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  1. ah ... damn you last ....i thought some tard had actually just done this ...

    i couldnt understand why anyone would be so concerned over badges ...

    kinda makes everything seem trivial ..

    we could take any number of I5 threads a few months from now and probably get a similar response

    you deep deep person you ..... thats heavy
  2. Finally got around to doing some good testing ...well ... thats relative ...I dont test often ..bear with me ..

    Setting: Lvl 50 fire fire fire tank with Even level SO's.. PI lvl 50 mobs of scientists and or nemesis .. usually just one but the numbers dont fluctuate between 2 of the same minion /lt/boss so thats not as important ..
    Slotted for Damage and replaced gradually with recharge...(no stopwatch sadly but i got a pretty good feel for the downtime) average of between 30-40 ticks of damage (assuming 30 for total damage values) No Hasten btw (more on that aftewards)

    Results ..
    6 Damage 360/300
    Live 12 dmg / Test 10 Dmg ....wait time excruciating
    5 Damage 1 Rec 360/270
    Live 12 dmg / Test 9 dmg ..recharge increase not very noticable
    4 Damage 2 Rec 300/240
    Live 10 dmg / Test 8 dmg .. recharge a little better still too long
    3 Damage 3 Rec 270/210
    Live 9 dmg / Test 7 dmg ... recharge livable
    2 Damage 4 Rec 210/180
    Live 7 dmg / Test 6 dmg ... recharge much better than none at all (of course)
    1 Dmg 5 Rec 180/120
    Live 6 dmg / Test 4 dmg
    0 Dmg 6 Rec 120/90
    Live 4 dmg / Test 3 dmg ....what downtime?

    a nice sweetspot seems to be around the 4/2, 3/3, 2/4 range
    which is also somewhat true on live ...pre I4 anyway when stacking them was worth while

    Perma hasten just got a lot prettier for fire aura tanks ... with FE's recharge being increased and the myriad of other powers that benefit from it ..including another build up from the secondary ...RotP .. healing flames .. consume ... APP's

    the fear thing a colossal pain in the [censored]

    the change doesnt bother me that much I will continue to roll fire tanks ...cause thats how I roll ...but this fear thing is just mind numbing ... its hard to do any testing at all unless youre 41 and have a hold

    the damage needed to be toned down a lot ...for some time now ...or the acc ...or the end even ...the recharge issue im kinda meh about ...I dont like it ...but I like it more than some of the other alternatives ...

    coupled with the Aoe limits though ..the damage and recharge are more than enough nerf for one tired old power ... make it so we can "gauntlet" them back into the patch ...and put the poor old thing out to pasture
  3. dont know if its been mentioned ....

    theres a video somewhere of the phalanx getting PWND recluses bunch of misfits ... the scorpion is definately a brute ... I cant remember the shark guy ... I believe he got it handed to him ...

    the blue chick could be a destroyer ...cant quite remember i know she phase shifted ...

    synapse got whupped pretty hard ...posi too if i remember ...

    it ended right as recluse and states were bum rushing eachother
  4. Deatheven13

    Thorn Casters

    DANGIT .... I never got around to trying myself agains them ...

    heh ...cant please everybody
  5. to be fair .... I wouldnt trust a developer that wasnt a little grumpy .... even though its not related in this case ...

    shows he cares ... its not just lip service ...anyone can do that with a warm disposition and a smile .... heck a lot of us do it every day ...

    "oh yes ..wonderful to see you again Mr/Mrs...... um ... soandso .... Everything set? allrighty you have a fantasticly superduper day and we ll be looking forward to seeing you again soon "

    *stabs self in face*
  6. I found one ...I think ... unless its been mentioned before ...

    "Capture Lu Bew and his minions" heh I crapped ... someone else is a chinese history buff ...
  7. I remember my brand new fire tank ... baby cherub of bael ... SAVING GALAXY CITY FROM THE RULARUU on his first day ... just made level 5 and found a portal in the park in the south east

    /b How many hp do these portals have?
    /b bout a thousand or so ...
    /b oh ... TO BATTLE!!!!

    people came by and watched for a bit i scorched fire sworded and blazing auraed it ... for 16 xp ... heh but i saved some poor noobs from being attacked by giant eyeballs ...

