Plagarism on the boards? Just quoting his own words doesn't count as an original post by you, dude.
Anyway, I made a suggestion of having the base drones supress Foeport (both in AND out) to prevent people from porting enemies into the drones AND stop, for example, heroes plucking villains right off the helecopter pad in bloody bay as they zone in or try to zone out (They can DO this, believe it or not, despite it being so inaccessable)
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The repeated paragraph was my post, it was just a typo that it got posted inside the quote too, sorry 'bout that. But yeah, Manuevers should supress TP Foe. Seems like Leadership is the only thing the Dev's are giving 80 percent of players to actually play PvP with for some reason so it fits. Still don't understand why there is no actual PvP pool powerset. They gave us a game, but no access to play it.
Anyway, if "Bodyguard" is to address the low HP's of MM's then just give them more HP's. That's all they ever did for Blasters who are similar in that they do high damage also. Heck, Blasters aren't even surrounded by an army of aggro-magnets. And again the reason I draw Blasters into the comparison is how can Defiance and Bodyguard be balanced? The two powers are not even remotely alike in quality of effect, time buffing the player, and availability to the player.
"I did not say this. I am not here." -Guild Navigator
ok now that i have finally read all the threads heres my 2 cents i love bodyguard mode. granted i am a rob/dark mm
and yes i feel the pain of the ff mms (making me rethink my thugs bubbler one of the some of the biggest problems in the past were getting one shotted or stunned and unable to cotrol robots in my condition and then i would get gang [censored] scrappers stalkers tanks and controlers would all kill me no problem unless i got first attacks in wich rarely happened lol. i love pvp one of my main [censored] was the forever setup reset time with l7 that has gotten to be considerably better tho it still kinda sucks the tp foe and the slowness of bot travel are my 2 main problems with pvp i do wish when i was tpd my bots came with me where they are my primary power set like other people have stated tanks dont lose shields when ported this is the only at that loses its power when tpd away and the slowness of travel make you a tasty target for all who want to kill the tasty mm even tho i am in desprate need of a respec the body guard funtion has definatly increased my longevity in pvp i have tested it on slow nights with friendly fights with some of the best 50s i know(names will not be used to protect me lol) test one my mm agains a true lvl 50 granite tank result was a stalemate (yay) tes number 2 was same granite tank joined with a lvl 50 pb(who has one of the best builds ive seen yes you know who you are) result just onder 10 minutes of combat before i was killed in that time i took out pb once and managed to stun the tank if i had gone for the kill or played it slightly different might have gotten him too(at least id like to think it. test 3 me against imo one of the best scrappers in game he used to kill me in under a minute out last battle was just about 10 minutes and he even said wow thats one tough mm (made me feel real good) and this is with needing a respec switching between body guard and attack are easy and quick just be aware of your surroundings before taking the bg off in close combat bg used correctly will help make us a powerful foe to most ats my days of hiding in the sky with group fly and shadow falls on looking for the lonly defender or controler are over i dont fear going into an all out battle with tanks and scrappers anymore and this has added much enjoyment to my mm in pvp cant wait till toon copy tool is working right so i can try some respects to it to make it even better and so far thre is only one scrapper who will remain nameless who can consitently take me out in under 8 minutes mainly cause hes so quick and in and out of my fight range faster than i can aim lol once i respec i feel ill be able to be a force to reckon with i just have to remember to keep a healthy supply of oranges to keep the tp foe down so before shunning the bodyguard feature really play with it it works wonders for me
Doctor Evil lvl 40 mm
Medicus Malum lvl 50 mm
any Enson youve ever seen
24 toons all on justice (server rocks)
an invul tank actually has a chance of fighting back if he's tpfoed though. a mm has the lowest HP out of all heros/villains, and loses their offensive power and bodyguard when tpfoed
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I agree, TP Foe has ridiculous Range. That should be cut to 60-80 feet in PvP like any other ranged attack. What makes TP Foe exempt from basic normal range in PvP and shouldn't there be a pool power resist for TP Foe? Manuevers maybe?
I don't know about you, but most of the time I get tp foed, it is into a) a drone, or b) a group of 3 or more and then you get tp'd onto caltrops, ice slick, tar patch, etc, then you get hit by major toggle dropper and then you are just like a babe for the taking. A double AS will take a tank out as long as they both hit. Doesn't matter what AT, the difference between the tank and the MM is how long it takes for you to die. You need to get around that. If you are getting tp foed by 1 person, you should be able to find out where they are camping and stay out of their range.
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I agree, TP Foe has ridiculous Range. That should be cut to 60-80 feet in PvP like any other ranged attack. What makes TP Foe exempt from basic normal range in PvP and shouldn't there be a pool power resist for TP Foe? Manuevers maybe?
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So you want it to be changed to "almost teleport " foe? What makes it exempt is the fact that it's teleport! it does take a tohit roll. You can only tp foe 1 person at a time- what happened to your teammates? All in all sounds like a tactics problem than a power problem. The power seems to do exactly what it's supposed to. Worse comes to worse TP yourself out (or have a teammate do it).
an invul tank actually has a chance of fighting back if he's tpfoed though. a mm has the lowest HP out of all heros/villains, and loses their offensive power and bodyguard when tpfoed
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I agree, TP Foe has ridiculous Range. That should be cut to 60-80 feet in PvP like any other ranged attack. What makes TP Foe exempt from basic normal range in PvP and shouldn't there be a pool power resist for TP Foe? Manuevers maybe?
