Who influenced you the most...?




Who influenced you the most when you were first playing the game, and why?

Lord Griffon - In my 30s he taught me how to hunt Nemesis bosses in Crey's. "Load up on lucks, use one each spawn, keep 'em when they drop, when you're out of lucks, go get more...don't keep hunting without them, you're just asking for debt. Pop 3 if you're in trouble and you're a god. For 30 seconds."

The Confessor (never met, just read his posts) - Scrappers are not 't3h g1mp'; build and play to your strengths. Build synergies with your playstyle and remember those synergies.

MissInformed - This MMO can be an RPG. Loved her 'Who am I?' diary/posts on the boards when she first started, and followed her progress through King's Row with interest. Was tickled to find out she was on Justice.

Scrappy - Invited me to a Hammi attempt way before the first successful raid. I died repeatedly, of course, but it got me interested in raiding even during the 'hair brained' phase. Massed blaster snipes slotted for range. Crawling all over the zone looking for any odd spawns, buildings, or geographics that might relate to the Hammidon... "Oh, I found an opening I can tp through! It must *mean* something!"...of course it never did.

N'arlolth - Invited me into my first real SG, Underworld, and taught me to scrap (which I had previously *thought* I knew how to do...). Taught me to pay attention to not just my powers, but everyone else's on the team. "Turn off that fear thing, it's making them all run!" "Errr....Sable, Cloak of Fear is the only thing keeping us alive right now, lol."

Ghost Image - Showed me the Sewer Trial for the first time, which convinced me that my 'gimpy' stealth/teleport scrapper could be a lot of fun in TFs and Trials full of the usually more uber builds.

Mause 2.0 & pouncy - Being silly in game is fun! Macro/bind emotes are fun! Haven't seen them in over a year now, still have them on my friends list in case they ever logon to those characters again. "Ow! Quit it!" and "Fun fact: Mause 2.0 is now equipped with a full audio/visual suite. Fight crime without missing your favorite programs!"

Roral - The first person I ever really wanted to use the SK/Exemplar system with when it came out. Cost me two respecs, as I did the first one without considering exemplaring, then realized I didn't have a travel power at the levels he was at. What a n00b I was. The two of us trying to Shadow Maul and Raid of Fire our way through IP must have caused quite the chuckle for onlookers. We died. A *lot*. But had a lot of fun anyway. Another one I miss rather a bit.

BuffyASummers - Inspired me to do up my backgrounds in game; now, if I'm stalled out with a character I look at my background story and costume for inspiration rather than my power set. Showed me the difference between an homage and a ripoff. Was always fun to just be around; always was a thrill to see her passing by on the tram.

....and a cast of thousands. You know who you are; feel free to look me up in game even if we haven't chatted in a while.


So....any person/event influence you in the game when you were first starting out?



CelsiusBane and friends

Probably my first true friend in this game and over a year later we're both still playing and talking.

He has a wonderful wife who also plays the game and the two of them have been monument in my learning this game. Not because they actually taught me anything (lol), but because they were right there with me the entire time.




We don't get to see each other much anymore... but has always been a good friend. Even when I think there was drinking going on and hard to understand tells. I still see from time to time, and will always be willing to join up with and play Coh or Cov!

Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome



ok il bite

It was my spouse that first got me into playing the game.

the few that are notable are as follows.

Nova-he could die and die and die etc... and where most people would get frustrated, give up maybe, he just bounced back usually to meet his ulitmate demise over and over. I used to think he was a terrible player, but it became obvious to me that he was just plain determined, dedicated, and reckless. From him i learned not to take defeat to seriously.

glad-showed me how to be kind, and considerate to my low friends by encouraging me to tag along on his high lvl missions/hunting. I felt maybe too young in lvl but he proved to me i could indeed manage it just by being his sk. from him i learned that its not about power, or how much you have, but how you use them.

defeal-showed me how to have fun in the game. he taught me how to do binds/macros. defeal is always fun to hang out with.

empress ra, and other names-taught me alot about the game. ra taught me how to herd, he took me on task forces and showed me the easiest way to complete them. From him i learned nearly everything else.


my current sg leader cynergysparx, has just proven to me what ive always suspected-that no one can lead an sg as well as a strong willed woman! From her, ive learned respect.



