Global Issue




Okay, is anybody else having problems with globals?

The only person I've been able to talk to lately is one member in my SG who is telling me globals aren't down for him. However, when I click on a name and select "Get Global Name," nothing happens. Nothing is being entered in my global channels when I type. My SG mate is telling me when they click my name, they get the message that I'm hidden, when I have no hide options checked. They say nobody else seems to be having issues with globals.

I haven't yet had a chance to go out and ask on broadcast since I've been in a mission.

Guardian server is Life!

Founder and Leader and all around greatest member of the Solo-SG, The Charybdis Clan.



Have you tried removing and adding people back to your global friends list to see if that fixes any problems?

Not sure that will do anything but waste time, but I had a similar (but not the same) problem a long ways back, but it was caused by not having active accounts when they did a migrate or something on their global chat servers.



Haven't tried that. Tonight I joined a new global channel, but I was able to talk in the globals for about 20 minutes after that. I'm gonna try a restart and see if that works; if not, I'll do the add/remove global friend thingie.

Edit-- or, it would seem simply zoning fixed the problem. Thanks for the help.

Guardian server is Life!

Founder and Leader and all around greatest member of the Solo-SG, The Charybdis Clan.



it happens from time to time. don't remove add yet. wait to see if itcomes back for you first.



My SG mate is telling me when they click my name, they get the message that I'm hidden, when I have no hide options checked.

[/ QUOTE ]
This happens occasionally. The easiest solution is to type /unhideall in your chat window.

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