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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eldorado View Post
    [Those last couple of points to get over the softcap may not seem like much, but my elec/SD has 45.6 melee, 45 ranged, 44.1 AoE without Combat Jumping, and I DEFINITELY notice the hits coming through fighting 54's when I forget and leave Super Jump on instead. "Why am I taking so much damage? Oh, duh. <click> MUCH better!"]
    To play on this and possibly get the OP to understand why the quoted statement rings true, or just horribly confuse everyone involved: When dealing with damage reduction (Defense OR resistance) its important to remember that the % of reduction is relative to your current damage reduction.

    IE: A character with 0% resistance will take 25% less damage if they gain 25% resistance, where as a character with 50% resistance will take 50% less damage if they gain 25% resistance.

    Likewise, if a mob has a 50% chance to hit a character and the character gains 5% defense, they will take 10% less damage. While if a mob has a 10% chance to hit the character and they gain 5% defense, they will take 50% less damage.

    Essentially, you have to think of it based on "how much damage are you currently taking" vs "how much damage you would be taking with the increased damage reduction" - IE: Taking only 25% of incoming damage is half as much as taking 50% of incoming damage.

    So when you have 0% defense, that extra ~3% from combat jumping seems pretty damn paltry. However, when a mob has an 8% chance to hit you, reducing that to 5% is an increase of 37.5% damage reduction.

    MATH! Its fun for everyone!

    Edit: To avoid a semantics debacle, I should say that by "Damage Reduction" I mean relative damage reduction. At 95% resistance you have 95% damage reduction, but if you currently have 90% resistance gaining another 5% will have a net effect of 50% less damage compared to where you currently take, or 50% relative damage reduction, at which point you're resistance capped and need defense to further reduce incoming damage. >.> Good job!
  2. Meh. The complainers will complain regardless of what you can do. Take it easy, get it right and do so without adding any undue stress. The grand majority of the users (us silent but grateful masses) will appreciate it!
  3. Luscinia

    display problems

    You might also try opening the graphics options and adjusting your "3D resolution scaling" all the way to left and slide it slowly back to max. I had a similar problem on an older machine and this fixed it, not sure if it will work for what you're experiencing.
  4. Luscinia

    Mouse issues.

    You can either /bind mousechord "+forward" to remove the autorun functionality, or alternatively /bind mousechord nop to remove the ability to run by pressing both mouse buttons.
  5. You have to download the mac version of the game to play it on a mac.
  6. If it goes in health its always on, and if its in a toggle its always on when the toggle is active. if you slot it in a click it will activate every time you activate the power.
  7. Luscinia

    Global Issue

    Have you tried removing and adding people back to your global friends list to see if that fixes any problems?

    Not sure that will do anything but waste time, but I had a similar (but not the same) problem a long ways back, but it was caused by not having active accounts when they did a migrate or something on their global chat servers.
  8. Ah, that's right. Silly Cryptic. I now remember that I prefer to unbind things by binding them to "" (nothing)

    IE: /bind mousechord ""

    I believe this skips the "can only bind to four keys" limitation that nop may or may not have.
  9. I believe /unbind mousechord will do it, could be wrong though as its been a while.
  10. Luscinia

    Pocket D VIP....

    You can either buy the full GvE edition and use the serial code, or you can go to the NCSoft store and buy the GvE item pack serial for just the little bonuses of it.
  11. Are you using the spam or delete buttons when getting rid of the emails?

    Unfortunately there's no way to completely stop them from reaching you. The best you can do is use either the spam button in the email tab to get rid of them, or just ignore the email window all together.
  12. Hold alt and press print screen, then paste it in a standard graphics editor like mspaint.

    Assuming you're using a PC.
  13. Good idea with the wiki, but I have my own idea on how to categorize emotes. And there's the occasional person that doesn't like visiting third party sites for whatever reason. Thinking a new post, definitely.
  14. I need some help deciding which direction to go here.

    The options are pretty simple: Continue updating this post or make a new one.

    The only real pro with keeping this post that I can think of is all the tidbits other people have added from here to there.

  15. The problem is, &lt;&gt; tags are specifically checked by the game, and there were some cases where people could crash other people's clients by sending certain &lt;&gt; tags through a bind system.

