A theory based on new issue title.




I await the aquaman power set.

Soon we shal see Dolphins flopping along the streets of Atlas park coming to slap the heck out of a Hellion.

Of course the level 32 power will be dropping blue whales out of the sky on groups of enemies.

One of the hold powers could be spawning a octipus to entangle the legs.

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Then I damn well be able to create a little pirate girl with a giant anchor for a weapon.

Jason Heavensrun
Swift : Freedom Server
Check out my first Architect Arc, "Bring Up the Sun", arc #339507, and let me know what you think!




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Although Statesman and I share goals and ideals, we are not the same person.


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As far as you know...




Sealab 2020 anyone?

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Personally I'd prefer Sealab 2021

"I dub thee Sir Phobos beater of [censored]" - Capt. Murphy



NINJAS will win because they have Real Ultimate Power.

But it's a close call. Pirates are cool too.



Pool Power: Swimming
(hehe, swimming pool, hehe)

Individual Medley..

Hey wait, wasn't there an interview somewhere about combat-less leveling?? It's gotta by swim races.



The chapter entitled Council of War is the chapter where they discover Treasure Island.

The Council of War refers to Jim revealing to his friends that he overheard Long John Silver's plans to mutiny.

Again, water zone? Mutiny?

I love these little cryptic games

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while Statesdude said the 5th column was the tip of the iceberg (ARGH! yet ANOTHER water analogy! maybe the fallen isles are icebergs! in rhode island though? [censored], m8?... sorry, thinking too much.) the possibility of mutiny within the 5th column in relation to the title of the chapter and the events therein are pretty significant. which raises questions about the Rogue Robots and their place within the story.

damn do i love stuff like that.



Ah," says he, "this here is a sweet spot, this island-- a sweet spot for a lad to get ashore on. You'll bathe, and you'll climb trees, and you'll hunt goats, you will; and you'll get aloft on them hills like a goat yourself. Why, it makes me young again. I was going to forget my timber leg, I was. It's a pleasant thing to be young and have ten toes, and you may lay to that. When you want to go a bit of exploring, you just ask old John, and he'll put up a snack for you to take along."

There is a mutiny afoot there is.



chupacabra 5th!

i mean, they've got wolves and vamps, now all they need is a goat terror legend to match the name of the issue!




Treasure Island has an attempted mutiny.

The 5th column seem to be part of the big threat. A mutiny amongst the column? Those of you who have done the rise of the Vampyri story arc should know what I'm talking about.

A lot of things in CoH are allusions to different things. There is a Vampyri named Lt. Kurtz (heart of darkness except he wasn't an LT and Apocalypse now altough it was colonel not LT) in the same story arc there is a Oberst called Conrad, the author of Heart of Darkness.

Then of course there is Nosferatu the guy who made the Vampyri. Nosferatu is an old movie based of Dracula, except it was sued by Bram Stoker's estate for copyright infringement and all prints were ordered destroyed.

Lyla Twilight
Ember's Rise

Gray Inferno




Issue 3 - A Council of War
The story - well this is the chapter that they discover the mutiny afoot, so I think we're looking for a betrayal by someone, maybe one of the Freedom Phalanx? Or maybe the Preatoreans making it LOOK like mutiny?

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There is a mutiny afoot, look at the split of the Council trying to take over the 5th Column!



Well, issue two was called "A Shadow of the Past", which just so happened to be the title of the second chapter of "The Fellowship of the Ring". Oh, and "Eastgate" is referenced as being part of Moria in the world of LoTR.

So, going by the theory that the chapter titles refer to great works of literature, I did a little research into the new title: Issue 3 A Council of War.

The only thing I could come up with is Treasure Island. Chapter 12 (1 plus 2 equals 3?) of Treasure Island is called Council of War.

So, is this title a hint at the possibility of a water zone? Perhaps pirate villains? Or some sort of treasure?

Just some speculation I'll put out there. Enjoy.

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Very astute.

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If all that's true, can someone figure out if there is a literary reference to the title of Issue 4, and maybe what Issue 5 wil be named? Is there a prize for guessing correctly?

Edit - is it because Chapter 40 on Star Wars - Attack of the Clones DVD is named "The Arena"? Maybe I'm just being too nerdy...



If all that's true, can someone figure out if there is a literary reference to the title of Issue 4

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Here's what I found. Haven't had time to read the whole book yet.
The Count of Monte Cristo, Chapter 34: The Colosseum

The Chapter seems to deal with a meeting in the Colosseum, to plan the release of someone being executed during a celebration.

Reference to The Colosseum (Obviously), but possibly Sister Psyche and such also.



Someone figured out the reference for Issue 4 when it was first annonced....it's a bit of a competition actually, can't wait till I5 is announced!

But, ya know, I never did figure out the story connection, even to the point that I posted another thread asking what part of the story would connect to the title.

Now I see that I missed a major theme of the chapter of the book, and that the bigger connection was staring us in the face all along(Sister Psyche returning to her body).

Nice work.

If you do a search of my handle from the last week, I started a thread to take guesses on Issue 5's title. My guess came from a chapter of The Lost World. Feel free to add your own.



But, ya know, I never did figure out the story connection, even to the point that I posted another thread asking what part of the story would connect to the title.

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It may be specious, but the "Count" required a complete remake of his appearence to begin his revenge, which may relate to how Issue 4's new costume options allow a hero to remake his own appearence. Just a thought...



Good catch! I got "Arena" and "Colosseum" mixed up some how. I think you're the closest so far, much better than my stab at it



I keep seeing these threads pop up, and I feel I have to say... I think you're all theorizing over something that doesn't exist... seriously...



Issue Five: "Tesseract" or "The Foolish and the Weak".



Take Sam Vimes' advice. Clues can be damned confusing. You take a few words here and there about the sea and a wooden leg and a ballet shoe, and you might come up with the theory that we'll be fighting pirates performing Swan Lake underwater. With Sharks.




To Jurassic Park!

Doo doo doo dah dah doo doo doo dah dah doo doo doo da diiii diiii!

Doo doo doo dah dah doo doo doo dah dah doo doo doo da diiii diiii!

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!