Letter to Statesman Clause (he replied via email)




[Get a clue, you know how long Tank had to adopt to the constant changes to our AT. We cried(more than others), but we sucked it up,pulled the spandex on, and got on with our roles. .

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Hmm lets see if I can answer that question for you.

*opens the Dev Diary*

Lets see, first we have the "Tanker I need your Insight" posted on 11/19 (hmm..Scrappers didnt get this) 2 Statesy Posts there.

Followed by the "Yes I have been reading the Boards" started on 11/20 (hmm next day responses..hmm Scrappers didnt get this). 5 Statsey Posts in that thread.

Followed by the "My morning with Geko" started 11/22 (hmm Scrappers didnt get that). 11 Statesy Posts in that thread.

Finalized with "Tanker and Scrapper Tweek" (hmm wait a tick...How the hell did Scrappers get dragged into this???) on 12/02. One Statesy post there.

So essentially in the course of 4 days, States asked you what you wanted, you got a total of 18 posts from him, and in the end 10 days from when it started you got exactly what you wanted and then some. Not to mention that this all took place on the Actual tanker forum.

So now by all means cry me a river how you poor poor tankers are being so egregiously mistreated.

Scrappers on the other hand got not a tweak, but a Ninja Nerf , that we are asked to test, but cant even test properly because they forgot to reset the mobs on test, and most of us can't respec to make use of the new changes, and god forbid properly test them. AND in the same 4 Days, whereas tanks got 18 friggin posts from States, we get a quick, snippy, backhanded reference to the Scrap issue in a friggin thread about Xmas, where he essentially says CoV and PM's are more demanding of his time? And you don't think we have a reason to be pissed? SHEESH what a Putz!

Have fun !

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Actually, the issues with Tanks have been around far longer than the first post you note. That's just the most recent "1st post" on the Tank issue. The Dev Digest doesn't go back far enough, or I'd give you the exact date of the first Tank entry.

As for "Ninja Nerf", how can it be a Ninja Nerf, if it was stated that this was being changed. He also stated that it is on the TEST server to be TESTED, and will be CHANGED if they see that it needs to be. If you want to continue this, lets take it to the Official thread for the Scapper Changes.




As for "Ninja Nerf", how can it be a Ninja Nerf, if it was stated that this was being changed. He also stated that it is on the TEST server to be TESTED, and will be CHANGED if they see that it needs to be. If you want to continue this, lets take it to the Official thread for the Scapper Changes.

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Just like a Ninja (um hence the frequently used allegory) it came out of now where and decimated everything in its path. Secondly, sure I got no problem taking it to the official thread (sorry Xmas lovers), just wish States would too. Would be nice if he actually posted something about Scrappers in a thread about Scrappers for a change.

Have fun and sorry for the temporary hijacking all. You may now return your seats and chair tables to their upright gleeful Xmashanukwanizica positions.

Have fun !




Get a clue, you know how long Tank had to adopt to the constant changes to our AT. We cried(more than others), but we sucked it up,pulled the spandex on, and got on with our roles. I am a Inv/SS tank who has ben here since release. Granted, I haven't posted before now, but I cant keep quiet. I am quiet happy with the "meatshield" role that has been tossed our way. But did I come on the forums and cry and whine about it, no. I said,"Ok, a new challenge for me to overcome and adopt to."
I have had many alts, and keep finding myself being drawn back to the tanks. Even with our so-called shortcomings, I have adopted and changed my ways. Sorry to say, but now it's your turn.

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First of all, this just in from the grammar police, you ADAPT not ADOPT. I only post it because you misused the word about 11 times!

Secondly, if you are happy with your role, great, but why do you feel the need to insult someone who is not happy. Your logic of, "we suffered so now you have to suffer" is flawed for more reasons that this area will allow me to list.

Finally, if you sat in silence while your favorite AT was changed in ways you did not like, why would you now suddenly be motivated to post here, about a different AT, just to complain about someone else voicing their displeasure?

I think perhaps it is you who need to get a clue, as you so eloquently put it.

