37 -
There are two Lorekeeper plaques that contradict each other. One says that the Children of Enos were "defeated by a team of heroes lead by the famous Father Martin Henri" (direct quote) Another one says that they were "brutally repressed by the notorious witch-hunter Padre Fanciose Hardi" (direct quote)
Finally Bocor's arc gives the name of the owner of the journal as Father Gerard Henri and says that the journal talks about "a great battle and sealing a demon away" (direct quote) Let it be noted that his first name is only said once in the entire arc and he is referred only has Father or Padre Henri. Let it also be known that this is the Henri that was referred to the Rogue Isles by Gadzul.
The Prima Guide said specifically that the Children of Enos under Celestine summoned Bat'Zul, who was imprisoned by Padre Hardi (no first name), tha same person who cleansed Fort Hades.
So in conclusion there must be an error somewhere, because all sources contradict each other in some way. There cant be three different priests that have visited the Rogue Isles at different times. It seems to me that there is only one priest, with me leaning toward Franciose Hardi due to a bit more evidence. -
Martin Henri i know is a decendent of the orignal Father Henri. Gerard Henri and Fanciose Hardi i believe to be the same person and the confusion is a result of an error. As for the connections and the compleation of the ciruit, we've already seen one come full circle. Gadzul led Henri to the Rogue Isles where he trapped Bat'zul in the mountain. Then the Hellions, who were also sent by Gadzul, tried to resummon him. Unfortunantly, there are many other unexplained questions and answers.
As an aside I believe that the BotBS is for both Heroes and Villains due to the Prime Guides wording that Gadzul's intentions are not truely villainous
EDIT: Oh and dont forget than Ms Liberty is the granddaughter of Statesman, who is one of the only two (or three) Incarnates in the world and is therefore very significant in history. And Thermonuke is called an arsonist, so he might have ties to the Hellions, which links another chain in the circuit. -
Last year, they had plenty of "big" things planned. This year, the upcoming updates are just.. updates. CoV and I7 were both "big" updates and pretty much why they had so much news about it. I would expect it to be at least one more month until we get an I8/I9/Retail Box info interview.
PS --
For all those who are up to date with the Gadzul Oil mystery, please lend your voice.
(PM me or post here.)
The mystery is obviously not solved (and cannot be solved because the whole mystery isn't in the game yet), but there are clues, connections, bloodlines, etc. to follow, and I just want to make a personal flowchart to figure out what's happening so far. So, if you believe you know what's happening in this web of puzzles, I would love to hear from you.
Right now, such factions (and people) are (some possibly, some definitely) involved: The Family (notably Emil Marcone), Hellions, Legacy Chain, Dr. Aeon, Luddites, Bat'zul, and the Chidlren of Enos (notably Blaise Celestine.) There are also french authorities which are connected to the Luddities who were against the Children of Enos, they were: Father Martin Henri - the founder of the Luddites, Padre Francois Hardi - a witch-hunter, and Father Gerard Henri, who bound Bat'zul forevermore. My head hurts.. let me get it together. I'm not sure if it's an error or whatever but it's getting really hard for me to distinguish wether or not those three are the same person or different people.
Like I said, there are places, dates, people, bloodlines, and events that are tied together. I'm not 100% sure if the devs/writers made this intentional (or if I'm on the right track by connecting all these clues and relating it to the "great circuit") but hey, if it is, good job to the writers.
To start you guys off, here's the history of the Oil Spill:
Gazdul Oil is a petroleum company headquartered out of Cairo, Egypt. Secretly, it is a pawn of mysterious forces that have yet to come to light, but most of its operations are aboveboard and reasonably honest. The owners are not true villains, after allthey just have their own agenda. Part of that agenda is creating a kind of supercomputer, a blend of actual electronic components as well as geography, bloodlines, and even events that complete a quasimystical circuit.