I don't know about you, but most of the time I get tp foed, it is into a) a drone, or b) a group of 3 or more and then you get tp'd onto caltrops, ice slick, tar patch, etc, then you get hit by major toggle dropper and then you are just like a babe for the taking. A double AS will take a tank out as long as they both hit. Doesn't matter what AT, the difference between the tank and the MM is how long it takes for you to die. You need to get around that. If you are getting tp foed by 1 person, you should be able to find out where they are camping and stay out of their range.
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree, TP Foe has ridiculous Range. That should be cut to 60-80 feet in PvP like any other ranged attack. What makes TP Foe exempt from basic normal range in PvP and shouldn't there be a pool power resist for TP Foe? Manuevers maybe?
[/ QUOTE ]
So you want it to be changed to "almost teleport " foe? What makes it exempt is the fact that it's teleport! it does take a tohit roll. You can only tp foe 1 person at a time- what happened to your teammates? All in all sounds like a tactics problem than a power problem. The power seems to do exactly what it's supposed to. Worse comes to worse TP yourself out (or have a teammate do it).
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sure plenty would throw a fit, but I'd like to see TP Foe has some risk to it in PvP. Say if it hits you TP the foe, if it misses you are TPed to the foe. Melee classes may like the results either way though.
Protector: Tulare 50 Inv/SS/EM-ph1x3r 47 Bots/Traps
VIP: VIC-29(Traps/AR) - Corinth(Grav/FF) -Wrecka(Claws/SR)
I'm sure plenty would throw a fit, but I'd like to see TP Foe has some risk to it in PvP. Say if it hits you TP the foe, if it misses you are TPed to the foe. Melee classes may like the results either way though.
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Heh. There have been occassions where I try TP Foeing some people to me, and they try it at the same time.
We end up switching places and more often than none, he goes up like a Roman Candle. XD
Theres one very major flaw in this stance that makes it much less useful than it sounds. If i'm not -hit- they wont return fire... My secondary is forcefields, so -not- getting hit is my specialty, so if i set my goonsquad into BG-mode but I'm taking toomuch aggro and I throw up personal force field, they hardly if EVER return fire... Shouldn't it be if something -attacks- me they attack it in return and not based soley on if I get hit?? Sometimes I end up stuck in PFF because of how ambushes target -one- person, and my guys arent firing back.
Just FYI, but PFF de-activates BG mode because Supremacy doesn't go through it. If you want your bots to attack while you're in your PFF, set them to aggresive as you turn it on.
Protector Bots dont bubble fellow pets anymore, sometimes they dont bubble my pets .
Protector Bots dont bubble fellow pets anymore, sometimes they dont bubble my pets .
[/ QUOTE ]
They do single bubble you and your protect bots and double bubble your assault and little bots.
Two Robot/FF's together would be between 3 and 4 bubbles per pet, so I can see why they wouldn't allow that anymore.
Still here, even after all this time!
when setting the pets on follow they have like a 5-7 second downtime before they react to any attacks against you it's a bit annoying...
I don't know if someone broke this down yet I'm too lazy too look for it.
# of Pets : % Damage resisted by Master Mind.
6 pets : 75%
5 Pets : 71.4%
4 Pets : 66.7%
3 Pets : 60%
2 Pets : 50%
1 Pet : 33.3%
For those saying Bodyguard will not change their mode of play, you must make horrible use of what you have at your disposal. I don't know about you guys but I would love it if my arch type received a new ability to grant themselves 75% pure damage resistance at will. So what if you can't attack while doing this? No offense, but if you think this power is meant to be left on for the duration of the battle, maybe you shouldn't be pvping. You see a Katana scrapper run at you and hitting build up, you better hit that bodyguard or you will probably be brought to 1 hp (as per new one-shot nerf). In fact, with that new bodyguard, not only will you not be reduced to 1 hp, you will only receive around 200 dmg tops and thats if they crit.
Think about it. Say a scrapper can land 600 damage on you with Build and crit. If you had bodyguard on with 6 pets out, you will only recieve 150 damage. Each of your pets will receive 75 dmg. Oh noes? I think not.
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I never bothered breaking it down but nor have i really gotten into pvp on this game but i personally like the bg mode i use it faithfully with my dark/dark necro and just to add to your comment with the type of mm i have i can bring out up to 8 pets just adding to the reduction of dmg i take. I personally use bg faithfully all it takes is one hit and my pets demolish any who hit me. and all i have to do is sit there and heal my pets to keep them taking dmg for me. I noticed a huge difference with bg mode on and off. And I will take it any day.
It will be intersting to see how MM would work with the new i13 changes. Especially when movement suppression happens. but that all depends on Mez protection i guess.
You realize you just revived a dead thread and these changes have been in affect for a long time.
You realize you just revived a dead thread and these changes have been in affect for a long time.
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Now don't do that!
I regularly chastise people for breaking the rules, and starting up yet another thread on a subject when other threads about it already exist.
The question was not about how the old changes work. It was about how those would work under the I13 changes.
This was quite properly done. They envisioned a question, and went to find an appropriate, already existing thread, and posted there. . . . Good job.
If anything, Bodyguard seems like too much in PvE. While it solves the waves and ambushes ignore the pets issues, it really makes other encounters (like with elite bosses) a touch too easy.