game hours on my 50 Controller, and hundreds apiece on the other 4 L50s I legitimately levelled the slow roast method, I finally understand the complaints of lack of high end content.
I don't want to ever see the hollows again. Running around with 2 attacks, and defenses made of paper, pre 22 on my scrapper is as much fun as punching myself in the face. Someone else PLEASE punch me in the face, so I can make it to 38 on my claws/DA, without losing interest. I could immerse myself in the game and RolePlay, but every single street has some lady getting her purse snatched, or 6 guys intimidating X citizen. Hell, in order to be a true hero, i'd never leave Atlas Park or Galaxy City. Since the world is largely about as interactive as my wife when I forgot to take out the trash, RolePlay and effecting real change are out the window for me.
After all this, you want me to consider making it City of Reverse Engineering, for what reason? Please justify why the folks that create this environment cannot divulge how to use it? What is the hold up on telling us how things work, so that we can use it for powerful builds, OR for making quirky fun specialty builds?
I've said too much, the whitecoats are coming. Don your protective mayonaise, before it's too late!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Great Feedback, and I assure you we are collectively gathering those details now. However, player guides always will be more useful and more up to date, that is often the nature of these things.
Unlike your car example, this is a living and constantly changing environment. A simple users manual isn't simple in a situation like that.
There is nothing worse than purchasing a guide or book that is severely out of date, player guides and the people who enjoy creating these guides take painstaking measures to ensure it is complete and up to date.
This is just a call to gather what has already been compiled and link it all in one easy to find location. We are working on the release notes and information that we will share when the actual Issue goes live.
I would really appreciate OFFICIAL guides.
[/ QUOTE ]
You sure about that? The book that comes with the game and the Prima guide are "official", but there are more errors than the player generated guides.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
I'm actually working on a guide for the quickest and (least expensive) way to get the invention badges. Need to do more number crunching and spreadsheet analyses tonight. (Bad news, badge hunters: it won't be cheap.)
Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!
Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.
Give me player guides, or give me debt.
"Official" guides are great and all, but like Ex and Vega said, a live version gets updated and worked over a heck of a lot more by the passionate than the merely paid.
Now let us end the threadjack and get some links going
EDIT: And nothing against the fine guys and gals at Prima, but try reading their guide, then read a guide by one of our own, like, say, TheMightyScourge.
Prima Guide: chuckle chuckle, that was cute
Or something equivalent.
Perhaps It wasn't really clear what I was implying. I will go on and state that player generated guides are great, yet developer provided raw data would certainly help in building a guide of any sorts. For me, if given the raw data and applicable use for any given game component, I can make my own decisions. It is through testing of application of those decisions which will generate guides on using or inability of using certain enhancements, powers, sets, combinations, et al, towards an intended result. Player guides could include things like: "Building perma hasten in a post I9 world", or "Resistance building for /SR scrappers in post- I9", or even "Knockback: Inventions and body tossing for you!". It should not cost me money to get a Prima Guide, which will be fully outdated shortly after release. Also, I may be wrong, but isn't that guide created by an outside party? If so, then inaccuracies, and misinformation through error or ill intent are just as likely as player generated guides. It is not a theory, but a PRACTICE for veteran SGs to discover unintended effects, anomalies, and even exploits, but not mention them to anyone until they have satisfied some internal timetable. Misinformation, intentional or not is possible. Also possible is editorialization instead of objectivity. I honestly do not like guides that recommend certain powers using a "star" system. You allow personal opinion to influence new players seeking some semi official comment on their build or idea, at that point.
I will give an example of community built informational resource gone awry:
If you haven't heard about slander, misrepresentation, misinformation, and disinformation in wikipedia of late, I recommend you do some searching. While guides are very simple, inane player tools in theory, there will always be someone out there wanting to gently push their methods onto others.
