Heroism is Good Business (Open RP)
Soul consulted a phonebook hanging from a payphone at the Skyway tram.
"What was the name of that company? Oh yah. Physiks Technologies... hrmm... aha, here we go. Finally might be able to make some headway against the Countess for hijacking MY thesis, not to mention my paycheck!"
(dial tones and a coin drop)
"Hello, is this Physiks Technologies? Yes, I was told to speak to your meta R&D department. Yes. That's right. Sure I'll hold."
(insert banal hold music - approx 1 minute's worth.)
"Yes. Hello. My name is Kashaye Parker, I used to be a grad student at Paragon Polytechnic? ... Yes..... I was referred to you by one of my fellow grads.... Yes, I am a meta.... Soullll Trainnn.... Um, I have the ability to affect subatomic energy, enertia and momentum.... it was a research project... well, that's why I'm calling you folks, Crey Tech appropriated all of the equipment and lab data and locked it down, but I still have my thesis manuscript.... I'd be willing to drop it in your lap if you're interested in starting up a similar project... what's in it for me? .... well, my doctorate's been on hold since Crey took over, plus I was working at the lab itself, so I'm currently not employed... well, yes, as a superheroine... what?... you do?.... Well that sounds interesting, definitely something to think about.... Um, let me check my schedule, I can come in, lesee, how about Tuesday afternoon?.... Yeah, around two.... I'll bring a copy of the manuscript... yes sure, I can demonstrate my abilities... no problem.... Thank you! Yes. Tuesday at 2. Goodbye."
Soullll hung up the phone. Time to stick it to Crey. And if this Physiks outfit was all it said it was, she might be able to get her life back on track after all.
Smiling, she stepped outside to the ramp platform, looked up, and then silently rose into the air, her red, gold, and white cape fluttering behind her like a flag.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
"Welcome Ms. Parker, if you will kindly take a seat here..." the secretary gestured toward the wing-backed chair facing the polished mahogony office desk, "...Ms. Feynman will be right with you." the secretary smiled and left the room, closing the door silently behind her.
Within two minutes, Clarisa Feynman entered the room. "Hello Ms. Parker" she said enthusiastically, "I have been looking forward to meeting you since your phone call a few days ago." In truth, Clarisa had cleared her schedule specifically to accomodate this meeting. She had a feeling that Soulll Trainnn was key to the overall plan for Physiks Techonologies. Hand held out, she said, "I am Clarisa Feynman, director of a special projects, please call me Clarisa, do you prefer to be called Soulll Trainnn or Ms. Parker?".
Clarisa took her place on the other side of the large and prestine desk. The light scent of lemon wafted about indicating the desk had been polished recently. All the folders and desk accessories were perfectly arranged. The only imperfection on the desk was a 6" scratch on the left surface. Clarisa unconsciously moved the folder to cover it.
"We are very glad you are entertaining a contract position in our R&D department. We are very interested in innovative technologies. According to this file you have an interesting thesis. Care to talk more about it and explain what WE can do for YOU? We are prepared to offer you virtually unlimited resources to do your work."
( OOC: Nice Crey threat profile for Soulll Trainnn, ProfessorBlues! For others, recruiting for this thread is always open, please feel free to join at any point with your story.)
[url="http://celestialguardians.guildportal.com"]Celestial Guardians SG[/url]: Chris Mas Snow 50 Ice/Storm Ctl, Li Zhou 42 MA/Rgn Scrp, Dui Zhou 32 Ice/FF Ctl, TinyTaxi 35 Emp/Psi Def
[url="http://tinyurl.com/y66drr"]UnAlliance VG[/url]: Shar Chi 37 Nin/Drk MM, La Vida Loca 16 Pl/Psi Dom
"Well, now, Ms. Feynman, Ms. Parker is fine for now, cos Soul Train's the heroine, not the person, right? But my friends call me Kashaye, or simply Shay..."
She paused, and then laid a copy of her thesis manuscript on the desk. "This, plus my everlovin' self, is all I got left of a project I was working on for four straight years. I'm workin' on a doct'rate fo' theoretical subatomic physics, specifically, the forces that govern momentum and inertia. The field has numerous practical applications... but we have to figure out how it all works. Isaac Newton came up with a lot of th' basics... but I've been digging deep into the theoretical stuff, and I MIGHT be able to prove him wrong."
She took a breath. Now for the hard part.
"Crey done took all that. Because of a clause in the funding legalese, they had the right to 'appropriate' any project at Poly that they wanted, either to develop it themselves, or to lock it up as IP so that no one else could go after it. That's how they shut all this down. My prof is on their payroll now, as a consultant, all the equipment, the data logs, even my thesis final draft, which is now so classified even I can't download it."
