Letter to Statesman Clause (he replied via email)




-Devouring earth drop christmas trees and channuka bushes instead of fungi

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You'll shoot your eye out kid.



a snowball would be easy to do, just have the rock renamed snowball and be useable on players just have it no damage, a small knockdown to it (like if you got whacked in the head by a good sized snowball ). It should be a limited amount of throws per minute OR have some sort of end drain to prevent ppl from whacking someone endlessly and griefing. Or maybe have it be a recharge that isn't affected by haste, about the time someone could make a snowball, 10-30 seconds would be reasonable. That way it should stay fun

That way it would stay fun I bet the one he grants is SNOW and perhaps some ice in places where its not inconvenient (in alleyways perhaps) and some snowmen

your thought about TI and IP is a cool, but not completely reasonable as saltwater freezes at a lower temp than freshwater does. Although the lakes and rivers around paragon should freeze over

Perhaps some New Englanders could confirm that or perhaps give some suggestions as well, Rhode Island is a New England state.



Guess I need to get some Snow-tread boots for my super-speedster. Would hate to be running on the curb in Talos between the tram and the ferry, hit some ice, and smack into the Freedom Corps Store.

We need snowballs! My rock did nothing to Hamidon but I bet snowballs are the answer to his defeat. And I wanna have the world's largest snowball fight under Atlas! (Pelts Miss Liberty with a snowball and points at the lowbie next to me)



And Im not going to be able to play CoH over the Christmas break. Everybody take screenshots for me, you hear? Take screenshots!



Yep. I'll grant one of those original wishes.

Maybe two.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm betting that it is a reskinned MOB (a la Halloween) that gets to be the abominable snowman (like an albino Hydra) and we get some appropriate badges for farming them.

Outside chance on the Halloween Rock guest starring as a snowball (after a bleach-job though).

City-wide snow and hats just require too much artwork to make them viable. the possible exception on the hat would be if it is available at Icon, which would require you to choose a new head for your character, as with the other hats.

Of course, no one outside of Cryptic really knows. YMMV.



Yep. I'll grant one of those original wishes.

Maybe two.

[/ QUOTE ]

<panicky girly voice>

Oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my gods!!!!

Statesman replied to MY post! THE Statesman! Aaaaghghghgh!

</panicky girly voice>

Ok, so he didn't reply to my comments, just my post, but still!

And, in case he's looking back at this:




Snowballs would be most excellent But no knockdown or damage (could easily be used for griefing, then...) maybe a slow? But even that could get someone stuck in the wrong place.

As for ice skating...wow, I hope they do this. Heck, this could even be done through January. Freeze the water in Atlas Park around the perseus (?) statue...not too many baddies there to get in the way of fun. Other water areas, like Lake Everett or the Red River (the one in the Hollows, not the one in Founders) might be too infested with spawns to be able to freeze over.

Any other water that could freeze? The lakes in Steel, perhaps?

Damnit, I know it won't happen, but it's a nice thought anyways.




Yep. I'll grant one of those original wishes.

Maybe two.

[/ QUOTE ]
??!!!! That's what you post?!!! You have paniced 10% of the community with your NERF hammer on poor Regen Scrappers and you post this first?

*smacks forehead*

Oi vey!

Good Morning! I hope you have a good weekend.

I do think there are a couple of fires that people are expecting you to personally show up with a fire extinguisher today!

Good luck with that!

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fire extinguisher? He's better show up with Lake Ontario.

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Seems to me it's a lot quicker to respond to this thread than to try to extinguish fires - he probably hit this one first 'coz it's quick. It'll take him all day just to *read* the regen s***storm.




well, ok, no status affects then, but I guess there could easily be a notification like something over your head, just some text or a symbol that appears to everybody. Although this could cause some lag problems if theres a large number of ppl, as in PI, AP or GC.

They also should have the same range as the typical throwable stuff like the grenades of the device lines and a couple temp powers, although a sniper range would be more fun

your idea is good too Kendal. As far as the Hollows, which has a pretty huge lake, its possible to remove the spawns or at least lessen thier number in the area cause those trolls will be freezing if they are in the lake. Since they already have a sort of spawn change between night and day in the SE area of Talos where the BP spawn, so its entirely possible.



another little idea would be to have the snowballs exert a small inertial force in the direction of throw when the victim is on ice. Although I don't know how they would manage to do this with the physics of the game, this might become a form of griefing, but could be used in fun ways...



Im hoping for 1 and 5 but we will probubaly get 2 and 5 (getting 2 after doing 5)


I wish for regens to not be changed.



And Im not going to be able to play CoH over the Christmas break. Everybody take screenshots for me, you hear? Take screenshots!

[/ QUOTE ]

Lots of them! I won't be online, either.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Just a snowball chucking emote would be kewl. No damage, just the fun of throwing snowballs at each other, villians, whatever we like.

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You can kind of do this already with the respec mission. Afterwards, just throw the reactor heal at the other heroes. Minutes of fun for everyone.



Yep. I'll grant one of those original wishes.

Maybe two.

[/ QUOTE ]
??!!!! That's what you post?!!! You have paniced 10% of the community with your NERF hammer on poor Regen Scrappers and you post this first?

*smacks forehead*

Oi vey!

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

He comes in Monday to all kinds of complaints and takes a few minutes to reply to a thread where people actually appreciate his efforts and you get upset?

Thanks for smacking yourself on the forehead and saving me the trouble.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



I want my Jack Frost to be yellow so nobody eats him.

[/ QUOTE ]




My Christmas wishlist in Paragon

1) Fight Santa Claws (not a typo)
2) Giant Chrismas Tree
3) Ice
4) Snow
5) Group of Hellions and Skulls walking door to door singing Christmas Carols



It's snowing RIGHT NOW in Vancouver! It's going to turn to rain soon though. *sigh*

I like the idea of a PVP snowball fight...can you code that without too much difficulty?



Just because nobody has done it yet...

Jingle bells Batman smells Robin layed an egg the Batmobile lost a wheel and Joker got away...

The Riddler qued, and Penguin spewed in TwoFace's cup, Catwoman used a litter box and Alfred cleaned it up...



It's snowing RIGHT NOW in Vancouver! It's going to turn to rain soon though. *sigh*

I like the idea of a PVP snowball fight...can you code that without too much difficulty?

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Just make it work the same as a buff. Easy enough.
I played "snowball" fights with a few people after the Respec Trial using Coolant.



I want my Jack Frost to be yellow so nobody eats him.

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LMAO!! Quote of the day!!!



the 2 wishes he is granting is the snow, being that the leaves changed colors in the fall. He also said MAYBE 2. Well if you are an ice controller above level 32 and for some odd reason you didnt take Jack Frost, then you can. EVERYONE is getting a free holiday respec. So you will be able to get a Jack Frost



Can I please have a Red Ryder BB gun...

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A Red Ryder, snow and snowballs and my Christmas is set... Please Statesman Claus! Pleeeeease!!!



My vote is on the addition of snow (or at least ice covered zones ala the frostfire mission) and the killer snowmen.



What about sledding in Faultline? Now that would be a hoot!!!