MissInformed - This MMO can be an RPG. Loved her 'Who am I?' diary/posts on the boards when she first started, and followed her progress through King's Row with interest. Was tickled to find out she was on Justice.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's with humble regret that I say: that wasn't me. I think I know who you mean, though. Are you talking about the girl who had "amnesia" and was trying to find out who she was and how she'd come to be a hero in Paragon City? I can't remember her name, but she had an online journal and everything.

But I'm still cool, right?



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Very cool.



It's with humble regret that I say: that wasn't me. I think I know who you mean, though. Are you talking about the girl who had "amnesia" and was trying to find out who she was and how she'd come to be a hero in Paragon City? I can't remember her name, but she had an online journal and everything.

But I'm still cool, right?

[/ QUOTE ]

Now I'm confused - is this part of the RPG ???



My first "encounter" with anyone from the boards was when I saw Miss shadowing a low level character who was fighting trolls in the Hollows. I thought it was pretty cool that a high level player would help out a lowbie like that. Now that Biff is into his high 30's, I try to emulate that helpfulness by taunting foes off of players who are doing hunt missions in places like Crey's Folly or Brickstown.

From a strategy/build standpoint, Tic Toc's in depth posts have had the most impact and probably saved me a lot of time in respec'ing potential bad builds.

While I have not teamed with many of you here, most of you make me laugh, both in game and out. Threadjacks, innuendo and all, Justice is still a fun place to be and play this little game.



It's with humble regret that I say: that wasn't me. I think I know who you mean, though. Are you talking about the girl who had "amnesia" and was trying to find out who she was and how she'd come to be a hero in Paragon City? I can't remember her name, but she had an online journal and everything.

But I'm still cool, right?

[/ QUOTE ]

Now I'm confused - is this part of the RPG ???

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't remember?

No, there really was a girl like that. Wish I could remember her name. It might have been Peppermint or something like that.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



After Shock - Taught me enthusiasm and sheer, unadulterated joy in the game and that you can always come home.

Feral Kat - I'm very badly behaved on the forums lately, but time was I was the ambassador for my SG. I know about diplomacy in person, but Feral Kat taught me diplomacy on the boards and in text.

Capt_Omega - Taught me what it means to be truly loyal to someone who's hand you've never shaken and who's eye you've never met.

Markus - Taught me that that just because you disagree vehemently with someone you love, does not mean that you love them less, or that you should treat them shabbily for disagreeing.

MissInformed - Taught me that true friendship transcends any environment and can be carried with you no matter where you go.

Laser_Judas - Taught me the finer points of humour in text.

Jack - Taught me how to properly apply "The Ointment"

Borts - Taught me that some communities, even online communites can be very much like family, no matter how unusual they are and that once a member of a family, always a member of a family, no matter what.

Loominal - Taught me how to treat a newbie so as to make them feel welcome and appreciated.

Syxxblade - Taught me loyalty in the face of overhwhelming fault.

DJ_Jester - Taught me that personal differences can be set aside for the good of community and that understandings are often merely a /tell away.

Krazed_Kaoz - Taught me that in the online world all that matters is your voice and your heart and that we are ALL heroes, equal and noble in mind and body and spirit.

Aleck - Taught me that not everything is as it appears and that one need not say anything to be truly heard.

Stampy - Taught me that family can sometimes be only a few keystrokes away. Thank you for inviting me to Team Awesome where I have met some truly remarkable people.

This is only a little of what I've learned in close to two years of being a member of this community and only a few names. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I sure as hell didn't come back for the game.

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



N'arlolth - Invited me into my first real SG, Underworld, and taught me to scrap (which I had previously *thought* I knew how to do...). Taught me to pay attention to not just my powers, but everyone else's on the team. "Turn off that fear thing, it's making them all run!" "Errr....Sable, Cloak of Fear is the only thing keeping us alive right now, lol."

[/ QUOTE ]

You sure know how to make a boy blush, SS.



you know, i did the usual when i got here today... search, keyword "borts"... and when i saw my name in a thread "who influenced you the most...?" i was expecting something a little more interesting... you disappoint me lhf!...

