





2. TP Foe brings the MM and his pets, and the specific target (i.e. the MM, is replaced with a random pet)

I disagree with this, as this negates the usefulness of TP Foe.

[/ QUOTE ]

A MMs pets ARE his powers. If you use tp foe on a tank or blaster, do their powers get left behind? A MM's powers should not be left behind by using tp foe on him.

[/ QUOTE ]

Could not have said it better myself. With or without bodyguard, this is a major issue that needs to be addressed.

[/ QUOTE ]
Do you realise what kind of precedent that sets? Should my Controller automatically bring Spectral Terror, Phantasm, Decoy Phantasm, and my Phantom Army with me if I'm TPed?

What about a Fire Tank? Should Burn come with him when teleported? Dark Servant? Rain of Fire?

[/ QUOTE ]

Only if it they can fit in the overhead compartment. Otherwise you will have to check them



I don't mean to get under anybody's skin with this comment, but I haven't seen it made and I think it needs to be said...

To be perfectly clear, what is the common Mastermind doing while his pets are trying to duke it out with the Hero?

If he's standing still like a statue being an immobile toggle platform, he is naturally going to be killed (and really should be killed) rather quickly, bodyguard power or no...

[/ QUOTE ]

My MM has, or at least had 250+ rep, of mostly solo PvP in Siren's call, I'll try to answer your questions.

Depends on what I'm fighting, if I'm fighting a controller, I'm probably hoping my pets kill him before he kills me as I'm probably held. If I'm fighting a tank or Scrapper, I've probably got them feared on a tar patch with DN, and hoping they don't have a status effect or SS (or both) when my pets unleash their first volley on them. If it's a Blaster I'm probably getting two shot because they're the freaking Stalkers of heroes, you think Stalkers are bad, heroes, wait until you fight a stalker that doesn't need to be invisable and just blast you from 80 yards away.

For a Ninja/dark MM, we are constantly trying to tell our pets to get into melee, constantly trying to group them up for the pathetic AoE that is Twilight grasp, or trying to get people to stay on our "working as intended" tar patch which allows people to just hover over it as long as they don't land on it, while trying to run away from the person that is guning for us as well as spaming TG to heal ourselves.

I'd like to point out that defenders haven't been complaining (or at least I don't see them complaining) about being the initial squishy target in group PvP. Why? Because they're used to being more active in their defense. But Masterminds aren't, because the PvE game has largely taught us that pets will take aggro reliably and we can just stand around. Not so in PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]

Defenders aren't strapped to 6+ lead weights with the combined IQ of the current issue number, they don't need to stand around and command their "teammates" that are too stupid to not run right in front of a boss that's going to oneshot them.

People talk alot about the setup time for the pets. What nobody seems to mention is the setup time for the battle! Stalkers stalk their prey, blasters seek out their advantageous positions, defenders assemble their posse, why aren't masterminds planning ahead of time? Isn't the Mastermind's job is to be tactical where his boneheaded minions cannot be? Terrain usage, clever maneuvering, and active application of the secondary set powers would seem to allieviate alot of the problems we're complaining about...

[/ QUOTE ]

Once again, those people aren't tied to a pack of 6+ lead weights, if a Blaster needs to jump on top of a building he does so, if an MM needs to jump on top of a building he needs to make sure that there are no enemies below, he needs to find a safe spot and start recalling his minions to him. If a defender wants to hide behind a rock he doesn't need to make sure the rock is big enough for 7 people. If a scrapper wants to get from point A to Point be, or chase someone, he doesn't have to worry about everything on the way killing his primary.

It's not just Set up, that's just one of the many straws crushing the poor camel's back.

And yes, a mastermind ambushed with an explosive fireball or a BU snipe is going to fall quickly. But most squishies do. Aren't most people SUPPOSED to die quickly in an ambush situation? Otherwise what would be the point of ambushing? Instead of complaining about BG, wouldn't our time be better served plotting some nasty PvP strategies? Seems to me if you want to be able to survive a massive onslaught, you roll a tanker or a brute. Least, I rolled a Mastermind because I wanted to, well, be the brains not the muscle...

