Rants, Forums, Lighthouse





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I think "Lighthouse & Friends" (Good name, huh?) are doing a fine job.

Granted, I've disagreed twice on the Mods choice of thread deletion, although, side from that, there's not one mistake I've seen them make (concerning moderation).

All the closed threads have been a load of nuts and bolts.

[/ QUOTE ]

It only takes one exception to disprove all, yes?

Miss_Kitty's followup "the tails are clipping" thread. The first thread got out of hand, got locked, Kitty started a second one, it did not get out of hand...it got locked.

[/ QUOTE ]

Creating new threads when the original gets locked is against forum rules. Sorry.




And I disagree with your disagreement and say that, in my opinion, UnSub is absolutely right.

Lighthouse is here to do a job. Being your friend is optional.

When you have a stuck/bugged mission, and you /petition for a GM, do you want someone to come in and joke with you about it for a half hour, or do you want someone who will fix it?

[/ QUOTE ]

If we have to polarize things now, then Unsub - and by extension, you - are absolutely wrong.

There's a difference; GMs are there to smooth over your play experience when things screw up. CuppaJo (and now Lighthouse) are community liaisons. If you're not willing to be a part of the community, you'll suck at the liaising thing.

That's not the same as saying that he has to be my friend, but if he holds himself aloof and acts only as a traffic cop, there's no real connection to the community.

Also, the fact that CuppaJo did not hold herself aloof and act solely as a traffic cop was not a flaw.

I believe that some people got used to a very lenient standard of enforcement and are now having to deal with a much stricter one. It's unfortunate that we've gone from one extreme to another, but I disagree that the solution is for the new moderator to unilaterally loosen up. Posters are going to have to learn to behave better, as they always should have.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, please. This isn't about stricter moderation. If there were any sign that thread deletions actually related to the forum rules in anything other than a random sense, this topic would not have even come up. Have you even been paying attention to how this stuff has been going down since September, or is this just an appeal to authority? "Since they're the mods, they've got to be right?"

Re-read the thread. You'll see that a large number of complaints have to do with innocuous threads getting zapped while offensive threads and posts remain for a long period of time.

I'm not saying this stuff because I want Lighthouse to like me. I want him to keep doing his job. That's all.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would hope that part of his job is to not hamstring the CoH forum community by allowing haphazard moderation to continue, but it seemed to continue after he took over. It might be more sane now that he's been at it for awhile, but I'll wait and see on that.

I'd wish the kind of moderation on y'all that you guys so clearly seem to want, but then I would like to find this forum at least moderately pleasant to hang out in. I feel like I'm conversing with people begging for food rations and a maximum wage limit here.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)




Creating new threads when the original gets locked is against forum rules. Sorry.

[/ QUOTE ]

And the other threads that get deleted despite not breaking forum rules? I once posted a link to an article about CoH with a somewhat satirical title - thread was deleted within a few hours.

There were no flames, no one was calling out the devs, the thread was about CoH, although some of it did get a bit silly (as they sometimes do). Since CuppaJo was still here when it happened, I asked her about it and she restored the thread because it did not break any rules. After that experience, I've been a bit sensitive to how the unnamed moderators handle things in this regard, and I can't say that I agree with the idea that every thread that gets locked or deleted deserves it, or that every post that gets deleted deserves that.

I'm also not completely certain that creating a new thread when the original is locked is against forum rules. I mean, sure, if you create a thread calling out Statesman to explain why he's nerfing the game to make you leave, and then make a second after the first is deleted...you're still breaking the rules. But if you make a thread about - for example - regeneration which degenerates into a flamefest over the great regen nerfs of issues 3, 4, 5, and 6, I'm not sure that making a second thread about regen in the hopes of dodging that bullet is really against the forum rules.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



To take the counter point - there are likely thousands of posts made in a week. It would be incredibly difficult to read them all, so it's likely posts get skimmed and if something catches the eye then it might get trimmed (and sometimes, trimmed too extensively). And sometimes threads go very quickly from good to bad, so it might get away from them.