    While it may be possible for them to change the tags for pet emotes, and only the pet emotes, so that the other tags still couldn't be used in the binding, it would require somewhat considerable time and effort for a change that is extremely far from game-breaking, and thus, sadly very low priority.

    Couldn't hurt to bring it up in the suggestion forums though!
  16. As far as I know, this isn't possible with the tools in the game, unless they've added some I'm not aware of. Which is certainly possible!
  17. Technically, letting anyone but you use your account is considered sharing. However, I doubt anyone but the most hardassed of folk would care if someone in your immediate family was using your account.

    That said, the only way you're going to get 'caught' letting family use it is if you/they go out of their way to flaunt it somewhere the CMs monitor.
  18. Are you using a bind or manually typing them in?

    A change went into effect a few patches ago that won't allow clients to send &lt;&gt; tags through binds, they have to be sent through the chat pane. You can use a beginchat bind to make it so you can juts hit enter and send, but you can't use a bind to automatically send them.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm going to assume that the same player would be playing either one, so skill is irrelevant.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Then it doesn't matter too much! If they're good and built for it, and you seem to be in a spot where a tank type would help a lot, a brute would probably be a better choice. Otherwise, I don't think it would matter for any team I was leading.
  20. Whichever was played by a high quality player!
  21. Copypasta from a BABS post for impending and much-needed update.

    No, I'm not back. Shh.