[/ QUOTE ]

What's the point of being a pet based class when your pets are treated as non-exsistant? All the PvP strategies in the world aren't going to save you from something that can just ignore your defences and attacks and just kill you, which is a surprisingly large amount of thing in PvP.



Do you realise what kind of precedent that sets? Should my Controller automatically bring Spectral Terror, Phantasm, Decoy Phantasm, and my Phantom Army with me if I'm TPed?

What about a Fire Tank? Should Burn come with him when teleported? Dark Servant? Rain of Fire?

[/ QUOTE ]

Do those powers move with you when you go somewhere else? Are those powers the entire crux of your powerset? With the exception of the 3 personal attacks, the MM is physically unable to do anything else with his primary if the pets aren't there. Can the same be said for the powersets you mentioned?

[/ QUOTE ]
Okay, so my Phantasm and Phantom Army, who do follow me around, should be TPed with me then, right?

A Mastermind gets to control his pets. That's the tradeoff they make in order to get all those wonderful followers. It's the very nature of the AT to be decentralised. There are positives and negatives to this. Asking that one of the major negatives be removed simply because it gives people a quicker way to defeat you in PvP is ludicrous.

Should a Brute be given 50% Fury at all times in PvP because it's harder to build it than in PvE? Maybe Dominators should always have Domination in PvP, too?

It sounds to me like you really don't agree with having tradeoffs for all the good that having pets gives you.




What's the point of being a pet based class when your pets are treated as non-exsistant? All the PvP strategies in the world aren't going to save you from something that can just ignore your defences and attacks and just kill you, which is a surprisingly large amount of thing in PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, I'm gonna concede that that is a huge hole in my logic. Yeah, players being able to "strike for the head" of the MM beast is a big problem, one that other ATs don't have to deal with in the same fasion. But what should be done about it? I can't think of anything short of disrupting the Hero's ability to even target the Mastermind that will solve the problem from the Dev's standpoint, and we all know how big an inherent Phase Shift ability would go over.

Maybe we need to look at other Pet Based classes in other games. They've been around since the earliest days of the MMO, anyone know how other games have delt with "PvP and the Pet Class" issues?



Should a Brute be given 50% Fury at all times in PvP because it's harder to build it than in PvE? Maybe Dominators should always have Domination in PvP, too?

[/ QUOTE ]

There's a known bug that brutes don't generate fury as they should in PvP.. this is being addressed.

Domionation should build faster in PvP, I agree with that.

A Controller is NOT a pet class - they should not have any special bonuses for having pets.

If I tpfoe a controller, do their primary powers remain behind? Yes or no? That is what essentially happens when you tp foe a MM. No other AT has this issue.

Frankly, I'd like to see tp foe simply removed - no other level 6 power causes so much headache as this one does...

No other At has the kinds of issues in PvP that MMs have. Why should a MM have to jog along or take group tp or group fly to have his pets keep up (both of which don't work 100%)?

MMs are very good in PvE, but that's because mobs don't tp foe or go straight for the MM.



I'm very encouraged so far by the sound of BG.

Petcom_all foll def will now be the MM's 'Oh %$£&!' button, as well as a general safety habit whilst travelling through PvP areas. A button that has previously been reserved only for /FF MMs with PFF

I don't expect to be using this all of the time - certainly not in PvE (we've never truly needed it there, so I'll only use it sparingly to avoid death rather than gimp myself by disallowing micromanagement of pets), and only sparingly in PvP. IMHO this should only be relied upon in order to absorb sudden high burst damage, and not as a generic 'zomg we have 75% resists!' - we don't - diverting damage to pets is only short term, and once the T1s go down, the T2s won't be far behind - you'll be left with no weapons, and say goodbye to your '75% resists'.