Lack of up front, official documentation about %to hit and damage vs +level enemies has caused me to nearly quit this game in frustration because everyone thinks they hit +5/6s "just fine". Granted the individual is likely overstating, and lying to get that same XP they got being PLed for 20+ levels, but what of honest people that don't know the difference. What is it? -85% NET damage, and like -85% to hit at +5? Without developer provided numbers, in easy to find places, all we get is a void filled by players taking best guesses or best reverse-analysis. There are some specialists (arcana, for example), who are very good at this. It is noteworthy, however, that she advocates for defense based sets, and I swear she has it in for /regen. I understand the devs hate regen too, and all (kidding here.... or am I?....), but I would rather get raw data, THEN have someone compile that data, should they choose to. I personally would just look at the numbers given, and make my own evaluation. While things like Luck Of The Gambler being 7.5% get confirmed -by- developers or reps, it'd be better if you just caved in and published the numbers highly visible, so we could make opinionated guides/How To's based off of referenceable numbers, and descriptions. What in great googly goodness' name does does "short" mean in power recharge description?? In some cases 2 seconds, in some cases 2.5.... Lets suppose I want the shorter of 2 short recharge powers at level 5, to fit a theme? I pick one. As luck would have it I pick a few such short powers for themed animation times, and get told by an -informed- person that 3 of my 4 powers in my standard attack chain are adding 2 seconds to the full chain. Similar has actually happened to me. Animation times aren't listed, and exactly how many seconds of recharge, either. Player guides can CLAIM to have the numbers, but i'd really prefer to know the programmed/designed times. Honestly, even if they are wrong. This is when the playerbase will be right there to question the validity of the timings and ask for confirmation or reasoning, along with remedy as needed.
Player guides are great opinion pieces. Allowing us to dictate which powers are worthless/uber to neophytes is a bad idea. My opinion, of course. MoG, Flash, Unstoppable, ALL the tanker passives, /SR passives, Spectral Terror in PVE, Group Invisibility, the list goes on and on for powers that are considered great or useless, depending upon who you are asking. If the only way to get animation and recharge timing on Flash, for example(a "droppable" power that I personally always take), is to read an opinionated player guide that also informs you that it is essentially worthless due to -20% acc inherent, long recharge, and short hold duration. The accuracy and hold duration are fixable at early levels. All issues are fixable with HOs/IOs. Also my opinion of Illusion's intent is that of a multi tool kit. You don't need ALL of your tools available all the time, because you have very potent tools aplenty.
Bias is a concern to me. Since player made guides have already presented bias (Stone armor, ILLUSION, Kinetics.....), it would be best, in my opin, to give a neutral and objective pure data source for ranges , type, Area affected, damage, Animation recharge, etc. A developer produced one. Strategy guides will, and should be, biased. They are based upon one person or group's playstyle.
I realize that what we have is what we have, and the guides are largely helpful. I am advocating for change and justifying, as best I can, that the resources are there.
Perhaps It wasn't really clear what I was implying. I will go on and state that player generated guides are great, yet developer provided raw data would certainly help in building a guide of any sorts. For me, if given the raw data and applicable use for any given game component, I can make my own decisions. It is through testing of application of those decisions which will generate guides on using or inability of using certain enhancements, powers, sets, combinations, et al, towards an intended result. Player guides could include things like: "Building perma hasten in a post I9 world", or "Resistance building for /SR scrappers in post- I9", or even "Knockback: Inventions and body tossing for you!". It should not cost me money to get a Prima Guide, which will be fully outdated shortly after release. Also, I may be wrong, but isn't that guide created by an outside party? If so, then inaccuracies, and misinformation through error or ill intent are just as likely as player generated guides. It is not a theory, but a PRACTICE for veteran SGs to discover unintended effects, anomalies, and even exploits, but not mention them to anyone until they have satisfied some internal timetable. Misinformation, intentional or not is possible. Also possible is editorialization instead of objectivity. I honestly do not like guides that recommend certain powers using a "star" system. You allow personal opinion to influence new players seeking some semi official comment on their build or idea, at that point.
I will give an example of community built informational resource gone awry:
If you haven't heard about slander, misrepresentation, misinformation, and disinformation in wikipedia of late, I recommend you do some searching. While guides are very simple, inane player tools in theory, there will always be someone out there wanting to gently push their methods onto others.