- Xyzor, Lightning.Rod, Kagyx - Rubber Mulch / Wholesale Candy - Freedom Server



Regen is a build, not a whole AT onto itself, folks.



its Xmas guys... cant we all just get along?

now, kiss and make up



Well since he seems to at least be reading this thread, I'll ask this here:

Statesman Clause, can you please give us an official address in the Kheldian Powers thread on the Training Room forums? We've been working very hard for apparently nothing.



Am I the only one who wants to know what was in all these PMs? (That's the plural of PM, not the... other thing.)

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I agree...if most of the information being distributed is going out over PMs, then I would really like to see some sort of digest or public answering of those. I've always heard from lecturers and such that if you've got a question, ask and have it answered publicly, because chances are a dozen other people have the same question and were afraid to ask.



1) Fight Santa Claws (not a typo)

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Make it a psycho Claws/Reen robot scrapper...

AND in the same 4 Days, whereas tanks got 18 friggin posts from States, we get a quick, snippy, backhanded reference to the Scrap issue in a friggin thread about Xmas, where he essentially says CoV and PM's are more demanding of his time? And you don't think we have a reason to be pissed? SHEESH what a Putz!

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Give him a break. For him to respond to those, and read that thread, is probably going to take a whole day or two. This is something that can be answered quick and easy.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Dear Statesman Clause,

Can I please have a Red Ryder BB gun to help stop all criminal activity on Christmas Eve.

Thank you,
Mount Muscle

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Hey everyone check this out




Yep. I'll grant one of those original wishes.

Maybe two.

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??!!!! That's what you post?!!! You have paniced 10% of the community with your NERF hammer on poor Regen Scrappers and you post this first?

*smacks forehead*

Oi vey!

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you realize regen was overpowered... right!?
my friends (and many others) say that regen is now even more godlike. Maybe if you would change your tactics, open your mind, and find something out for yourself, youll realize that just because one way of life is gone, doesnt mean life itself is.

and btw, thanks for giving states a nice wb.



Yep. I'll grant one of those original wishes.

Maybe two.

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??!!!! That's what you post?!!! You have paniced 10% of the community with your NERF hammer on poor Regen Scrappers and you post this first?

*smacks forehead*

Oi vey!

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you realize regen was overpowered... right!?
my friends (and many others) say that regen is now even more godlike. Maybe if you would change your tactics, open your mind, and find something out for yourself, youll realize that just because one way of life is gone, doesnt mean life itself is.

and btw, thanks for giving states a nice wb.

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Regen may have been "even more godlike" with the first set of changes - but those changes took us so far out of our set that we weren't really *regen* anymore. I agree that we were up for a reduction in power, but that first nerf whack was *way* out there. The current reduction is *much* more in line with what the Regen set should be (aside from MoG, which is *still* not very Regen... but then it never has been, so I can live with it).




Please let it be the Santa hat for X-mas !!!!

Wind Warlock



Yep. I'll grant one of those original wishes.

Maybe two.

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Oooo, can we also get a Christmas Temporary power called "B-B Gun"? It would do the same damage as Brawl (like the Rock Temporary Power) but it would also have a chance to blind the target (because well, you could put an eye out with those things).

That's what I want for Christmas, Statesman Claus.

Quantum Knight
Level 36 Kinetic/Energy Defender
Guardian Server

"I may," he said with a grin that would have sent sane men scampering for the trees, "have been imagining it."



All I want for this Christmas is to know what that latest NERF cry is aboot. For some reason, I've been hearing about nerfs left and right for, oh... 6 months, and in that time I haven't noticed any single one of them (barring the Smoke Grenade FIX, but only because I exploited that). So, please, enlighten me what is it about Regeneration that got NERFed, I'd really like to know.

And my Statesman Clause list goes something like:
1. A brand new trenchcoat.
2. A cloak (not a cape, a cloak).
3. A cosmetic jetpack (pretty please)
4. New holsters for my rifle and my sword.
5. A pot belly (I'm serious).

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



With a belly that should shake like a bowl full of jelly.



One more clarification:

The Winter Event will not happen until after Issue 3 is released.

I will tell you however, this is no "3 days and its over" kinda event.

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This was posted by Cuppa in another post... it will be worth the wait. No complaints!