An idea for Isolator!




Well, i find that a bit unfair, considering I made my character during the 3-day headstart at the launch of CoH. But...if its not going to happen, im not going to complain.

[/ QUOTE ]

Un... fair...

You got to play the game 3 days before ther general public and you think because you didn't get a badge that's it's unfair?

<Dr. Evil voice> Riiiiight...

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, he paid for the privledge, as did anyone that preordered.

[/ QUOTE ]

Technically, you didn't pay for the pre-order. If you put down, say, 15 bucks at EB games, then you got the Pre-Order box. However, you also had 15 bucks deducted from the cost of the game at the time of purchase. So, your still paying the exact same amount of money you would have if you DIDN'T get the pre-order box, you just give them some of the money as a guarantee that you will actually be coming back to buy the product later.



Excellent analogy, LiquidX.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks. I can say the occasional intellegint thing, as long as I resist the urges to delve into the realm of a$$hatery.




And really... Varuca Salt?

That's a bit harsh, isn't it?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's honestly the attitude I hear from most of the people in this thread. "I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT!"

There's no other real reason why the devs should put this in. Some people think they are entitled to ALL the content in the game, and think they're being ripped off if they don't have access to it all. I disagree with you that this is a reasonable position. I think it's very unreasonable and unrealistic. This is an MMO...the devs are attempting to give us an ever-changing ever-expanding world to play in. As such, there is NO WAY that all the content would or should be available to every single toon. Toon and player are different. Isolator is available to every PLAYER: go roll an alt and get it. But to expect any one toon to get all the content is unreasonable. The devs are all but telling us this, and it's central to their concept of the game. Look at the evidence: They have limited edition badges. There are a wide variety of Archetypes. The character creation is the best part of the game. There is virtually no post-50 content. What does it add up to? THE DEVS WANT YOU TO ROLL ALTS! They don't want you to be able to do every bit of content with one character. The game is set up so that you experience all the content across MANY characters.

Giving Isolator to pre-i2 toons isn't going to happen unless the Devs fundamentally change their ideas about how this game is to be played and enjoyed.



My own personal take - and this really is just me - I absolutely LOATH all limited-opportunity items within games. Now, potentially that's opening a can of worms (I can already see people lining up to say "Well, that's the way life is" and so on) but my take on the matter goes something like this:

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On the plus side, there is no advantages to having the event badges and Isolator other than the fact you can choose the badge name as a title. The devs have said that badges that you absolutely cannot get at any time will never be required for accolades.

And as far as the events go - I like the fact that they let you get cold warrior again - I hope that they continue to have yearly events with unique badges, plus one to tie all the instances of that season's event together.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



As far as I know - the devs have no plans for including an alternate method to get isolator if you did not get it in outbreak.

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It's not that I didn't, it's that I couldn't... it didn't exist

[/ QUOTE ]

Thus, you didn't. The why you didn't is it didn't exist.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



"waves hands in the air frantically!"

I totally had an idea and not one person replied to my post, but everyone replied to celtic, beef-cake and cuppajo. I feel like Jan Brady and everyone is paying attention to Marcia Marcia Marcia. What I said was a good idea and none of you even considered it. Is it cause my name is Mog. You don't think guys named Mog are that smart, huh... you probably just saw my name and skipped over it, huh... I HAVE FEELINGS TOO!!! You all suck!!

In case it wasn't apparent, i am totally kidding.

No I am not

no, really, just kidding

not really

yes i am





Read it Mog. it was rather silly and doesn't fit, IMO. Sorry.

Doing it as a Flashback would be a much better way to go.



Hi Cuppajo.

My idea for Isolator is based on the following idea because of a rather simple logic. This is a copy and paste from an idea I posted to Positron, which to no surprise, went unanswered.

