24 -
My two cents...just my opinion.
Horrible HORRIBLE idea. Just terrible...for several reasons.
-Like MANY have said, a lot of SG's require their members to have a slot devoted to a SG costume...Global Heroics being a case in point. Therefore, when they team, they team in their SG costume...NOT in SG mode.
-You have the best costume generator in the history of MMORPG's (as far as I know) which encourages hours of tweaking to get that costume "just right". But now...if you want to have a superbase you have to throw that finely crafted masterpiece out the window? Even if it IS only the chest emblem...that's still going to be a kick in the teeth for some people.
-Anyone with at least one fifty already has more influence than all their alts on that server COMBINED will ever be able to spend. It would be SO nice to actually have something to do with it. We WANT influence sinks (or at least I do).
-Superbases are, IMHO, one of the most anticipated upcoming features this game has. And I know for a fact that some people have spent the last 12+ months hoarding influence so they can get said superbase and trick it out...only to be told they need to start from scratch?
Hey, this isn't set in stone...and I haven't seen a red name confirm it yet. And, honestly, it's not even close to being a "game breaking" issue. But if this IS the plan...man I hope they reconsider...sounds VERY ill-advised to me.
Again this is all IMHO, take it, or dismiss it, as such. -
This is all just my opinion of course...
The art in the Blue King comics was subpar...the writing was subpar (for the most part). It had an admitted cheese factor. But you know what?
IT FELT LIKE THE FREAKING GAME! And these new comics do not. In the slightest. Like some other posters I am getting a definate impression of disdain by the writer for both the game and it's players. Hey man I know it's a paycheck, but if you can't respect the universe you're writing in (and it's audience) you really shouldn't have taken the gig. I mean c'mon...the heroes who have saved Paragon time and time again all dissapear, and the citizens don't even bat an eyelash? Wow that's some gratitude for you...nice to know all our efforts are so appreciated.
Also Deus Ex Machina is rampant so far. Need something to happen, but you can't come up with a creative way to explain it within the established parameters of the universe you're writing in? No problem man...magic spells and gods...that solves everything. Lazy, lazy writing. And how many freaking times is Statesman going to die?
And, unlike Warwitch, Apex and Horus (as two dimensional as they were) I do not give a rat's a$$ about any of these characters. Positron has all the personality of a brick so far. Synapse is a self-pitying whiner (not to belittle the emotional trauma of torture victims by any means). Manticore I can accept somewhat, allthough he seems to have a serious case of <insert favorite term for male genetalia here>-envy for Statesman. And Statesman is an arrogant domineering a$$hat. I actually was happy when Manticore shot him...too bad I know it won't be permanent. Sister Physce is the only one I can actually care about.
I'm sure it'll get better as time goes by and the Top Cow team gets more of a feel for the subject matter. I have to admit that the art is already a definate improvment over the previous comics. All I can say is thank god this abortion of a story arc will be over after issue 3 and we'll get a new writer and new direction. I will admit that tecnically it's a superiour product to the Blue King stuff...but it's a comic about a game. And it does the game (and it's backstory and "epic heroes") a huge disservice.
On the other hand Mercedes Lackey's story was most excellentHey Vickie Vee...you interested in writing comic stories?
Again this was all just my opinion. -
Whoa...that was AWESOME! I've never been the biggest Green Arrow fan, but after seeing that...I needs me a bow.
Um, so who was that martial artist guy anyway? Poz? -
Hmm...what if Sparky became a targetable pet for electric blasters? That would create 50% damage mitigation and might help them....what about pets for the other sets? Wouldn't be infringing on trollers, because we could only have one out at a time, but would be nice to help survive a lil better.
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A variation on this theme come up a LOT and I make a point of emphasizing it every time i notice it. There was a thread "tosses a rock over there" that had a LOT of great ideas on some type of aggro mitigating pet to put into our secondaries, and I think it would be a great thing.