On top of this, I have to assume that mods have other responsibilities over just reading the forums all day. So "heaven forbit" that some posts, out of thousands per week, get missed. If anything, it suggests that mods should get a lot more delete-happy, because that will catch all problem posts.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now you're implying that all the posts that do get deleted need to be deleted, and that is so not the case. I can understand them missing posts, and I'd be okay with that if they weren't also deleting posts that simply do not cross the line. You're excluding possibilities here to make it sound like consistent moderation is a pipe dream.

[/ QUOTE ]

In all reality, at this point I believe we are arguing individual points of view about what "consistency" is. For all the talk of the mods being more ruthless recently, I haven't really seen it. In fact, I think I've seen more complaining (and weak complaining at that, which has then spawned flamewars) about I8 than I saw about I7.

So perhaps the mods aren't being more (allegedly) ruthless because there is a new guy in town; perhaps the mods are being more (allegedly) ruthless because they are dealing with a more hostile crowd or because it's been decided that the forums need to be cleaned up.

And I don't expect that the mods are 100% accurate that every post they delete deserves that fate. You are arguing that it is better that if mistakes are to be made, inappropriate posts should remain because it is better than appropriate posts being deleted. I disagree. The removal of an appropriate post (which in often incidental to the core of what is actually being deleted) is better than leaving an offensive post for all to see.

To which someone will reply, "But in this case, the mods left this post in which was offensive", and I'll say that they made a mistake in likely leaving an old post up when checking on the hundreds of new posts that had been created in a day.




If we have to polarize things now, then Unsub - and by extension, you - are absolutely wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm willing to believe we are at opposite ends (or close enough) on the spectrum of how we believe forums should be run. You disagree with me, and that is fine enough, until you call me "absolutely wrong" on it. You don't have the absolute truth on this matter, so don't pretend that you do. Neither do I.


CuppaJo (and now Lighthouse) are community liaisons. If you're not willing to be a part of the community, you'll suck at the liaising thing.

That's not the same as saying that he has to be my friend, but if he holds himself aloof and acts only as a traffic cop, there's no real connection to the community.

Also, the fact that CuppaJo did not hold herself aloof and act solely as a traffic cop was not a flaw.

[/ QUOTE ]

Whether or not CuppaJo was aloof or not (which she wasn't) is less important to me than how she did her job. She did it well, and she was well liked, but it's not like stealth-deletions weren't rampant when she was in charge. They were. Yes, she did occasionally post a "stop this now" message in a thread, but it was rare.

Lighthouse is doing a better job by stating in the threads he goes into WHY he's doing what he's doing and usually how it violates the forum rules. In terms of managing forums, anyone reading those posts can see what's happened.

He is not aloof to the community - if he was aloof, he wouldn't be posting explanations about what he has done. He's just not cracking jokes just yet - which, for someone in authority and fairly new to the job, is probably a very good thing to do, lest he makes teh funny that the community hates him for.

If there were any sign that thread deletions actually related to the forum rules in anything other than a random sense, this topic would not have even come up.

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course, I can't show you a deleted thread to deal with that over-generalisation you made there regarding thread deletion. But yes, I've seen threads that deserve to be deleted... and in fact, where.

My "Happy 1st Birthday to ED!" being one of them :-)


I'd wish the kind of moderation on y'all that you guys so clearly seem to want, but then I would like to find this forum at least moderately pleasant to hang out in. I feel like I'm conversing with people begging for food rations and a maximum wage limit here.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, condescending much?

I want order instilled on the forums because 1) I want CoH/V to continue to have an official forums, 2) I don't want it to turn into the IMDb forums (as one of many examples) and 3) I don't want it to turn into a forum where the mod's friends run riot.

You think that Lighthouse needs to be a bigger part of the community, whatever that means. I think he is doing fine right now and like his tactics. YMMV.