"The reactor shielding mishap that spawned my powers, well, THEY have the telemetry logs on that. So they know more than I do about what happened, how it happened, and why it happened. They might even be using it to try and create more metahumans... and I really feel for the subjects, cos some of the tests we did afterwards didn't turn out well. If Crey goes down that road, they'll be looking at a lot of death and dismemberment payouts."
She looked straight at Clarisa Feynman. "That's why, if you take this up, we have to go step by step, slow and easy. No rushing into things. I WILL not have anyone's messy traumatic death-by-sudden-induced-motion be on my conscience. I hope that works for you.. because if not, well, it's been nice talking to ya, love your facility, and thanks fo' th' coffee."
She cast her eyes down to the desk, then resumed. "If that's agreeable to you... I'm at your disposal."
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Clarisa admired Kashaye's down-to-business manner. "Finally, a straight-shooter!", she thought.
Aloud she said, "Great, then Welcome to the Company, as we say".
Clarisa stood and once again extended a hand. They shook on it, then Clarisa pulled a 3 page document from her folder and slid it across the polished table top along with a Cross pen.
"Please take your time and look this over, we want you to be completely happy with this agreement. While you are doing that, I will make the arrangements for the setup of YOUR new lab." A broad smile crossed her face, hoping that Kashaye would return the positive expression.
( OOC: Recruiting for this thread is always open, please feel free to join at any point with your story.)
[url="http://celestialguardians.guildportal.com"]Celestial Guardians SG[/url]: Chris Mas Snow 50 Ice/Storm Ctl, Li Zhou 42 MA/Rgn Scrp, Dui Zhou 32 Ice/FF Ctl, TinyTaxi 35 Emp/Psi Def
[url="http://tinyurl.com/y66drr"]UnAlliance VG[/url]: Shar Chi 37 Nin/Drk MM, La Vida Loca 16 Pl/Psi Dom
Kashaye finally allowed the all-business expression to slide into a slight smile as she reached for the pen and the contract. She flipped through each page, skimming it, rereading clauses she had questions about... and then with a flourish signed her name at the bottom of the third page, and dated it.
Then she reached across the desk to shake Clarisa's hand, the smile becoming a broad grin. "Ms. Feynman.... er, Clarisa... this could be the start of something big."
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Clarisa was just finishing up on the phone, when Kashaye signed her name.
"I'll walk you out to the reception area, Ms. Parker. Jane can take a list of what you'll need and give you the keycard to your new lab. Basically, we are writing you a blank check as far as supplies go, so order to your heart's content. An if there is
anything you need that is not obtainable through normal scientific supply companies, just ask, we have many sources." Clarisa made a mental note to review the order before leaving.
"I'll drop in later tomorrow and see how you are settling in. I would walk you there myself now, but I've got to catch up on some other work." She had been meaning to check out that Trolls base in the Hollows for a week, but it was such a long way from the office. She sighed at the thought of traveling there on foot.
Clarisa walked out with Kashaye. Jane looked up from her paperwork and smiled graciously. "You'll be wanting this requistion form for your new space, I imagine."
The form had several pages. The first couple were standard office supplies, but the subsequent pages got far more technical. Spectrascopes, nitrogen gas, parafin wax, lasers, and other tools of the physics trade were listed. The last page was just blank lines for write-in items.
"Oh and before I forget," Jane slipped on a glove and took what looked like a credit card out of the drawer, "Here is your keycard. "Once you grasp it, it will record your pulse, thumbprint, skin opacity, and other biometric readings. No other person will be able to use this card after that. The card reader has already been programmed with the magnetic signature of the card, so the first time you swipe it, you'll complete the id process." Jane paused for a moment. "Any questions?"
( OOC: Recruiting for this thread is always open, please feel free to join at any point with your story.)
[url="http://celestialguardians.guildportal.com"]Celestial Guardians SG[/url]: Chris Mas Snow 50 Ice/Storm Ctl, Li Zhou 42 MA/Rgn Scrp, Dui Zhou 32 Ice/FF Ctl, TinyTaxi 35 Emp/Psi Def
[url="http://tinyurl.com/y66drr"]UnAlliance VG[/url]: Shar Chi 37 Nin/Drk MM, La Vida Loca 16 Pl/Psi Dom
"Ah, I see. Much more secure system than what we had to work with at Poly." She grasped the keycard, swiped it thru the training 'lock' at the front desk, and smiled as the light lit up green and the system emitted a cheery 'beep!'. Then she clipped the card to the lapel of her jacket.
"Um... Ms. Feynman... you look as if you have somewhere to be. Allow me, please."
Standing close to her new boss, so as to include her in the radius of effect, Shaye released a specific pulse of energy, one that would set up a resonating effect in the subatomic building blocks of living beings ((Inertial Reduction, triple-DO slotted for Jump enhancement)). Once the distinctive sound and glow of the effect faded, she gestured, and Clarisa was rocked by another kinetic effect, one that would cause her entire body to offer much less resistance to movement and provide better energy-to-motion efficiency ((Speed Boost, double-slotted DO for run speed, 1 DO for endurance recovery)).