Lack of up front, official documentation about %to hit and damage vs +level enemies has caused me to nearly quit this game in frustration because everyone thinks they hit +5/6s "just fine". Granted the individual is likely overstating, and lying to get that same XP they got being PLed for 20+ levels, but what of honest people that don't know the difference. What is it? -85% NET damage, and like -85% to hit at +5? Without developer provided numbers, in easy to find places, all we get is a void filled by players taking best guesses or best reverse-analysis. There are some specialists (arcana, for example), who are very good at this. It is noteworthy, however, that she advocates for defense based sets, and I swear she has it in for /regen. I understand the devs hate regen too, and all (kidding here.... or am I?....), but I would rather get raw data, THEN have someone compile that data, should they choose to. I personally would just look at the numbers given, and make my own evaluation. While things like Luck Of The Gambler being 7.5% get confirmed -by- developers or reps, it'd be better if you just caved in and published the numbers highly visible, so we could make opinionated guides/How To's based off of referenceable numbers, and descriptions. What in great googly goodness' name does does "short" mean in power recharge description?? In some cases 2 seconds, in some cases 2.5.... Lets suppose I want the shorter of 2 short recharge powers at level 5, to fit a theme? I pick one. As luck would have it I pick a few such short powers for themed animation times, and get told by an -informed- person that 3 of my 4 powers in my standard attack chain are adding 2 seconds to the full chain. Similar has actually happened to me. Animation times aren't listed, and exactly how many seconds of recharge, either. Player guides can CLAIM to have the numbers, but i'd really prefer to know the programmed/designed times. Honestly, even if they are wrong. This is when the playerbase will be right there to question the validity of the timings and ask for confirmation or reasoning, along with remedy as needed.
Player guides are great opinion pieces. Allowing us to dictate which powers are worthless/uber to neophytes is a bad idea. My opinion, of course. MoG, Flash, Unstoppable, ALL the tanker passives, /SR passives, Spectral Terror in PVE, Group Invisibility, the list goes on and on for powers that are considered great or useless, depending upon who you are asking. If the only way to get animation and recharge timing on Flash, for example(a "droppable" power that I personally always take), is to read an opinionated player guide that also informs you that it is essentially worthless due to -20% acc inherent, long recharge, and short hold duration. The accuracy and hold duration are fixable at early levels. All issues are fixable with HOs/IOs. Also my opinion of Illusion's intent is that of a multi tool kit. You don't need ALL of your tools available all the time, because you have very potent tools aplenty.
Bias is a concern to me. Since player made guides have already presented bias (Stone armor, ILLUSION, Kinetics.....), it would be best, in my opin, to give a neutral and objective pure data source for ranges , type, Area affected, damage, Animation recharge, etc. A developer produced one. Strategy guides will, and should be, biased. They are based upon one person or group's playstyle.
I realize that what we have is what we have, and the guides are largely helpful. I am advocating for change and justifying, as best I can, that the resources are there.
[/ QUOTE ]
When has there EVER been an accurate developer based guide in this game? City of Data is continually incorrect.
If your point is to ask the dev's to create a guide then kudo's. I seriously doubt it will happen , though Just state your point concisely please?
For the record I posted to bump this thread. I think the poster above me has a valid point but perhaps people are missing said point because of the long windedness stuff that gives us all a headache.
I know I would love it if we actually had a numbers breakdown from the dev's that was ACTUALLY accurate. However, Cox hasn't had that for 3 years and I don't see it happening anytime in the near future. Especially when they have players more than ready to post this info for them and lighten their workload.
Actually, I think it's really a 2-part issue.
The developers of the game should release an official "guide" that gives us all the nitty-gritty -- the numbers, the qualifiers and quantifiers, etc., so we know exactly how and why things work as they do. And this guide should be updated EVERY SINGLE TIME THERE IS A PATCH. Websites are updated every day, hour by hour. There is no legitimate reason why there can't be an official Cryptic/NCSoft online database/guide of exactly how this game works that is 100% current and up-to-date. Period.
But, that being said, I don't expect Cryptic to provide me with skill guides, build guides, or any type of strategy guides. These are things I believe should be left to the players. After all, we collectively log more time in-game than the developers ever could, and often find ways of accomplishing things the devs never thought of or intended.