Well that is what I decided to do. I am PM'ing Statesman about Lightbright and hopefully he will either lay off the delete button a little, or hopefully actually apply it fairly and with some reasons given. I know this post will likely be deleted by morning. He has a personal hate-on for me so I think his beeper goes off everytime I post so he can delete them. Think CuppaJo will come back and replace him?

And if you really are nice, you will quote this so it will live on after his perfecttommy purge in the morning!

Bitter? nah, just figure why should I be polite to someone that won't even give me the courtesy of telling me what I did wrong

[/ QUOTE ] A couple of tips here. First of all, when you have to stoop to using a derogitory name for someone, ESPECIALLY a modification of his current name, then you're just reaching in a desperate manner for any and all reasons to hate the person. It really demeans your statements. I remember listening to talk radio... rush was on, talking about clinton, as he often did, then after his show a different person came on, and throughout his show he would only refer to clinton as "slick willy". It made the guy sound like a boob. Rush may have some idiotic points occasionally, but at least he was capable of saying the name "clinton". He didn't have to boost his ego by derrogating others.

And I really doubt lighthouse hates you. Come on. I don't think he's particularly great at his job right now either, but I don't fool myself into thinking this is some sort of conspiracy. Why? Because you're just not important enough. Neither am I for that matter. Was I irritated when the costume contest was botched up beyond all human recognition? Absolutely. Did I think to myself "wow, NCSoft must really hate me for screwing up in a way that I'd care about!" Absolutely not.

I'll agree that it's annoying as hell to have posts seemingly randomly deleted. As livinghellfire put it, meaningless tangents are kept up while refrences to underwear are deleted forever. But this isn't anarchy. Probably not anyway. There ARE other options than anarchy. This whole thing doesn't have to be about legal theory you know. He COULD just be incompetent. I'm not saying he is.. I'm saying it's a possibility. He COULD be under totally different orders than cuppa and cricket were, and his boss may just not have a clue how to hold a community together. We don't know WHY he's doing what he's doing... or whether the decisions are even his.

One person said that comments about his personality were uncalled for... to me, that is the ONLY part that is called for, because that's all we actually know about. We can't assume we know his motivations for things, because we don't. We don't even begin to.

Can't we just start blaming statesman for everything again? After all, he's the man.. so we can change his name to The States-man! Yeah, that will make us sound clever!

Zeus - god of derogotory statements



To sum up this thread for those of you who don't want to read all of the previous 255 replies:

1) Some people don't like Lighthouse
2) Some people do
3) Some people think they should be able to say, do, post anything they want
4) Some people don't
5) Some people think the forum moderation is too inconsistent
6) Some people don't
7) Some people think that consistent forum moderation is possible
8) Some people don't
9) Some people think that a hard line of what's acceptable and what is not is a) necessary and b) realistic
10) Some people don't

I'll be sure to check back in after the next 255 posts to see if this list needs updated. Peace.

Pinnacle -- Titans of Paragon
Blue 50s: 4 controllers, 3 defenders, 2 blasters, 2 scrappers, 1 tanker
Red 50s: 4 corruptors, 2 brutes, 1 dominator, 1 VEAT

Arc ID# 1427: High School Reunion
Arc ID#: 1671: Positron Revisited



One more thing I wanted to add... because I've kind of tried to explore the manner of this thread in PM's for several months now.

In my opinion....

Cuppa did a good job.. although I didn't know it at the time. I never understood the cuppaclones, I always thought it was a branch of human "joiner" mentality. I'm just not a joiner, I don't care to join groups so I never understood the cuppa clones. Then cuppa left.

The forums were... undermoderated. I started looking at the DDO forums, and their intense lack of moderation really made me appreciate these forums. They have half their threads as ones that would simply be eliminated by ANY mod around here. "I quit" posts, that sort of thing. But even here, things were undermoderated. We started getting into off topic conversations where some people were really getting bent out of shape and the thread should have been locked pages before... and it wasn't. I kind of attributed this to the fact that moderation was a job for two (cricket and cuppa) and now there was only one (cricket). I PMed cricket about this... and after a few days, got a reply, which that in and of itself showed me "I'm really really busy" if nothing else. (although as usual her reply was quite helpful in addition).

