Letter to Statesman Clause (he replied via email)




If I had to guess, I'd say the badge. Gotta be the easiest to implement, right.

Plus, badges were a big component of the Halloween event.




Know what I want? An Abdominal Snowman! I want my snowman to be RIPPED! I want the bad guys to look at him, and KNOW they are about to be beat down by the Abdominal Snowman! His Belly o' Doom shall rule them.

[/ QUOTE ]

You owe me a new monitor.



Ditto! Thats soo cool!!! This game rocks!! When you have devs listening and writing back to the peeps. This sure beats Mar... oops...Mars Bars...yah thats it. Happy Friday All!!



I know it's not gonna happen...but to have it snow (and change the landscape ala snow drifts, frosted trees, snowmen, icecicles (sp), etc) would just be...can't even think of a word sentimental enough.

To be doing my thing across the rooftops of Atlas Park and then look up to suddnely see the begining of a gentle snowfall would be magical. I know I'd smile.

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Dear Statesman Claus,

No! Please ignore foolish wishes such as the one above! Please keep in mind that most people who like the thought of snow have never driven in it! Please remember that some of us good kids live in the Midwaste, a part of the U.S. which is a frigid arctic wasteland for half of the year. For Christmas this year, please make all of the zones look like Talos Island

Editor's note: I actually agree fully with the post I replied to - it would be awesome to see Paragon City covered in snow. But I couldn't resist



Sir, you disgrace our good region with your careless words!




I know it's not gonna happen...but to have it snow (and change the landscape ala snow drifts, frosted trees, snowmen, icecicles (sp), etc) would just be...can't even think of a word sentimental enough.

To be doing my thing across the rooftops of Atlas Park and then look up to suddnely see the begining of a gentle snowfall would be magical. I know I'd smile.

[/ QUOTE ]

Dear Statesman Claus,

No! Please ignore foolish wishes such as the one above! Please keep in mind that most people who like the thought of snow have never driven in it! Please remember that some of us good kids live in the Midwaste, a part of the U.S. which is a frigid arctic wasteland for half of the year. For Christmas this year, please make all of the zones look like Talos Island

Editor's note: I actually agree fully with the post I replied to - it would be awesome to see Paragon City covered in snow. But I couldn't resist

[/ QUOTE ]

Ya know what's worse than people tha can't drive in snow? People who can (like me) having to drive around people who can't.... Me in my Tacoma driving around the [Censored] that thought snowtires on an 86 Camaro makes him snow-worthy.

I think, December 23-25, everyone gets a temp power, they code snow on the ground, and we just scoop up a white rock and can toss it at enemies. Heck, maybe show us how the PvP code is going, and let us hit Hero's with -2 snowballs. Probably asking a lot, but it's just a thought.

I can't wait to melt Frosty with RVD's fire breath.



How about frostfire fun all over, not just in the frostfire mission.



Sir, you disgrace our good region with your careless words!


[/ QUOTE ]

I've lived in our good region (and yeah, I do actually like it here ) for more than twenty years. I've earned the right to disgrace it with careless words




Know what I want? An Abdominal Snowman! I want my snowman to be RIPPED! I want the bad guys to look at him, and KNOW they are about to be beat down by the Abdominal Snowman! His Belly o' Doom shall rule them.

[/ QUOTE ]

You owe me a new monitor.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heehee, I apologize profusely.

"I see your words..." ~The most menacing thing a forumite could say



I see many related posts popping up, so for all of you who missed it, we are getting Christmas Gifts.




I think, December 23-25, everyone gets a temp power, they code snow on the ground, and we just scoop up a white rock and can toss it at enemies. Heck, maybe show us how the PvP code is going, and let us hit Hero's with -2 snowballs. Probably asking a lot, but it's just a thought.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heck yeah! Make them 0 damage with no side effects, I don't care! Just to be able to throw snowballs at other heroes, civs, trainers, police bots, villains! <bliss>




Yes, snow for Christmas please. Yes, an abomidable snowman to fight. And snowball as a damage temporary power that can target other heroes!

Let the fight begin!



Anyone remember Asheron's Call? One winter they had Snowmen running around throwing deadly snowballs.. hehehe it was hilarious!



Well, if you are an ice controller, he may have just been saying you could get Jack Frost...
But I bet it will be snow or holiday villains including snowmen...

-Stone armor painted white would make a pretty good snow monster.
-snowballs would be a good temp power
-freeze all the lakes for skating!
-Giant Jack frosts running amok!
-Devouring earth drop christmas trees and channuka bushes instead of fungi

-PsiBug(activating my garland AoE)

Custom Fan Art!
Lions Tigers and Bears Volume 3 now available!
Timothy & the Transgalactic Towel
The Gimoles graphic Novel



OH YEAH? well i'm CANADIAN. *I* know what it's like to have snow. (its a blizzard outside RIGHT. NOW.) and I would LOVE to have snow in paragon for even a day. I would take even more screenshots than I did on halloween, and thats saying ALOT

Statesman Clause 4 Life. (jj)



I think 0 damage snowball would be better (prevent griefing of a team throwing snowball at afkers)

and hats.. I want hats!!



hmmm... if we had Santa Hats, my Gnome could go back to being a gnome instead of impersonating a dwarf.



the snowballs must also have phenomenal knockback or knockdown

"when I hit you with a snowball, you stay hit!"



Screw the snow, the hat and the Abominable Snowman.

Know what I want? An Abdominal Snowman! I want my snowman to be RIPPED! I want the bad guys to look at him, and KNOW they are about to be beat down by the Abdominal Snowman! His Belly o' Doom shall rule them.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah! And he should have a deep Austrian accent!

"I vill crush you wis my rock hard ABS! Then I vill balance the snow budget... FOR I AM THE ABDOMINATOR!!!!!"

[/ QUOTE ]

OH dear..... I laughed so hard.. thank you for that wonderful wonderful post.



OH YEAH? well i'm CANADIAN. *I* know what it's like to have snow. (its a blizzard outside RIGHT. NOW.) and I would LOVE to have snow in paragon for even a day. I would take even more screenshots than I did on halloween, and thats saying ALOT

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm Canadian, but I don't know what it's like to have snow.



I'm hoping for Snow. (they have said they're tweaking the zone graphics)

Although 4/5 would be the easiest.

[/ QUOTE ]

Im hoping for Snow and Ice on the streets (like in Frostfire's mission)

It would sooo make the feel of Chrismass.

Could you imagin Perez Park all iced up!?



I'm afraid your 4th item may not be deliverable.




Devouring earth drop christmas trees and channuka bushes instead of fungi

[/ QUOTE ]

Hahaha! Hysterical!

As for snowballs, I think tankers should be able to use the hurl boulder animation to pick up a huge snowboulder and really wallop someone with it. Knockback or knockdown would result, and instead of the normal disorient swirlies around their head, they get snowflakes and ornaments. All of this for 0 damage, of course!

Smokin' Joseph - Lvl 50 DM/REG Scrapper - Freedom
Dr. Dirtnap - Lvl 48 Stone/Stone Tanker - Champion
Colonel Sycophantova - Lvl 38 Merc/Traps MM - Champion
Silver Streak - Lvl 50 Fire/NRG Blaster - Champion
Invisible Dragon - Lvl 33 MA/Ninjitsu Stalker - Infinity



Just a snowball chucking emote would be kewl. No damage, just the fun of throwing snowballs at each other, villians, whatever we like.



We taken bets on which one he will grant?

I say either a GIANT ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN or SNOW. Hehe, we will see.

Very cool!!!