Statesman some of us do not care about PvP




PvP is a nice way for them to compare heroes and re-assign their roles by pitting them against living thinking beings, as opposed to predictable AI. They are also making changes from the upcoming game CoV, where there is alot revolving around player controlled villains vs heroes.



I will never be playing it again. But you continue to Nerf PvE powers that have been established and in the game for nearly a YEAR for your glorious PvP balance.

[/ QUOTE ]

We endeavor NOT to change powers solely because of PvP. The powers we are changing are usually because of PvE or PvE AND PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't believe you.

if you want to quell all the hate just give us the ability to create a pve and pvp build OR lift the respec limit.



I want to believe this.

I have many doubts about this atm because of the SJ nerf. Could you please explain for me the reason for changing SJ in such a way that melees will be required to have Hover to fight Mitochondria?

[/ QUOTE ]

You may have answered your own question.



I've said it before, I'll say it again:

Learn New Tactics

If the changing of a single power that your character has makes him "unplayable" then he/she was a flawed build to begin with.

Every time a power has been changed like this and the boards are with boards are filled with people shouting about the game being ruined (Caltrops, Smoke Grenade are two that come to mind), it's usually taken me about 30 minutes to adjust my playstyle and move on.

Just as in evolution, those that can adapt will thrive. Those that cannot will whine, cancel accounts and die.

[/ QUOTE ]

Unplayable? Hell no. Boring? [censored] YES.

Why the hell would I want to adapt my playstyle if there was aboslutely nothing wrong with what I was doing, and what I was doing was providing myself with almost endless hours of entertainment?

Boring games suck.

Adapting wont make you thrive. You're still getting the shaft, no matter what way you look at it. Dont be so dramatic about it.

The nerf to SS and SJ is unneeded, idiotic in concept no matter HOW you look at it (as this is a superhero game, superspeeders wont miss a punch or two, they'll have MORE accuracy because everyone is moving slower then they are), and if anything warrants a swift kick to the [censored].



If you wanted blasters out of the game just ask us to delete them. I am angry that you would even CONSIDER this. Blasters are the weakest of all characters and now you hamstring them.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry, but blasters are not the weakest AT in the game. Yes, they are crunchy on HP, but their damage output is fantastic. Yes , they have weaknesses, but nothing that can't be overcome by a good player.



Yes, the ones we fought tooth and nail for.

They did not make it because the PLAYERS were passionate.

The Apathy Squad got nothing done. They waited to see. The passionate ones fought for the love of the game. The Apathy crowd just quietly moved to WoW, EQ2 and so on..........

[/ QUOTE ]

And what of the objective ones?

There's a reason I sit on the fence a lot of the time... Can't see both sides otherwise.

And should we NOT have to fight tooth and nail? And does fighting tooth and nail synonymous with throwing a tantrum about it? I'm seeing a lot of that... it's not helping.

Not at all.

[/ QUOTE ]
There are dozens of changes on every patch that are not argued over. So by your logic, if folks let so many go by, then the ones they argue over are debated for good reason.

And all sitting on the fence does is ram a post up your backside.

[/ QUOTE ]

And all stubbornly miring yourself on one side of it does is blind you to possibilities. But, to each his own.



I am very sorry to burst your bubble - at level 33 your blaster Fire/Fire is a god among blasters. At level 40 you will get a fresh taste of concrete.

Those terrifying AoE's will make you die and die again. Tanks will not be able to keep them off you because of the DoT.

Just wait until a Zeus Titan sticks a fist full of rockets in your ear. Or that Master Illusionist drops you faster than a prom dress.

You'll see.

I love my blasters until about 38 on. Then it literally was perma max debt. Yeah Statesman how a bout nerfing debt for blasters. They are able to make it perma without even using Hasten



My question is if Fly had so many drawbacks, why did some many people (myself included use it).

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh. I took fly because it's fun. And that's the point of the game, isn't it? It also fits in real well with my image of my charcter and the comic book genre. But a lot of the game also involves progressing as a character and fighting villains. I obviously took fly with open eyes and accepted the fact that I would be gimping my effectiveness for a bit of fun.