I see this as a rather easily rectified. I am pretty certain that the character database knows the creation date of all toons, so, that being said we can either (A) Automatically award it to any toon that was created BEFORE badges were introduced to the game. This is a fair choice because since badges didn't exist, noone stayed in Outbreak longer than the requirement since none of those mobs there give xp, plain and simple, and arguing anything else has no real merit. Or (B) (and this is the preferred method) setup some special instanced mission where ONLY toons that were created BEFORE badges were introduced can go and just earn the kills, I don't even care if it exemplars me to level 1 like I would have been in Outbreak (in fact, I'd prefer to be Level 1 again and earn it the right way). It all boils down to a simple unfair choice made by the Dev teams. So, basically, because I was in closed beta, open beta and bought and played the game from day 1 to present, I have to suffer a penalty of NOT having the ability to get that badge.

I just cannot, for the life of me, understand how the devs cannot see the simple logic that I have applied here. It's straight forward, and my preferred method in option (B) gives those that played the game from day 1 a chance to earn something that didn't exist when we were the paying customers at game launch.

Thanks for your time.



But i got a reply and thats pretty much all I cared about. mwaahahahahahahaha, you have unwittingly fueled me!!! I shall now continue to post posts that have no real relevance to the subject line. Go ahead, post another reply, hahahaha, you are now my fortuitous servant!



Don't feel like you've laid some clever trap. I just know what it's like to be ignored.



Hi Cuppajo.

My idea for Isolator is based on the following idea because of a rather simple logic. This is a copy and paste from an idea I posted to Positron, which to no surprise, went unanswered.

I see this as a rather easily rectified. I am pretty certain that the character database knows the creation date of all toons, so, that being said we can either (A) Automatically award it to any toon that was created BEFORE badges were introduced to the game. This is a fair choice because since badges didn't exist, noone stayed in Outbreak longer than the requirement since none of those mobs there give xp, plain and simple, and arguing anything else has no real merit. Or (B) (and this is the preferred method) setup some special instanced mission where ONLY toons that were created BEFORE badges were introduced can go and just earn the kills, I don't even care if it exemplars me to level 1 like I would have been in Outbreak (in fact, I'd prefer to be Level 1 again and earn it the right way). It all boils down to a simple unfair choice made by the Dev teams. So, basically, because I was in closed beta, open beta and bought and played the game from day 1 to present, I have to suffer a penalty of NOT having the ability to get that badge.

I just cannot, for the life of me, understand how the devs cannot see the simple logic that I have applied here. It's straight forward, and my preferred method in option (B) gives those that played the game from day 1 a chance to earn something that didn't exist when we were the paying customers at game launch.

Thanks for your time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dear icecomet,

Though you may believe your logic to be simple, it is actually flawed.

I'll answer you points separately below and attempt to explain.

A) Retroactive rewards: Giving people badge they did not earn would set a precedent for all other badges that people may have missed for whatever reason. There were many, many people who did not have acounts during the different special events we have hosted since badges were introduced. Just as it would not be fair to just hand the badges out to anyone who was not at those events and didn't do the work, it would not be fair to them to give you a badge you did not earn. No way exists currently for you to go back and earn it either. This is unfortunate, but unavoidable at this time. Which brings me to your second point.

B) Special instance: Creating an area that is not accessible to all is not a good way to do things, as it would create a negative impact on the community as a whole. While I'm sure you may be thinking "But I can't access that area!", the truth is, in fact, that you can. Simply create a new hero, choose the tutorial and earn your badge. Why have we done it this way? Well think about this. How much content has been added since the beginning of the game that you had already outleveled and can no longer do? That same logic applies here. You've outleveled this, and missed your chance.

I realize this is probably not the answer you want to hear, but it's the best answer you can hope for from anyone at this point.

Moonlite Knight, official Cheese Nazi.




Actually, he paid for the privledge, as did anyone that preordered.

[/ QUOTE ]

Technically, you didn't pay for the pre-order. If you put down, say, 15 bucks at EB games, then you got the Pre-Order box. However, you also had 15 bucks deducted from the cost of the game at the time of purchase. So, your still paying the exact same amount of money you would have if you DIDN'T get the pre-order box, you just give them some of the money as a guarantee that you will actually be coming back to buy the product later.

[/ QUOTE ]

When money changes hands its called "paying". He or she plunked down his money early to have the privledge of playing early.

