



This morning, I had PMs in my box saying the Accuracy of Dark Melee, Energy Melee and Claws seem to be wrong. I've gotten similar PMs about Ninja Blade as well.

We've tons of data here which all support that accuracy is working as intended and players still have a base 75% to hit even level critters.



people will always claim that something is wrong with accuracy because they don't understand how random number generators work



I understand that people may forget that the low levels are less accurate in general, when they're used to playing high level Heroes who are fully SOed.

However, I really think out of all the sets you mentioned that Dark Melee, and to be really specific Shadow Maul, needs to be looked at again. I've never had missing streaks (on any character) as bad as with that single power. In fact, I've often suspected that Shadow Maul somehow debuffes the player's accuracy rather than the mob's.

I ditched my DM scrapper early on because of utter frustration with that one power. I also have a close friend who, despite having 2 accuracy SOs in Shadow Maul, was so frustrated with the power, that he finally respeced out of it on his level 50 DM/Regen. I think if you asked folks who play Dark Melee you'd find that many have a love/hate relationship with Shadow Maul.



How about the streak breaker? While base accuracy may still be 75% I get much longer streaks of both hits and misses than I used to, say 6-10 months ago. It is quite noticeable and may be leading to a lot of the accuracy complaints. It really became evident post I4.



However, I really think out of all the sets you mentioned that Dark Melee, and to be really specific Shadow Maul, needs to be looked at again. I've never had missing streaks (on any character) as bad as with that single power. In fact, I've often suspected that Shadow Maul somehow debuffes the player's accuracy rather than the mob's.

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Hm. I use Shadow Maul constantly, and I have not noticed any problems with it. Unlike your friend, I only run with 1 ACC in it (post ED; I switched to 1 ACC, 3 DAM, 2 RECHARGE).




i ran a dm/da scrapper up to 50, and i never really noticed it having bad accuracy. I think its just frustrating when it missed b/c you might be need the higher damage output from it or have have 2-3 foes lined up. And with its long animation time and end cost its jsut not a power you really want to miss with at all.



Did you check the streak breaker, accuracy enhancements, accuracy inspirations, & other accuracy buffs as well?

4-5 attacks with buildup and 1x so accuracy in all attacks should have an incredibly low probabliity of all missing a blue minion - yet I've seen that several times, when most likely statistically I should see that once every few months.



I understand that people may forget that the low levels are less accurate in general, when they're used to playing high level Heroes who are fully SOed.

However, I really think out of all the sets you mentioned that Dark Melee, and to be really specific Shadow Maul, needs to be looked at again. I've never had missing streaks (on any character) as bad as with that single power. In fact, I've often suspected that Shadow Maul somehow debuffes the player's accuracy rather than the mob's.

I ditched my DM scrapper early on because of utter frustration with that one power. I also have a close friend who, despite having 2 accuracy SOs in Shadow Maul, was so frustrated with the power, that he finally respeced out of it on his level 50 DM/Regen. I think if you asked folks who play Dark Melee you'd find that many have a love/hate relationship with Shadow Maul.

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The fix for cone attacks always missing when an enemy is moving isn't live yet. Shadow maul is a cone attack. Add them together and?

Culex's resistance guide



However, I really think out of all the sets you mentioned that Dark Melee, and to be really specific Shadow Maul, needs to be looked at again. I've never had missing streaks (on any character) as bad as with that single power. In fact, I've often suspected that Shadow Maul somehow debuffes the player's accuracy rather than the mob's.

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Check out the posts on the cone attack bug. I believe the problem is that cone attacks miss any target w/in the cone that are moving. This could very well explain some of the problems. Castle has stated that a fix is in the works.

If I am wrong in any of these particulars, I welcome correction.



Hmmm, I tend to disagree. Have a 39 EA/EM Stalker. Slotted one + SO accu in each attack. It is my understanding that base acc % is 75. Add a SO which gives a 33% and you get 108% accu? Is this true? Or am I naive in my simplistic math?

Then why have I been noticing multiple whiffs on my EM attacks? Even with build up I notice I miss more often. Mostly one whiff at a time, but sometimes 3 times in a row with energy transfer, total focus and bone smasher. No debuffs on me, straight up +1 Longbow minions. Not the very crafty Special op guys who seem to be able to attack out of invis, but normal Longbow.



Make a Stalker with Swipe, the first claw attack, and put it on auto, then go fight some enemies. It does not have anything near 75% chance to hit. More like 35-40% I would estimate. It is not uncommon for this power to miss 3 out of every 5 times you attack an enemy.

Make a Spines Stalker, and take Barb Swipe, it too has an abysmal hit rate. (This is worse for Spines guys, as their third attack is AOE with a long timer and a horrid enduance cost)



This morning, I had PMs in my box saying the Accuracy of Dark Melee, Energy Melee and Claws seem to be wrong. I've gotten similar PMs about Ninja Blade as well.

We've tons of data here which all support that accuracy is working as intended and players still have a base 75% to hit even level critters.

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Castle, has the to-hit chance vs. yellow and higher-con minions changed?



This morning, I had PMs in my box saying the Accuracy of Dark Melee, Energy Melee and Claws seem to be wrong. I've gotten similar PMs about Ninja Blade as well.

We've tons of data here which all support that accuracy is working as intended and players still have a base 75% to hit even level critters.