They call me the Super-Genius of Justice for a reason... but they forgot what it was.
"Awesome... Awesome to the Max..."
Zero Tolerance: Get your towels ready.



After Shock - Taught me enthusiasm and sheer, unadulterated joy in the game and that you can always come home.

Feral Kat - I'm very badly behaved on the forums lately, but time was I was the ambassador for my SG. I know about diplomacy in person, but Feral Kat taught me diplomacy on the boards and in text.

Capt_Omega - Taught me what it means to be truly loyal to someone who's hand you've never shaken and who's eye you've never met.

Markus - Taught me that that just because you disagree vehemently with someone you love, does not mean that you love them less, or that you should treat them shabbily for disagreeing.

MissInformed - Taught me that true friendship transcends any environment and can be carried with you no matter where you go.

Laser_Judas - Taught me the finer points of humour in text.

Jack - Taught me how to properly apply "The Ointment"

Borts - Taught me that some communities, even online communites can be very much like family, no matter how unusual they are and that once a member of a family, always a member of a family, no matter what.

Loominal - Taught me how to treat a newbie so as to make them feel welcome and appreciated.

Syxxblade - Taught me loyalty in the face of overhwhelming fault.

DJ_Jester - Taught me that personal differences can be set aside for the good of community and that understandings are often merely a /tell away.

Krazed_Kaoz - Taught me that in the online world all that matters is your voice and your heart and that we are ALL heroes, equal and noble in mind and body and spirit.

Aleck - Taught me that not everything is as it appears and that one need not say anything to be truly heard.

This is only a little of what I've learned in close to two years of being a member of this community and only a few names. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I sure as hell didn't come back for the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

*Doesn't see his own name up there*

*Invited LHF to Team Awesome*

*Kicks LHF in shin*

*Throws bricks at LHF's windshield*

*Slashes LHF's tires*

*Steals sammich*

I won't be a part of your system!



TraperKeper-showed Justice the blinkie Mish



Well the people that influence me ingame the most don't even post on the boards. When I say influenced I mean introduced me to the idea that an MMO was fun and that it's is more then just a game. It's a way to hang out with your friends and communicate too.


Probably my greatest influence in the game. We were running buddies forever. Him the tank and me the blaster, nothing could touch us when we had it going on. I have still never seen a better tank then him.


Another big influence. He taught me how to run an SG and have fun at the same time. He also introduced me to the forums (yeah you can thank him ). He was heavily involved in the Hami strategy in the really early stages.


Just one of the best players I have ever met and she was a girl lol. I remember when I first met her how blown away that she was actually a female and was that good. She had a heart of gold too. I remember when I got TA to 35 and had to delete him so I could start my own account, she was right behind me telling me she would help. Sure enough, I was lvl 7 on TA (version 2) and she followed me around as a defender buffing and healing me as I plowed through mobs of lvl 10's and 11. Never forget her.

Digital End:

The absolute best scrapper I have seen play the game. He and Deadrites would always be in competition for whatever was involved and were really good friends. Digi and I had perfected a method of herding back in the day where as we would load the team up,enter the mission and pay the members to leave. Then Digi would go around and make the Rikti open their portals around the entire map. Then we would wait for about a half hour and there would literally be groups of 70 to 80 rikti we would take on alone. He would herd em up and keep em busy then I would come in and nuke the group lol. Most fun I have had playing a game.

So yeah, everyone who influenced me in one way or another were members of LOJ. I actually met some of Team Awesome through Gamble.



I remember Digital End. I teamed with him a few times from levels 7-20. He probably doesnt remember me though. This was back with my first toon a fire/ice tank named Hacksore (deleted him when cov came out to use the name for my brute). He was hella cool.

I also remember TrapperKeaper he was cool as hell. I was always trying to top him in the punishers list when I was leveling Imbalmer. One day he would be #1 and the next day I would be #1. I ran into him once by the P.I ferry and we became friends. Man so many good players lost.



I remember Digital End. I teamed with him a few times from levels 7-20. He probably doesnt remember me though. This was back with my first toon a fire/ice tank named Hacksore (deleted him when cov came out to use the name for my brute). He was hella cool.