Now I've never pre-ordered, so if he doesnt buy the game when it ships, does he get that pre-order fee back? My guess would be no, because he's actually paying to have a guaranteed copy waiting for him at the store. There's no guarantee he'll buy it.

The LEGION (CoH) - The Fallen LEGION (CoV)
Forget your fears and want no more

50's - Renkoro, Remorseless

Angry Angels / Jaded Angels

Global - @Puretone



Comet, the idea of datamining has come up before.

Positron (if I recall correctly) explained that in order to datamine something like that, each and every character record would have to be looked at. (They were looking at doing that for the Shard TF badges.) The result was that to compile such a list, it would take roughly two years and that was about a year ago.

And i just thought of a better idea. Make it a L50 TF that starts at the crash site. There is a portal there after all.. Include time travel aspect by having the mishs exemp you lower as you go through the TF. Have the TF give its own badge, but add the side benefit of including contaminated in the last couple of mishs in enough numbers to get the badge.

There.. unique L50 content. New TF Badge. Recycled mobs for easy content. And a chance to get Isolator all in one.

(edit for some spelling and expanding on an idea)

The LEGION (CoH) - The Fallen LEGION (CoV)
Forget your fears and want no more

50's - Renkoro, Remorseless

Angry Angels / Jaded Angels

Global - @Puretone



...Well think about this. How much content has been added since the beginning of the game that you had already outleveled and can no longer do? That same logic applies here. You've outleveled this, and missed your chance.

[/ QUOTE ]

That logic does not apply here Moon.

We can take our level 50, exemp down and run new content with our friends. I've done every mission in The Hollows, Striga, Croatoa, and the new PVP Zones with my main.

We didn't outlevel and miss our chance. Every other kill # badge in the game is accessible! Isolator was put into a zone we no longer have access too.

And yes, we can roll a new character and get Isolator. And I've done so with every character I've made since Issue 2.

But my two 50s, the two characters I made the first week COH was released, and my two main badge collector characters, have no way to get it. We're just asking for a way to do that.


Fusion Force



But as much as I'd like to have a way to earn Isolator for this hero, I can understand and even reluctantly agree to the reasons why it shouldn't be allowed. The 'time travel' or the 'monster' level contaminated ideas that have been suggested here are interesting, but basically what's done should be kept done so that the event badges maintain their value and significance.

[/ QUOTE ]

What defines the term EVENT?

From what I can tell the Events we have in the game are these: Paladin Construction, Fire.

Tutorial is NOT an event. The tutorial is constantly up. Just because you can't re-enter it once you go through doesn't make it an event. Events occur occasionally.

People whinge about this issue ... if it was implemented, it takes development time away from other things needed (ATs, powersets, bug fixes etc etc etc) ... blah blah blah ... And the halloween event ? and the winterlord event ? and '05 winter event ? and valentines day event ? I don't hear you complaining about those events, the fact they took valuable time away from development of other things ...

[/ QUOTE ]

Not only that but a way to get Isolator for lvl 50 heros would = MORE CONTENT! Since when is that bad?! Even if it's one mission it's more content.

They've even admitted that they never datamined for this badge so if someone DID do the work they aren't getting their reward...I know I took out a good 50+ just from trying out different uses of my powers and teaming with friends that had just gotten the game.

This was/is a special Event for certain people. You didn't need to know, nor were you required to know it was coming.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's NOT an Event. It's a tutorial zone open to EVERYONE not "certain" people. It's just they didn't implement badges til after many people were already well into the game.

Yes well I hope they severely nerf your toons' classes and powers. That way if you complain about it I can just say: "You didn't need to know, nor were you required to know it was coming."

For collectors and faithful players it's about respect and honor. We signed on and trusted in them from the start to deliver something we'd enjoy. They decided to smack us in the face by creating a badge system and not allowing us a way to get them all. It's like being the owner of a business. Paying everyone 10 bucks when they help you start the business. Then adding a wing onto the building and hiring a bunch of people and paying them twice as much just because they were hired later without raising the pay of the ones that helped you get off the ground.