    Return to Neutral<ul type="square">[*]None[/list]Regular Emotes<ul type="square">[*]Lecture[*]Explain[*]Disagree[*]Roar[*]AFK[*]Newspaper[*]Frustrated[*]Drat[*]Shucks[*]Sleep[*]AssumePositionWall[*]AlaKazam[*]AlaKazamReact[*]Akimbo[*]Wings[*]Angry[*]Attack[*]BatSmash[*]BatSmashReact[*]Backflip[*]Binoculars[*]Crouch[*]BigWave[*]OverHere[*]Flip[*]Research[*]ResearchLow[*]Down[*]Bowdown[*]Bow[*]Sorry[*]FancyBow[*]ElegantBow[*]Praise[*]Camera[*]Cellphone[*]Cheer[*]Rooting[*]WaveFist[*]Clap[*]Victory[*]Champion[*]Winner[*]TheWave[*]Chicken[*]CrossArms[*]CurseYou[*]Noooo[*]Clipboard[*]DropBoombox[*]Boombox[*]BB[*]Dance[*]BBDance[*]BBTechnoid[*]BBRaver[*]BBMoveOn[*]BBQuickie[*]BBYellow[*]BBElectroVibe[*]BBLooker[*]BBAltitude[*]BBWindItUp[*]BBBeat[*]BBKickIt[*]BBCatchMe[*]BBShuffle[*]BBJumpy[*]BBDiscoFreak[*]BBMeaty[*]BBInfoOverload[*]BBWahWah[*]BBNotorious[*]BBDogWalk[*]BBPeace[*]BBSpaz[*]BBHeavyDude[*]BBVenus[*]Dance1[*]Dance2[*]Dance3[*]Dance4[*]Dance5[*]Dance6[*]DustOff[*]Drink[*]EatDonut[*]Donut[*]EatFood[*]Eat[*]Food[*]FlippingCoin[*]Fishing[*]Fear[*]Afraid[*]Scared[*]Cower[*]Flashlight[*]FlashlightUp[*]FlashlightDown[*]Flex[*]FlexA[*]FlexB[*]FlexC[*]Flex1[*]Flex2[*]Flex3[*]Welcome[*]BuzzOff[*]GoAway[*]Handsup[*]Surrender[*]HoldTorch[*]Howl[*]Invent[*]KissIt[*]GetSome[*]Kneel[*]Crack[*]Knuckle[*]Knuckles[*]MartialArts[*]Kata[*]Laugh[*]Laptop[*]LaughToo[*]Laugh2[*]BigLaugh[*]WallLean[*]Ledgesit[*]ListenPoliceBand[*]DontAttack[*]No[*]Panhandle[*]PeerIn[*]Protest[*]Hmmm[*]Plotting[*]Paper[*]Point[*]What[*]Huh[*]Shrug[*]ReadBook[*]Rock[*]RollDice[*]Dice[*]FlipCoin[*]CoinToss[*]Coin[*]Burp[*]RaiseHand[*]Stop[*]Scissors[*]Salute[*]MilitarySalute[*]AtEase[*]Lotus[*]Yoga[*]Grief[*]Score1[*]Score2[*]Score3[*]Score4[*]Score5[*]Score6[*]Score7[*]Score8[*]Score9[*]Score10[*]SlapReact[*]Scheme[*]Plot[*]Sit[*]SitChair1[*]SitChair2[*]SitChair3[*]SitBench1[*]SitBench2[*]SitBench3[*]SitBench4[*]SitExecutiveChair[*]SitStool[*]SitTable1[*]SitTable2[*]Slap[*]Smack[*]ThreatHand[*]SmackYou[*]Screen[*]TouchScreen[*]Slash[*]SlashThroat[*]Talk[*]YoureWelcome[*]Thanks[*]ThankYou[*]Teabag[*]DrumDance[*]Hand[*]TalkToHand[*]JumpingJacks[*]Typing[*]Type[*]EvilLaugh[*]ELaugh[*]VillainLaugh[*]VillainousLaugh[*]Muahahaha[*]Waiting[*]Wave[*]Hi[*]Whistle[*]Wounded[*]Yata[*]YataYata[*]Thumbsup[*]Yes[*]Nod[*]Idle1[*]Idle2[*]BeatChest[*]Tarzan[*]TauntA[*]Taunt1[*]Taunt[*]TauntB[*]Taunt2[*]FlyPose1[*]FlyPose2[*]FlyPose3[*]FlyPose4[*]Drum[*]DrumLow[*]FloatBooks[/list]Badge Restricted Emotes<ul type="square">[*]Dice7[*]ListenStolenPoliceBand[*]MATablet[/list]Wedding Booster Pack Emotes<ul type="square">[*]Propose[*]Proposal[*]MarryMe[*]PoptheQuestion[*]MarriageProposal[*]ProposeMarriage[*]Rice[*]ThrowRice[*]RiceThrow[*]Confetti[*]ThrowConfetti[*]ConfettiThrow[*]RosePetals[*]ThrowRosePetals[*]RosePetalsThrow[/list]Cyborg Super Booster Pack Emotes<ul type="square">[*]RobotDance[*]RoboDance[*]DanceRobot[*]Dance7[*]PowerDown[*]RobotPowerDown[*]PowerUp[*]RobotPowerUp[/list]Magic Super Booster Pack Emotes<ul type="square">[*]Juggle[*]JuggleBalls[*]JuggleMagic[*]JuggleFire[*]JuggleElectricity[*]MagicCards[*]CardTrick[*]CCPrestoChango[*]CCLightning[*]CCSpin[*]CCCast[/list]Science Super Booster Pack Emotes<ul type="square">[*]CCDrinkFormula[*]CCSuperSerum[*]Experiment[*]MixFormula[*]Calculate[/list]Costume Change Emotes<ul type="square">[*]CCBackFlip[*]CCHowl[*]CCEvilLaugh[*]CCSalute[/list]Restricted Costume Change Emotes<ul type="square">[*]CCPeacebringer[*]CCWarshade[*]CCVanguardSigil[/list]
  22. Bah! You're too clever for Lusci!

    As a note:
    The ;none emote used to set you to your normal standing emote cycle(look around, cross arms, look around, whatnot) - currently it -smoothly- sets you to looking straight ahead, fists on your sides stance. I think this changed around I6.

    And by smoothly I mean you don't just skip into the animation. But it does look kinda funky using it from sitting emotes.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Haven't heard any complaints about it yet though!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hrm... wonder why.

    Oh yeah, and if they want those, they can find them
    Right here at the official emote guide!
  23. Only on those that have multiple animations(Dance, ledgesit(male/huge/granite armor), walllean) - but they get the general idea, which is the point!

    I'm just being picky.
  24. Or Mantid could be helpful.
    How dare he.

    ^Check his sig, (most of) the animations for the emotes are in there.


    *Koff* By sig I mean the link. I swore I saw a sig up there not a few seconds ago.