One of the events required for completion of this circuit was a massive oil spill just off Port Oakess docks. Three years ago, Ms. Liberty came to Port Oakes to arrest a super-powered arsonist named Thermonuke. The two flyers fought all over the island, but their battle royale ended on the deck of the Cairo Queen. Ms. Liberty smashed Thermonuke through the metal of the deck and into the volatile crude below. The villains devastating powers ignited the oil and cracked open the Cairo Queen. Rich oil spilled into the cove, destroying the wildlife and staining the water with thick black puddles that have mysteriously not faded since that day.
The oil slicks cause no real harm but are semipermanent fixtures due to the magic of the event. Only when the circuit is activated will the stains fade.
Seen from on high, the oil spill mysteriously forms the Eye of Horus.
The local Coralax blame the humans for the spill and attack vengefully whenever the opportunity presents itself. They can be found along the beach and in the depths of this cove.
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
Dammit!! It seems you were on the case before i stumbled onto my evidence. I posted on the Blood of the Black Stream and what I make of the clues. Check ti out so we can discuss.
Clues Within the Prima Guide -
((Everyone I am really sorry but i cant continue with this. RL is getting very busy and there are certain complications that must be attended to. You will all have to continue on without Angelstryke. Sorry all.
((Whats going on??? Last time i checked i ran into those twins outside. Whats going on now?))
Angel was left at the table in both shock and awe at both the amazingly sexy woman and the fact that two opertives from Greed Inc. were here. "There's probably more around," he thought to himself. He quickly did a quick scan of the lab area to find anybody else suspicious. He found nothing. He got up from the table and ran to Clarisa. He whispered in her ear, "Find those damn twins now. We have big problems and they have the answers. Ill explain later."
As he was running he put his shades on and ran outside the lab. He quickly set off flying to find any other Greed operatives. "If these guys are around, they wont wanna be seen," he thought. "I might as well be trying to find a freaking needle in a hay stack."
When his search was done and nothing was found, he did one more spot check a few more blocks away just be sure. Suddenly he saw the twins boarding a tram! He flew as fast as he could to catch them. When they were about to board he landed right in front of them, blocking their path.
"You two have alot of explaining to do. Your coming with me. Now. -
"Sure thing big guy just make sure that you don't get any food on me." Angel sat down and took a look at all the food on the glutten's table. "Either your eating for two or you've got some major problems." Angel questioned the man no more and began eating some of the food.
All the time he was eating however he kept focusing on the twins and Clarisa and what they were telling her. At the mention of Greed Inc. Angel froze. He carefully studied the fat man eating before him. He didnt look like a threat but if the rumors were true then he and the rest of them were in big trouble. "So the rumors must be true then," Angel thought to himself. "If this guy's with Greed then hes gonna have us for lunch. Better get Clarisa to up my salary after this goes dow."
Angel kept eating at the table for leaving would defenitily arouse suspicion. But while he was eating he was on guard and carefully concentrating on the glutten -
((In case you haven't noticed Angel likes a challenge.
"Well I'll be damned. There is some semblance of a heart in you."
Angel gladly took the jacket and threw it over his shoulder. "Thanks alot doll. I really appreciate it. Serge does some good work." He flashed her one of his trademark smirks that usually make women fall head over heels.
"Now wheres this buffet? When they say all you can it, I take it as a personal challenge." Angel walked over to the food and grabbed several big peices of ckicken onto a plate. He quickly started woofing it down. "Just call me when this meeting's going down, Clarisa. These twins make me nervous," he said before going back to get more food. -
Angel seemed unphased by Soul's sudden appearence. He even chuckled a little after her little tangent.
"Ya know you are really starting to annoy me with all your yelling and blasting at everything. Ya really should learn to be a little less high strung. Your probably wound so tight that if a lump of coal was shoved up your a** itd be a diamond in an hour."