Can you get the badge? Yes. You can participate in the event.

[/ QUOTE ]

Only if you're a new character.

I play a male hero during the Valentine's event and get the Handsome badge. A female companion gets the Beautiful badge. Does that mean we should get the chance to get each other's badges too? Hardly

[/ QUOTE ]

....IT'S THE SAME BADGE! It has a different name based on what character has it. Just like in CoH the DVD badge is VIP and in CoV it's Destined One...SAME BADGE...Different name.

Then all we'd end up with is City Of Clones. What fun would that be?

[/ QUOTE ]

Go put 20 Stone/Stone tanks side by side...we ARE City of the very nature of some powers being better for more situations than others. And we're still capable of being City of Clones if you put everyone who is a badge hound and signed on before isolator next to each other.

Now lets say its a year later, and your 19 now and uneligible to enter. Well, it just so happens that THIS year, they have a new sponsor who offers up a nice million dollar prize. Does that mean that just because you put up the effort in last years race, when there WAS no prize, that you should be retroactively awarded a million dollars?

[/ QUOTE ]

Let's put it this way: If you had to lose a limb to some disease then a month later you find out the hospital could have cured you but didn't and never mentioned the cure would be available would you sue them?

Even if the new prize was all of fifty dollars, or heck five dollars - prior winners wouldhave NO right to insist on having a payment made to THEM, too.

[/ QUOTE ]

That race thing doesn't work because the race is itself an event. It's not everyday and not just anyone could race in it. Every hero goes through the tutorial, for awhile we HAD to. And plus its not even a "win" or "lose" situation. "winning" the race is more akin to making it through the tutorial than beating 100 contaminated. More like there's a badge just for participating, not even a badge, a sticker. If next year I walked in and said "could I have a sticker since I participated in the race last year?" Would they say "No it's not fair to the contestants this year and for every year after this..." Nope. It's a stupid sticker they'd just gimme one.

If you're going to say "devoted badge-hunters should always have a chance at every badge", well, it cuts both ways. Late joiners should have every bit of a chance at earlier badges, as early-joiners should have at LATER badges.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd go for this. Each year instead of wasting time trying to create an entirely new event just add a little something to the old events. Halloween? repeat the doors and add portal missions to that dimension to take down some Zombie Mage Elite Boss who is sending these critters to the doors...Winter? Leave the random Winterlord spawns then have a door mission that goes after the Winterlord...this way peopl can still get badges and they don't have to spend as much time coming up with something really new.

Then again Event badges are actual events and for a certain reason, no one expects to be able to get something related to Halloween events in April...but something related to just starting a new character...


And I say, the value of the relevant badges will be destroyed

[/ QUOTE ]

What value does isolator have? It's not hard to get and everyone can get it except people that had faith enough to get the game at launch. It's not even the badge for me nearly as much as it's the principle. By not providing someway for people to get isolator or by not just giving it to all the characters made before I2 they're pretty much saying: "Hey your payoff for joining us at launch and putting up with those early bugs and nerfs and crap is that you don't get something you very well could have earned that we never even bothered to check to see if people did earn."

With Event badges you HAVE an opportunity. You can log in or sign up and grab it. You HAVE knowledge of them coming or atleast an event that may yield badges. They didn't even tell us there would BE badges...


Seriously - once again, if YOU get to go and acquire a badge that YOU missed out on because of time/date issues ... why shouldn't I be able to do the same thing? Celebrant, Hallow Spirit, Frozen Fury, and similar.

[/ QUOTE ]

Those are special event badges for dates/events that only come once a year. Every second of every day Isolator is available to any character created since I2. Where's the PRINCIPLE of creating badges achievable only by new characters 3 months after the game launches and refusing to devise a way for loyal and faithful customers with you at the beginning to get said badge?

How about if your boss gave an extra day off every year to everyone hired in July 2004 and beyond but not to anyone hired before that?

Where's the Principle there?