What it will do is allow for some interesting strategic battles. Some of my favourite fights are vs Tanks and Scrappers - and here is where BG could get very involved. As a Robot/Traps MM, I have to set up a trapped area in order to be effective - once done, I still have to play a very dangerous game of cat and mouse, as even some tanks can 3-shot me in WB. If the opponent starts to attack the pets, lead him on a merry chase with GOTO whilst laying more traps, if he goes for you, run around like crazy, with the pets attacking. BG will give me a little more leeway in those times. Finally, lead the prey through the trapped area, pray for detoggles, and layeth the smack down whilst using every soft control I can muster.

The ability to change from offensive to (much more) defensive, even if only temporarily is going to add a level of diversity previously unheard of to our role in PvP. I suspect perhaps we underestimate just how quickly our T1s are going to drop with BG, but better them than me.

One thing that does worry me, and I've posted it elsewhere...

The PPP choices in conjunction with Bodyguard:

If an attack gets through (check vs def), BG will split the damage across MMs and Pets, then only apply Resistances for the MM, not the pets. Only 1 out of the 4 PPPs has a def shield, the others are resistance...

This effectively means that only the def shield provides 100% of its value to a MM using BG. The Res shields, for a 6 pet MM using BG, would only apply to 25% of the incoming damage. Sure, it is damage that would be hurting you, but it is not like the other 75% magically disappears - it is still damage to your pets, with consequences (pets die eventually!).



Should a Brute be given 50% Fury at all times in PvP because it's harder to build it than in PvE? Maybe Dominators should always have Domination in PvP, too?

[/ QUOTE ]

There's a known bug that brutes don't generate fury as they should in PvP.. this is being addressed.

Domionation should build faster in PvP, I agree with that.

A Controller is NOT a pet class - they should not have any special bonuses for having pets.

If I tpfoe a controller, do their primary powers remain behind? Yes or no? That is what essentially happens when you tp foe a MM. No other AT has this issue.

Frankly, I'd like to see tp foe simply removed - no other level 6 power causes so much headache as this one does...

No other At has the kinds of issues in PvP that MMs have. Why should a MM have to jog along or take group tp or group fly to have his pets keep up (both of which don't work 100%)?

MMs are very good in PvE, but that's because mobs don't tp foe or go straight for the MM.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, but TP Foe is basically grandfathered into the game, good or bad. Also, if it were more easily resisted or defended against (and warned the targeted-player that he/she/it/they/whatever had been targeted by TP Foe), then a lot of the issue would go away. If it was somehow restricted to a higher level, it would still be an issue. I'm just not sure what can really be done about this, unless all ATs could somehow get inherint or extra benefit to certain powers as resisting enemy Teleportation. But then what happens when they can't be Recalled by an ally? Perhaps the best thing would be to have TP Foe bring a Mastermind's pets with them if the MM is TP Foed or Recalled. (But then how do they keep the code different from ordinary Teleport?) This isn't necessarily going to save the MM, but it would go a long way. It's a big juggle that causes quite a mess. And really, I don't what the solution is or could be.



I'm playing a Ninja/Trick Arrow build. I dont see myself or any other Melee based MM using the "bodyguard" feature much. Partly because I keep my Pets in PASSIVE/Attack My Target or PASSIVE/Follow Me, and AGGRESSIVE/GOTO the majority of the time. The only time they are ever in Defensive is when I summon them and thats it.

Why not give the melee based MM some sort of "bodyguard" feature while our Pets are away from us. Its that or increase the melee based MM's HP, the Pet's DPS, or some sort of new Defensive power in our 2nd powersets.

Im sure someone has already mentioned it... but how will the AI for the PET be handled in the case of being attacked in Defensive/Follow Me mode?

Will the PET run up and get into Melee range or just turn and shoot the attacker? I'm guessing that they'll turn and shoot: if that's the case, could the sucky arrows/darts that the ninjas are throwing out do some kind of 95% hit and stun/slow/disorient/(any debuff in general).

