A theory based on new issue title.




They did mention underwater levels in the past, didn't they?

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes they did. Back in '02, way before the game was going to see the light of day.



Oh, and most of the invading Rikti ships were dropped in the ocean via Statesman giving them a push.

Issue #3 = more Rikti?



Issue 3: 'A Council of War' sounds good and all, and the book chapter theory sounds very interesting, but I'm biding my time for Issue 4: 'See Spot Run', I've heard it's going to be a ripper!



I await the aquaman power set.

Soon we shal see Dolphins flopping along the streets of Atlas park coming to slap the heck out of a Hellion.

Of course the level 32 power will be dropping blue whales out of the sky on groups of enemies.

One of the hold powers could be spawning a octipus to entangle the legs.

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Shiver me timbers! It's Long John Nyarlathotep!

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Captain Cthulu!

Mutiny on Yog Sothoth!

Dagon Jones' Locker!

Shiver me Reanimators!

Captain Azathoth, he has the Innsmouth Look about him...

I could SO go on, but it's all your fault for referencing Lovecraft...




[/ QUOTE ] Or ninja Pirates!
and on topic, I would be interested in an underground or sea based area, you got to use those huge water areas



Well, issue two was called "A Shadow of the Past", which just so happened to be the title of the second chapter of "The Fellowship of the Ring". Oh, and "Eastgate" is referenced as being part of Moria in the world of LoTR.

So, going by the theory that the chapter titles refer to great works of literature, I did a little research into the new title: Issue 3 A Council of War.

The only thing I could come up with is Treasure Island. Chapter 12 (1 plus 2 equals 3?) of Treasure Island is called Council of War.

So, is this title a hint at the possibility of a water zone? Perhaps pirate villains? Or some sort of treasure?

Just some speculation I'll put out there. Enjoy.

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Very astute.

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I have never seen Manticore in here before, and he talks too much like Statesman...



Personality Disorder...?

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Statesman's secret identity is Manticore !!!??!!



Anyone else notice that the newspaper article about the new villain, the lead villain in City of Villains, the spider guy, is titled "A Shadow of the Past". The article said it was a forshadow of things to come. My theory, issue 3 will be the update which allows us heroes to play with CoV players and will more than likely come out shortly before release of CoV, perhaps a month or two as a sort of teaser for CoV. Also I believe beta CoV players will be able to play against us on the test server. The CoV will go live, with update 4, or maybe just a large patch which will connect us both, but more than likely update 4 as I forsee them adding new kinds of missions (ei pvp missions) and probably a few more teaser bits for those of us who haven't purchased CoV.

Just what I would do anyway, but my name assumptions stand.

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Not a chance, imho. CoV is too far off and Issue 3 is too close. I think someone just got a bit too enthralled with the "Shadows of the Past" phrase.



A Council of War could refer to a branch of the Rikti revolting and coming over to the hero side. There was mention of an alien AT and something about something going on with the Rikti mentioned in posts a while ago.



Some food for thought.

Statesman notes the full title of Expansion #3 is A council of war. The indefinite article that starts this may be significant.

The correct title of chapter 12 of Treasure Island is Council of war without the "A".

On the other hand, chapter 14 of P.G. Wodehouse's Love among the Chickens is called A Council of War

I don't know if this tiny little difference is significant, save for one thing. The title of Chapter 15 of Wodehouse's book is The Arrival of Nemesis.

Go draw what conclusions from this lot that you may.



I could SO go on, but it's all your fault for referencing Lovecraft...

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This is probably NOT the time to point out that DE Devoured have mouths that look just like Cthulhu.



I could SO go on, but it's all your fault for referencing Lovecraft...

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This is probably NOT the time to point out that DE Devoured have mouths that look just like Cthulhu.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh I knew they were Lovecraftian the moment I saw one of those beasts for the first time. In fact, their whole principle and look are so Dagon-esque there's no way it could be accidental.



And I did a search, this is in fact Manticore's first post...

Hey, you ever gonna fix your Task Force, you come off as kinda unreliable, man.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is actually Manticore's fourth post. Next time, make sure you blank out the "show only up to last week" part.