They LIKE the fact that it's nearly impossible for anyone to get every badge,

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually it's far from Impossible. Anyone created prior to Oct 2004 but after I2 can have all the badges.

The problem is Isolator doesnt fit into special event category of badges in any case. Special event badges are available to anyone present at the time they are implemented no matter the level. Isolator is the only non-PvP badge not attainable after 'outleveling' it.

[/ QUOTE ]

In CoV you're planting the outbreak plague in a completely different neighborhood than the one heros fight it iin...why not just allow heroes to have a level 50 mission something like "Contain Outbreak" Give it to say your first contact that you come back an get at level 40+:

"Nice to see you again Powerhelm. It looks like you've been doing a great job and making a name for yourself, I'm really proud of you.

Remember that Outbreak plague you helped clean up a while back when you first arrived in Paragon? Well there seems to be a new version that was smuggled into Paragon from the Rogue Isles. We need you to go contain the situation. There are already too many contaminated for any of the lower level heros to handle, and honestly I'd just feel more comfortable if a more experienced hero tackled this situation."

I don't mind limited time badges because they aren't arbitrarily created. They don't just make a badge for everyone signing in on April 12th or something. And they tell you about these badges beforehand. Not like Isolator...heck it IS a "tutorial" what better way to introduce people to the badge system in there than by mentioning in one of those screens that they should try fighting a lot of Infected folks to acquire a special badge limited to people going through the tutorial.

And that is why I specifically said that those who at the time Issue 2 introduced badges ... not everyone who has a 50 today ... just those people out there who were pre-badge who really really wanted the badges. If they had rerolled their toons for the sole purpose of making sure they got every badge, from the time badges became active, then this entire thread would not even be needed.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's not a viable solution if it took you 3 months just to get to 30 or 40 you wouldn't be as inclined to delete the character. Also your name isn't reserved so if you had a good name you're gambling with losing it. Sometimes I think the whole point of Isolator was to get level 40-50 "collector" types to delete an restart to just consume more time getting back to 50 and thereby paying for more time.

If I had had a level 50 by the time badges were introduced .... YES, i would have remade my toon in a heartbeat to ensure that I had every single possible badge. Oh wait ... I was level 29 when badges were introduced and I did remake my toon...

My suggestion is about as asinine as asking the devs to hand it over

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe if you're tune HAD been 50 you wouldn't have rerolled it once it took you hours an hours...those of us that didn't power level to 50 and actually worked for it were far less inclined to do so.

And your suggestion is about as asinine as the devs not awarding the badge to people that actually took out 100 infected pre-I2...

Nope. There's also "Jail Bird", the COV Tutorial-only badge.

[/ QUOTE ]

Correct. Then again that was there as far back as BETA...not like Issue 7.


And noone has said that ALL badges should be available ...

[/ QUOTE ]

If a badge is gettable, it should be gettable by everyone.

[/ QUOTE ]

kafziel's quote.

Did I miss something here?

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah you did...Can you currently aqcuire Celebrant? Cold Warrior? Hallow Spirit? By ANY MEANS? Right now this instant? No. Can you get Isolator right now this instant? Yes. Isolator is a constant badge not a special event.

Honestly, how many pre-I2 heroes took out 100 contaminated, when doing so does nothing for you?

[/ QUOTE ]

Those who had two or three friends get the game at same time and started together an teamed together...doing each other's missions together and playing around with the Infected an trying new power combos out together....

Or people that just didn't notice the XP bar...

Should there be a message informing people of it's existance? Sure. That's something I'll get behind. Someone start that post and I'll petition the devs for it right along wth ya.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you'll get behind telling people about it's existance...even though if you bother to read up on CoH before playing it you'll see there are badges and a logical person who is interested in finding badges will seek out a list on their own or ask about it... but you won't get behind providing someway for people who were here before it's existance and before badges were even a rumor to get it?

Here's something for all the people saying don't allow a way to earn isolator or don't datamine for those that may have actually taken out 100 infected: how about this...What if they give Trenchcoats as a costume option only to characters created from tomorrow that fair?

