clues to future epics?(spoilers)




Lets play some word association and gaming history to see if we can guess what this would ever be.

Perhaps a winged race in a VERY real way? You want wings.. YOU GOT THEM BOY!!! Your a raven/bird.

In White Wolf a company that Jack did writing and or development work for beore their was a bird were race called the Corax. This seems a little to similar to be dissimilar.



Just FYI for everyone who hasn't heard; The Incarnate are the ATs of both Statesman and Lord Recluse. That's the "Inner Will" mastery.



I'll drop a hint: the name of an upcoming Epic Archetype.


Heck - I'll do another....


Happy Saturday!

[/ QUOTE ]

Jibber jabber jibber jabber...

Here, let me post some even more distant names




I can make up words too. I could do Statesman's job blindfolded!



Just FYI for everyone who hasn't heard; The Incarnate are the ATs of both Statesman and Lord Recluse. That's the "Inner Will" mastery.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am thinking more it might be a sort of nobilis/unknown armies type thing. They are that powerful because they are social arcthypes. Statesman is what we think of when we think archtypal hero and recluse villain.




Meaning of INCARNATE
WordNet Dictionary
Pronunciation: [adj]in'kârnit, [v]in'kârneyt, in'kârnut
Definition: [adj] invested with a bodily form especially of a human body
[adj] possessing or existing in bodily form
[v] make concrete and real
[v] represent in bodily form


Meaning of COR
Webster's 1913 Dictionary
Definition: \Cor-\ (k[o^]r-).
A prefix signifying with, together, etc. See {Com-}.

Meaning of LAX
Pronunciation: laks
WordNet Dictionary
Definition: [adj] emptying easily or excessively; "loose bowels"
[adj] lacking in rigor or strictness
[adj] tolerant or lenient
[adj] lacking in strength or firmness or resilience
[adj] not taut or rigid; not stretched or held tight
[adj] (phonetics) pronounced with muscles relatively relaxed (e.g., the vowel sound in `bet')


Incarnate seems likely to be a deific avatar, or some other power given human shape. Possibly the winged AT, but not necesarrily.

Corolax is tricky, but based on some of the definitions above, could definitely be the shape-shifter class. Also of note: "cor" is also a prefix for heart-related matters (e.g. coronary), so this could be the controller/defender E-AT (manipulating the heart)



i think states ability to toy with us is one of his benefits. He gets a crappy dental plan but every few hours he gets to make our heads spin in weird circles.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was part of his contract, sorry.


[/ QUOTE ]

Darn it Gaffer, execs are not supposed to have a sense of humor! You keep upsetting my stereotypes!

Keep it up!



I'll drop a hint: the name of an upcoming Epic Archetype.


Heck - I'll do another....


Happy Saturday!

[/ QUOTE ]

Lordy Loo Statesman, please! Are there going to be any other Archetypes based on comics like the original five or will each successive Issue lead us farther away from an identeifiable super hero genre? I can see how Incarnate might fit (Spawn, Doomsday, hell maybe even Clark - though God I hope not!), but Coralax? Sounds like a brand name for a drug.

"I'm feeling a little irregular honey could you get me a Coralax?"

"Here you go dear."

"No honey, not my compendium of super heroes, a Coralax."

"Oh right dear, I get so confused... I hear Coralax and immediately think 'Super Hero.'"

Remember way back when? When you said that classes were restrictive which was why in your game there wasn't going to be any? Remember when your original hero system collapsed and you went into seclusion to work on something "new?" Remember when you came back after hiatus and wrote that long post justifying the archetypes as something other than the classes you used to routinely criticize?

In that post you went on at length about how you started with about a dozen of these archetypes and narrowed it down to the five we have now, saying that these were valid "non-classes" because most comic super heroes could be distilled into one of them. I believe you said that any of those left out could be adressed later on.

Well how about it? I don't remember Kheldians and Coralax on that list. Could we please address the current holes in the genre before indulging ourselves with these fanciful others?

Hmm, I think I'm coming off harsher than I intended. I do have to give you credit where it's do. I was one of the extremely pissed off folks when you came back from being sequestered and presented us with what? The classes we all hated. It worked though, I have to give you that. It worked really well. I just wish you folks would give us more genre before expounding on your own off shoots. Plenty of time for that later!

P.S. Please do not make unlocking successive Epic Archetypes have anything to do with the previous Epic Archetypes. As you have removed the encouraged creativity inherent in designing a hero for a true archetype and replaced them with the rigidly defined roles and preconceived story lines of common nerd game classes, I wont' be making any Kheldians. As a huge part of the enjoyment I get from this game is developing a design for my hero, story, background, etc... and you've already done that with this first Epic Archetype for me, there's little need for me to play one. I would hate to lose out on the Incarnate (as it may actually be an archetype) simply because I didn't want to play a Kheldian. Food for thought.