Then lighthouse came in... and we got a HUGE overabundance of moderating. The dartboard method of post deletion was used. Not only was it WAY too much moderation, but since we were in a time of too LITTLE moderation, it came as a real shock and quite honestly, pissed a whole lot of people off to no end. Hence... a lot of people don't dig on lighthouse, and probably never will. First impressions and all.

Since then, moderation still seems a bit random at times. I can't say whether it's getting better or worse, as I've stopped following a lot of threads like I used to. I don't spend much time on the boards anymore. He does at least say why sometimes, so that's a bonus.

I'm not saying moderation is bad... the undermoderation was bad. the overmoderation is bad. There IS a middle ground somewhere. That middle ground seemed to come naturally to cuppa. Apparantly to lighthouse, it's something he needs to find, not have fall into his lap like it did with cuppa. Hopefully.. he WANTS to find it.

Zeus - god of history



Lighthouse is here to do a job. Being your friend is optional.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is important. What is his job? People seem to think his job is "forum moderator". Is it? I was to the understanding that his job was more than just the cheif moderator.

I was to the understanding that his job was to organize and hold together the City of Heroes community. There is more to this than just forum moderation. In game activities are part of this. Contests are part of this. People stay with a game in many cases because of the community and social environment that it brings, and his job is to keep that community together.

Can he do THAT without being friendly?

Zeus - god of differences



Lighthouse is here to do a job. Being your friend is optional.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is important. What is his job? People seem to think his job is "forum moderator". Is it? I was to the understanding that his job was more than just the cheif moderator.

I was to the understanding that his job was to organize and hold together the City of Heroes community. There is more to this than just forum moderation. In game activities are part of this. Contests are part of this. People stay with a game in many cases because of the community and social environment that it brings, and his job is to keep that community together.

Can he do THAT without being friendly?

Zeus - god of differences

[/ QUOTE ]

From his info screen, Community Relations Manager. Wouldn't that make him like Julie on the Love Boat?



I never followed the love boat. But... could julie have been able to do her job if it were "strictly business"? Or did she have to have a bit of personality? Put a bit of herself into her work? And is that avatar really a picture of you? I like to imagine that all forum avatars are of the people that post. Did you know miss kitty was really a manga character? It's true!

Zeus - god of a point, with some silliness added.



This is important. What is his job? People seem to think his job is "forum moderator". Is it? I was to the understanding that his job was more than just the cheif moderator.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is true, but it's not topical.

This particular discussino isn't about whether or not the rules are too strict or whether or not Lighthouse likes to poop the bed, it's about the fact that the rules are enforced in an uneven and hap-hazzard way.

It's about the fact that some posts containing personal attacks and profanity and/or clearly confrontational, provocative trolling are left unmolested while posts containing relatively harmless commentary is smacked.

And it's about the fact that it is so blatant, so common and so unmistakeable that there are those of us who've picked up on it and are saying something about it.

We don't care what the rules are, we'll follow whatever NCSoft decides to toss up there, but we need to know what they are for sure and the best way for us to know is for those rules to be enforced evenly across the board.

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



I never followed the love boat. But... could julie have been able to do her job if it were "strictly business"? Or did she have to have a bit of personality? Put a bit of herself into her work? And is that avatar really a picture of you? I like to imagine that all forum avatars are of the people that post. Did you know miss kitty was really a manga character? It's true!

Zeus - god of a point, with some silliness added.

[/ QUOTE ]

The avatar?

That would be me if she had red hair and I hadn't had four kids by c-section. Other than that, yep, looks just like me. Promise.