Giving Isolator to pre-i2 toons isn't going to happen unless the Devs fundamentally change their ideas about how this game is to be played and enjoyed.

[/ QUOTE ]

You mean to tell me the Servers will crash, choas will rein in the streets and hell will freeze over if they provide a way for people created before I2 to get Isolator?

Can I have some of what you're smoking?

Retroactive rewards: Giving people badge they did not earn would set a precedent for all other badges that people may have missed for whatever reason. There were many, many people who did not have acounts during the different special events we have hosted since badges were introduced. Just as it would not be fair to just hand the badges out to anyone who was not at those events and didn't do the work, it would not be fair to them to give you a badge you did not earn. No way exists currently for you to go back and earn it either. This is unfortunate, but unavoidable at this time. Which brings me to your second point.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would almost be inclined to agree with people in the anti-isolator crowd if they had atleast bothered to datamine for there were a few people I'm SURE earned the isolator badge prior to I2.

Special instance: Creating an area that is not accessible to all is not a good way to do things

[/ QUOTE ]

So creating a mission for people around before badges is unfair but not allowing people around before badges to get Isolator is....

What about a mission open to all at lvl 50? Some actual content exclusive to 50 would be nice, gives us something to do besides start another tune or pvP...



Actually, he paid for the privledge, as did anyone that preordered.

[/ QUOTE ]

Technically, you didn't pay for the pre-order. If you put down, say, 15 bucks at EB games, then you got the Pre-Order box. However, you also had 15 bucks deducted from the cost of the game at the time of purchase. So, your still paying the exact same amount of money you would have if you DIDN'T get the pre-order box, you just give them some of the money as a guarantee that you will actually be coming back to buy the product later.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now I've never pre-ordered, so if he doesnt buy the game when it ships, does he get that pre-order fee back? My guess would be no, because he's actually paying to have a guaranteed copy waiting for him at the store. There's no guarantee he'll buy it.

[/ QUOTE ]

When I pre-ordered CoV, I was told that if I chose not to buy the game, that I would get my fee back. Now, I don't know if that's common or uncommon, because that was the first time I've ever pre-ordered a game.



Now for the exciting new post "Isolator Wars:The Cheese Nazi Strikes Back"


First of all you misquoted me. Twice. Then you made erroneoues suppositions based on your misquotes. If you are going to cut and paste and then attempt to refute, at least use and READ the whole thing, ok?

The Tutorial is an EVENT, whether you like to believe that or not. Why do I say that? Because just like every other event (like the most recent holiday one), you can skip it and it doesn't adversely affect you in anyway. Anything you can accomplish in the tutorial you can also accomplish out of it. Doing something special in the Tutorial (just as in a special event) will earn you a badge.

Next point: You mentioned about a cure at a hospital for a disease? Well, it was a bad analogy. You made it sound as if they already had a cure. Not that they were working on it. Plus, it doesn't apply because in THIS case, what they were working obviously would have done nothing for you anyway. It wasn't even a cure for YOUR disease, in this case. You just want it to make yourself feel better.


Honestly, how many pre-I2 heroes took out 100 contaminated, when doing so does nothing for you?

[/ QUOTE ]

Those who had two or three friends get the game at same time and started together an teamed together...doing each other's missions together and playing around with the Infected an trying new power combos out together....

Or people that just didn't notice the XP bar...

[/ QUOTE ]

So... how many? This doesn't even answer the question. I'm willing to bet it's really not that many.

Should there be a message informing people of it's existance? Sure. That's something I'll get behind. Someone start that post and I'll petition the devs for it right along wth ya.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you'll get behind telling people about it's existance...even though if you bother to read up on CoH before playing it you'll see there are badges and a logical person who is interested in finding badges will seek out a list on their own or ask about it... but you won't get behind providing someway for people who were here before it's existance and before badges were even a rumor to get it?

[/ QUOTE ]

*flips through his CoH manual*

Nope.. nothing there...

*flips thorugh his CoV manual*

Funny... nothing there either.