    I2 was scary for a few days
  8. andi thought firey embrace only did +60% dmg? just curious ive seen different numbers for it ... nice guide I did pretty much the same with mine except on my last respec ive gone pretty different ... mostly character things and dropping fighting

    energy mastery is very nice even if just for conserve power ... I dont have consume although I do plan to reget it for those (oh crap) situations but for the most part conserve power serves me well and keeps me in combustion and greater fireswords
  9. I liked the ides of march reference goes with the whole arena thing too ... I saw a stone tanker pulling of arrow shots with his invisible bow though so that cant be toooo far away ..hopefully and apparently there will be a new sitting style
  10. awwww ...thats great iron .. I was wondering when youd see this thread ... I must admit to being curious
  11. Name: The Dread Cherub of Bael
    Real name: Cherubael Burning Prince of Fallen Suns 37th Lord of Chaos
    Origin: Magic Fire/Fire

    It was a dark moonless night at the Darkstar Manor. Most everyone was asleep save for young Arianna. Young Arianna who was tampering with magics most foul. The being Cherubael who had been forced back into the warp several hundred years ago by a powerful wizards council formed mostly of the Darkstar clan, sensed his oppertunity to regain his former power and reclaim our world for his own.
    In Arianna's room the wind began to whip and howl as suddenly her mirror shattered from the force of the entity that lept through it. Laughing the demons Cherubael began to take form as Arianna cowered in the corner of her room. With an evil grin he reached out to her, only to see the large set of gauntlets on his hands. Looking down he saw a similar set on his feet keeping him from moving. With a scream of rage he attempted to lash out at her with his burning magic. The antimagic shackles reacted one could say "negatively" to this. Arianna stood over the shuddering form of the electrified demon with a mischevious grin on her face "Oh isn't this going to be fun".
    And so began the career of The Cherub of Bael. Bound to his fate by a wicked girl and powerful antimagic technology he was handed over to The Guardian Angels where he was used to fight crime and protect the innocents he so longed to rule.
    Later on though as these things do happen The Guardian Angels split up and the shackled demon was left forgotten in his cell. The gauntlets had become damaged due to lack of maintenance and apathy on the part of his captors but they still proved quite the challenge to get out of. Burning his way through the abandoned compound he takes to the streets again , still appearing to be on the side of good and justice. But who can really guess the true motives of a being who has lived long enough to see the birth of our sun and the death of others.

    heh sorry its long .. ive never really gotten it all down before
  12. that could be ..I always thought it was a level indicator myself ...are you sure one wasnt an lt and the other a minion? ... i always thought
    ^ one level higher
    ^^ 2 levels higher
    ^^^ 3+ higher
    and the same for the v's
  13. everquest um ...sucked ....really bad in that ... yeah ...

    i bought the expansion ...and inadveratnly entered it in incorrectly ... I think i started a new account with it ... so it wasnt on my old account ...and the kunark account wouldnt work because I ...hmm im not even sure what i did wrong with it ..... I went to help chat .. As in ..I need help I will go to the HELP CHAT ....and its just like any lameo aol/msn teenie make stupid noises chat theres no help of any kind available ... I cant log in to my characters and cant find any other source of contact for them ....

    all in all kinda pooey ....although the one time i needed a GM it turned out i didnt need a gm ..who hadnt replied in a day or so get my body when i blacked out on the boat in the ocean ...normally that leaves you in the water drown or be attacked by sharks or what have you ...

    coh = gooooooood pie good .... or twinky weiner sandwich good ..... possibly even kenya good
  14. Deatheven13


    ah ... I will have to get in on that ...I just figured Infernal = Envoy of shadows with even more fire resist or total immunity ....but i would be useful as my secondary capability ..that of meat wall
  15. we just want you to be happy is all

    and to be fair ... I kinda took you as another one of those people who do in fact complain about everything even if its covered in gold and handed to them on a platinum platter .... and took out some of my anger against them in my posts ...and that was bad of me .... and im sleepy ... thats not an excuse ... well not a good one ...but
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    CURSES!! ignore you because you make my brain hurt on this issue but I agree with you to often on other matters .... ...but if you like or use any of the new costume options you owe me a cookie

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'd say the ignore option is the digital equivalent of putting your fingers in your ears and going "lalalalala".

    And quite possibly just as mature.

    Regardless, this is a forum. Its about opinions on CoH, this is an opinion on CoH. You are not required to agree with me on it. No one is. I'm not telling people that anime costumes are wrong and we shouldn't have them. I'm just saying that waiting a year for a bunch of stuff you won't use is dissapointing.