Angel took another puff of his cigarette before smothering the lit part of it in his bare hand. The burn healed in a matter of seconds. "Ill eat my fill and check out what you have in a sec, but i have a feeling that these knuckleheads," he pointed to the twins, "know something that we should." -
Angel raised an eyebrow at them. "Ok seriously if your gonna come up with aliases at leats make them believable. Jeez you Wonder Twins sure are weird. Bt yes I'm Angelstryke but you can call me Erik or whatever you want." He shook their hands and flashed them his cocky smirk.
He leaned against the alley wall and pulled out a pack of smokes and a Zippo lighter. He lit a cigarette took a long drawn out puff. Almost immedietly he realized something. "Wait a minute. Why are you kids here and why arnt you in school. Whatever business you had with Physiks ended didn't it?" -
"Damn they didnt buy it."
Angel, frustrated that the Legion executive was to smart to be fooled by his half-fast plan had given up trying to get to them. "Big deal, I got other ways to get my info." Angel had had enough of the presentation and figured that if Crey was gonna make a move, it woulda been done by now. So he went outside of the lab to have a smoke. He didnt smoke often, ladies didnt find it attractive at all. He only did it when he needed to think.
He walked out of a side entrance into one of the back alleys and literally ran into the twins. -
((All Angel wants is to get some action. His role so far has been minimal and he doesn't like being kept out of the loop. There are many threats that could harm Soul and Clarisa and Angel is itching for a fight. What I want in particular is to for the supporting characters to find out more about the mystery that is Angelstryke. But back to the story!))
Angelstryke watched the presentation with his usually cocky smirk and his civilian outfit. Being the unofficial "protector" of Physiks and everyone there, he was on guard duty. But that doesn't mean that he didn't need to enjoy the show. He personally didnt see the point of these "Muon thingamajigs." Sure force fields are good, but thats all that he could see. But his attention wasnt wholly on the show. He was watching the crowd for anybody suspicious. Nobody seemed unusual, cept for the boys from Legion.
Angel never did trust Legion very much. They seemed too big on weapons and too friendly and too unfriendly at the same time. He especially didnt like the big one with the scar. Mostly because he didnt like the big guy moving in on the scar look that Angel pulled off so well. But there was this one thing about the guy that didnt sit well with Angel, something in his gut. And when Angel has a bad feeling about someone, you know something aint kosher.
Suddenly Angel had a killer idea to find out more about these guys. He walked over to the boys from Legion and tried to introduce himself. "Sup boys, the name's Erik Masterson and I find your company very intrigueing. I happen to be the best bodyguard in the city and a well respected scientist in my field. I currently work for these jokers at Physiks. But I would gladly leave them to work for your Corporation. Whaddya say?" -
((OOC: Tests? Was i supposed to go to your lab to get something done? I guess i was too drunk to remember
Angel woke up at the decent hour of noon. His "companion" had already left using the taxi cab money that he always left on his nightstand for his dates. He had a pretty big hangover and could hardly remember any of the days events, cept for the 2.5 million.
"Ughh what a great party. Once i get my money it'll be like that every night." Angel staggered out of his bed and rumegged through his dwayers for a needle with a yellowish liquid inside. He injected it into his arm and felt better immedietly. He made sure that he always had a steady supply of his hangover remedy that he has his contacts in certain labs whip up for him.
Feeling refreshed, Angel took his costume jacket and turned it inside out so that he could always get in costume quickly. He put on jeans and a green muscle shirt and slipped his shades in his pocket. As he walked out he grabbed his iPod and listened to Blink182 as he walked to the First National Bank of Paragon to check if his money was already deposited.
"I love me my life," he thought with a huge grin. "This day could not be ruined for me." -
"Time to celebrate!"
Angelstryke had just reached his apartment in Brickstown after leaving Physiks. He flew in through the balcony window that he always left open. He wasnt worried about theives. He had few things to lose. Plus he could always use a live punching bag.