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Thanks for the update Castle, I must say you are very proactive in your responses to Stalker concerns valid or not. Kudos on the good customer service.



However, I really think out of all the sets you mentioned that Dark Melee, and to be really specific Shadow Maul, needs to be looked at again.

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Shadow Maul (and other cone attacks) has been confirmed to be bugged, those powers DO are missing more than they should and they are working on it.



Did you check the streak breaker, accuracy enhancements, accuracy inspirations, & other accuracy buffs as well?

4-5 attacks with buildup and 1x so accuracy in all attacks should have an incredibly low probabliity of all missing a blue minion - yet I've seen that several times, when most likely statistically I should see that once every few months.

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I second the question of the Streak Breaker working. I was playing my BS scrapper last night, fighting +1 level lts and I had a good row of misses (slotted with 1 DO acc). Is 14 misses in a row possible? I had a 7, 11, and 14 miss streak. I thought there was some code to prevent prolonged wiffs. Or, is this working as Intended?



I understand that people may forget that the low levels are less accurate in general, when they're used to playing high level Heroes who are fully SOed.

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And people think I am weird when I have low level characters that have attacks which are 4-6 slotted (pre-ED) with accuracy until I get to SOs. And yet, I hit a lot more as well.

Haven't tried it after ED since the only character I have made since then is a Corruptor Villain.



Im Nin/Nin and I rarely miss. I dont even have a SO acc yet just DO's 1 in gambit, 1 in wasp, 1 in AS, but 2 in build up so it acts as a SO i believe.

Only thing is I only have single target attacks, I didnt take flashing steel so maybe thats why I'm not having issues.



Folks, try to remember. You can only have a maximum accuracy of 95%, so within that small 5% fraction is still possible to constantly miss. The streakbreacker kicks in after 5-6 consequtive misses as far as I know. But that can still result in you missing 6 out of 7 attacks if you have a bad run of luck.



That's not what Herostats is telling me. Most all of my powers that are not slotted with accuracies are coming back with an average of 70% My Superstrength brute was 65% before I started slotting accuracies. My Superstrength tanker also was around 65%. Something is not jiving; it's either your data or Herostats.

[EDIT]: And it sure does feel like my brute and tanker miss a lot. So, I'm leaning towards Herostats being right. With a SO accuracy in jab on my brute I'm finally up to 80%; haymaker with SO and DO 85%

Proud member of the LEGION, and Sisterhood



There's gotta be something going on with accuracy somewhere in the equation/code/whatever. I did the Spelunker badge mission the other night with my level 50 Tank who has a 50++ ACC SO in every attack. The mobs were like level 13. I missed about 8 times during the mission and I fired off maybe 20 attacks in all. I mean come on, does that make any sense? The thing is, accuracy isn't nearly that bad against things around my level. I dunno, I guess it could be bad luck. Maybe whatever caused that could be causing the "streakiness" that people keep complaining about?

Personally, I haven't noticed any problem with missing streaks. I mean they do happen and they are super annoying, but it doesn't seem like they happen often. Maybe it's all just a matter of perception.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, all of those misses may have been against mobs that were running. Any ETA on a fix for that bug?



That's not what Herostats is telling me. Most all of my powers that are not slotted with accuracies are coming back with an average of 70% My Superstrength brute was 65% before I started slotting accuracies. My Superstrength tanker also was around 65%. Something is not jiving; it's either your data or Herostats.

[EDIT]: And it sure does feel like my brute and tanker miss a lot. So, I'm leaning towards Herostats being right. With a SO accuracy in jab on my brute I'm finally up to 80%; haymaker with SO and DO 85%

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Are you only fighting even-level minions? No? Then that's why your numbers aren't 75%. Your ToHit rate falls as you face higher level enemies and bosses. Plus, if you fight things that debuff your accuracy or buff their own defense (CoT, Tsoo, Sky Raiders, etc), you'll hit less often as well.



My EM/ stalker and brute both have missing streaks. I've missed 6 times in a row when all attacks (other than brawl) have AT LEAST 2 accuracy slotted. I went through AS-miss, Bone Smasher-miss, Energy Punch-miss, brawl-miss, placate, bone smasher-miss, energy punch-miss. My Fire blaster with only 1 acc in his attacks rarely misses with his AOE's. But my stalker, boy, he couldnt hit an elephant's butt if it was right in his face. Could the Random Numberthingymabajiger be getting "stuck" or something like that? That was only against a +1, too!



One thing that I saw brought up back in the day... but no-one seems to have mentioned yet is that there seems to be a negitive effect to TOO much ACC. I haven't done much testing, but someone who wants to test it out can go find a bunch of blue minions, eat a tray full of yellows and go to town... maybe even with ACC boosting powers running.



I must beg to differ. My lvl 21 DM brute almost always misses 3 or 4 times out of 5 or 6 strikes. With all attack powers having one acc DO too. This is against someone who is 1 level up (yellow) without any debuffs. If they have debuffs, or are more than 1 level (orange or above) forget about it. I just plain CANNOT hit them. I was just in a mission and I was hitting at just under 50% of the time for every single combat. Meanwhile, my opponents RARELY miss, even though my hits are supposed to give an accuracy debuff. I hope someone takes a good long look at this again, otherwise, I am ditching my DM brute if favor of something that actually has a chance at defeating an enemy. It has been very frustrating these last few weeks trying to level this toon! At least it has been challenging!!!!