Because knowing that my ninja is bodyguarding his master with those same arrows that do very little damage as when you tell them to attack isnt at all comforting .

[/ QUOTE ]

Man after all of the time and people still don't know the behaviour of their henchmen? Well let me spell it out for people. Pet's have a LEASH on them. This leach limited how far they will move from a certain point. If the pets go beyond the leash length, they will returned to the limits of the leash. Pet's will everything that they can do so tay within the limits set by the leash.

OK the next question should naturally be what is the "certain point" I spoke of. Let's call it the anchor point to be more accurate. The anchor point is determined by the command you give the pet. When you issue a 'goto' command, the anchor point becomes whereever you potitioned the targeting circles. When you issues a 'stay' command, their anchor point becomes the exact location the henchman/pet is currently standing. When you issue an 'attack my target' command, the anchor point become the foe that you had targetted. And when you your issues a 'follow' command the anchor point become you and and you location. If you move or the 'attack my target' target moves the anchor point moves as well.

Now remember pets can and will move within the distance of their leash. Just because you henchmen on Bodyguard, they will not just stand around doing nothing. And any hechman in defense mode will aggro on any foe that damages you or any of you other henchmen. The key is that you need to be close enough so your Bodyguards can attack (remember the leash.)

Bodyguard is a very good thing for Mastermind in PvP and PvE. And think on this. Bodyguard gives effectively you up to 75% damage resistance to ANY and ALL damage in the game. No other AT in the game can do that. Not Scrapper, Brutes, Stalker or Tankers. Not even Khedian Dwarves or an Warshade capped out with Eclipsed which is one of the best defense powers in the game. The AT with the least Health in the game could potentially tank the Hamidon in place of a Tanker. That is mind boggling to me. How about you?

I''m amazed that Masterminds are jumping for joy over thing.

[/ QUOTE ]

My arguement was not about how anchors work... Im pretty sure I know how that work since I can go thru a lvl w/o having to respawn my henchmen like crazy.
My arguement was about the state that your MM has to be in in order for the bodyguard feature to work. Melee based MMs bodyguard feature should be the oposite since most attacks will be ranged. Ninjas do crappy damage from long range as opposed to their Melee strikes. I was saying that due to them leaving to get in on the target there should be some sort of bonus tied to them retaliating.

My 50s: Zenshin (stkr), TrueBluePhoenix (dom), Zen'th (blstr), Foul-Play (blstr), Zojitzu (scrpr), ZyoXinZhou (scrpr), Protonic Avenger (def)
Living on Virtue, Vacationing on Justice, Visiting Pinnacle, Getting started on Victory & Infinity



In PvP, what happens to you now? Presumably, your enemies just ignore your pets and Build Up+Snipe You, or whatever.

Now, if you've got your pets on Defensive/Follow, you're effectively being given up to 75% more HP, drawn from your pets.

Yes, it doesn't really bring your secondary into play, but that's not really different than before, right? Your pets die when you die, and in my experience, it's faster to kill the MM (unless using PFF), and ignore the pets than it is to target the pets.

Is your complaint that bodyguarding won't do anything, or that it won't do enough?

[/ QUOTE ]

What I'm saying is that the implementation clearly sets up FF secondary MMs as having huge PvP disadvantages. No other set is having powers bypassed by this implementation. Dark Miasma is actually being BOOSTED tremendously due to their AoE heal. The strength of FF is protection. I don't get the versatility traps, I don't get the offensive load of poison, what I'm supposed to get is defense...not so much for me, but for my minions.

What does this implementation allow heroes to do? They can now bypass all of the bubbles that I put on my pets. Sure, I will live longer. I'm not arguing that. My problem is my secondary is about PROTECTING my minions, and this implementation of Bodyguard allows heroes to bypass all of those defenses, ignore all of my minion's resistances, and simply pour the damage in through ME.