The part I don't understand is why this must be so.

That is why I try to point out what it going on with that power and compare it to other similar powers. I believe many people really do not understand what is going on and that it is possible to influence them or I wouldn't bother even with that. Obviously the Devs are learning quite a bit about the differences when their PvP work made it so very, very glaringly obvious. After all, fly-jousting was something fly was adjusted to avoid... why WOULDN'T speed and jump also be adjusted to avoid similar jousting behaviour?!

The gap between the travel powers wasn't created by PvP; many of us have pointed it out before, and many will probably still continue to comment on the gap that will still remain. There were a lot of ways to restore the balance. I'm not entirely surprised by this one - there were indications that many Devs intended the travel powers to be non-combative ones. That players found so many combat uses for them only underscores our collective inventiveness. Yay us! Hopefully our inventiveness doesn't end there.



I will never be playing it again. But you continue to Nerf PvE powers that have been established and in the game for nearly a YEAR for your glorious PvP balance.

[/ QUOTE ]

We endeavor NOT to change powers solely because of PvP. The powers we are changing are usually because of PvE or PvE AND PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]
Oh, so NOW you cover your butt by saying "because of PvE or PvE AND PvP" when before you said PvE would NOT be affected by PvP, when it CLEARLY is. You sir, are a liar, and are showing just how stupid game devs get after their game has been out for 1+ year. This is now becoming a typical move in MMORPGs. Good job there Statesman, you're just like the rest of the MMOs now. Continue your spin-doctoring though, you're almost getting good at it. Liar.




Oh, so NOW you cover your butt by saying "because of PvE or PvE AND PvP" when before you said PvE would NOT be affected by PvP, when it CLEARLY is. You sir, are a liar, and are showing just how stupid game devs get after their game has been out for 1+ year. This is now becoming a typical move in MMORPGs. Good job there Statesman, you're just like the rest of the MMOs now. Continue your spin-doctoring though, you're almost getting good at it. Liar.

[/ QUOTE ]

Honestly, I think you might have blown a fuse. First off, calling someone a liar just because you are unhappy with the changes is totally wrong. You DON'T have both sides of the issue. You are ONLY thinking about how it affects you in PvP, and how it will change your strategies in PvE.

Obviously, there are some issues in PvE that have been discovered over the past year. Those issues were taken into account, and it was decided that an accuracy debuff was needed in order to fix them.

Now, the current percentage MAY not make it to Live. I have no doubts that it will go live in one form or another.

In the meantime, start figuring out some new strategies to improve your survivability. That is part of what makes MMO's enjoyable... the challenge of overcoming the odds. If it was too easy, we'd all have level 50s in a week fully slotted with Hami-O's and quit the game out of sheer boredom.

Oh, and this will effect two of my characters. The third doesn't have any travel powers except those provided by his Kinetics Secondary. Am I upset? A little. But something needed to be changed in order to balance the travel powers so that this didn't become "City of Speeders" as it appears.



Wow, there's alot of whining in this thread.

I'm so sick of hearing whiners complain that their blasters so weak he can't tank, etc..

A blaster SHOULD NOT be a tank. A blaster relys on the tank to hold aggro so the blaster can deal damage from A DISTANCE.

Seems like some of you have no idea how to play your character. I have a tech blaster who almost never dies...and we fight some really big mobs in a group. Why? Because as a blaster, it's my job to stay in the background and kill stuff from afar..getting heals and allowing the tank and scrappers to do their job.




I want to believe this.

I have many doubts about this atm because of the SJ nerf. Could you please explain for me the reason for changing SJ in such a way that melees will be required to have Hover to fight Mitochondria?

[/ QUOTE ]

You may have answered your own question.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm fairly convinced that I haven't.



So, if someone is passionately opposed to somethig they are a whiner?

I pay $15 to play this game every month. I play to have FUN. These constant Nerfs because of PvP are not FUN.
Nerf PvP however you want to. Nerfing a solid and FUN PvE is assinine.

Every person has a voice here and their voice is as good as yours.

