Issue 5 Features Preview: Forest of Dread




Well, it says they used it (however ineptly). Another group could, possibly, have wrested it away from them in the confusion. But, yes, this confirms that the Pantheon was in control of it at some point.

I had the impression that we already knew the Pantheon was behind the event, anyway. Perhaps I was just assuming it.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.





"that have had doctrines refined or corupted and bit made up out of whole cloth."

It's the 'made up' part there, in regards to your comment, that's the problem.

The way Idioteraser wrote it, and I am doing my best not to put words in his
mouth that he didn't type in this thread, he implies, In My Humble Opinion, that
those who became Christians saw the Old Testament and thought "we know better,
and we'll incorporate it in our book, and make up a few things too."

The New Testament continues God's relationship with man, and is not an
expansion pack by a different team, for lack of a better term.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is YOUR opinion, and it certainly does not represent hate speech to question it. Hate speech would be to say "Christians are doody heads and must be killed."

For one, the mere historical *existence* of Jesus is rather sketchy...

[/ QUOTE ]

And to put my two cents in on this issue, since I find it very hard to stay out of religious dialogue these days, is this:

To go along with Penitent, The divinity of Jesus wasn't decided until about 486 years after his death, at the first Council of Nicea. At this point, there were two factions of Christians - those who thought that Jesus was the son of God, and the other that thought that Jesus was wholely human. It was voted on at the council which was true. So while it may not be "made up" it is not necessarily based on facts that modern Christians believe Jesus to be the true son of God.

And that being said, don't think that it is just us Pagans that have been saying nasty things towards others. I think it was Lady Sadako (spelling?) that said "Yes, anyone calling themself a witch is laying themself open for abuse"

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



I think it was Lady Saduku (spelling?) that said "Anyone calling themselves a witch opens themselves up to abuse".

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Sadako, actually - and speaking as a pagan myself, it's the gorram truth. If you give yourself that label, you're deliberately identifying yourself as something which other people specifically fear. There's never any sensible reason to call yourself a witch.

If you can work the mojo, then it doesn't matter what you call yourself. If you can't, then it doesn't matter what you call yourself.



for the pics it seem like crotoa will be full of giant monsters its im going to need a big team

and they make the stop the dimensional problem but that doesnt mean crotoa will banish it could just stop growing



The majority of this thread is a good reason not to mix religon and city of heros. Religon or the lack thereof is a deeply personal preference and no matter how right you think your's is, you simply cannot force your views on others. It just sparks anger, outrage, and frustration. Save it for church, mass, black mass, dancing naked around a fire, or whatever it is you choose to do. I'd like to get back to talking about I5 if possible



It's the idea. The concept. There used to be Nazis in Paragon City and now there aren't, and future players will never get to experience the joy of being up Nazis.

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The joy of being up Nazis?

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Freudian Slip?

I definitely meant beating up Nazis.





"that have had doctrines refined or corupted and bit made up out of whole cloth."

It's the 'made up' part there, in regards to your comment, that's the problem.

The way Idioteraser wrote it, and I am doing my best not to put words in his
mouth that he didn't type in this thread, he implies, In My Humble Opinion, that
those who became Christians saw the Old Testament and thought "we know better,
and we'll incorporate it in our book, and make up a few things too."

The New Testament continues God's relationship with man, and is not an
expansion pack by a different team, for lack of a better term.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is YOUR opinion, and it certainly does not represent hate speech to question it. Hate speech would be to say "Christians are doody heads and must be killed."

For one, the mere historical *existence* of Jesus is rather sketchy...

[/ QUOTE ]

And to put my two cents in on this issue, since I find it very hard to stay out of religious dialogue these days, is this:

To go along with Penitent, The divinity of Jesus wasn't decided until about 486 years after his death, at the first Council of Nicea. At this point, there were two factions of Christians - those who thought that Jesus was the son of God, and the other that thought that Jesus was wholely human. It was voted on at the council which was true. So while it may not be "made up" it is not necessarily based on facts that modern Christians believe Jesus to be the true son of God.

And that being said, don't think that it is just us Pagans that have been saying nasty things towards others. I think it was Lady Sadako (spelling?) that said "Yes, anyone calling themself a witch is laying themself open for abuse"

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually there was also the group (monophysites) that believed The Son and the Father where of One Nature (the "orthodox" position is that they are separate but the same) the arians on the other hand believed God the Son was created and not "born" and hence not of Divine Nature (though higher than any Man) while the nestorians believed God the Son and God the Father where separate but both divine....

It gets *really* confusing.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



The majority of this thread is a good reason not to mix religon and city of heros.

[/ QUOTE ]

The majority of this thread is pretty much the reason why I don't read Official Threads.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



The majority of this thread is a good reason not to mix religon and city of heros.

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The majority of this thread is pretty much the reason why I don't read Official Threads.