You've made an EXTREMELY poor assumption that players will do anymore that that. What percentage of the playbase even uses these forum? Where exactly are you asking them to "go look" for this information if it isn't in the manual or the game? Should a popup be added that FORCES people to come here and look for info on badges? Putting a message in the tutorial explaining badges is probably the best way to go to help prevent people from missing it. If people choose not to read it and act on it, that's their fault.

Here's something for all the people saying don't allow a way to earn isolator or don't datamine for those that may have actually taken out 100 infected: how about this...What if they give Trenchcoats as a costume option only to characters created from tomorrow that fair?

[/ QUOTE ]

You are using the costume creator to justify a badge? I'm not even going to go here, because it's just that ridiculous to think about.

I would almost be inclined to agree with people in the anti-isolator crowd if they had atleast bothered to datamine for there were a few people I'm SURE earned the isolator badge prior to I2.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, there weren't, because the badge didn't exist before I2. So datamining at this point is futile and irrelvant.



Actually, he paid for the privledge, as did anyone that preordered.

[/ QUOTE ]

Technically, you didn't pay for the pre-order. If you put down, say, 15 bucks at EB games, then you got the Pre-Order box. However, you also had 15 bucks deducted from the cost of the game at the time of purchase. So, your still paying the exact same amount of money you would have if you DIDN'T get the pre-order box, you just give them some of the money as a guarantee that you will actually be coming back to buy the product later.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now I've never pre-ordered, so if he doesnt buy the game when it ships, does he get that pre-order fee back? My guess would be no, because he's actually paying to have a guaranteed copy waiting for him at the store. There's no guarantee he'll buy it.

[/ QUOTE ]

When I pre-ordered CoV, I was told that if I chose not to buy the game, that I would get my fee back. Now, I don't know if that's common or uncommon, because that was the first time I've ever pre-ordered a game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks Annie!

Well then the original line would more correctly read 'He paid early for the privledge of playing early, as did anyone that pre-ordered."

I'm sure it benefitted Cryptic in some way. Such as pre-sale numbers, competitiveness with other games shipping around the same time or some other marketing arcanery that an MBA or somesuch could supply the answer for. Prolly somewhere in there is a customer satisfation factor, but it's really a guess on my part.

The LEGION (CoH) - The Fallen LEGION (CoV)
Forget your fears and want no more

50's - Renkoro, Remorseless

Angry Angels / Jaded Angels

Global - @Puretone



No, there weren't, because the badge didn't exist before I2. So datamining at this point is futile and irrelvant.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's a bit of nit-picking there, I think. Earn can mean many things, but in the context I at least read "earn" to mean that they performed the requirements to have been awarded the badge, had it existed. The folks that completed TFs that didn't award badges requested datamining for those badges, and the devs agreed that they could do it - but that it wasn't resource-feasbile. So it's not futile - it's just not worth the time and resources it would require.



Helps stores with inevotry as well

Excess inventory = $wasted
Too little inventory = $lost to the store in the next mall.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



No, there weren't, because the badge didn't exist before I2. So datamining at this point is futile and irrelvant.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's a bit of nit-picking there, I think. Earn can mean many things, but in the context I at least read "earn" to mean that they performed the requirements to have been awarded the badge, had it existed. The folks that completed TFs that didn't award badges requested datamining for those badges, and the devs agreed that they could do it - but that it wasn't resource-feasbile. So it's not futile - it's just not worth the time and resources it would require.

[/ QUOTE ]

Granted, it is nit-picking a bit, but this thread was full of that before I got here.



That logic does not apply here Moon.

We can take our level 50, exemp down and run new content with our friends. I've done every mission in The Hollows, Striga, Croatoa, and the new PVP Zones with my main.

We didn't outlevel and miss our chance. Every other kill # badge in the game is accessible! Isolator was put into a zone we no longer have access too.

And yes, we can roll a new character and get Isolator. And I've done so with every character I've made since Issue 2.

But my two 50s, the two characters I made the first week COH was released, and my two main badge collector characters, have no way to get it. We're just asking for a way to do that.