    If I do end up using it, I'll be sure to send off a box of grandma's finest. You can be sure.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    well you did it ... I finally saw your point ... yup that would suck pretty bad ... I'd say theyll get around to it and take what you can get .... but like you said youre a bit tired of that mentality ... ah well ... um oatmeal raisin ...should the occasion arise
  17. CURSES!! ignore you because you make my brain hurt on this issue but I agree with you to often on other matters .... ...but if you like or use any of the new costume options you owe me a cookie
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I just cant believe that there wont be anything that is going to trip your trigger when the new costume stuff comes out ...people are ragging on new free stuff just because someone put the word anime in it ... good lord maybe if this is how we re going to react everytime they try to implement something they should stop putting things like that in the game ...(would be counterproductive though) and I realize its only a few people on the message boards and the great majority of people who dont even come here will probably love / not even care one way or the other about the new costume options .... ah screw it ... i cant believe ive typed this much on it.... you all enjoy your pity party im going to enjoy the new content.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Absolutely agree. Just, what does this have to do with me? I'm absolutely for it, anime or not. I've been making an [censored] out of myself to drive that point home

    But really, it's the same with EVERY expansion. For I2 it was capes, for I3 it was the boss changes and Invulnerability. For I4 it will be costume options. People just need to complain. Better that they stay on the boards complaining than coplaining in-game over broadcast.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yeah i know ...and I really shouldnt let it get to me but it seems so damned ungrateful ... because they DO NOT have to do things like this for us ... EQ is huge and they charge 30-40 bucks everytime an expansion comes out .... Coh could just as easily combine 2 or 3 issues and then charge 30-40 bucks for em
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Well Statesman's already confirmed that theres no trenchcoat that its still in the que.

    I begin to wonder what "latest styles from all around the world" really means. First they say "anime inspired costume options", then they say "latest styles from all around the world"...and then they say "no trenchcoat, still in the que."

    Uh okay. So this update is basically all anime then.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    (bold in the original post applied by me)

    I have to admit being unable to following your logic.
    The statements regarding the new clothes options so far are:

    there's going to be hundreds of new options from styles all around the world.
    there's going to be a sizeable selection of anime inspired clothes to chose from
    there is not going to be any trenchcoats in this update.

    I fail to see how statement number three translates into: there's only going to be anime costumes.
    Nobody even said there is going to be anime costumes. It is likely but so far we only know for sure that some of the new options are going to be inspired by anime. And we still have to wait before we can find out which anime.
    Is it going to be Sailor Moon? Vampire Hunter D? Gundam? Any of the thousands of other anime titles?

    Also, how do you come to the conclusion that everybody not in Japan wears trenchcoats? Because that is what you are effectively saying when you make that rather impressive jump to your conclusion.

    Personally? I would like to see skirts, but do not expect them because that would require extensive modeling with all the fight animations that would have to be redone.
    I also would like to see more street clothes, and a better selection of comfortable women's shoes. And perhaps a sit pose that I can use without flashing the room.
    However, I will wait to see what actually is in the next update and realise that anything that is added is a gift from the developers, not something I am somehow entitled to because I would like to see it. Other games charge for the privelege of new 'races', new customisation and new zones and stories to explore. Here you get them for free because the developers are just that nice. Not having some options we would like to see in no way diminishes our playing this game. Perhaps it is time we all stop acting as if it does.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    thank you nadira you made my brain stop hurting ... 5 stars
  20. I just cant believe that there wont be anything that is going to trip your trigger when the new costume stuff comes out ...people are ragging on new free stuff just because someone put the word anime in it ... good lord maybe if this is how we re going to react everytime they try to implement something they should stop putting things like that in the game ...(would be counterproductive though) and I realize its only a few people on the message boards and the great majority of people who dont even come here will probably love / not even care one way or the other about the new costume options .... ah screw it ... i cant believe ive typed this much on it.... you all enjoy your pity party im going to enjoy the new content
  21. gonna have to go with the man in the paper bag here ....the only way I could consider the costume changes naysayers having any sort of viable complaint is if they were taking out some of the costume options we already have .... they basically just giving us more ...for nothing ... we have done nothing to deserve this magnamanious gesture on theyre part ...they are simply "GIVING" us more options to use as we will or won't ....and for the haters .... (granted its a video game referance but the concept is basically the same)
  22. Deatheven13


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Is he immune to Burn or just amazingly resistant?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yup, Immune to burn and pretty much most fire attacks. Greater fire sword seems to work on him for minor dmg though. I'm pretty much immune to his fire attacks as well, so it's a standoff while the other heroes pound on him

    [/ QUOTE ]
    so my fire tank would be semi useful in an infernal fight? because ive been politely declining as id heard he was immune to fire
  23. grouped with a blaster for manticores TF he said he didnt like the boss changes but i saw he didnt have too much trouble and was in fact causing the most damage to the bosses out of all of us
    Personally I love the rewards and dont find them too threatening unless theryre 2 purple levels above .. I can handle just barely purple but its tedious ... (fire fire tank) get s a bit hard to protect the other heroes from them though which is irritating ...I did like it better when i had more than 5 seconds to regain control before it killed the healer/buffer/controller
  24. personally I thought it was fantastic ... nice job