But we the playerbase should not be expected to provide datasets on how powers/enhancements/salvage/etc. function, that's just absurd. I mean, com'n don't u people know how your game works? Why do we need to spend our time figuring it out when you already have all the information but refuse to share it? This I will NEVER understand.
/rant off
There is no legitimate reason why there can't be an official Cryptic/NCSoft online database/guide of exactly how this game works that is 100% current and up-to-date. Period.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, there are plenty of legitimate reasons. The decision was made long before launch not to burden players down with numbers, which had both positive and negative impacts, but did fit with the "casual" nature of CoH (and later CoV). Putting the numbers out at this point would require programmer time and effort and I'm not sure that someone like Castle would see much benefit in opening up his spreadsheets to the eyes of the player base.
Also: are there any MMOGs that actually do this ie the "official [...] online database [...] that is 100% current and up-to-date" with all the in-game figures? Off the top of my head, I can't think of any.
I suppose the qualifying factor is this!
Resource allocation.
Would the subscribing consumer base prefer NCsoft/Cryptic to allocate resources to publications that are often outdated due to upgrades within a very short time period.
Or would they rather have new content, bug fixes, game features.
That's the deciding factor.
Now let us end the threadjack and get some links going
[/ QUOTE ]
While the discussion is interesting and Lallendos has valid points, hear hear.
Do threads ever get split on this board? It would be useful in this case.
I suppose the qualifying factor is this!
Resource allocation.
Would the subscribing consumer base prefer NCsoft/Cryptic to allocate resources to publications that are often outdated due to upgrades within a very short time period.
Or would they rather have new content, bug fixes, game features.
That's the deciding factor.
[/ QUOTE ]
No, for two reasons:
1 - the reason you state above: Developer time is best spent developing the game.
2 - the Community will make their own guides anyways. The only advantage a Dev guide would have would be from giving us base numbers.
CatMan - some form on every server
Always here, there, and there again.
I suppose the qualifying factor is this!
Resource allocation.
Would the subscribing consumer base prefer NCsoft/Cryptic to allocate resources to publications that are often outdated due to upgrades within a very short time period.
Or would they rather have new content, bug fixes, game features.
That's the deciding factor.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think a dump of the numbers, badges, powers and other facts would be nice. Then we can put those into more accuracte guides. Maybe one of those spreadsheets could fall off of the truck again.
Poison Pill
I suppose the qualifying factor is this!
Resource allocation.
Would the subscribing consumer base prefer NCsoft/Cryptic to allocate resources to publications that are often outdated due to upgrades within a very short time period.
Or would they rather have new content, bug fixes, game features.
That's the deciding factor.
[/ QUOTE ]
I would rather they spent the 3-5 days it would take a decent web developer to develop a DB to hold the numbers (like city of data) and a quick "final stats DB"->"web DB" exporter script that can be fired off after each patch (Yes, I do this stuff for a living)... Hey you never know, if you actually use the live DB as a data source we might be able to catch the silly errors that happen because most of the powers people seem to do their work with *shudder* spreadsheets.
lolz numbers
It's not like the sets that are good and bad aren't common knowledge enough without the game being reduced to a mathematical exercise. (Full disclosure: I have an energy/ice blaster at 50 and kinda wish someone had told me it was a gimp build before I was in the 40s.)
Libris- Please don't use an exclamation mark in the middle of a statement, it burns my eyes. (Full disclosure: English/Philosophy degree, I wish someone had told me this was a gimp build before entering the job market.)
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Libris- Please don't use an exclamation mark in the middle of a statement, it burns my eyes. (Full disclosure: English/Philosophy degree, I wish someone had told me this was a gimp build before entering the job market.)
[/ QUOTE ]
Wow, that was funny. "PWNT" by capitalism.
I suppose the qualifying factor is this!
Resource allocation.
Would the subscribing consumer base prefer NCsoft/Cryptic to allocate resources to publications that are often outdated due to upgrades within a very short time period.
Or would they rather have new content, bug fixes, game features.
That's the deciding factor.
[/ QUOTE ]
So you're saying that Cryptic's policy is that if one is provided, there will be none of the other since that time is preferably allocated to the first?
Perhaps a more flexible work scheduling environment could be explored where more than one thing is possible at the same time?