My personal favorite (thinking of /fire here) would be a a flaming effect put down using the same means as Rain of Fire. Once in place, you attack the mob, and they react as if the effect generated the attack. They unleash hell on it instead of you, and you proceed to wipe them out. A couple of seconds in to the fight, they realize that it's you hurting them and refocus on you. Hell, I don't even need it to have any attacks of it's own. Just grab that inital aggro and I'll handle the rest.
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I remember that thread and I loved the idea. My personal favorite was a "trick shot" that came into the bad guys from a 90 degree angle from where the blaster was standing, making the mobs blaze away in that direction for a few seconds. Solo...the few seconds would enable us to have a chance to take them down before they wised up and targetted us. Teamed...the few seconds would enable the Tanker or Scrapper to regain aggro. -
I think this thread has been entirely too positive. Therefore:
K now that that's out of the way...
I think the OP's post is one of the best I've read on these forums in a long while.
I think people should chill and let others play the game the way they want, as long as it doesn't hurt their OWN game experience.
I think virtually any AT has a place in any team, if said team is willing to work with them.
I think these boards are entirely too entertaining sometimes, and I think there is some GREAT information to be had here if you can filter out the garbage.
I think this is the longest I've ever played any game in my life (including DAoC and AC).
I think beer should be considered a food group. -
Joined an eight man ToT team. Camped a door for about two hours. Got five badges. Had the most fun I've had in CoH in MONTHS! Awesome, AWESOME event devs! Now if they would just put the pumpkin head in the costume options...
Something a bit odd just happened to me. I was doing a DE mini arc totally unrelated to the 5th Column when two(and only two) of them ambushed me as I exited a mission in Skyway. I wonder if it's connected to the news article.
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I heard somebody else saying someting similar, being ambushed by 5th despite not doing an 5th missions...
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Hey, wait, now that you mention it, that happened to me the other day. Two fifth attacked my speedster. Level 24. I was on the sister psyche TF at the time. I thought it was odd, but I'd just assumed that SOMEHOW I'd aggro'd a pair nearby while running at super speed.just before I stopped running.
Maybe it's something, maybe it's nothing, but this reminded me of it, regardless.
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Got hit by a pair of fifth on another villian group story arc myself the other night (CoT or DE...can't remember). It was DEFINATLY an ambush, as I saw them running at me from a block away. Didn't think anything of it at the time. Hmm... -
I guess you can't please everyone though... I didn't like the LotR films.
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GAH!!!! HEATHEN!!!! Somebody get a rope...
Seriously, this sounds incredibly cool. Someone on the other thread asked a question that I'd like answered as well; didn't States mention somewhere that this would have an offline component? -
Okay, probably a stupid idea but I'm bored at work so what the hey. Earlier in this thread I rehashed an idea that I had heard somewhere else: making every attack power actually STOP end recovery for a couple of seconds. A couple of people liked the idea but one person pointed out how annoying it would be when villians ALSO got the ability.
Okay, stupid idea time. What about a new enhancement? Call it, I don't know, Endurance Recovery Freeze? Say for each one slotted in an attack power you get a 1 second stop to endurance recovery (not sure what the exact number would be for each type of enhancement...just tossing out a number). People who WANTED to go for end drain could slot them at the expense of some damage potential. People like me who just care about damage could ignore them. I myself can see several problems with the idea (why should we have to slot ANYTHING to make what should already be a viable secondary useable), but it's just a suggestion anyway.
Like I said, stupid idea I know. Just thought I'd toss it out there and let everyone rip it to shreds or ignore it completely. -
I see what you are saying, and I see the majesty of this plan (I really like it); however, the developers seem to almost never give a player a power without also giving it to the enemies. If they buff the elec blast attacks in this fashion for the players, I would be very concerned that they would do the same thing when used by villains against players. Can you imagine the problems that would cause? Freaks alone.
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Ouch. Not to mention Clockworks at lower levels. Point taken. -
Electrical Blast does have a power to stop En Recovery: it's called Short Circuit.
However, that power's recovery debuff flag doesn't seem to work on ArchVillians, from what my fellow players are saying. I haven't tried it in Issue 2, but I'll be doing so soon, so I guess I'll see it for myself.