Julie? Cruise Director Julie... *giggles* Gods my mom loved that show. I was a bit younger then. Very light and silly. Anyone who's watched it, can we have a Gopher round here? That'd make this place a lot of fun.



I've had a few posts modded, and I've had a few traffic stops. In both cases, I'd broken the rules, gone out of bounds, and I knew it. I didn't curse the guy who caught me doing it.

[/ QUOTE ]

To extend your analogy:

What if you consistantly saw the same cop at an intersection, and consistantly saw him ignore people running a stop sign but only stopped you? In fact, what if someone ran said stop sign right in front of you, but you made a "rolling stop" and he pulled you over and gave you a ticket? I think you might wind up cursing the guy that pulled you over.

I think this is a better representation of what many of us feel is going on here.



Well that is what I decided to do. I am PM'ing Statesman about Lightbright and hopefully he will either lay off the delete button a little, or hopefully actually apply it fairly and with some reasons given. I know this post will likely be deleted by morning. He has a personal hate-on for me so I think his beeper goes off everytime I post so he can delete them. Think CuppaJo will come back and replace him?

And if you really are nice, you will quote this so it will live on after his perfecttommy purge in the morning!

Bitter? nah, just figure why should I be polite to someone that won't even give me the courtesy of telling me what I did wrong

[/ QUOTE ] A couple of tips here. First of all, when you have to stoop to using a derogitory name for someone, ESPECIALLY a modification of his current name, then you're just reaching in a desperate manner for any and all reasons to hate the person. It really demeans your statements. I remember listening to talk radio... rush was on, talking about clinton, as he often did, then after his show a different person came on, and throughout his show he would only refer to clinton as "slick willy". It made the guy sound like a boob. Rush may have some idiotic points occasionally, but at least he was capable of saying the name "clinton". He didn't have to boost his ego by derrogating others.

[/ QUOTE ]

okay Smartacus, making fun of his name I find funny. I like it. and if you read all my posts, you would see I was using the lampooning of his moniker as a method to prove a point. There is no way those posts should have stood as they engaged in personal attacks. The should have had the smack of no return. Yet other posts that did not engage in any personal attack or go off topic etc, have been deleted. That is why my complaint is. I proved my point to all of you that want to disagree about consistency that openly hostile rule breaking posts aren't getting deleted. And as for Billy Bob Clinton... get over yourself, he was and still is a staple for late night comedians. Do you think Dubya, doesn't get made fun of?

And I really doubt lighthouse hates you. Come on. I don't think he's particularly great at his job right now either, but I don't fool myself into thinking this is some sort of conspiracy. Why? Because you're just not important enough. Neither am I for that matter. Was I irritated when the costume contest was botched up beyond all human recognition? Absolutely. Did I think to myself "wow, NCSoft must really hate me for screwing up in a way that I'd care about!" Absolutely not.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pretty sure he doesn't lose sleep over me either. But see my previous paragraph, I was intentionally launching a flame on him to attempt to either a) get it deleted or b) prove that the Mods of all creation are inconsistent

I'll agree that it's annoying as hell to have posts seemingly randomly deleted. As livinghellfire put it, meaningless tangents are kept up while refrences to underwear are deleted forever. But this isn't anarchy. Probably not anyway. There ARE other options than anarchy. This whole thing doesn't have to be about legal theory you know. He COULD just be incompetent. I'm not saying he is.. I'm saying it's a possibility. He COULD be under totally different orders than cuppa and cricket were, and his boss may just not have a clue how to hold a community together. We don't know WHY he's doing what he's doing... or whether the decisions are even his.

One person said that comments about his personality were uncalled for... to me, that is the ONLY part that is called for, because that's all we actually know about. We can't assume we know his motivations for things, because we don't. We don't even begin to.

Can't we just start blaming statesman for everything again? After all, he's the man.. so we can change his name to The States-man! Yeah, that will make us sound clever!

Zeus - god of derogotory statements

[/ QUOTE ]

No I don't blame Statesman. He hired Blighthouse to admin the forum & community. He doesn't really want to deal with the issues on the board, he expects LH to do his job.