Angel's apartment was big and a stereotypical batchlor pad. Big screen TV, weights and punching bag, the basic stuff. Angel took off his basic costume of leather jacket with his insignia, an A flanked by wings, and his blue undershirt. He exchanged these for a regular leather jacket and white undershirt. Angel didnt have much clothes. He also left his shades, exposing his rugged eyes and scar for everyone to see.
He walked out of the building and headed down to his favorite bar called The Hawk's Nest. He walked in like he owned the place. He was the best customer that showed up so he kinda did.
He was gretted by the bartender. "Wassup Erik! Didnt think youd come in for a drink tonight. What ya celebrating tonight?" Angel replied with a party like attitude. "I just got me a nice job that'll pay big so screw the beer tonight and shine the teqeila cause I'm buying for everyone in the bar, courtesy or Erik Masterson!" At this everyone cheered.
Angel had a smile on the inside at this statement. His name wasn't Erik Masterson. Thats just one of his many aliases that he uses. Masterson is his unoffocial civilian alias. The alias on file down at the FBSA is the lastest in a long line of alias to keep the government fooled. Angel didn't like people knowing who he really was. His real name was in there, but the government's way to stupid to figure it out.
Now on a regular night Angel was a big drinker, mostly because along with his powers came a bigger resistance to alcohol. When Angel was partying, he would drink enough to kill a regular man. Tonight was one of those nights. He bought drinks for all the ladies that came in so he could get his pick of the litter for the night. Each one of them was in love with Angel's personality and his face.
By 2:00 AM he was stumbling back to his apartment with the best looking babe at the bar. "Damn its been a good night," he thought to himself as he unlocked his door and let him and his date inside. -
Angel's pale blue eyes masked by his shades stared into Clarisa's eyes as she talk, absorbing everything she said.
I had a feeling she would take the bait if I waved the vials in front of her, he thought to himself. They're of no use to me anyway. I've already got what i needed from them.
"Well Clarisa your terms are very agreeable. I'll be more than happy to provide you with my blood for comparison. This city is full of theives and tricksters," he said with a devilish smile. "However I have taken the liberty of setting up my account for the first deposit." He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a small card. He took a pen from off Clarisa's desk and scribbled a few numbers on it. He handed it to Clarisa with a sneaky smirk. But just as he handed it to her he saw something outside the building. Before he could look more closly it disappeared. He immedietly disregarded it.
"The account number is on that card. Just give the bank that number and you can wire the money to me." Not only did Angel put the account number on the card, he put his personal number on it.
"I think this concludes our meeting beautiful. You still have to see the Wonder Twins over here and its been a long day." To show his sincerity Angel took of his sunglasses, revealing his own pair of blue eyes as well as his scar. "Just remember that I will do everything in my power to protect your gorgous face and everyone at this company, including that firebrand that attacked me." He put on his shades back on and prepared to leave. -
Angelstryke decided to talk first. "Well first I would just like to say that even as a mess you still look beautiful," he said with a smirk and a wink. "But the tough broad has taken the last of my patience, so im gonna get right down to business." His usual cocky smirk vanished as it does when the time for jokes has gone.
He reached into his jacket yet again and pulled out an offocial looking document and slid it over to Clarisa. "This is an interesting letter that I happened to recieve the other day. Apparently Crey Industries has been doing some backdoor research and found out who I really am, something that I don't like most people knowing. They found out that I'm strapped for cash. So the countess herself has 'drafted' me into her private army.
"The document says that I'm to be paid a million to infiltrate your company and give then all your secrets. They also would pay me another million to, and this is a direct quote, to 'make sure that you are never seen again.'
"Im here to protect you. I many be 'brutal' but I don't kill the innocent. Now i guarentee you my protection and I will take it one step greater and infiltrate THEM for you.
The thing is..." he started with his cocky self reutrning, "my services don't come cheap. I'll do everything i have said for the low price of 5 million." Clarisa's face dropped at the price. "But I will also throw in, just cause your cute, a bonus. One thats worth 5 mil on its own."
