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  1. Fun! Cast a few votes for me.

    The Havok's
    Mr. Awesome
    Acoustic Delusions
    Kiyoshin my fave
    Broil Master
    Lord Cat
    Thor's Assassin
    Atrocity Sanger
    Mysterious Flame
  2. That's a nice costume!

    Good job!
  3. I don't know, dude. These types of threads are always hard because you are asking us to think for you and do the work to boot. It's hard enough to think for myself.

    If you just need a nudge in a creative direction, maybe I can help.

    As I understand it, your hero is undergoing a transformation. He's learning who he is and slowly learning to stand on his own, away from his mentor.

    How about something really simple to remind him to pursue his identity? Something like a yellow sash of remembrance around his waist? Or some other token that he can wear to remind him of his roots/destiny?

    Good luck to you!

    Ultimately, you will get it figured out.
  4. <ul type="square">[*]SG Name: The Wright Family[*]Public relations: (Website/Global channel) The Wright Family (Yahoo Group)[*]Peak teaming hours: 6 PM - 10 PM EST Weekdays, 9 AM - 11 PM Weekends, with a break around 9 PM to put the children to bed.[*]Amount of PvP: Extremely Rare.[*]Amount of Powerleveling: None. We team together, so SK's are common.[*]Amount of Drama: None. We are a close knit group of friends.[*]Size of Base: 8x12. A small hidden spot. Teleporters, work stations, storage, Med Station.[*]Requirements: This is a themed supergroup. You must be a Wright or be a family friend to be invited. We have a certain level of goofiness that must be embraced. Family relations, family history and costuming requirements apply. (Aunt Eunice makes all our SG costumes.) In real life, you must also be mature, witty and fun to be around. We are a casual group of gamers. We love puns, silly heroic talk, light roleplay and having fun![*]Other: We are all altoholics, and theme-a-holics to boot. We have several themed SG's and VG's across the servers that receive playtime. Consider us more a small coalition of like-minded individuals who enjoy each others company and gaming skills. The Wright Family Supergroup is now three years old and still filled with veterans who love this game. We are not actively recruiting, but if you don't like the usual fare of supergroups, send me an e-mail. You may fit wright in.[*]Guild Description: "A family that fights together, dies together." And "Root, Root, Rutabaga!" The Wrights are a large extended family. The family has been fighting crime and growing rutabagas for three generations. Although a few Wrights have managed to find other careers, the family business has made a lot of enemies and the Wrights are often the targets of criminal plots. A few Wrights have died in these encounters. Therefore, at the very least, all of the Wrights train from necessity to combat personal threats and to protect the rutabaga crop.[*]Forum Representative: Phrooob[*]Voice chat: Gods, no! Enjoy the peace and quiet. Read your wit and strategy.[*]Preferred Method of contact: Forum PM[/list]
  5. Before this thread popped up, I was dwelling on the increase in moderated threads. I feel that I am a considerate poster. I usually chime in with support, not dissent, and I enjoy, and sometimes join, in lighthearted comradery. Lately, even my posts have seen the scissors.

    I don't post very much, but the forums tend to reinforce my notion that this online game is played by good people.

    Of late, I've been noticing that the threads that give you a feel for our player base are being closed down. I can understand that. I guess many of the posts are technically "flames" that I understood as good natured banter - much like the banter you see in the comics. These friendly posts actually encouraged me to participate in the forums.

    For example, the hand of the moderators has been heavy over in the Pinnacle Server forum. Since I make my home on Pinnacle, I always check this forum. Pinnacle seems to draw in some of the class clowns, and this always made for fun reading. Was it relevant to Pinnacle? Well, kind of. Sure, it's not about the next Hamidon raid, or supergroup recruitment, but it is about the sense of community. I can get a feel for the servers I choose to play on, because I can get a feel for a few of the players. Imaginary? Probably. But I liked the service.