"There! The effects will fade soon, but you have about an hour's worth of travel powers."
She tried hard not to giggle at Clarisa's expression. "Just... don't run into anybody, and when you jump, try not to overshoot... you could end up all the way acros the zone if you don't pay attention. And watch the landings! especially when the Inertial field wears off, you'll find yourself in free-fall about thirty stories up."
(( I'm assuming this is where Clarisa takes her leave and exits...))
Turning to Jane, the secretary, she took the clipboard, and started initialing items... real estate (( lab/power station map )), personnel, power needs, communications links, etc etc etc.
In the write-in section, she wrote in:
Three (3) DOE-grade supercomputers (redundancy checking and fail-safe)
One (1) particle accelerator array
One (1) microelectronics fabrication workshop
Five (5) radiation shield emitters (treat as Insulation and Repulsion Bubble from FF Defender set)
One (1) quantum fusion reactor (similar design to Rikti technology Quantum weapons, only on much larger scale).
Full lab shielding protocol - inc doors, walls, equipment, perdonnel decontamination/isolation, and shielded disposal.
At the bottom she wrote:
NOTE: Carefully screen lab personnel, as Nictus-infused beings are severely allergic to any stray radiation from this project!!
She handed the clipboard with the forms back to Jane, and said "This will get us onto the game board."
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
"Hehe smart but stupid."
A lone man hovered 10ft outside the office window during the entire meeting. The sunglasses he was wearing projected a video of the meeting courtesy of the video camera in the upper corner. In his ear was the audio of the meeting.The entire time he couldn't keep from smiling. Not because of what was discussed, he didn't really care for technical jargon, he was smiling because of the prospects that lay before him.
"Boy did I hit the jackpot. If I play my cards right i can gain my cash and a beautiful women who just happens to be a major head of a company. Some god up there must like me."
The meeting was ending and both the women were leaving the room and going into the ajacent room. Pushing a button on the side of his glasses the view and audio switched to the other room. They were preparing to leave.
If the man didn't use this chance now he might not get another. So he did what he thought was best.
He flew right through the window into the room.
He flew right through the window into the room.
[/ QUOTE ]
Soulllll whirled at the sound of breaking glass, shoving Jane aside... and in the process she discovered the hem of the business casual skirt she'd worn was too low and too TIGHT. But, she'd have to attend to that problem later.
She focused on the object, no, the MAN, hurtling thru the window, gathered several n-th dimensional cosmic strings attached to his existence.. and PULLED.
He immediately slowed down... whereas now Soullll sped up. The Speed Siphon would only keep him slowed for a few moments.. but those were moments she needed. Another supracosmic pull, and the energy of his muscles was literally leached out of him... and into her and the completely befuddled secretary. Like the previous defense, the Power Siphon wouldn't last... but while it was in effect, the stranger wouldn't be able to hit very hard.
Soulllll was about to hit VERY hard.
She gathered minute amounts of kinetic energy from the subatomic structure of the room, the furniture, the walls, the carpet, the acoustic tiles on the ceiling... and channeled it through her in an actinic blue bolt that sent the intruder backwards to slam against the wall. He'd not got enough lift to sail out the broken window, but as it was he hit hard and flopped to his knees. Disoriented and still feeling the effects of the speed siphon, he was slow to get to his feet.
"Get out of here, Jane! GO! Call security!!" She finally had had enough of the skirt, and reaching down, she ripped the side from hem to waist. So what if it wasn't proper business attire? She wasn't in a meeting, this was a battle. She stood ready, looking for weak points in his movements and analyzing his stance, so as to be ready for his next move. All she had to do was either knock him senseless, or occupy his time until the guards arrived... hopefully that would be soon.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
"Hey hey hey chill out women!"
The man was on the ground pretty weak from the force of Soulllll's attack. His leather jacket was torn in several places and his perfectly styled blond hair was now unkenmpt and ugly. If the situation was different the man would punched Soulllll from here to the Rouge Isles.
"I ain't no villian girl. I just came here to talk with that Clarisa girl." Soulllll raised an eyebrow at this. "I got a proposition for her that she would regret for the rest of her life if she didn't take it."
Soulllll didn't believe his story and readied herself for another attack. The man had run out of patience by now and got to his feet. His fist started swirling in black energy. The smirk that he had outside the building had now vanished.
"I don't wanna fight women, but if you dont get Clarisa in five minutes you're really gonna wish you didn't hit me," he threatened.
Soullll stared hard at the interloper, shaking her head at his audacity.
"You flew through a plate-glass window, into an occupied office ... so you could get on Clarissa Feynman's calendar??"