I happen to think Electrical Blast and Electrical Manipulation are both rather effective if used correctly, but I'm just one hero. Try them for yourself.
Oh, and I use Thunder Strike and Havoc Punch quite a bit; at least once a battle. When the mobs can't strike back those two attacks are very effective.
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Yes I know, but I'm saying stop end reduction for a few seconds with EVERY attack...ball lightning, lightning bolt, etc, etc. As I said, I'm far from the end drain authority but it's just a thought. -
Maybe this is a bit simplistic of me, and maybe I don't know what I'm talking about since, as previously stated, I slot for damage (and do not have short circuit or power sink) but couldn't the whole problem be solved if Electric also had a built in effect to STOP end recharge? In every attack? Just a brief pause in end recharge would make a huge difference IMO. I know it's been suggested before, but I think if properly done it could solve the Electric blasters dillema in one fell swoop.
Dude, we're not Electric blasters. We're Energy blasters that don't annoy Tankers by sending mobs flying
Seriously, I gave up on end drain early on and just slotted damage. I've never felt gimped, hold my own on any team and am a MEAN solo hunter (especially when I'm in debt...I fight better when I'm p*ssed off). But it would be nice if my secondary effect were useable on an everyday basis. -
Captain Cthulu!
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Wathn't he on Thtar Twek?
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Gee, thanks a lot. Now I have to clean coffee off my monitor. -
Two words...Deep Ones.
Sorry, Lovecraft Geek. -
Please, please PLEASE tell me this will be a daylong thing! Seven hours until I get home <SOB>
We can hold it there as long as I dont have to explain what a quahog is.
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My Dad's a yankee, so I KNOW what a qhahog is. Eeeewwww... -
Vegas. Las Vegas Hilton. Star Trek; The Experience.
I need another excuse to go to Vegas...haven't been in a year...going through withdrawl -
If they do this on a weekday (assuming it is an event) they would probably do it at night, during prime time, right? Or do I need to call my boss and tell him I've come down with a sudden case of dead...
A few more...so I'm bored at work, sue me
-if you need a safe place to rest or go afk, and there's no stores or trams handy, the ledges around the city-zone force fields are great...assuming you can get to them.
-Just because people tell you a task force only took them three hours, NEVER assume this will be true for you. I always allot 5-6 hours for a TF.
-Never assume that you're safe, even in a zone far below your level. One level 35 Rikti left over from an ambush in steel can ruin your whole day.
-On story arcs with certain villain groups (Fifth especially), always be careful exiting missions and calling your contacts, because it can trigger an ambush. And if you're in a low level zone and trigger one, try to clean it up. If you can't then call for help...unless you want a bunch of dead lowbies on your conscience. -
[ QUOTE ][*]Having more than the minimum but less than the recommended system requirements, doesn't necessarily mean the game will run all that great. *koffkoff15FPSkoffkoff*[/LIST]
And the most important thing I've learned:
[/ QUOTE ]
Amen to BOTH of those last two! -
A couple more I thought of...
-If you six slot hasten with recharge reduction and auto-fire it, it never goes down
-Voltaic Sentinel is a big pile of doggie poo
-Mortificators rez cadavers...ditto for some Crey scientists
-Travel powers get faster as you level on their own...so slotting hover is a waste of time.
-If you set up your inspiration tray correctly, you can just use the function key to pop an insp, and the next one will slide down ready to use...like a pez dispenser
-certain Mobs, like embalmed cadavers and Death mages blow up and do SICK damage
-Said exploding mobs can be interrupted when they go into their countdowns
sorry if any of these have been posted previously...this is a great thread, wish it had been here a few months ago... -
Great thread. My .02 influence...
-That the space bar sends you straight up while in flight.
-The store map patch (I wanna marry that thing)
-That tesla cage is NOT just a glorified version of electric fence (hold > Immobilize)
-That you don't have to take BOTH of the first two powers in a pool to get the third (anyone wanna buy my air superiority? Low mileage...)
-Don't turn your back on that freakshow corpse...
-"Cool...one more shot and that Fifth LT is going down...OMG WHAT IS THAT!!! <thwack>"