    I think we are a bit too on task right now to get a feeling for the people behind the masks.
  6. Thank you, IronYeti.

    You beat me to it, and with flare!
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's what I will always think of whenever someone says nerf. Gimme some of that Han Solo love, oh yeah!

  8. Hi Jay and Ian!

    I'm getting a lot of clipping with the motorcycle jacket and bandana combo. It is more usual for the hair to be clipped than not.

    Take a look:

    Clipping: Motorcycle Jacket and Bandana

    The outfit for reference.

    Thanks for any help you can give to my motorcycle chick's costume.
  9. Yay! I want to play with the big red ball!
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I've been gone for two years....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It is hard to pick up where you left off after being gone for two years on anything: knitting, model making, Baldur's Gate, etc. It is hard to get your bearings even if everything remains static. This is a dynamic, changing game. No matter what you do, you will be starting over.
  11. This really is not the right forum for this discussion, but I'll give you my advice anyhow.

    Your tanker is going to require some reworking. Maybe you have a free respec stashed away, maybe you don't. Try /respec in the chat window to find out. Either way, from the sound of it, you are pretty hacked off right now. I would let your tanker be for the moment and try to rekindle an interest for the game rather than mucking with something that already frustrates you.

    My recommendation: Go and get that 14 day free trial of City of Villains being offered at the mmorpg website and try the Brute AT. The AT, whatever else may be said of it, is fun and different than anything else. It is a rollicking good time solo. It should cure many of your woes. After the 14 days, you can come back to CoH refreshed, or stay and play in CoV.

    Keep an eye on the tanker forums. Someday you will want to rebuild that tanker, and sooner or later, someone will give you an idea that gets you excited to brush the dust off. But I think you should enjoy playing the next eight levels, rather than grinding them. I think a bad experience will taint Kheldians for you, even if you might really love them.

    My two cents. Good luck.

    Go. Play. Enjoy.
  12. Supergroup Name: The Wright Family

    Website: pinnaclewrights

    Leaders: Joe Wright, Pop Aynt Wright, Dewitt Wright, Alls Wright, Half Wright, Knot Wright, Keypinit Wright, Eli Quinn, Jedediah Wright, and Reel Wright are family legends, but any Wright can help you out.

    Preferred method of contact: If you see us online, send us a tell or say hi in local.

    Group Description: The name of our little supergroup is The Wright Family. We play on the Pinnacle server and have lots of fun. Almost all members of the supergroup are related and share the last name of Wright. Occasionally we adopt family friends into the family. As a family member, you will eat lots of rutabagas, learn our family history, endure our puns, and laugh/wince at our jokes. We are a kind of wacky group in that all our active members try to keep a Wright available for gaming at every level, which allows us to try new things and makes it easy for us to play with new players. We are mostly a PvE group, but occasionally we stumble drunk into the PvP areas. We have been in Paragon City since the doors opened and will likely be here when the doors close.
  13. <ul type="square">[*]Your heavy metal punk rock band is exposed to an evening of karaoke. The shame causes a chemical malfunction causing a disturbing change in their physique and abilities![/list]
  14. I was reading a post that there weren't enough guides about concept characters and groups. This guide is intended to feed your creativity and get you jazzed about building or participating in a group, supergroup or villain group based around a common premise.

    Groups with a common premise are an awful lot of fun to participate in. Not only do you get to enjoy the game, but you get to experience the joy that comes from bringing your own special content into the game and sharing it.

    These groups allow for individual creativity and spawn a creative frenzy within them as the ideas build and take on a life of their own. All you need to do is start with a fun premise and build from there.


