Teleport is nerfed.




As it happens, I've found a sort-of-fix, but I won't elaborate. I have also seen at least one case where the "fix" prevented me from teleporting to a VALID location, where I clicked and the teleport was cancelled as if I was using a look-through-walls trick, even though the camera was in a perfectly normal positon.

[/ QUOTE ]

Spoken like a true exploit artist.. won't elaborate? You mean "won't share" and "don't want to get the other bug I found fixed."



Spoken like a true exploit artist.. won't elaborate? You mean "won't share" and "don't want to get the other bug I found fixed."

[/ QUOTE ]
You forgot the Golden Rule:

"Everything is okay, so long as I don't get caught."

(And yes I'm being sarcastic.)




You forgot the Golden Rule:

"Everything is okay, so long as I don't get caught."

(And yes I'm being sarcastic.)

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought it was, "Do unto others unless there is no profit in it for thyself?"



Teleport now as it stands kind of sucks. I hope they improve it.. by increasing its range (100 yards is kind of lame), you should be able to port anywhere on the map... if they ever did make that change, they should increase the cast time.. or the recast time so you dont exploit it popping around the map almost instantaneously.



Teleport now as it stands kind of sucks. I hope they improve it.. by increasing its range (100 yards is kind of lame), you should be able to port anywhere on the map... if they ever did make that change, they should increase the cast time.. or the recast time so you dont exploit it popping around the map almost instantaneously.

[/ QUOTE ]

Teleport is fine. Porting anywhere on the map would be an interface nightmare as opposed to the simple and versatile Teleport we have now. If you don't like it, that's what respec is for.




BUT if it gets nerfed "too bad.. so sorry! Want some whine with that cheese?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, you must be at least level 30 in the Arrogant [censored] class.



Cheating is going out of bounds. I used to do that, but I only did it for a laugh, not to complete a mission (except for the one time when I *HAD* to go out of bounds because the Freak firebomb was put there)

[/ QUOTE ]

So, what you're saying is, you didn't cheat ... EXCEPT WHEN YOU DID CHEAT. Oh, and that one time when you cheated to finish a mission?


Seems like you answered your own question as to how you were using the power to cheat.

Now that the power's been fixed, you no longer can cheat that way. Seems like the fix did its job.



The rules for teleportation have changed in order to keep heroes from teleporting to otherwise impossible-to-get-to areas. Your hero can still teleport "through things", though. There isn't exactly a line-of sight check from the hero to the destination. Instead, there is a line-of-sight check from your viewpoint (the "camera") to the hero and a line-of-sight check from the camera to your destination. If both are clear (and your hero will fit, etc.) then we allow the teleport.

This allows your hero to teleport around corners and buildings, but not into solid objects. (Which includes objects with doors.)



Oh, I have been sharing. Just not in places where the devs might read. In part because of the problem that I described, where I tried to teleport to a perfectly valid location (no cam_dist tricks) and couldn't, apparently because there was some physical object onscreen that the game "thought" was between my character and the camera -- I fear that another 'fix' might just make that worse.

I will say that the 'trick' that I've discovered has very little practical value. Yes, I could potentially use it to shortcut through a wall, except that the time to set it up is longer than the time it would take for me to actually walk to what is behind the wall in the first place. I can, from behind the tram station, teleport into it rather than around and through the normal entrance -- but I'd get to the tram a lot faster with the latter method than with the former. The only real "use" for it is to teleport into and out of shops without using the door. Fun, but not really productive toward powergaming. It's not of any real use in mission maps, in part because of the way the maps are constructed.



This allows your hero to teleport around corners and buildings, but not into solid objects. (Which includes objects with doors.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmmmm. Why *not* through a building with a door? Surely this cannot be a limitation with the game mechanics, unless of course we are dealing with Zoning issues? It is still hollowed out (not solid) inside the building's foyer, isn't it? "Nightcrawler" would be pretty gimped if he had to follow all those CoH TP Rules.



Teleport now as it stands kind of sucks. I hope they improve it.. by increasing its range (100 yards is kind of lame), you should be able to port anywhere on the map... if they ever did make that change, they should increase the cast time.. or the recast time so you dont exploit it popping around the map almost instantaneously.

[/ QUOTE ]

I really don't have the problem with the range. Of course, I've got mine triple-slotted (the third one was a mistake) with range mods.

I'm still significantly faster than someone with a capped superspeed.



Cheating is going out of bounds. I used to do that, but I only did it for a laugh, not to complete a mission (except for the one time when I *HAD* to go out of bounds because the Freak firebomb was put there)

[/ QUOTE ]

So, what you're saying is, you didn't cheat ... EXCEPT WHEN YOU DID CHEAT. Oh, and that one time when you cheated to finish a mission?


Seems like you answered your own question as to how you were using the power to cheat.

Now that the power's been fixed, you no longer can cheat that way. Seems like the fix did its job.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're right. Next time I simply won't be able to complete the mission at all.

I guess that the devs making missions completely and totally unwinnable is a good thing?



This allows your hero to teleport around corners and buildings, but not into solid objects. (Which includes objects with doors.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmmmm. Why *not* through a building with a door? It is still hollowed out (not solid) inside of it, isn't it? "Nightcrawler" would be pretty gimped if he had to follow all those CoH TP Rules.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, structually speaking the 'interiors' of the stores are actually several hundred feet "underground" from the outside store building.

You can confirm this much by having a teammate set as waypoint, and then have him go inside a shop while you stand in front of it.

If you were to teleport right through a door, you'd end up within a solid object -- even if it were a store. I couldn't even do that before the patch (though there were cases when I could teleport right UNDER a building, into the void space there, and I'm not complaining that I can't do that anymore. Silly, but useless).



