Issue 5 Features Preview: Forest of Dread




I didn't notice, but they put a predicted date for it going to live on it. August.

This is an offical first.

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Yep, spotted that

So how many posts will there be on the 1st saying "so where is it then?"

Looks like a nice update to me...



so more power sets? will we get more character slots? i'm full up on my main server...and i'd like to put one of these on there

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Ditto. More slots/server would be awesome!!!!

Currently Playing:
Freedom :
Winter Princess Cold/Ice Def
Princess Nightshade Dark/Dark Def
Dark Hand of Flame Fire/Dark Scrapper
Mind Sniper AR/MM Blaster



Yay more shared power sets between controllers and defenders. There was not enough overlap already.

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I'm going to mark it, at 12:25 pm ET I5 has it's first offical complant.



Very neat! Now all those quasi-Nord/Celt magic types can have a region to call their own. Beautiful artwork there. I wanna rub that giant's belly

But Trick Arrows for Controllers? I've only been back a few days and I already know that one of the main Defender issues is distinction. Specifically, having more primaries that aren't available as Controller secondaries.

This is a goofy move, Devs, and it gives the impression that you're spreading powers a little too thin. Other new power sets can't be that far down the road, can they?

SparrowhawkHummingbirdDungeon MasterCapricornHour WomanQueen NefariaJunkyard GirlDoll FaceStitchbladeRed MinstrelMimic



Yay more shared power sets between controllers and defenders. There was not enough overlap already.

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I'm going to mark it, at 12:25 pm ET I5 has it's first offical complant.

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The huge thread on Crotoa's level range didn't count?



Yay more shared power sets between controllers and defenders. There was not enough overlap already.

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I'm going to mark it, at 12:25 pm ET I5 has it's first offical complant.

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Second. Probably closer to Forth.

First was that it was level 25 to 35 from a few weeks ago.

NCIS: Best gorram show in the 'verse.



Yay more shared power sets between controllers and defenders. There was not enough overlap already.

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I'm going to mark it, at 12:25 pm ET I5 has it's first offical complant.

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Please do. Because as far as I am concerend it is !@#$%^& stupid.

No incentive to play a defender anymore unless you want to play Dark/, /dark, /psionic. At 80% funtionality between the two there is no point. Heck just hit 41 and you get ranged damage then also.





Mission Customization – Many existing missions have been updated with hostage escort missions, villain wave attacks and more!

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Hmm, that might be one of the things you can say to the hostage as you escort them.

Those are really big heads that the giant is carrying... I wonder what they lopped them from.



W00T! I predicted right. The last Tuesday of June would be the feature press release. Now we got 2 weeks before it hits test, and 5 before live!

THanks Cuppa!



Mission Customization – Many existing missions have been updated with hostage escort missions, villain wave attacks and more!

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Hmm, that might be one of the things you can say to the hostage as you escort them.

Those are really big heads that the giant is carrying... I wonder what they lopped them from.

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Heh, I just hope the hostage A.I. is smart enough to "follow" well (if the missions are designed that way). Nothing more annoying than a hostage than won't move or won't get out of the way of obstacles.




Those are really big heads that the giant is carrying... I wonder what they lopped them from.

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Yay more shared power sets between controllers and defenders. There was not enough overlap already.

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I'm going to mark it, at 12:25 pm ET I5 has it's first offical complant.

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The huge thread on Crotoa's level range didn't count?

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Doh, forgot about that one.



get over yourself hob... because we know that these are the only new powersets to be released ever... right... Take a chillpill and enjoy I5.. and your exclusiv powersets will be here in no time...




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I think that is correct.



Yay more shared power sets between controllers and defenders. There was not enough overlap already.

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My thoughts exactly! Yeah for only one primary to call our own!

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Kinda weird when you consider that the developers refuse to let scrappers and tanks share more powersets for diversity reasons.

Uh huh.. Riiiiiiight.

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Yes. Energy Melee for Scrappers! Start the campaign today!




Please do. Because as far as I am concerend it is !@#$%^& stupid.

No incentive to play a defender anymore unless you want to play Dark/, /dark, /psionic. At 80% funtionality between the two there is no point. Heck just hit 41 and you get ranged damage then also.

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Hm. Hadn't noticed that on the ancillary pools, but you have a point.

However, a Defender still gets his 9th primary power 6 levels earlier than the
controller, etc.

One "bright side" on the Archery powersets is that much as Scrappers using
weapons suffer the redraw of the weapon when using other powers, any
Controller with */Trick Arrow will see it likewise. That may make TA/Archery
Defenders more common than */TA Controllers.

Sonic, of course, will not have that problem.

But, don't forget: significant rebalancing among ATs is coming to issue 5.

So, stay tuned to the Test Server forum to find out if the cheers for the new
content in issue 5 are drowned out by the boos for any perceived "nerfs."

I would like to see issue 5 fully make Controller secondaries 80% in all aspects.
As is, powers like Enervating Field, etc. work exactly the same.

I almost wonder if Controller secondaries should be 50% effectiveness across
the board, but that's a topic for another thread.

3 cheers to the devs for new content!




Heh, I just hope the hostage A.I. is smart enough to "follow" well (if the missions are designed that way). Nothing more annoying than a hostage than won't move or won't get out of the way of obstacles.

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I have a feeling the Hostage won't be following... we will be.



Man, oh man.
I5 looks so awesome!!!!
I can't wait to pwn a few of those giant SoBs!




Heh, I just hope the hostage A.I. is smart enough to "follow" well (if the missions are designed that way). Nothing more annoying than a hostage than won't move or won't get out of the way of obstacles.

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I have a feeling the Hostage won't be following... we will be.

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I got me some TP Friend.

The Hellion fire brigade missions look neat, but are we "damaging" fire with an exstiguisher? Is Fire just another MOB we have to deal with? Or is it something totally new?




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I think that is correct.

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In Irish Gaelic it could as likely be pronounced Gesundheit depending on the day of the week and the direction the wind is blowing.

I found one reference to TOO-ah-hah.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



For all of those who quit over the Arena or the HO nerf:


Even with all the stuff we knew about, there is so much sweetness in here... and the villain wave / hostage escort stuff is the icing on the cake.



The only thing I am a little leary on is the Guiding the NPC im burned on that from many of the games I played before because they had the dumbest AI (and that never ending treadmill in Kings dosen't give me hope).

Everything else looks cool.



The Hellion fire brigade missions look neat, but are we "damaging" fire with an exstiguisher? Is Fire just another MOB we have to deal with? Or is it something totally new?

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My guess is that the fire is a clicky and you have to put it out. Either that, or it just does DoT and you have to save people trapped in it.