1) Thanks for the post Manticore. Has made this the most popular thread I ever started.

2) BBhumeBB should get the astute credit, since I see that he posted this theory before I did. I had not read his post, so did not know when I posted yesterday, honest. And, I always give credit where credit is due, so well done BBhumeBB.

3) The issue with the missing article "A". If you notice, the title of the second chapter of the Fellowship of the Ring is The Shadow of the Past. The title of the second issue of CoH is A Shadow of the Past. So, the articles don't necessarily need to match. Hence, A Council of War versus Council of War. But, its just a theory, so the other book may prove to be it also.

4) Please, please, please, if we get a new water zone, new water based villains, and water based epic AT's, can we get water based costumes(fins) and vehicles? It would really help out my main.

5) Forgot about Through the Looking Glass. Makes me want to search the chapter some more for an insight into the next update.

Keep the speculation going, I love this stuff. Later.



"Some food for thought.

Statesman notes the full title of Expansion #3 is A council of war. The indefinite article that starts this may be significant.

The correct title of chapter 12 of Treasure Island is Council of war without the "A".

On the other hand, chapter 14 of P.G. Wodehouse's Love among the Chickens is called A Council of War

I don't know if this tiny little difference is significant, save for one thing. The title of Chapter 15 of Wodehouse's book is The Arrival of Nemesis. "

Now that's eerie.



CoV is still not scheduled to come out before 2005. No, Issue #3 is not going to have anything to do directly with CoV, therefore, eh? They haven't said EARLY 2005, either. Just 'next year'.



They did mention underwater levels in the past, didn't they?

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes they did. Back in '02, way before the game was going to see the light of day.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, back in the interview he did a month or so ago. Before issue 2 came out. I think he mentioned underwater levels.

OMG. The super secret non-combat system is:
The ability to mount laser beams on sharks for when you make people walk the plank!!



Shiver me timbers! It's Long John Nyarlathotep!

[/ QUOTE ]

Captain Cthulu!

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh wow, crossovers that should never happen. Puts me in mind of that great kid's game, Fungi From Candyland.

hmmmm....or thinking about it, the actual RPG, Pokethulu.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



If they add underwater levels I hope my bubbles will let people breath underwater! How cool would that be?



And I did a search, this is in fact Manticore's first post...

Hey, you ever gonna fix your Task Force, you come off as kinda unreliable, man.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is actually Manticore's fourth post. Next time, make sure you blank out the "show only up to last week" part.

[/ QUOTE ]
No, it's his eighth. Next time, make sure you check the little thing under his name that tells you how many posts he's made.



And I did a search, this is in fact Manticore's first post...

Hey, you ever gonna fix your Task Force, you come off as kinda unreliable, man.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is actually Manticore's fourth post. Next time, make sure you blank out the "show only up to last week" part.

[/ QUOTE ]
No, it's his eighth. Next time, make sure you check the little thing under his name that tells you how many posts he's made.

[/ QUOTE ]

Psst... That number updates as he makes other posts elsewhere.




Captain Cthulu!

[/ QUOTE ]

Wathn't he on Thtar Twek?



And I did a search, this is in fact Manticore's first post...

Hey, you ever gonna fix your Task Force, you come off as kinda unreliable, man.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is actually Manticore's fourth post. Next time, make sure you blank out the "show only up to last week" part.

[/ QUOTE ]

I already covered the mistake I made, like 2 posts after the first, but you were right about the search thing. So i did it again, with no restrictions, only 3 posts, hmmm?

I think there is a Dev only forum somewhere.



Two words...Deep Ones.

Sorry, Lovecraft Geek.

[/ QUOTE ]

Argh and shiver me tentacles. This would be highly frightening as my main's background is derived from a Lovecraftian (made up word ) tale. This would drive her nuts. Also, since my supergroup is probably tired of her being possessed and having fits around the Devoured, this would drive them insane.

Heck, I am at about 10 insanity anyway.





Captain Cthulu!

[/ QUOTE ]

Wathn't he on Thtar Twek?

[/ QUOTE ]


Gee, thanks a lot. Now I have to clean coffee off my monitor.