Tired of these threads?

Do not read them.

It is that simple.



I shouldn't have to slightly change my tactics in a game genre that is EXPECTED to be ever changing!


Roll with the punches or get out of the ring.




Just wait until a Zeus Titan sticks a fist full of rockets in your ear. Or that Master Illusionist drops you faster than a prom dress.

[/ QUOTE ]

I really liked these analogies and wanted to preserve them.

*or are those metaphors. English classes too long ago...

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Hmmm, ask a regen how this will SLIGHTLY change his game. Ask and SR how slight this is.

Having to now completely Respec out of SS and SJ is slight?

Having to 6 slot Hover and CJ now is slight?

I do not find it FUN to fight like a Tank with my blaster because then I die. If you disagree fine.

I think you are the larger whiner because you whine about people whining?




PvP is a nice way for them to compare heroes and re-assign their roles by pitting them against living thinking beings, as opposed to predictable AI.

[/ QUOTE ]

Changes entirely around PvP can seriously damage PvE. You must play a flying blaster, since all the nerfs primarily benefit that group.



Will Crey Power tanks with SS get acc nerfed? How about all of the villains that Fly and attack with no acc penalty - Freaks, Sky raiders and the list goes on.

We are nerfed at every turn and yet our foes have OUR POWERS and NOT OUR RULES.

Sorry, I have defended this for the last time. I tried to be a voice of reason in the blaster forums to see 2 days later a nerf to at least 75% of the blasters play styles.

You do realize this means EVERYONE will have 6 slot Hover or 6 slot Combat Jump until you nerf them as well?

[/ QUOTE ]

SS'ing mobs are still predictable, however. We are not ... players come up with all sorts of little advantages that the AI will not ever use. As for Fly, I Fly around to where i need to go, and Hover when I attack. There is nearly no time between the switchover thanks to good key bindings. Do you really care that devs implement all Lead Shockers to quickly switch between hover and fly so that everything is technically equivalent? You'll experience no difference in game play... yet we'll all pay for it as the devs waste time on what you would suggest. If you're not skilled enough to take advantage of the AI's predictability, despite power inequalities, shame on you.

And btw, people won't 6slot CJ for travel, as it imbues no speed increase anyway.



I've never heard Superjump called overpowered, at least not during PvE combat. You can't tell me this isn't because of PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hold this statement as true as well. I mostly read, not post, on these boards, and I've never heard complaints or even 'guides' on how to powerlevel with SJ. How is it being balanced due to PvE?



PvP is a nice way for them to compare heroes and re-assign their roles by pitting them against living thinking beings, as opposed to predictable AI.

[/ QUOTE ]

Changes entirely around PvP can seriously damage PvE. You must play a flying blaster, since all the nerfs primarily benefit that group.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah the ones that really get it hard on this one is kinetics and dark defenders that need to hit to be of a benifit to the team. I guess running in to do a emergancy heal is "overpowerd"




Oh, so NOW you cover your butt by saying "because of PvE or PvE AND PvP" when before you said PvE would NOT be affected by PvP, when it CLEARLY is. You sir, are a liar, and are showing just how stupid game devs get after their game has been out for 1+ year. This is now becoming a typical move in MMORPGs. Good job there Statesman, you're just like the rest of the MMOs now. Continue your spin-doctoring though, you're almost getting good at it. Liar.

[/ QUOTE ]

Honestly, I think you might have blown a fuse. First off, calling someone a liar just because you are unhappy with the changes is totally wrong. You DON'T have both sides of the issue. You are ONLY thinking about how it affects you in PvP, and how it will change your strategies in PvE.

Obviously, there are some issues in PvE that have been discovered over the past year. Those issues were taken into account, and it was decided that an accuracy debuff was needed in order to fix them.

Now, the current percentage MAY not make it to Live. I have no doubts that it will go live in one form or another.

In the meantime, start figuring out some new strategies to improve your survivability. That is part of what makes MMO's enjoyable... the challenge of overcoming the odds. If it was too easy, we'd all have level 50s in a week fully slotted with Hami-O's and quit the game out of sheer boredom.