"Ya see, I gained my powers in a lab accident. I happened to be a member of the Trolls at the time, a fun period of my life yet one that i don't tell everyone. We were raiding a Crey lab because we had heard that they had developed a new kind of Superdine. Never mention Superdine to a Troll. They will hunt you down to the ends of the earth to get it. But i digress. We raided the lab but we ended up over our heads. The lab was actually devoted to the Revenant Hero Project. In the raid a scientist stabbed me right in the jugular with a needle composed of their clones' blood and some other chemicals. It mixed with the Superdine in my system and cured me of my addiction as well as granted my my superpowers. Over the years since this I manged to secure myself an identical sample from Crey." He reached into his jacket and pulled out a small vial with green liquid in it. He also pulled out another vial with blood in it. "This one is my blood."
"Crey would do anything to get their hands on these. The scientific knowledge that could be gained from these is worth a fortune. And they're yours so long as you agree to my terms. We cool?" -
When the two people in trenchcoats ported in, Angel didn't seem the least bit suprised. "Wow this is turning into quite some party. I hope you two brought some entertainment."
Jane soon returned with the beers and Angel took his as quick as he could. He open it like he hadn't had a drink of water in a week. He nearly downed it in one gulp. "Man that was good. I need that. Too much excitment in this place, what with ms Feynman being so popular and this self-described hardcore broad attacking me."
It was then that Angel noticed the pair a little more. "Whats up with you'se guys looks? You all look either 16 or 26. Why don't you tell us your stories before I fall asleep from boredom."
((OOC) Yes Clarisa needs to get here soon. You know how hard it is to come up with good material for a charatcer like Angel? Im running out of ideas) -
Angelstryke couldn't help but laughing his head off.
"Hehehe how should I answer that?" He thought for a second. "Oh I know!" He reached inside his jacket and pulled out a little black notebook. He threw to Soullll. "Read it and weep."
"Inside there is a list of all the heroes I have ever worked with and how to contact them. Ya see, not everyone is as much of an idealist as you are. The smart ones know that the system is completly messed up. I mean just look at our president! When i said that some of them treat me like a criminal, I meant SOME. Most of them know that I am fighting the good fight. I have the best collars, the best leads, the best fights out of the majority of the heroes in the city. The only thing you were right about is that no one will put in a good word to a contact because they don't need to.
"Call me what you want. Call me brutal. Call me a criminal. See if I care. I just hear to save your new bosses life AND company. Would a criminal do that?"
He got up out of his chair and walked straight toward Soulll. When he was directly in front of her face he took off the sunglasses that masked his face. A set of pale blue eyes stared out along with a long deep scar over his left eye. He looked her straight in the eyes and stated with pure seriousness,
"And just to get it straight, I dont care what you or any other person thinks about me. I know what I'm doing is right. The Angel walks among us, and hes here to stay, toots "
He put his glasses back on and walked back to his chair, put his feet up, and acted like that didnt happen. "Oh and by the way," he said with his smug personality back, "if you look to the end of the book you will find thousands of ladies phone numbers, each waiting for a call from the angel." -
"Ya know I suppose i should....not tell you. Most of it is for Clarisa to know and not for meddling scientists and a secretary. But what the hell. I'll tell you gals a few things. But first, either of you got a mirrior or compact or something?"
Jane reached into her desk and shakedly pulled out a small compact and handed it to the man. "Thanks. Jane was it? Great! I'll make sure to remember that," he said with a whily smirk. He took the compact and used the mirror to fix the mop that was now his hair. "I hope your happy," he said to Soulll. "You know how long it takes get this just right??"
He finished his hair and gave the compact back to Jane, but not without secretly putting a small card inside the compact with his phone number in it.
"So you wanna know who I am huh? Fine I'll tell ya. Im actually a registered hero. I go by the name Angelstryke. Maybe you've heard of me? You probably have."
