Issue 5 Features Preview: Forest of Dread




Look closely at the screenshot with the Giant. See that little flaming pumpkin head in between his legs? Anyone else recognize that?! Woot!

"You're the sun and the moon to me..."

My Antiquated Earth/Storm Controller Guide!





I know I will see you again on another game somewhere - one game can't hold all us crazies forever.

Some people just need to be on the cross at all times for the attention, I guess.



Look closely at the screenshot with the Giant. See that little flaming pumpkin head in between his legs? Anyone else recognize that?! Woot!

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New Villains – The Cabal of witches, the nasty imps called Red Caps, the giant Fir Bolg and the legendary Tuatha de Dannan rule this realm.

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Umm... yeah.

I wonder if the badges are returning too....




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In this case, not correct. The "th" represents a sound that in English would usually be represented by "h".

Gailge spelling IS mostly regular and phonetic. It just uses completely different rules than does English.

This is why "Gailge" is pronounced something like "gwa-lyi-guh", and if you're familiar with the spelling rules, it's perfectly regular.

However, there is one very common irregularity. The letter "d" can be used for sounds that English represents with "d" or with "g". Thus, "Dia duit" is pronounced something like "Gia geetch".



The only thing I am a little leary on is the Guiding the NPC im burned on that from many of the games I played before because they had the dumbest AI (and that never ending treadmill in Kings dosen't give me hope).

Well at least you wont have to deal with an NPC killer, way back when I played SWG, I had a freak'n npc following me back to a waypoint only to have the NPC whacked by another player. Talk about pissed
Everything else looks cool.

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------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------




I wonder if the badges are returning too....

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I would rather see new badges on the same theme. No, I have none of the old Hallowe'en badges. I'd just like to see event badges kept unique.



not much in the way in the lvl 35++ content but it looks good



The only thing I am a little leary on is the Guiding the NPC im burned on that from many of the games I played before because they had the dumbest AI (and that never ending treadmill in Kings dosen't give me hope).

Everything else looks cool.

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Well at least you wont have to deal with an NPC killer, way back when I played SWG, I had a freak'n npc following me back to a waypoint only to have the NPC whacked by another player. Talk about pissed

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



not much in the way in the lvl 35++ content but it looks good

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Keep in mind this is only the first preview. Usually we get 2 or 3 "expanded" previews before it hits test. So who knows what else they have in store.

I know I will see you again on another game somewhere - one game can't hold all us crazies forever.

Some people just need to be on the cross at all times for the attention, I guess.



It looks great. It looks like the non melee types make out real good. While the Tankers and Scrappers stay out in the cold with the hope that the nerf bat is at least kind to them this time around.

Triumph Heros

Tabby Cat :50 Claw/Regen
Isabella Ice :50 Ice/Ice/Ice
Ocicat :50 Claws/SR
Lady Torrent: 50 enrg/enrg
Mindfull:50 Ill/Kin
Mia Feldman: 50 DB/WP

Triumph Villains

Wonderland:50 Ice/Cold
Alice of Malice: 36 Enrg/Nin
Gangsta Gal:24 Thugs/Poison



Since they brought back some of the villains from the Halloween event back and put them into a new zone, could it be possible that one of the next new zones will bring back Winter Lords? It would be (forgive the pun) very cool.



you know after they add the "escort" code in the game the could do all sorts of stuff with it...

i think having a few lower ranking Freedom corp guys pop in to help deal with a problem would be sweet

or getting Positron to get off his butt and help

also about the Epic badges. Didin't positron talk about that? they're gonna be badges for takeing...say...100mil damage and stuff(maybe thats high)



All I can say is that I cannot wait to test this on the Training Room!



also about the Epic badges. Didin't positron talk about that? they're gonna be badges for takeing...say...100mil damage and stuff(maybe thats high)

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Yeah they are there:

New Badges for epic character accomplishments and special badges for events within Croatoa.

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holy crap. look how big that guy is! he's probably taller than adamastor! there are little witches standing at his feet!



Yeah can't wait to see this on test server.

w00t Radio



I really want to see the cool stuff too. But I am really, really apprehensive about the swath of nerfage I fear will accompany the content.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA




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I think that is correct.

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In Irish Gaelic it could as likely be pronounced Gesundheit depending on the day of the week and the direction the wind is blowing.

I found one reference to TOO-ah-hah.

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Indeed since Sidhe is pronounced "she"



Also what i think about Defender/controler pry/sec issues

it seems like the only resion that Dark isin't a Controler set is that it would give them far to many holds/pets and Bow/sonics doesin't have this issue so they could give it to both with no issues...and they did

i think this is the same thing for Scrappers/tankers the powers might not work when carryed over like that(not to mention that if they had each others powers they whould be almost identical)



/em dies and goes to heaven...

wait, what the hell am i doing!?!?

comes back to see I5



Boys an Girls.

I believe Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force said it best...


that is all.




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I think that is correct.

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In Irish Gaelic it could as likely be pronounced Gesundheit depending on the day of the week and the direction the wind is blowing.

I found one reference to TOO-ah-hah.

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Indeed since Sidhe is pronounced "she"

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AFAIK, English is the only language with a "th" sound. So you can safely assume that any spelling with a "t" followed by an "h" is pronounced either "t'h" or in some completely unreadable manner.



But, don't forget: significant rebalancing among ATs is coming to issue 5.

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Indeed. Everyone who is jealous of controllers getting sonic and bows should realize that they likely wouldn't be adding in new secondaries unless they had already completed their analysis of controllers and what they want to alter. Controller ner-- erh, I mean 'love' will likely feature prominently in I5.




New Task Force – Perform missions for contacts in Croatoa to unlock the exclusive task force.

Now what if we have passed the contacts for this, will we be able to go back and do these contacts to unlock the TF.

Voltaic Shock.