Other MM secondaries will allow you to be doing SOMETHING about it, either fight back, lay traps, use poison, etc. but FF doesn't allow for that, except for forcebolt....a laughably minor damage attack, which if they have acrobatics they can even ignore the knockback effect. Yes, it can detoggle, but even THAT is being nerfed with the detoggling changes...right?? So while Dark Miasma is using their heal, poison is using their various poison attacks, traps can lay down their mortar, triage beacon, poison trap, detonate a minion, etc., Even trick arrow, a set rarely taken, would have ways to fight back.... FF is supposed to do what? I sit there and watch my bots die because my secondary doesn't have any way to fight back...and the defenses it is SUPPOSED to provide are being circumvented by the very power that is keeping me alive. The trouble is 1) I can't run, because I'll run out of bodyguard range of my pets. 2) I can't heal my pets. 3) I can't effectively fight back. Now I get to put up my PFF, run for the safety of the zoneline, just to spend another 5 minutes making and buffing pets again.

Didn't ANYBODY on the design team think this through?




It sounds like he's upset b/c FF isnt the best 2ndary anymore, lol.

[/ QUOTE ]

How very constructive.....

It was always arguable that FF was the best secondary. In fact I would say that most MMs that I see around have Dark Miasma...which plays right into this Bodyguard setup.

What I'm upset about is that while other secondaries have powers that will allow the MM to fight back or heal their pets, my secondary does neither. My secondary is based around protecting my pets, which means there aren't any real attack powers in the set...which means that since damage done to me bypasses all the defenses I put on my pets....virtually my entire secondary is negated.

At least let my bubbles do SOMETHING useful in PvP.




The True issue with TP Foe isn't it removing you from your pets, it's your pets may not be able to get to you, because they can't figure out, or just plain can't get on buildings. Every pet type needs a form of verticle movement that is avalible at creation or with the first upgrade, the second comes way too late. Give All ninja SJ from creation, give all bots and mercs Flight, and give the nerco henchmen TP, that would solve a bundle of issues.

Tt's is worse in defencive mode, if you're ported, as the pets may get distracted by a mob between you and your assailent, as pets in defensive mode seem more apt to defend themselves then you.

And Fuzun, how experienced are you with MM pets and traveling great distances? Cause what you said only works in theory and with no interruptions, but in PvP zones where mobs are littering the street, it breaks down, sure they may port to you after 300 yards, but most of the time they'll barely be alive, won't be able to reach you, or will be too late.



well you can't pop pff up unless it's been 2 minutes since you last used it

stoopid devs



dont forget in the final pvp zone most heros will have tons of tohit buffs, completely negating even PFF's defense



I think I figured it out!

I was thinking back to WoW... *runs and hides from the hail of Anti-WoW spam, then comes back an hour later* and was trying to think about how some of those Warlocks were able to decimate me so badly in PvP if I wasn't careful. Then it hit me: He (the warlock) was not my primary target because his pet disappeared when he died! He was my primary target because he was a very dangerous one in his own right! Perhaps the Dev's should consider buffing up those often skipped Primary Pool attacks with some nasty side effects or extra damage. Then, when someone teleports me away from my mercenaries, I don't throw my keyboard off my desk, swear like a sailor at the top of my lungs and wait to die. Instead, I pull out my machinegun and blast the %@&# as best I can while my posse hotfoots it to help me. Even if I don't win (which alot of the time I might not), I don't feel like I was totally undercut and dead meat from the get go.



Defenders aren't strapped to 6+ lead weights with the combined IQ of the current issue number, they don't need to stand around and command their "teammates" that are too stupid to not run right in front of a boss that's going to oneshot them.

[/ QUOTE ]

You've never been a defender on a pickup team I see.



An answer to TP foe should be an inherit power in the MM build of -TP.