[/ QUOTE ]

For the record, I don't even like the fact that you can exempler down and gain badges that way and hope they remove the ability to do that. It hurts replayability, and it's brought about the nasty little buisness of people "selling" spots on badge missions. (Like to get the Spelunker badge)



Actually, he paid for the privledge, as did anyone that preordered.

[/ QUOTE ]

Technically, you didn't pay for the pre-order. If you put down, say, 15 bucks at EB games, then you got the Pre-Order box. However, you also had 15 bucks deducted from the cost of the game at the time of purchase. So, your still paying the exact same amount of money you would have if you DIDN'T get the pre-order box, you just give them some of the money as a guarantee that you will actually be coming back to buy the product later.

[/ QUOTE ]

When money changes hands its called "paying". He or she plunked down his money early to have the privledge of playing early.

Now I've never pre-ordered, so if he doesnt buy the game when it ships, does he get that pre-order fee back? My guess would be no, because he's actually paying to have a guaranteed copy waiting for him at the store. There's no guarantee he'll buy it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, I don't know about online, but all the stores I've delt with have allowed you to use your pre-order money for something else if you don't actually get the game. Hell, Hastings simply gives you a gift card upon purchasing a pre-order box, and you can then use that on something completly different if you want.



That logic does not apply here Moon.

We can take our level 50, exemp down and run new content with our friends. I've done every mission in The Hollows, Striga, Croatoa, and the new PVP Zones with my main.

We didn't outlevel and miss our chance. Every other kill # badge in the game is accessible! Isolator was put into a zone we no longer have access too.

And yes, we can roll a new character and get Isolator. And I've done so with every character I've made since Issue 2.

But my two 50s, the two characters I made the first week COH was released, and my two main badge collector characters, have no way to get it. We're just asking for a way to do that.

[/ QUOTE ]

For the record, I don't even like the fact that you can exempler down and gain badges that way and hope they remove the ability to do that. It hurts replayability, and it's brought about the nasty little buisness of people "selling" spots on badge missions. (Like to get the Spelunker badge)

[/ QUOTE ]

*Hi-fives LiquidX*

Right there with ya. I'd rather see the Flashback system for going back and getting stuff you missed. That would make it MUCH more interesting... that right there would hopefully settle this entire arguement.



The Tutorial is an EVENT, whether you like to believe that or not. Why do I say that? Because just like every other event (like the most recent holiday one), you can skip it and it doesn't adversely affect you in anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's incorrect. The tutorial is not an event. Skipping the Tutorial wasnt even an option until later. You had to go though it to get to AP or GC.

The 'event' in this case is the Isolator badge, not the tutorial itself. Unlike any other 'Event' it wasnt made available to everyone. A 1st level toon made during the holiday event has the same chance to get all the badges for that event as a L50, and vice versa.

The same cannot be said for Isolator.

In other words, not everyone had the choice to 'skip' it. That choice was already made. Some of us would like that choice.

Here's something for all the people saying don't allow a way to earn isolator or don't datamine for those that may have actually taken out 100 infected: how about this...What if they give Trenchcoats as a costume option only to characters created from tomorrow that fair?

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You are using the costume creator to justify a badge? I'm not even going to go here, because it's just that ridiculous to think about.

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Actually it's a much better analogy than the hospital one. By the same logic of 'Isolator does nothing for you', neither does a trenchcoat. Yet everyone would want the ability to at least be able to attain it if they wanted it. The same reasoning is behind the impetus to allow those with CoV the new villain costume options on their Heros. Like the Isolator badge, costumes do not effect gameplay, it does effect game enjoyment for some of us.

[edit: re datamining] No, there weren't, because the badge didn't exist before I2. So datamining at this point is futile and irrelvant.

[/ QUOTE ]

TF badges didnt exist before I2 either. They were datamined for. The problem with datamining is the length of time and resources required to do so. Datamining is an unfeasable option at this time.

The LEGION (CoH) - The Fallen LEGION (CoV)
Forget your fears and want no more

50's - Renkoro, Remorseless

Angry Angels / Jaded Angels

Global - @Puretone