I also remember TrapperKeaper he was cool as hell. I was always trying to top him in the punishers list when I was leveling Imbalmer. One day he would be #1 and the next day I would be #1. I ran into him once by the P.I ferry and we became friends. Man so many good players lost.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was teaming alot with deadrites around that time. He and Rowan were husband and wife IRL and were always Duoing missions. Yeah that was back when I was playing on my brothers account.



I love and hate threads like these at the same time. I think it's a really good thing to point out the people that have influenced you. It helps keep things in perspective and also gives a little recognition to the people that are the real gems of these games. On the other hand... I always end up leaving people out! Important people usually that I'm later incredibly ashamed to have spaced out on..

Ah well... I'll give it a shot. This will be long as I'm horridly long winded....

Madam Myst: Leader of The Jokers (first SG I was in). Hard [censored] chick that had a lot to learn about dealing with people and either hadn't figured out or refused to recognize that people that love you are the ones that will be devoted to you. However, she taught me how to play the game. She taught me tactics and strategy. What was wise, and what would keep me with a full debt bar. An excellent player (as I recall), if not the most patient. I'm still thankful for what she showed me.

Wolfenstein3d: Crazy man. A good friend of mine still even though he's moved on to other games. Always had fun, regardless of how well or poorly we were doing. Great attitude, even if people didn't quite get his sense of insane humor.

Ele: Of course. Her first MMO. She was always excited to play and never cared what we did. She made sure I always had a teammate and gave me my cue to always help anyone that needed it, no matter what we were doing.

Posi: Yeah yeah yeah... I know. I never participated in PvP much before this game. I wrongly assumed everyone would be a jerk no matter if they won or lost. Posi gave me my first glimpse at a player that would always say good game and would always duel you again, no matter how hard he beat in your skull 10 minutes before.

Just about everyone in my SG (Questor, NPG, Aximili, Spine-Tree, Mini-Blaster, Chitzu, Bonita, Crazed Drifter, Extreme Justice, Webbat, DeepShade, Spitfire, and everyone else I don't have the patience to write down). They influence me enough to want to work hard to make sure they have a good time with me and everyone else.

Team Awesome: *slips into flame proof suit* I could care less who does or doesn't like TA. They are, easily, the friendliest and most entertaining people I have EVER met in an MMO, and I've played more of them then I can remember. On the boards, in game, they keep me laughing and will always get a team going for anything. Just good people, all of 'em.

If I forgot you... sue me. I told you I suck at this [censored]. Just assume you're just too important to put into words...

"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF

Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')



Madam Myst: Leader of The Jokers (first SG I was in). Hard [censored] chick that had a lot to learn about dealing with people and either hadn't figured out or refused to recognize that people that love you are the ones that will be devoted to you. However, she taught me how to play the game. She taught me tactics and strategy. What was wise, and what would keep me with a full debt bar. An excellent player (as I recall), if not the most patient. I'm still thankful for what she showed me.

[/ QUOTE ]


Are you serious?!

I remember her! I was IN that SG, bro! Remember Ubiquitous? Ill/FF controller. That was ME! Ubi was an alt I had when i took a break from my (then) main Cimmerian Fist (who I was playing as a break away from Liv)

Yah, Madam really meant well, but I think she confused being assertive with being a bully. Too bad because she really attracted some awesome people to the group. But it was damn fun while it lasted.

That's hilarious! Remember Capt. Liberty? That guy was awesome, real good guy. We had some real fun he and I.

That's too much!

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



Madam Myst: Leader of The Jokers (first SG I was in). Hard [censored] chick that had a lot to learn about dealing with people and either hadn't figured out or refused to recognize that people that love you are the ones that will be devoted to you. However, she taught me how to play the game. She taught me tactics and strategy. What was wise, and what would keep me with a full debt bar. An excellent player (as I recall), if not the most patient. I'm still thankful for what she showed me.

[/ QUOTE ]


Are you serious?!

I remember her! I was IN that SG, bro! Remember Ubiquitous? Ill/FF controller. That was ME! Ubi was an alt I had when i took a break from my (then) main Cimmerian Fist (who I was playing as a break away from Liv)

Yah, Madam really meant well, but I think she confused being assertive with being a bully. Too bad because she really attracted some awesome people to the group. But it was damn fun while it lasted.