Warily she stepped out of her battle stance ((toggles drop)) and took two steps backward. At that point Jane re-appeared with three armed guards (who still were no match for the newcomer.)
"One second, fellas. Jane, do you know where Clarisa was heading? Because this man wants to speak to her, ASAP."
Shaking her head, she turned back toward the man. "I still don't get why y'all couldn't have used th' phone.... or the front door..."
Turning on her heel, she strode out of the office, muttering to herself. "Gettin' a body all keyed up an' all... make NO sense...."
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
"I coulda used the phone. But I thought this would have more effect," he said with his natural smirk returning.
He looked at Jane "Your a good looking gal, be a sweetheart and tell me where Clarissa went, and don't get smart with me like the other one. Beauty only takes you so far in my eyes."
Jane was really nervous and kept stumbling and couldn't get her words out. The man sighed. "This is really not going out the way I planned."
Soullll strode down the hallway to where her paperwork said there'd be a small office she could 'camp out in' while her facility was built.
Finding a phone and a terminal, she called up Clarisa's cell number.
"Clarisa... yes, it's Kashaye. I know, this is rather odd."
"Well, we have a situation at the office."
"Short version? OK. Someone just flew through the plate-glass windows of the second-floor reception area. I thought it was an attack, and retaliated to the point where the person was down, but not out. He said something about 'wanting to speak to you', also that if I didn't 'produce you' within 5 minutes I'd be attacked, and now he's getting pushy with Jane."
"Yes he's still here. Three of your rent-a-cops are with her, and so far he IS behaving himself... aside from the window."
"He SAID it was to 'give you an offer you couldn't refuse'. But he's withholding something, and he bothers me. Even mercenary types know enough manners to use the door, or at least make their entry covert, not blatant breaking-and-entering in broad daylight."
"OK, let me put you on hold..."
Soullll pushed a button on the phone, and a light started blinking indicating that the line was in use. Taking note of the extension number, she walked back to reception, keyed in the same number on the phone off to the side of the reception desk, and hit "XFER TO STATION".
"Clarisa? Yeah, he's here, hang on one sec."
She gestured to the stranger with the handset. "Y'all wanted Ms. Feynman? This is as good as you get right now, unless you want her in a bad mood cos you called her back into the office right after she left to attend to field business. Speak your piece."
After the stranger took the handset from her, she stepped back to Jane's desk and folded her arms across her chest, to indicate she was NOT leaving this potentially dangerous person alone with Jane, security guards or no.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
"Wassup Ms Feynman. I have to apologize about the window. I have a problem about making an entrance. Phones or doors are too boring. "
"Oh don't worry about the window doll. You can just take it out of my payment."
"Oh you will learn about that soon enough. You and me are gonna be good friends. The only problem is that i ain't saying nuthing unless i speak to you in person."
"Field work? That is the last thing you should be worrying about right now. It would be incredibly smart if you haul your cute butt back here so we can talk."
"Lets just say that what i have to say is not for everyone."
"No its not a threat. Im not an evil guy. Im just rougeishly awesome."
"You wanna know? You really wanna know? Since your good looking ill give you a hint." At this statement he dropped his voice so that Jane and the guards couldn't hear him. "We both have some 'mutual friends' that are out to get you. I have my own stake in this but thats another story. Im here to help you against these 'friends'."
"You should know by now whats in it for me. But whats in it for you," he said slyly as he reached into his jacket and pulled out a small vial to stare at it. "Is far greater than what I want." "Ill be waiting right here for you."
He hung-up the headset and tossed it back to Soullll. "You might as well get comfortable cause I ain't leaving till she gets here," he said to Soullll who was still staring at him.
He pulled up a chair and laid his feet onto Jane's desk. "Anybody got a beer?"
Soullll caught the phone, and hung it up.
From grad student, to research assistant, freak of nature/accident, briefly unemployed, superheroine, and now paid consultant... she'd just added 'bodyguard' to her resume'. She was still angry at this brash young man for his entrance, and although she felt bad about causing him some pain, the manner in which he presented himself (essentially holding poor Jane hostage, along with the office!) made those regrets rather minor.
He pulled up a chair and laid his feet onto Jane's desk. "Anybody got a beer?"
[/ QUOTE ]
She looked at Jane. "Jane, sugah, looks like we ain't getting to go home anytime soon, so we might as well get somewhat comfortable. I'd not mind something cold myself."
She grabbed one of the smaller 'kiosk' chairs, turned it around, and straddled it, resting her arms on the chairback. She felt more comfortable doing this, than trying to keep her legs crossed in front of this guy, now that her skirt was ripped and hanging off her like a flag. Plus she felt that the posture gave her more of a 'tough b1tch' look... in other circumstances she'd have wanted to go the other way, appear more feminine... but right now, that wasn't called for at all.