As I posted earlier, I have dealt with my original issue with Cricket and got great results.

And lastly (well for now, you KNOW I will never actually shut up) to those that consider some of my posts to be immature and that I have problems with authority:

Well according to my wife all men are immature, (seriously I am playing a game about being a superhero, calling me immature is pretty redundant) I happen to consider it immature to simply bow to any figure given the mantle of authority without, what seems, any true ability to wield it. I am not a sheep.

Problems with authority? You bet. That is why I own the company and won't hire sycophants. If you never question authority you have completely given up free will and are a willing slave.

Patrick Henry, William Wallace, Gandhi, Thomas Jefferson, Jesus. These guys all had problems with authority. The guys at the Nuremburg trials? Just following orders.



I've had a few posts modded, and I've had a few traffic stops. In both cases, I'd broken the rules, gone out of bounds, and I knew it. I didn't curse the guy who caught me doing it.

[/ QUOTE ]

To extend your analogy:

What if you consistantly saw the same cop at an intersection, and consistantly saw him ignore people running a stop sign but only stopped you? In fact, what if someone ran said stop sign right in front of you, but you made a "rolling stop" and he pulled you over and gave you a ticket? I think you might wind up cursing the guy that pulled you over.

I think this is a better representation of what many of us feel is going on here.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is almost exactly how I feel. Damn traffic cop!!!! *shakes fist*

�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray



I've had a few posts modded, and I've had a few traffic stops. In both cases, I'd broken the rules, gone out of bounds, and I knew it. I didn't curse the guy who caught me doing it.

[/ QUOTE ]

To extend your analogy:

What if you consistantly saw the same cop at an intersection, and consistantly saw him ignore people running a stop sign but only stopped you? In fact, what if someone ran said stop sign right in front of you, but you made a "rolling stop" and he pulled you over and gave you a ticket? I think you might wind up cursing the guy that pulled you over.

I think this is a better representation of what many of us feel is going on here.

[/ QUOTE ]
One, it's not the same cop. There's a new cop on the beat, who seems more inclined to hand out tickets for minor infractions than the last one. Guess you'd better learn to slow down, signal your turns, and not floor it through yellow lights.

Two, perceptions of things like your example are notoriously flawed and biased, often unconsciously. There hasn't been a patch that's gone by without someone complaining that Accuracy has been stealth-nerfed. 99% of the time, it's just an artifact of the human mind's tendency to focus on the negative and dismiss the positive... like all the times you did get away with bending the rules.

IMO, if you come into this situation with an existing bias, that will cause the perceived data to match your hypothesis. Data that doesn't fit the theory is discarded as inconsequential. This is not to say that Lighthouse is infallible... but neither are his observers.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



I increasingly mourn the departure of CuppaJo lately....the modding isn't even consistent even with PM's - one topic posted across all threads 2 weeks ago discussing recruiting was locked down in 10 minutes, yet the cross server Mayor thread that many people flagged and PM'd survived. Posts about fantasy football survive, yet my post about an email NC Soft sent out on Guild Wars yesterday was locked in 15 minutes...

its one thing to be a new Sheriff...its another to practice that like you are in Mexico



One, it's not the same cop. There's a new cop on the beat, who seems more inclined to hand out tickets for minor infractions than the last one. Guess you'd better learn to slow down, signal your turns, and not floor it through yellow lights.

[/ QUOTE ]

Uhhh... you don't get to twist his analogy to suit your purposes. Old cop left, new cop comes in, these comments are about the way the rules are being enforced by the new cop. The old cop has nothing to do with it.

Again, it's not how strict the rules are, it's the fact that their application seems sloppily enforced, at best, and at worst completely random.

Two, perceptions of things like your example are notoriously flawed and biased, often unconsciously.

[/ QUOTE ]

One person ranting about it, fine.