That's hilarious! Remember Capt. Liberty? That guy was awesome, real good guy. We had some real fun he and I.

That's too much!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's insane. Yeah I remember. Geez us! Yeah I came in with Wolfenstein3d, Questor, Aximili, Angelus, and a handful of others. I stole them all and sent them to The Crimson Sun with Ele while I waited out the bitter end of the Jokers. At the end I was the last captain and I couldn't see leaving until I felt pretty sure her and Sappers were never coming back. Pretty sure they defected for EQ2.

"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF

Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')



Madam Myst: Leader of The Jokers (first SG I was in). Hard [censored] chick that had a lot to learn about dealing with people and either hadn't figured out or refused to recognize that people that love you are the ones that will be devoted to you. However, she taught me how to play the game. She taught me tactics and strategy. What was wise, and what would keep me with a full debt bar. An excellent player (as I recall), if not the most patient. I'm still thankful for what she showed me.

[/ QUOTE ]


Are you serious?!

I remember her! I was IN that SG, bro! Remember Ubiquitous? Ill/FF controller. That was ME! Ubi was an alt I had when i took a break from my (then) main Cimmerian Fist (who I was playing as a break away from Liv)

Yah, Madam really meant well, but I think she confused being assertive with being a bully. Too bad because she really attracted some awesome people to the group. But it was damn fun while it lasted.

That's hilarious! Remember Capt. Liberty? That guy was awesome, real good guy. We had some real fun he and I.

That's too much!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's insane. Yeah I remember. Geez us! Yeah I came in with Wolfenstein3d, Questor, Aximili, Angelus, and a handful of others. I stole them all and sent them to The Crimson Sun with Ele while I waited out the bitter end of the Jokers. At the end I was the last captain and I couldn't see leaving until I felt pretty sure her and Sappers were never coming back. Pretty sure they defected for EQ2.

[/ QUOTE ]

YOU WERE WOLF3D?! My brother was Stingblade! Kat/Reg scrapper, remember him? He's the one that convinced me to join my alt to the SG 'cause it was so hilarious.

OMG Man, you made me and my brother laugh SO HARD! You used to talk in caps all the time, it used to KILL us! We'd spend half the mission rolling around on the floor laughing at what you wrote.

Remember I had that bind where I would run in and use Flash and at the same time I would say in local "Say CHEESE!"? I remember one time I did it, and I'd been doing it for WEEKS with you on the team and you actually said "UBI YOU AR FUNNY YOU RUN IN AND SAY SAY CHEESE AND THEN FLASH"

I almost had a heart attack I luaghed so hard. My brother and I still talk about that.

Oh, that's awesome, man.

I guess it's cool that I tell you this now, but at the time we actually thought that maybe you were just... realy slow or something.

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



Heh. No no no... I came in with Wolf as in, he and I both joined the SG around the same time. He's a really good friend of mine and I still play with him (although I have to play WoW to do so.. ).

Yeah... he's not slow... he's just a crazy mother [censored].

"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF

Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')



Heh. No no no... I came in with Wolf as in, he and I both joined the SG around the same time. He's a really good friend of mine and I still play with him (although I have to play WoW to do so.. ).

Yeah... he's not slow... he's just a crazy mother [censored].

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh.. well, dude, tell him I said hi.

And that's still crazy about you being in Jokers. I actually woke my brother up and told him to check this out.

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!




This was my first MMO ever and I didn't know a damn thing. The first person I teamed with was an EMP healer Shocker- and a DA/DM scrapper Peanutz. They invited me to their SG after a few times teaming and I eventually took over. They recently both stopped playing, but they made me feel comfortable learning. I didn't feel stupid when I teamed with them.

However, I learned all my tactics and skill from my husband. I really started to enjoy the game more when we bought a second computer and started playing together. It really made it much more fun and I learn to play better in teams.

Along the way I've met some dedicated players that play not for exp, but just to spend time with friends. The Lostlamps are another SG of friends I have. They moved to Virtue with the release of I4 and now the Witless Protection Program. They make it easy to just have fun.