That sort of thing is rampant in the computer game industry, where game designers put in cheats for npcs (letting npcs do things players cant) because writing decent tactial AI is too hard or too much work. Very common place, unfortunately.

[/ QUOTE ]

Writing an AI that can pose a serious challenge against human intelligence for a large scale computer game is, actually, impossible with current technology. It's not a matter of laziness. Those that can come the closest are employed *FAR* above the level of writing computer games. Seriously, a single one of these guys probably pulls in a year what the entire CoH dev team does...

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



This allows your hero to teleport around corners and buildings, but not into solid objects. (Which includes objects with doors.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmmmm. Why *not* through a building with a door? Surely this cannot be a limitation with the game mechanics, unless of course we are dealing with Zoning issues? It is still hollowed out (not solid) inside the building's foyer, isn't it? "Nightcrawler" would be pretty gimped if he had to follow all those CoH TP Rules.

[/ QUOTE ]
hah, romie i almost always agree with you, as in the case here. Ive also thought that Phase shifters should be able to pass through solid objects and people unless it is a zoning issue. Too bad well never see this .




BUT if it gets nerfed "too bad.. so sorry! Want some whine with that cheese?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, you must be at least level 30 in the Arrogant [censored] class.

[/ QUOTE ]

It is amazing how one person can take one line out of someone's post to manipulate itto their own ends. The curse of forums.

Am I being arrogant because I spoke my mind about people complaining about changes to their powers?

I guess the majority of people on the forums are level 30 arrogants. We are all tired of people whining. Who really likes listening to this: "They nerfed (insert name of power here) and I no longer can exploit the game" over and over?

I apoligize if I hit a nerve and your feelings where hurt as well.

Let me rephrase my comment to make it less arrogant for you:

"But if it gets nerfed "I am sooo sorry, it is the nature of these games for powers to be changed. it is the lumps we all have to bear. I do hope you can get past this to play the game and not be so upset" "

How is that?



Well, structually speaking the 'interiors' of the stores are actually several hundred feet "underground" from the outside store building.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, but that is due to a game-mapping mechanics issue, not an in-game reality concern. We all know you do not actually *walk* into a store or building structure in CoH, you are in fact "transported" to a different set of coordinates on the Zone Map.

It is not like SWG, EQ, etc., does things... where your character actually moves into the interior of a building. I am sure they designed it that way in CoH so those additional coords and textures didn't always have to be loaded in each time to move from one Zone to another. Plus they can have separate Map Servers dedicated for those big Interior Zones.

But this doesn't help those poor TPers in the slightest, and I for one think they are being cheated a bit on the value of their Power. A TPer having to always walk into a building through a doorway?? The nerve.



The rules for teleportation have changed in order to keep heroes from teleporting to otherwise impossible-to-get-to areas.

This allows your hero to teleport around corners and buildings, but not into solid objects. (Which includes objects with doors.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Tsoo and Porters do it all the time :P



It was a bug...move on.



I guess that the devs making missions completely and totally unwinnable is a good thing?

[/ QUOTE ]

Boy are you in for an awakening as you level up.



I'm lv38. I've already had my share of problems.

I'm not speaking of "difficult", mind you. I'm speaking of absolutely, completely impossible, because completing the mission actually requires that a player reach something that has spawned outside of the legal bounds of the map.

Of course, anyone who read my initial rants would know that I wasn't actually complaining about my inability to teleport beyond the legal bounds of the map. Beyond the one situation of an objective spawning where it shouldn't have spawned, I've only used that for amusement (teleporting through the 'floors' of a building to reach a newly-joined team mid-mission rather than taking the elevators up). It was amusing to do, but I can easily live without it.

As it is, since I've found a way to make a little more out of teleport, I'm no longer of a mind to whine about it. I can't zip around mission maps willy-nilly, but I can at least have an easier run through Dark Astoria when I've got a mission on the far end of it, and I can still have my fun quirk of popping into and out of shops without bothering with the doors, so I'm happy once more.

Until the devs 'fix' it again :P



This allows your hero to teleport around corners and buildings, but not into solid objects. (Which includes objects with doors.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmmmm. Why *not* through a building with a door? Surely this cannot be a limitation with the game mechanics, unless of course we are dealing with Zoning issues? It is still hollowed out (not solid) inside the building's foyer, isn't it? "Nightcrawler" would be pretty gimped if he had to follow all those CoH TP Rules.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, Nightcrawler, generally, can only teleport where he can see or at least places where he knows there's nothing there. So he can routinely teleport through ordinary walls and doors, because he makes a safe assumption regarding their thickness, but he has trouble teleporting without sight into places he's never been - like in X-Men 2.

So... though Nightcrawler does go beyond the rule a bit in that he can teleport anywhere he's been before (Like, into Kitty's room if he was there half an hour ago and remembers where things were), he can't teleport around corners without first making sure there's nothing there, which would involve two teleports.

I'm going to stop talking now.



Alright, Dimensio, since you seem keen on exploiting things beyond their intentions, how about they fix cam_dist so you can't see where YOU the PLAYER aren't supposed to be able to see.

All problems fixed.



The thing that should have us all upset is that stealth nerfing is still rampant in COH after we were promised that all game changes would be addressed in the updates.



The rules for teleportation have changed in order to keep heroes from teleporting to otherwise impossible-to-get-to areas. Your hero can still teleport "through things", though. There isn't exactly a line-of sight check from the hero to the destination. Instead, there is a line-of-sight check from your viewpoint (the "camera") to the hero and a line-of-sight check from the camera to your destination. If both are clear (and your hero will fit, etc.) then we allow the teleport.

This allows your hero to teleport around corners and buildings, but not into solid objects. (Which includes objects with doors.)

[/ QUOTE ]
No more teleporting under the floor in city hall in Atlas then?