A large number of people who are very familiar with the community and the culture all noticing the same things... that's a little different.

See, your argument makes sense, but only if you were applying it to comments that were in opposition to a strict ruleset. That's not what's being said and therefore you're arguing the wrong issue.

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



It's about the fact that some posts containing personal attacks and profanity and/or clearly confrontational, provocative trolling are left unmolested while posts containing relatively harmless commentary is smacked.

[/ QUOTE ] Your going to have to show an example of this , because I haven't seen any thread get deleted unless posts were off topic or flames. This forum has 10,000 posts a day , you can't possibly read all of them.

If someone hits notify moderator at the bottom of the post , it gets deleted in a few hours .



It's about the fact that some posts containing personal attacks and profanity and/or clearly confrontational, provocative trolling are left unmolested while posts containing relatively harmless commentary is smacked.

[/ QUOTE ] Your going to have to show an example of this , because I haven't seen any thread get deleted unless posts were off topic or flames. This forum has 10,000 posts a day , you can't possibly read all of them.

[/ QUOTE ]

There was an example in this very thread of such a post that lasted for days. The only reason why it's not there now is because Cricket, upon being asked specifically, deleted it from the thread in question. It had been up for hours and hours after being notified, even including any pruning that had taken place prior.

I've had posts of my own disappear after only a few minutes simly because I asked "How many friends have you made with your posting style?".

Keep your eyes open... you'll see it.

If someone hits notify moderator at the bottom of the post , it gets deleted in a few hours .

[/ QUOTE ]

Sometimes... we'll say "usually".

But not always.

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



If someone hits notify moderator at the bottom of the post , it gets deleted in a few hours .

[/ QUOTE ]

Not always.

Earlier in this thread I linked to a post in the suggestions area where a poster advised self mutilation if someone used the /petition feature. I can't repeat what he called the players that did that. I just can't.

Anyway, that and a few other of his posts of the same caliber remained for days after clicking notify. Another person pm'ed Cricket and asked her to look at those posts. She removed them and apologized for them not being removed by the mods.

Another thread in Player Questions where a person used BabelFish to declare the game and the devs using profanity as... let's just say bad. The post would've been nothing but [censored] over and over except they used BabelFish and our profanity filter isn't in French. Several people posted translations. Hit notify on your own post to have a mod look at your reasoning and they used to delete the offending post. Nope. Not anymore. This time, they deleted the posts explaining what was wrong but not the post with the French profanities.

Either there's only one mod and he's getting tired and hasn't had coffee or sleep in several days or... I'm not sure I can finish that sentence. I mean, a post with profanity is left for days because they just didn't get it?

Seriously confusing these days. Seriously.



I've had posts of my own disappear after only a few minutes simly because I asked "How many friends have you made with your posting style?".

[/ QUOTE ]

Hah! I had a post about streudel in a joke thread get pruned.




Before this thread popped up, I was dwelling on the increase in moderated threads. I feel that I am a considerate poster. I usually chime in with support, not dissent, and I enjoy, and sometimes join, in lighthearted comradery. Lately, even my posts have seen the scissors.

I don't post very much, but the forums tend to reinforce my notion that this online game is played by good people.

Of late, I've been noticing that the threads that give you a feel for our player base are being closed down. I can understand that. I guess many of the posts are technically "flames" that I understood as good natured banter - much like the banter you see in the comics. These friendly posts actually encouraged me to participate in the forums.

For example, the hand of the moderators has been heavy over in the Pinnacle Server forum. Since I make my home on Pinnacle, I always check this forum. Pinnacle seems to draw in some of the class clowns, and this always made for fun reading. Was it relevant to Pinnacle? Well, kind of. Sure, it's not about the next Hamidon raid, or supergroup recruitment, but it is about the sense of community. I can get a feel for the servers I choose to play on, because I can get a feel for a few of the players. Imaginary? Probably. But I liked the service.

I think we are a bit too on task right now to get a feeling for the people behind the masks.