"So... since we gonna be spending a while together, waitin' on Mz. Feynman, s'pose y'all tell us who ya are, at least?"
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
"Ya know I suppose i should....not tell you. Most of it is for Clarisa to know and not for meddling scientists and a secretary. But what the hell. I'll tell you gals a few things. But first, either of you got a mirrior or compact or something?"
Jane reached into her desk and shakedly pulled out a small compact and handed it to the man. "Thanks. Jane was it? Great! I'll make sure to remember that," he said with a whily smirk. He took the compact and used the mirror to fix the mop that was now his hair. "I hope your happy," he said to Soulll. "You know how long it takes get this just right??"
He finished his hair and gave the compact back to Jane, but not without secretly putting a small card inside the compact with his phone number in it.
"So you wanna know who I am huh? Fine I'll tell ya. Im actually a registered hero. I go by the name Angelstryke. Maybe you've heard of me? You probably have."
I'm not what the other heroes call a 'model citizen.' I lie, I cheat,I steal on occasion, I dont go through normal procedures when bringing a criminal to justice. In my opinion the law is whack. A murderer is intitled to a bloodthirsty lawyer that would get him a get out of jail free card for the right price and if it'll get him a reputation. In order to stop this I am forced to kill a few criminals that really deserve it and that dont have the right to defend themselves So I have become a 'vigilante' in the eyes of the media and higher heroes. Luckily I get cut a break due to the fact that I have more contacts in villian groups than any other hero in the city. But I still get looked at like im a criminal."
"But do I care about what they think? Hell no! I do my own thing! I live my life to the fullest. I've been given one life and I'm gonna have as much fun as i possible can."
"So now that I've talked your ear off with my wonderful life, why dont you tell me your story toots."
Ahhh. NOW she understood. Angelstryke had got his name in the news on more than one occasion, known for being singularly brutal with those he apprehended. And he had a rather unsavory reputation in social circles as well. Several of her fellow Stilettos had less than nice things to say about the man.
And here he was, in her boss's reception area, propping his feet up on a desk like he owned the place.
Well, he didn't. Time to assert that. It was times like this when her St Louis south/midwest accent gave way to a very clipped, cultured, refined manner of speaking, one she'd learned in many college lectures, society dinners, and other trappings of fine schools.
"First of all, MISTER Angelstryke... I'm not a scientist. I'm a contractor. Yes, my relationship with Physiks is of a scientific nature. However, I've also been put on retainer as ... a field agent. And I too am a registered hero. Unlike you, however, I've held on to something basic, which many people, mostly criminals, have forgotten. That is: Thou Shalt Not Kill."
"Yes, I've scrapped my share of Clockwork wind-up toys and diesel-powered behemoths. I've put down a lot of Vahz undead. But every mortal I've run across that needed apprehending, I sent in alive, and relatively healthy. And because of that, I don't NEED the extensive networks of criminal underground. There have been a few that have turned their lives around because of the way they were treated, by me and my supergroup sisters. Those few are why I do what I do, not some nihilistic worldview that says it's everyone for themselves. I saw enough of that in St. Louis. "
"I can tell you're a lone wolf. You do things solo, your own way, and screw what the law says. How many other registered heros will work with you? How many will put in a good word with a contact on your behalf, or even give you the time of day on the street, sir? The criminal element accepts you becuse you are ONE OF THEM. No other reason."
"So, first. I am Soullll Trainnn, one of the most sought-after Defenders in six neighborhoods and four Hazard Zones. I'm the reason people come back from assignments under their own power, WITH the goods, instead of by emergency medical transporter and a big hospital bill in the mail. I get waves from civilians and praises from heros from here to Founders. I hold Commander membership in one of the most respected and well-manned supergroups in the area. Don't call me 'toots'."
"Second. I don't give a rat's a55 about your 'rep'. Cross me, or those I work with, and I'll send you to the Zig with an arrest chit taped to your forehead without batting an eyelash."
"And lastly, Ms. Feynman extended me an offer to get my life's work back on track, when... OTHERS... in this town took everything I'd done and become and locked it up as theirs. So I owe her. In comparison, you're merely an opportunistic thug looking for a score. And she knows it, no matter how sweet the 'prize' you're holding out. So keep that in mind, when you start wondering who'll stay, and who'll be shown the door, once all's said and done."
So saying, she uncrossed her arms from the chair back, and leaned forward. "You may think me as just another high-falutin' HERO with a haughty b1tchy manner and too much caboose. That makes us relatively even, because I regard YOU as something I scrape off my shoes after stepping in it accidentally. Now, are we clear on where each of us REALLY sits?"
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Angelstryke couldn't help but laughing his head off.
"Hehehe how should I answer that?" He thought for a second. "Oh I know!" He reached inside his jacket and pulled out a little black notebook. He threw to Soullll. "Read it and weep."