I'll drop a hint: the name of an upcoming Epic Archetype.
Heck - I'll do another....

[/ QUOTE ]

So what's the deal with those names? They don't appear anywhere in the recent features update about the epic ATs.


VesperX (50 storm/rad def)
Vesper Fallen (50 WS)
Daisy Daisy (50 archery/dev blaster)
Dr. Nya (46 nin/psn MM)
Razelle (42 fire/axe tank)
Terminal Catharsis (41 spines/nin stalker)
Phlux (41 fire/rad controller)
Kyr (39 fire/energy blaster)
All on Virtue.



That's because they aren't in the next feature update.



man... the wild guesses people will throw!!! ... MY TURN! :P

1 a : invested with bodily and especially human nature and form
b : made manifest or comprehensible : EMBODIED <a fiend incarnate>

I'm guessing some mystical being taking corporate form either permanently or with the ability to change...
I'm seeing something like what you would call Elementals...
Highly susceptible to the opposite elemental type...

Coralax.... just sounds like Coral to me...
I'm think water based ATs... just in time for water based environments :P






I can make up words too. I could do Statesman's job blindfolded!

[/ QUOTE ]

...except that you didn't make up these words, you 'borrowed' them from Ultima. I guess Statesman's job is harder than you thought.

I should have stopped paying you as soon as I realized that you were using my money to change the PvE game I love into a PvP game. It was foolish of me to trust you to leave PvE intact.



Remember way back when? When you said that classes were restrictive which was why in your game there wasn't going to be any? Remember when your original hero system collapsed and you went into seclusion to work on something "new?" Remember when you came back after hiatus and wrote that long post justifying the archetypes as something other than the classes you used to routinely criticize?

In that post you went on at length about how you started with about a dozen of these archetypes and narrowed it down to the five we have now, saying that these were valid "non-classes" because most comic super heroes could be distilled into one of them. I believe you said that any of those left out could be adressed later on.

[/ QUOTE ]

the Epic Archetypes won't necessarily blow the "classless" system away completely. It's not as though they're adding these new things and requiring that you play them, or replacing the current "Big 5" entirely. Granted, when they are available, people will play them (assuming that they meet the requirements..) However, from what I've seen on the Kheldians, there are enough choices in their primary & secondary sets, and enough differentiation between the two breeds, to allow you to customize them to a great degree. If you don't wanna be a blaster, concentrate more on the de/buff powers, or if you want to be more of a tanker then you choose more of the armor powers.



I'll drop a hint: the name of an upcoming Epic Archetype.


Heck - I'll do another....


Happy Saturday!

[/ QUOTE ]

But are either going to be MEELEE epic ATs?



From what we've seen in the cinematics of CoH and CoV. I'd say the Incarnate outta have some melee potential to it.
that is unless ... Statesman and Lord Recluse went charging full speed at each other with Brawl...



Will these epic ATs have -100% damage and resists and have mobs that kill them by looking at them crooked?



goodness this is an old thread, yet some info that i didn't know.

i'd have to agree with most of the coments that state we are getting a winged and a shape shifter. however these are only guesses and i am not demanding that i be correct.




i'd have to agree with most of the coments that state we are getting a winged and a shape shifter. however these are only guesses and i am not demanding that i be correct.

[/ QUOTE ]

You realize, of course, that the Kheldians are the shapeshifters, right?




i'd have to agree with most of the coments that state we are getting a winged and a shape shifter. however these are only guesses and i am not demanding that i be correct.

[/ QUOTE ]

You realize, of course, that the Kheldians are the shapeshifters, right?

[/ QUOTE ]

no they're not. States said in an interview with while they were talking about update 3 what he would like to add and he said shape shifters, like mistique.

(Please note, i may be in correct about the update they were discussing but i am 100% positive the Kheldians are not what Statesman ment when he said shape shifters.)



I agree. Statesman said Issue 3 would bring Shapeshifting "of a sort", indicating that it's not really shapeshifting.



from what i read from that paper thing on city of villians that corolax sounds like a spider thing.

But what do i know?



or maybe colorlax means stretch power i.e plastic man casue the definitions means not tense and relaxe



I'm guessing the Statesman Epic AT (Incarnate?) will be a scrapper/tank/blaster combo.

Corolax... Maybe a water-based AT? I'm not certain when they're adding underwater areas, but an AT that thrives in this is an interesting idea.



Coralax' tend to kick my [censored] alot... I hate them already.



Blood of the black stream=Egyption?
Something else=Pretty sure there was something else