Arrows ("pips") below enemy names
Actually, they are the relative level... as applied to minions.
Since Lieutenants are effectively +1 (in terms of colour con, anyway) and Bosses are +2, this is also reflected in the arrows.
Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue
Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~
that could be ..I always thought it was a level indicator myself ...are you sure one wasnt an lt and the other a minion? ... i always thought
^ one level higher
^^ 2 levels higher
^^^ 3+ higher
and the same for the v's
Actually, they are the relative level... as applied to minions.
Since Lieutenants are effectively +1 (in terms of colour con, anyway) and Bosses are +2, this is also reflected in the arrows.
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that is correct
if you are a 14 and you see a level 12 minion and a level 12 LT the arrows will show like so
minion: vv
oh and yes they match the color coding system, to an extent.
He hever said that the mobs were his level. What he saw is consistant with him being one level lower.
Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2
hmm...I've never even noticed such a thing. Now I have to log in and find out what everyone's talking about.
I guess while I'm online I might as well KILL SKULS!
What I've always wondered is why some grey-cons have arrows and some don't. Doesn't seem to depend on their level, or their boss/lt/minion status.
Only makes sense if they do.
If you see a group of grey cons 4 levels below you, they'll all con grey. The minions will have no arrow things, but the lieut amongst them will. A boss would con green, with two arrow things.
What I've always wondered is why some grey-cons have arrows and some don't. Doesn't seem to depend on their level, or their boss/lt/minion status.
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If the effective level of the enemy is 3 levels lower than you, he'll be grey with three down arrows. If he's 4 or more levels lower, he'll be grey, but without any arrows.
Same with four or more levels higher. Purples never have arrows.
Heroes you target have a similar system for denoting combat level in relation to your combat level.
The only time this catches me is bosses 5 levels below me. My monitor isn't the bet with colors and I think I'm somewhat colorblind, so I look at the arrows more than the color. Generally the rule is "if arrows, killing gives XP." But bosses 5 levels lower still have arrows and give no CP.
But it's a very useful system otherwise. Players, btw, also have the arrows if you select them. And your own team cons lower (green) than unteamed heroes (blue) with only AFK heroes being a true equal match (white).
The game ends at 50.

Do not ever give Mind Control a pet.

My characters are not "toons".

Global chat @Lxndr My servers: Defiant, Liberty, Pinnacle, Virtue

What are these "arrows" you're talking about? They seem to be related to con colour from what you describe, but I've never seen them.
As fabulous as the conning colors are, we know not everyone can distinguish the differences between them. The arrows (up or down) are a redundant indicator so colorblind players can quicky tell how hard an enemiy will be.
"We all lose in the end, that is the intention" --Emanuel Lasker
As fabulous as the conning colors are, we know not everyone can distinguish the differences between them. The arrows (up or down) are a redundant indicator so colorblind players can quicky tell how hard an enemiy will be.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's what I said!
Cursed red names stealing my thunder...
As fabulous as the conning colors are, we know not everyone can distinguish the differences between them. The arrows (up or down) are a redundant indicator so colorblind players can quicky tell how hard an enemiy will be.
[/ QUOTE ]
Except 5-levels-below bosses, who get arrows and give no XP. A minor complaint, though.
The game ends at 50.

Do not ever give Mind Control a pet.

My characters are not "toons".

Global chat @Lxndr My servers: Defiant, Liberty, Pinnacle, Virtue

As fabulous as the conning colors are, we know not everyone can distinguish the differences between them. The arrows (up or down) are a redundant indicator so colorblind players can quicky tell how hard an enemiy will be.
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Fantastic! Now can we please make the green numbers on the enhancements screen a much darker green? As it is, I have trouble distinguishing between it and the yellows. I know, I can do a little math and figure which is which, but it would be nice to tell at a glance, like non-colorblind people can.
oh colorblind. I didn't think about that. it also explains some of the hero costumes I see from time to time. either that or they just hit the random button for fun.
As fabulous as the conning colors are, we know not everyone can distinguish the differences between them. The arrows (up or down) are a redundant indicator so colorblind players can quicky tell how hard an enemiy will be.
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Except 5-levels-below bosses, who get arrows and give no XP. A minor complaint, though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Nowhere does it say the arrows are an indicator of how much XP you will get. Just the toughness.
A mighty thank you from a color challenged player :]
Junkyard Wolf
California Smog(CoV)
Far Rider
Durango Dave
As fabulous as the conning colors are, we know not everyone can distinguish the differences between them. The arrows (up or down) are a redundant indicator so colorblind players can quicky tell how hard an enemiy will be.
[/ QUOTE ]
As a colorblind player myself, I didn't even notice those arrows until several months of playing hehe. I always used the level and rank of the bad guys to determine whether or not I should take them on.
Now that Im in the habit of using the level and rank I cant seem to change to just paying attention to the arrows. I'm sure some colorblind players use it though
Geez! I had to look at Chris_D's jpg 3 times to finally see those arrows. Well, I guess that why I never used them.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
Bah! I knew those arrows were there way back when I started on Launch Day.
However... I had [b]totally forgotten[b] about them. So much so, that I never even suggested to a colorblind player to use them, instead suggesting that he look at the level and rank of the enemy (which works, too, of course ).
Are these the same arrows that tell you when an AV is holdable like a boss? If it is, I'm going to feel really stupid... all those AVs, and me spamming holds, hoping that at some point, they'll actually stick.
Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls
As fabulous as the conning colors are, we know not everyone can distinguish the differences between them. The arrows (up or down) are a redundant indicator so colorblind players can quicky tell how hard an enemiy will be.
[/ QUOTE ]
There's just one problem, in my opinion.
As it stands now, the colors and arrows are as follows:
Minion -4 (or more): Grey (no arrows)
Minion -3: Grey VVV
Minion -2: Green VV
Minion -1: Blue V
Minion +/-0: White (no arrows)
Minion +1: Yellow ^
Minion +2: Orange ^^
Minion +3: Red ^^^
Minion +4 (or more): Purple (no arrows)
For color blind folks, having three very different 'cons' (Deep Grey, White, and Purple) with the same indicator can be confusing, or worse. Even for the non-color blind, Grey and White can look very similar. I would suggest adding a (VVV+) and (^^^+) for the Deep Grey and Purples, so that each "con" can have a distinct indicator.
either that or they just hit the random button for fun.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not always. There are people that purposly do that.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
For color blind folks, having three very different 'cons' (Deep Grey, White, and Purple) with the same indicator can be confusing, or worse. Even for the non-color blind, Grey and White can look very similar. I would suggest adding a (VVV+) and (^^^+) for the Deep Grey and Purples, so that each "con" can have a distinct indicator.
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For that matter, can we have "Grey" be a little more grey than it is now? I somehow always manage to confuse deep-greys (ie no arrows) with whites. Maybe my gamma is messed up or something.
What are the up and down arrows that sometimes appear below enemy names when they're selected? At first I thought they were a relative level indicator, but then I saw two level 13s right next to each, one with two up arrows, one with three. I think one was a lieutenant and one was a boss.
Are they (and I'm totally serious here) an aid for the colorblind? They match the color coding scale described in the manual?
Jeff S.