"Inside there is a list of all the heroes I have ever worked with and how to contact them. Ya see, not everyone is as much of an idealist as you are. The smart ones know that the system is completly messed up. I mean just look at our president! When i said that some of them treat me like a criminal, I meant SOME. Most of them know that I am fighting the good fight. I have the best collars, the best leads, the best fights out of the majority of the heroes in the city. The only thing you were right about is that no one will put in a good word to a contact because they don't need to.
"Call me what you want. Call me brutal. Call me a criminal. See if I care. I just hear to save your new bosses life AND company. Would a criminal do that?"
He got up out of his chair and walked straight toward Soulll. When he was directly in front of her face he took off the sunglasses that masked his face. A set of pale blue eyes stared out along with a long deep scar over his left eye. He looked her straight in the eyes and stated with pure seriousness,
"And just to get it straight, I dont care what you or any other person thinks about me. I know what I'm doing is right. The Angel walks among us, and hes here to stay, toots "
He put his glasses back on and walked back to his chair, put his feet up, and acted like that didnt happen. "Oh and by the way," he said with his smug personality back, "if you look to the end of the book you will find thousands of ladies phone numbers, each waiting for a call from the angel."
"So this is the place?" Christopher asked, gazing up at the office building. The title Physiks Technologies ran across the side of the building in large, bold letters. He sighed and shook his head, turning to his twin sister. "Are you sure about this? I mean, we still don't know who-"
"We don't have any choice, do we?" Christina asked, narrowing her eyes at her brother. She sighed and focused her gaze towards the building. "With everything that we found, these people at least have a right to KNOW what's going on."
"I still think it's smarter to investigate it ourselves before getting anyone else involved." Christopher said under his breath.
"With something as big as this, we'll probably need some help." Christina put her hand on Chistopher's shoulder and smiled. "Besides, we always wind up in trouble when we rush head-first like you always want to do."
Christopher turned to Chrsitina, smiling as he placed his hand over hers and smiled, forcing a small chuckle."I guess you're right. I mean, we can't always save the Multiverse by ourselves, can we?"
Christina's eyes widened in shock for a moment, and there was a silence between the two for several minutes before she responded. "No, I guess we can't."
Both Christopher and Christina were extremely young in comparison to most Heroes in Paragon City; truth be told, they were both only 16 years old.
Christopher wore a long, blue trenchcoat, on the back of which the silhouette of an hour-glass was embroidered in white. Underneath the trenchcoat, he wore a white T-shirt and long, black pants. His short, blonde hair was neatly trimmed, save for a single extra-long bang, which ran down his forehead and hovered to a stop just in front of his left eye. Like most Heroes in Paragon, he was surprisingly attractive, and his face (unlike most teenagers) didn't contain a single blemish or mark of any kind.
Christina's outfit was remarkably similiar to Christopher's, save for several features. Her trenchcoat was red, and the back of it contained the silhouette of a galaxy rather than an hour-glass. Her white shirt was slightly shorter than her brother's, allowing some of her mid-riff to be exposed. She wore tight, black shorts rather than pants, the legs of which ended considerably higher than her knees. She shared her brother's blonde hair, but her hair was long and unbraided, flowing wildly about her face in the wind. Indeed, she was also rather attractive and her face blemish-free.
"So..." Christopher asked, looking up at the building, then back at his sister. "Do you want to use the door, or...?"
"No, they'll probably put us on some waiting list or give us the run-around if we do that." Christina said, already concentrating. "And this can't wait."
"Uh..." Christopher chuckled nervously as his sister formed her Portal around themselves. "Do you have any idea which room to aim for, or...?"
"Well, you can always go back and fix any mistakes I make, right?" Christina asked as the two were enveloped in the black void.
Almost instantly, the two found themselves in the middle of what could only be an office. Looking around, they saw that there was a young woman (obviously a Hero) straddling a chair and a young man with wild hair (also an obvious Hero) sitting quite leisurlely on another chair. Due to their sudden entrance, both of the Heroes attentions' had turned to them.
"Um... sorry if we're interrupting anything..." Christina chuckled nervously, trying to be as open and non-threatening as she could. "Do you know where we could find a 'Clarisa Feynman'?"

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic

"Jumpin' Jehosephat, where'd y'all come from?" Soul stood quickly, tumbling the chair forwards to make a loud clunk! on the floor.
She saw who the newcomers were... and shook her head. "Doors. They have these things called doors, you know. You open them and walk through. Really."
She threw her hands up, and then cocked a thumb at AngelStryke. "HE decided to fly thru a plate glass window. You two teleported in, obviously... I expect Clarisa's gonna put a skylight in my office so's I can jump in thru the roof."