    <ul type="square">[*]Your gardening club has the misfortune to garden on an irradiated or cursed ground. Or maybe it is irradiated because it was cursed....[*]Build a better you. Too much of something you love or an industrial accident somewhere you frequent has given you superpowers. Make a character that looks like you with likely powers. Just be mindful of the EULA and pick a psuedonym. For even more fun, bring along your friends and have them do the same. Form a supergroup.[*]All the chili at the chili cook-off was spiked by an evil mastermind. You and the rest of the attendees start exhibiting strange and unusual powers. Can you unite to find the villain and prevent other such accidents?[*]A school trip to the museum exposes the children to a strange artifact.[*]Love is in the air! Your supergroup starts to pair off. Maybe it's a love potion.... What will happen to the progeny? Start a supergroup based on the children of the heroes you have come to love.[*]Ah, family! A family that fights together, stays together. Your family can be hideous monsters, a nuclear family, an extended family, or a husband and wife, sibling, or parent/child team. This is a good way to choose similar powers for stacking and other goodness.[*]That secret project at work really paid off.[*]Space. What if an alien alliance banded together to show earthlings the way? Or the aliens have come to take over the world, again?[*]The police chief in another metropolitan area gets tired of the odds against supers. He (or she) puts power drinks in the vending machines at the station to buff up the force. It works better than planned. Now this elite squadron is headed to Paragon City.[*]A pantheon of gods is amusing itself by vesting their powers in your little study circle.[*]The government has decided to fund your proposal for a supergroup, on the sly, of course. Now you must deliver on your promise. Are you trying to undermine another government? Clean up organized crime? Supply further chemicals to the infected? Dislodge the Rikti? Make the proposal a priority for your supergroup.[*]You won’t be able to take down that arch-nemesis of yours without help. Maybe it is time to band together with other heroes or villains who also have an arch-nemesis. 'Your enemy is my enemy' can build a solid brotherhood. This could be a super or villain group of alts that take on all the groups of your mains.[*]They desecrated all those graves when building that super highway. Your spirits are restless and have taken a more corporeal form as you seek a way to find peace or return to humanity.[*]The asylum you were stashed away in is no longer secure. You and the other inmates can make your way to freedom. Sanity is over-rated anyhow.[*]That library book in every library in the world was cursed by a powerful magician. What are you and your fellow readers to do?[/list]
    Have fun and keep the premise simple! Talk your friends into building a character based on the premise and playing for an evening starting at Level 1. It's like having a costume party. The surprise is in the creativity!
  15. phrooob

    Your Opinion

    All the cool kids are doing it! Isn't that the age old explanation?

    Actually, explain to whom?

    <ul type="square">[*]My mother hogged the console games growing up and always had the high score. To this day, she plays all sorts of games and much better than I do. We tried to interest her in CoH, but superheroes and storylines are not her thing. She likes arcade and puzzle games and things with a score.[*]My father loves his computer casino games and asks me longingly if anyone has recreated Lucky's Casino Adventure yet.[*]My husband, sister and my three best friends play, so there is no explaining. The real challenge is in shutting us up.[*]My aunt upon learning how her nieces spend many evenings turned to her children and scolded them because they don't play online games with their siblings.[*]Most of our other friends have been exposed to gamers for so long that it becomes normal.[*]We enjoy it so much we'll occasionally bring in a laptop and show the curious what it is all about. Most of them would love to play computer games if only they could afford a decent computer and high speed internet.[/list]
    Anyhow, if you follow your hobbies for long enough, people understand it is your thing and love you for being passionate.
  16. phrooob

    The Kudos Thread

    I have the best time playing in your sandbox, Devs!

    I love my heroes and villains!
  17. Yeah, it's like waiting for the new Battlestar Galactica's! January seems like forever, but it's just around the corner! In no time, we'll be settling in to hear some new bO.
  18. Hey All,

    I sent Fire Wall a private message a while ago and just got a reply. He says to thank you all for the support and that bO bINDEL will be back in late January!
  19. I play often with my husband. My sister also plays which is great because she lives on the opposite coast. We have enough friends playing that we create themed supergroups. Closest relations in game for my husband and I are a brother and sister. Of course, that whole supergroup is related somehow (The Wright Family, Pinnacle).