No actual guides posted here, then?
Official Prima Guide to this thread: Threadjack Rating Level- Extreme!
Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.
I suppose the qualifying factor is this!
Resource allocation.
Would the subscribing consumer base prefer NCsoft/Cryptic to allocate resources to publications that are often outdated due to upgrades within a very short time period.
Or would they rather have new content, bug fixes, game features.
That's the deciding factor.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thats a nice Hobson's choice:
a) would you like what your asking about bundled up and restated in a way I know you dont want it
b) or would you like something different that I know you care about
How about you guys send Red Tomax the data and let him format it and put it out on the 'net?
He appears to have sufficient resources to allow for an allocation resulting in the presentation of legible information.
I'd like to thank all the people who take time from their real lives to compile these guides for us. You guys are one of the main reasons that City of Heroes is the best game I've ever had the pleasure to play.
[/ QUOTE ]
Would the subscribing consumer base prefer NCsoft/Cryptic to allocate resources to publications that are often outdated due to upgrades within a very short time period.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is in some ways a ridiculous question. There are many ways NCSoft/Cryptic can pull off effective game system documentation. Have you considered (un)officially partnering with paragonwiki for example? Yes there'd be a legal storm around that kind of initiative, but for reasons that are irrelevant to the core question of efficient documentation for players.
Basically, there are many options that have potential if the people have the power can just take the responsibility to creatively think of them, (and many players are trying to help out with that). Personally, I don't like this trend of implying that the players are significantly to blame for (or too stupid to grasp the nature of) the flaws they're only trying to highlight for potential improvement.
C'mon Ex Libris, you can do better.
(Yes, I admit, so could I)
I suppose the qualifying factor is this!
Resource allocation.
Would the subscribing consumer base prefer NCsoft/Cryptic to allocate resources to publications that are often outdated due to upgrades within a very short time period.
Or would they rather have new content, bug fixes, game features.
That's the deciding factor.
[/ QUOTE ]
Bug fixes ...
... and the ability to go back and do older arcs that have been out leveled.
Please ... ?
With Speed Boost on top ... ?
I'm not sure how Ex_Libris feels about this thread's first few days of life, but I'd just like to say:
Folks, these are all extremely valid points, but this thread is not titled "How would you rather get your information". I can understand the desire for hard, accurate data which would make guide building all the better.
But seriously, let's move off this thread and find a new home. In fact, I'm starting a new thread here in the Suggestions forum to continue this conversation.
Hello I9 Community. With Issue 9 still hot on the testing block we wanted to take this opportunity to get some of you to organize and wrangle some of the best guides and information all in one handy location, this is something we can easily link into our overall Guide to Guides but this one will be I9 specific.
So we will need some help in making this happen.
1) A call for guides that are specific for Issue 9 this includes Salvage and Recipe Lists, as well as any helpful hints to I9.
2) Some dedicated and organized folks that will help us wrangle up all those guides and communicate with us on the community end to get those guides updated to the master lists.
What we are looking for are people who are willing to take a category or two and create a revised version of the post containing all the new links.
Let me explain further. For example, say someone is willing to help update the Salvage Guide Post. What they would do is the following:
1. Visit the guide post they want to update.
2. Click the "Quote" button, just like they are replying to that post and wanted to quote it. This will give the person editing the original posts UBB code (with links and all that).
3. Using that content and UBB code, create a new post that is updated. This would include links to any new guides and any new information, or organization they feel is appropriate for that Guide post.
4. Post their revised version as a reply to the end of the thread where the guide link post is at.
5. Send a Private Message to Ex Libris or Lighthouse letting us know you have posted an updated guide link post. As with any communication to us it is helpful if you provide the link in your correspondence.
6. Then, we'll take a look at it and if the revised guide post looks good, then edit the original post and paste in your revised version and give you credit in that post as the "Official I9 Guide Post Editor."
7. Once we use your revision, we will send you a reply private message and you will then have the option to have your title changed to "Official I9 Guide Post Editor."
Thanks in advance to anyone who is willing to help with this!
Guide Link Posts that have been done:
If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask here or PM Ex Libris and I will answer you as soon as possible.
Thanks again.