She checked out the newcomers. Young, teenagers apparently. Not threatening, at least on the surface. Definitely an improvement over Angelstryke, or as she thought of him, the Ego Without a Cause.
Jane, for her part, was doing her best to appear busy, although she kept looking at Angelstryke in a decidedly odd way... as if she was conflicted between running AWAY from the man... or running TO him. Soul had seen the look before, back in St. Louis. Only those had been 'working girls' of a different sort... and the men they gave the looks to were pimps and drug dealers. Angelstryke didn't appear to be either... but she knew that look.
She turned away. He probably DID have a thousand phone numbers in that black book of his... and every one of them was probably holding onto a broken promise... just like she was, only to a different man completely. Maybe that's why she saw Angel's delivery as she did... she'd been on the end of such a fishing line herself... got reeled in... and summarily tossed back.
She started. Was she bitter? Jealous? Or was it common sense, with no infatuation to muddy it all up? She didn't know. She tossed the book back at Angel without so much as a glance. She'd not give him THAT satisfaction, the smug [censored].
She hated to admit it, but one of Angel's suggestions DID make sense though. She wanted a beer.
"Jane? I sure hope this isn't a NORMAL day at the office... else I'll be needing to renegotiate my salary. Could you fetch some drinks? I don't know what our newest visitors want, but I believe Angel asked for a beer. Get two, please, one's for me. And get one for yourself too, you look really strung out, sugah."
(( OOC: OK, we need Clarisa to make an entrance Real Soon Now, cos it's starting to look like a Hollows pick-up team in here... ))
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
When the two people in trenchcoats ported in, Angel didn't seem the least bit suprised. "Wow this is turning into quite some party. I hope you two brought some entertainment."
Jane soon returned with the beers and Angel took his as quick as he could. He open it like he hadn't had a drink of water in a week. He nearly downed it in one gulp. "Man that was good. I need that. Too much excitment in this place, what with ms Feynman being so popular and this self-described hardcore broad attacking me."
It was then that Angel noticed the pair a little more. "Whats up with you'se guys looks? You all look either 16 or 26. Why don't you tell us your stories before I fall asleep from boredom."
((OOC) Yes Clarisa needs to get here soon. You know how hard it is to come up with good material for a charatcer like Angel? Im running out of ideas)
((( Sorry folks, RL kept me from writing sooner. My, my...this thread has become very interesting in my absence! I'm going to reply today...just need to get some names spelled right and grammer cleaned up.)))
[url="http://celestialguardians.guildportal.com"]Celestial Guardians SG[/url]: Chris Mas Snow 50 Ice/Storm Ctl, Li Zhou 42 MA/Rgn Scrp, Dui Zhou 32 Ice/FF Ctl, TinyTaxi 35 Emp/Psi Def
[url="http://tinyurl.com/y66drr"]UnAlliance VG[/url]: Shar Chi 37 Nin/Drk MM, La Vida Loca 16 Pl/Psi Dom
CRUNCH! The sound of boots crushing broken glass shards could be heard from a corner of the lobby. Jane looked over and felt of flush of relief. She excused herself and put down the drink assortment she brought for the 4 guests in the reception area.
Jane opened the door to Clarisa's office. "Ms. Feynman, I'm sure glad you are here!"
Clarisa passed the threshold from the reception area to her office. Her tailored jacket was sooty and her long, red hair a bit tossled. She was in the Hollows when she received Soulll's call. Normally, Clarisa would have cleaned up after field work, but she had obviously rushed here and there was no time to waste for astetics.
Clarisa turned to Jane. "Jane, please show the guests into my office, then take the day off. You deserve it."
Clarisa then turned to Soulll. "Thank you very much for responding to the situation as you did, Ms. Parker. Please stay if you like while I learn more about our guests."
With the same grace and poise she showed earlier, Clarisa took her place behind the mahogany desk.
The guests took seats and settled in for a chat.
"Let me say a couple of words to welcome you, then we'll talk business." She said with a smile. "This company is a friend to all heroes. We have a common goal to improve the lives of others. Physiks Technologies does this with technology, but we all have special talents to contribute. Already I can see that YOU are motivated heroes that have an interest in our common goal. Welcome!".
"Also, let me say, my door is always open, so I would greatly appreciate it, IF (emphasis there), you would use it." She looked directly at Angel with a playful grin, but steely, cold eyes. She softened her glare and crossed her hands on the desk. "I'm very interested to hear what has brought you here today. Who would like to start?".