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LoL, where else in the world will you find the views of so many opinionated arm chair authorities and self proclaimed know-it-alls in one place?



LoL, where else in the world will you find the views of so many opinionated arm chair authorities and self proclaimed know-it-alls in one place?

[/ QUOTE ]


Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oool



Rando, you as always are a beautiful being.




Croatoa. It’s a name that conjures up images both mysterious and fantastical. In Issue 5, be prepared to enter a new enchanted realm of supernatural danger, where myth becomes reality and ancient legends walk the earth. Croatoa is a place steeped in old magic, ruled and contested by witches, Red Caps, Fir Bolgs and the Tuatha de Dannan.

[/ QUOTE ]

Paragon city does not need more Magic, the addition of Gnomes
or another boring (and mucho drab) villain group (Cabal).

Pumpkin heads are cool for halloween week but they are
churlish and nonsensical for a persistent zone.

After giving it a short run through on test, I give Croanerf a 2/10...


Striga is top notch, the Sky Raider and Council bases (I still can't
believe you took out the Fifth and replaced them with these
council chumps) are really well done.



Paragon city does not need more Magic, the addition of Gnomes
or another boring (and mucho drab) villain group (Cabal).

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm going to disagree with you here; I'm always looking for more magical villain groups to fight.

And would the idiot who posted that page-widener please edit it down?



That's great, lots of new stuff to patch after it is released.



Pumpkin heads are cool for halloween week but they are
churlish and nonsensical for a persistent zone.

[/ QUOTE ]

Except for the fact that the zone itself is directly
related to the Malleus Mundi and the Halloween event
from a year ago.

And yeah, could Jo or someone delete that schmuck's post?



'forest of dread' INDEED!

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



Looks Great



the true meaning behind the title, “Forest of Dread.”

[/ QUOTE ]

Aptly named, many players dread seeing all the nerfage and reduction in fun that this Issue is going to bring.



To me the problem with the new, and for that matter the past couple of Updates is that the changes in the Power Sets completely overshadow the new content. When this one goes life I will be mostly dealing with getting reacquainted with my characters...the new content will be secondary.

Play balancing is a great idea, but one would think that as time goes by we would be getting closer to a "balance" and require less and less drastic changes. Apparently the opposite seems to be true with a whole lot of very fundamental changes occurring - again. This is really going in the wrong direction.

I don't think that we will ever have anything close to balance with all the powers combinations out there...and I don't think it is necessary. Not all heroes are created equal and I am at times happy to be the Daredevil next to the Hulk. If I want to be the Hulk, I will create one. That is the beauty of COH.

So....let's stop worrying about play balancing beyond the fundamentals and start concentrating on new content, new powers, new enemies. That is where I want to see the innovation. I have to admit that I have only skimmed the new stuff on Test...the Island looks nice, the new types of missions sound good, etc. The new powers seem animations mostly for a variation on existing powers... Not too many new costume options from what I can tell... THIS is where the efforts should be concentrated.

I love the game, I won't quit or even threaten to, but Updates have become more of a bummer than a joy...keep that in mind for the next one please.



I dont know what to say.



All I wanna know is when does it go live? I know it's on the test server, but when for the rest?



All I wanna know is when does it go live? I know it's on the test server, but when for the rest?

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably not for some time yet. They still need to test a lot of things (the new TF being one), and there are plenty of bugs to work out.

While they've released buggy issues before, I think this can be safely said to be "game-breaking".

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



To me the problem with the new, and for that matter the past couple of Updates is that the changes in the Power Sets completely overshadow the new content.

[/ QUOTE ]

How many people, after already eclipsing the level range for Striga, went back to to the Buckholders Bane TF? How many people went in to collect the badges?

let's stop worrying about play balancing beyond the fundamentals and start concentrating on new content, new powers, new enemies.

[/ QUOTE ]

Tell that to the hundreds of people during peak hours of the evening who solely stand in Portal Corporation and BEG to be powerleveled, be a bridge, or find their way onto a PL team to pad the spawns.

I know there are people out there who actually want to play the game the way it was designed to be played, but it seems like no one past the level of 36 actually wants to play the game. They all want to get PL'd to get those next three slots, that next power selection, or the bittersweet and sad achievement of L-50.

What about the TF in the Storm Palace? Does anyone really ever go into Fire Base Zulu anymore? How many of you have the Rularuu badge?

I've been a L-48 Spines/Regen scrapper for awhile now, and I am sitting on AV missions I can't solo. No one wants to make the time committment (or take the risk) to actually be on a team where heroes actually fight ArchVillains.

To those of you who still want to actually play the game; I salute you. The rest of you should go play a different game.




I am with you all the way on this one. I have a Level 50 Blaster on Champion. and i have a very hard time getting a team together to fight AVs and other mission (That all seem to have AVs at this lvl). I want to blay there is still alot of story left and i want to see what happens next. The game dose not end at 50.