If that's too "powerful", have it where MMs cant be ported while they have atleast ONE henchmen present. It's kinda bad to Recall Friend on a MM that has a PET out anyway.

Im not sure why the Dev's havent addressed this issue seeing that PVE Bosses cant be teleported. MMs are essentially a "boss" so what gives?

My 50s: Zenshin (stkr), TrueBluePhoenix (dom), Zen'th (blstr), Foul-Play (blstr), Zojitzu (scrpr), ZyoXinZhou (scrpr), Protonic Avenger (def)
Living on Virtue, Vacationing on Justice, Visiting Pinnacle, Getting started on Victory & Infinity



I don't mean to get under anybody's skin with this comment, but I haven't seen it made and I think it needs to be said...

To be perfectly clear, what is the common Mastermind doing while his pets are trying to duke it out with the Hero?

If he's standing still like a statue being an immobile toggle platform, he is naturally going to be killed (and really should be killed) rather quickly, bodyguard power or no...

[/ QUOTE ]
My main is a Mastermind. Only level 24 at present, but, a mastermind nonetheless. And here's a shocker for you ... HE HAS NO PERSONAL, DIRECT ATTACKS (I don't count Forcebolt; it's not an attack, it's a single-target "ghetto hold" / "soft control" power). There's nothing I can do during a fight, except ... standing off to the side, choreographing my minions' efforts to take down the enemy.

I'd like to point out that defenders haven't been complaining (or at least I don't see them complaining) about being the initial squishy target in group PvP. Why? Because they're used to being more active in their defense. But Masterminds aren't, because the PvE game has largely taught us that pets will take aggro reliably and we can just stand around. Not so in PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]
Masterminds have fewer hitpoints than Defenders do. And pets aside, their offensive powers are less useful than the blasts a Defender gets.

People talk alot about the setup time for the pets. What nobody seems to mention is the setup time for the battle! Stalkers stalk their prey, blasters seek out their advantageous positions, defenders assemble their posse, why aren't masterminds planning ahead of time? Isn't the Mastermind's job is to be tactical where his boneheaded minions cannot be? Terrain usage, clever maneuvering, and active application of the secondary set powers would seem to allieviate alot of the problems we're complaining about...

[/ QUOTE ]
All the time that another AT spends in the activities you describe, Masterminds have to deal with too. However, the extra two to five minutes the MM spends getting their pets set up, no other AT has to go through. It doesn't take a Tanker five minutes to turn on their toggles. Nor does it take that long for a Scrapper. Indeed, no other AT even comes close.



Perhaps the Dev's should consider buffing up those often skipped Primary Pool attacks with some nasty side effects or extra damage.

[/ QUOTE ]
If they'd just make ti worth my while in terms of END usage, I'd be happier with them. MUCH happier.



also the defender abilities that mm's get are much less effective for mm's :/



Personally, I don't really think the PvP concerns will matter much, since PvP isn't balanced based on one Vs. one. If you have something you are particularly weak to, teamup with someone who can help you out.

But anyhow, if they decided they wanted to do it, maybe the Devs could make it so:

If the MM is targetted with a TP Foe type power, each Bodyguard has a chance of being picked as the target instead. So, instead of porting you away from your minions, theres a chance they will just snag one of the bodyguards instead.

Just a thought.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Heck, have a %chance of taking the Bodyguards with you when you are 'ported.



Give All ninja SJ from creation, give all bots and mercs Flight, and give the nerco henchmen TP

[/ QUOTE ]
So the new Thug set would get SS? Since it's all that's left and, thematically, they have all that practice running from the popo.



In PvP, what happens to you now? Presumably, your enemies just ignore your pets and Build Up+Snipe You, or whatever.

Now, if you've got your pets on Defensive/Follow, you're effectively being given up to 75% more HP, drawn from your pets.

Yes, it doesn't really bring your secondary into play, but that's not really different than before, right? Your pets die when you die, and in my experience, it's faster to kill the MM (unless using PFF), and ignore the pets than it is to target the pets.