Oh, and this will effect two of my characters. The third doesn't have any travel powers except those provided by his Kinetics Secondary. Am I upset? A little. But something needed to be changed in order to balance the travel powers so that this didn't become "City of Speeders" as it appears.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you. Finally some voice of logical reason.

I gotta say. I'm pretty disgusted at the pathetic nature of this.

I really dont see the problem. really. I dont.



I will never be playing it again. But you continue to Nerf PvE powers that have been established and in the game for nearly a YEAR for your glorious PvP balance.

[/ QUOTE ]

We endeavor NOT to change powers solely because of PvP. The powers we are changing are usually because of PvE or PvE AND PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]

The fact that you believe this is pathetic. The fact that you're trying to get us to believe it, too, is insulting.



I agree with the OP 100%... it seems like the answer to the 'balance' issues is to make everyone weak... the game is hard enough as it is. I've got a ton of lowbie toons because it's a struggle to grind my way to a travel power, or slot my attacks... and all this balance crap is just going to make it harder.

The "reward" for hitting level 50 are *two* (well, they aren't really two different AT's) that are difficult to the point of being nearly unplayable... and now the "reward" for playing CoH for a year is to see your characters made weaker.

I can't wait for the 2nd year anniversary, when I wake up in the morning and find that Statesman has slashed my tires and knocked up my girlfriend.



I can't wait for the 2nd year anniversary, when I wake up in the morning and find that Statesman has slashed my tires and knocked up my girlfriend.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, that was the Dallas Cowboys. Statesman just TP'ed your house and left the flaming bag of dog doo on your porch.



Coming from Ultima Online, this is just a walk in the park for me. Those people make changes to where you have to spend another 100+ hours just to be able to recover from the "nerfs".

However, this SS nerf does affect my AR/DEV blaster rather substantially. First, my damage is all smash/lethal. Everything has resist to it, including other players in the PvP realm so I rely on super speed and cloaking device to get me in range to set mines and do my thing. Now I must turn SS off and lose my fast getaway playstyle. No biggie, i can live with it. I respec and change my play style to suit the changes and find new strategies to take others down in the PvP realm.

PvE, same thing. I respec to be able to accomidate MY playstyle. I dropped a few things, did some research.. picked up some new things ... and BAM.. i'm actually better than I was before. New strategies, new playstyle, new everything. WOOOHOOO! My blaster is a whole new experience for me. THUS making the game have return playability and worth the $45 monthly I pay for it.

Look, we all must realize that MMO's change for balance, or for whatever the reason might be. We must cope with it, move on or leave. It's simple. If you can't handle it, leave the game and find something else. I am sure that any other MMO you play will do the same exact thing with "nerfing". If nerfs bother you, then well... play PS2 or XBox.

I whine and complain on these boards just as much as the next guy about certain issues. In the long run, I either change my playstyle, or I am a gimp. Simple as that.

My question now is this.... when CoV comes out, will good vs. evil be GLOBAL? Or will it be lame and make it available in certain "zones"?

Superman never had to go to a certain "zone" to fight evil. Nor did Batman or anyone else for that matter. If evil came to Gotham City or earth in general, the Superheroes were there to take care of business. My point is this..... I think that PvP should be a major influence on this game mainly for the good vs. evil rivalry. I never heard superman say that he only wanted to fight NPC's. This is my OPINION only, so don't flame me for it. I understand that some don't get into PvP. I understand that completely. Eventually, we will all forget about this whole situation and be back to normal waiting for the next BIG thing to happen in CoH.

I wish they would do something about the animation times for Flamethrower and Full Auto.. OMG when a scrapper starts getting hit by it, BOOOOOOM, I'm dead. LMAO!

I still think that blasters should get the "DRIVE BY SHOOTING" nerf. Shooting while Running... oh joy!

I don't plan on going anywhere. I plan on changing with the everchanging game. As long as I'm having fun..I'm stayin! The day I STOP having fun, I'll move onto something else like I did when I came to CoH from UO.

Game on!