I'm not what the other heroes call a 'model citizen.' I lie, I cheat,I steal on occasion, I dont go through normal procedures when bringing a criminal to justice. In my opinion the law is whack. A murderer is intitled to a bloodthirsty lawyer that would get him a get out of jail free card for the right price and if it'll get him a reputation. In order to stop this I am forced to kill a few criminals that really deserve it and that dont have the right to defend themselves So I have become a 'vigilante' in the eyes of the media and higher heroes. Luckily I get cut a break due to the fact that I have more contacts in villian groups than any other hero in the city. But I still get looked at like im a criminal."
"But do I care about what they think? Hell no! I do my own thing! I live my life to the fullest. I've been given one life and I'm gonna have as much fun as i possible can."
"So now that I've talked your ear off with my wonderful life, why dont you tell me your story toots." -
"Wassup Ms Feynman. I have to apologize about the window. I have a problem about making an entrance. Phones or doors are too boring. "
"Oh don't worry about the window doll. You can just take it out of my payment."
"Oh you will learn about that soon enough. You and me are gonna be good friends. The only problem is that i ain't saying nuthing unless i speak to you in person."
"Field work? That is the last thing you should be worrying about right now. It would be incredibly smart if you haul your cute butt back here so we can talk."
"Lets just say that what i have to say is not for everyone."
"No its not a threat. Im not an evil guy. Im just rougeishly awesome."
"You wanna know? You really wanna know? Since your good looking ill give you a hint." At this statement he dropped his voice so that Jane and the guards couldn't hear him. "We both have some 'mutual friends' that are out to get you. I have my own stake in this but thats another story. Im here to help you against these 'friends'."
"You should know by now whats in it for me. But whats in it for you," he said slyly as he reached into his jacket and pulled out a small vial to stare at it. "Is far greater than what I want." "Ill be waiting right here for you."
He hung-up the headset and tossed it back to Soullll. "You might as well get comfortable cause I ain't leaving till she gets here," he said to Soullll who was still staring at him.
He pulled up a chair and laid his feet onto Jane's desk. "Anybody got a beer?" -
"I coulda used the phone. But I thought this would have more effect," he said with his natural smirk returning.
He looked at Jane "Your a good looking gal, be a sweetheart and tell me where Clarissa went, and don't get smart with me like the other one. Beauty only takes you so far in my eyes."
Jane was really nervous and kept stumbling and couldn't get her words out. The man sighed. "This is really not going out the way I planned." -
"Hey hey hey chill out women!"
The man was on the ground pretty weak from the force of Soulllll's attack. His leather jacket was torn in several places and his perfectly styled blond hair was now unkenmpt and ugly. If the situation was different the man would punched Soulllll from here to the Rouge Isles.
"I ain't no villian girl. I just came here to talk with that Clarisa girl." Soulllll raised an eyebrow at this. "I got a proposition for her that she would regret for the rest of her life if she didn't take it."
Soulllll didn't believe his story and readied herself for another attack. The man had run out of patience by now and got to his feet. His fist started swirling in black energy. The smirk that he had outside the building had now vanished.
"I don't wanna fight women, but if you dont get Clarisa in five minutes you're really gonna wish you didn't hit me," he threatened. -
"Hehe smart but stupid."
A lone man hovered 10ft outside the office window during the entire meeting. The sunglasses he was wearing projected a video of the meeting courtesy of the video camera in the upper corner. In his ear was the audio of the meeting.The entire time he couldn't keep from smiling. Not because of what was discussed, he didn't really care for technical jargon, he was smiling because of the prospects that lay before him.
"Boy did I hit the jackpot. If I play my cards right i can gain my cash and a beautiful women who just happens to be a major head of a company. Some god up there must like me."
The meeting was ending and both the women were leaving the room and going into the ajacent room. Pushing a button on the side of his glasses the view and audio switched to the other room. They were preparing to leave.
If the man didn't use this chance now he might not get another. So he did what he thought was best.
He flew right through the window into the room. -
Forum implosion...now
*hides in fallout shelter*