Is your complaint that bodyguarding won't do anything, or that it won't do enough?

[/ QUOTE ]

What I'm saying is that the implementation clearly sets up FF secondary MMs as having huge PvP disadvantages. No other set is having powers bypassed by this implementation. Dark Miasma is actually being BOOSTED tremendously due to their AoE heal. The strength of FF is protection. I don't get the versatility traps, I don't get the offensive load of poison, what I'm supposed to get is defense...not so much for me, but for my minions.

What does this implementation allow heroes to do? They can now bypass all of the bubbles that I put on my pets. Sure, I will live longer. I'm not arguing that. My problem is my secondary is about PROTECTING my minions, and this implementation of Bodyguard allows heroes to bypass all of those defenses, ignore all of my minion's resistances, and simply pour the damage in through ME.

Other MM secondaries will allow you to be doing SOMETHING about it, either fight back, lay traps, use poison, etc. but FF doesn't allow for that, except for forcebolt....a laughably minor damage attack, which if they have acrobatics they can even ignore the knockback effect. Yes, it can detoggle, but even THAT is being nerfed with the detoggling changes...right?? So while Dark Miasma is using their heal, poison is using their various poison attacks, traps can lay down their mortar, triage beacon, poison trap, detonate a minion, etc., Even trick arrow, a set rarely taken, would have ways to fight back.... FF is supposed to do what? I sit there and watch my bots die because my secondary doesn't have any way to fight back...and the defenses it is SUPPOSED to provide are being circumvented by the very power that is keeping me alive. The trouble is 1) I can't run, because I'll run out of bodyguard range of my pets. 2) I can't heal my pets. 3) I can't effectively fight back. Now I get to put up my PFF, run for the safety of the zoneline, just to spend another 5 minutes making and buffing pets again.

Didn't ANYBODY on the design team think this through?

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you ignoring the fact that the force fields you apply to your henchmen will still be effective against the AoE attacks targetted against you? They will take their share of damage to you unresisted and undefended in the bodyguard mode, but the part of the AoE attack that targets them will be resisted and defended against. So in this regard forcefield Masterminds will have superior protection against AoE attacks than the other secondary types.




People talk alot about the setup time for the pets. What nobody seems to mention is the setup time for the battle! Stalkers stalk their prey, blasters seek out their advantageous positions, defenders assemble their posse, why aren't masterminds planning ahead of time? Isn't the Mastermind's job is to be tactical where his boneheaded minions cannot be? Terrain usage, clever maneuvering, and active application of the secondary set powers would seem to allieviate alot of the problems we're complaining about...

[/ QUOTE ]
All the time that another AT spends in the activities you describe, Masterminds have to deal with too. However, the extra two to five minutes the MM spends getting their pets set up, no other AT has to go through. It doesn't take a Tanker five minutes to turn on their toggles. Nor does it take that long for a Scrapper. Indeed, no other AT even comes close.

[/ QUOTE ]

It is also worth mentioning that you can NOT just create a mastermind today and see how long it takes us to setup. A low level mastermind can be fully setup in just a few seconds. But if a level 32+ mastermind wants to perform at their best, it takes at least two minutes of building pets.

I think this is a flaw that the devs overlooked during beta. MM setup is not a problem at the low levels, where they probably got the most beta testing. But at the high levels, we are talking minutes of time. The mastermind hates it, their teammates do not want to wait for it, and enemies in PvP will not wait for it.

This problem could be solved easily, by either making the upgrade powers AE instead of single target, or just turn them into Passive powers like they probably should be.



Defenders aren't strapped to 6+ lead weights with the combined IQ of the current issue number, they don't need to stand around and command their "teammates" that are too stupid to not run right in front of a boss that's going to oneshot them.

[/ QUOTE ]

You've never been a defender on a pickup team I see.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh the horror, the horror! R U A H34L0RZ??