(((If you both have storylines that you'd rather share with Clarisa on the QT, just RP it that way and she'll set up private meetings. )))
[url="http://celestialguardians.guildportal.com"]Celestial Guardians SG[/url]: Chris Mas Snow 50 Ice/Storm Ctl, Li Zhou 42 MA/Rgn Scrp, Dui Zhou 32 Ice/FF Ctl, TinyTaxi 35 Emp/Psi Def
[url="http://tinyurl.com/y66drr"]UnAlliance VG[/url]: Shar Chi 37 Nin/Drk MM, La Vida Loca 16 Pl/Psi Dom
(( OOC: Soul refers that people call her "Ms. Parker" in a business setting among strangers, but "Kashaye" when she's with friends. Similarly, she'll never address Clarisa as anything but "Ms. Feynman" unless the only people present are already on first-name basis. ))
Soul excused herself. "Ms. Feynman, I would love to stay, but I do have some important matters of my own to attend to, and due to the events here today (pointed look at AngelStryke, slightly softened glance at 'the Twins' as she thought of them) I will be hard pressed to accomplish them if I stay any longer. Good day to you all!" In reality, her schedule is realtively free, but she does NOT want to be in the same building as this Angelstryke character, at least until she calms down.
She passed Jane in the entryway. "Wow. That was... interesting. Y'all need an escort home? Cos right now, you'd be a pushover for the first Outcast you ran across. You look seriously shaken."
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
This is an open RP for anyone who would collaborate or conflict with the base character. I'm trying to breakaway from my usual upstanding-citizen heroes and run someone who is more objectionable.
Base Character: Clarisa Feynman
Description of Character:
She's a corporate diva. She's got a pleasant disposition outwardly but it's a means to an end. Likewise, she is a "hero", saving innocents and the like, but for her own purposes, not simply to do good.
Description of environment:
Basically, the settings can be anyplace in Paragon City. Mostly I will write from the offices of Physiks Technologies (made up...hope it's not a real company). They are a competitor of Crey Industries.
Starter ideas:
Feel free to jump in with your own Crey ties (be it for or against them). Clarissa will be interested in any heroes that have inside information or have been in contact with Crey. If anyone has characters that are also corporate climbers, please do post.
Other notes:
I would really enjoy some banter. Don't feel obligated to write situational stories only. Throw a couple of dialog lines up and I or others will respond as if we were standing next to you in game. And lastly, have patience with me...this is the first time I've tried this in the forums.
__________________________________________________ _
Day One
Clarisa briskly walked down the carpeted hallway. A short skirt and designer knee-high boots accentuated her long, confident strides. She was a sharp dresser that made the simpliest suit look stunning. Long red hair pulled back with a few tendrils grazing her face made sure that she was easy to pick out in a crowd. She entered the board room at the end of the hall, moved to the head of the long conference table and put down her leather covered folder.
After a quick gaze around the room she said, "Right....glad we are all here on time, let's get to business". She did not sit in the high-back chair, instead she preferred to stand and walk while she talked.
"Now, I have been able to go through the initial stages of hero training." She crossed her arms and meandered toward the wall of windows.
"In doing so, I have found they are a wellspring of information on our competitor. Most are good-natured and very willing to assist with the current task at hand. The PR from helping citizens has been FABULOUS", a genuine-looking smile crossed her face.
"I think sending Physiks Technologies agents into the midst of heroes is the best promotion we have ever done for this company. Thank you all for designing this program. Give yourselves a pat on the back from our CEO." Most of the women and men around the table started to chatter in cheerful tones, obviously pleased with themselves. Clarisa eyed them and mentally checking off this stage of the project as successful.
From the back of the room, a man cleared his throat and spoke above the din. "Ms. Feynman, can you please explain why YOU are participating in the field implementation?"
Clarisa slowly walk over to the gentleman who asked the question, giving time for a hush to fall in the room. "Mr. Evans, I am personally overseeing all aspects of the implementation because the team respects a leader that rolls up their sleeves and does the work, from time to time. If you are worried about my well-being..." SCHNICK...She flicked her wrist and exposed the surgically-implanted claws. "...Don't be."
Quickly, she broke the silence by heading back to her folder and pulled out hardcopy reports. She handed them to the person next to her and asked them to be passed around the room. "Please read these full reports when you have time. It contains the information found to-date, and what is in the funnel. I expect our results will increase exponentially as the agents increase security level among the heroes."
Straightening her suit jacket, she said dismissingly. "Thank you for your time today. We will meet again in few weeks, your secretaries will mark your calendars when a mutually benefitial time is agreed upon.". Then she turned on her heels and exited the room. Another silky smile was allowed to pass her lips. Time to get out into the field.
[url="http://celestialguardians.guildportal.com"]Celestial Guardians SG[/url]: Chris Mas Snow 50 Ice/Storm Ctl, Li Zhou 42 MA/Rgn Scrp, Dui Zhou 32 Ice/FF Ctl, TinyTaxi 35 Emp/Psi Def
[url="http://tinyurl.com/y66drr"]UnAlliance VG[/url]: Shar Chi 37 Nin/Drk MM, La Vida Loca 16 Pl/Psi Dom