Quick Question: Are there any female devs?




Ah yes War_Witch. But I think you are definitely a Lady.

There we go,now I made sence.

P.S. War_Witch post more often, we love it



To be fair the helmet hides a lot



Incidentally I think you would be (pleasantly?) surprised to find how many CoH players are actually women. The number of female gamers in recent years has absolutely skyrocketed. Any actual numbers slip my mind at the moment, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are approaching or above a quarter of the population.

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I think The Sims has a lot to do with more females getting into video games... I know it's the first one my girlfriend really started playing (must be 'cause women are so controlling - lol) and now she plays Jedi Academy, Medal of Honor, Battlefield 1942...

And I just got her City of Heroes.

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Tsk tsk :P Some of us have been playing videogames from the days of Pong...and may the heavens drop on my head if I ever load another Sims game onto my computer (free game, it stayed on my computer 1 day only).

You'd be surprised at how many women played (and still play) the good ole MUDS and progressed from there.

PS...ooooo...you just had to bring up the stereotype of the "controlling female". bad bad bad. Not nice and very blind of you since men have been controlling women since oh...the dawn of time bad! shame on you! It's my turn to control and you better snap too Mister!



War_Witch is female, CuppaJoe is female, and there are at least two other developers that are female that I know of (only because they posted once or twice on the boards before) but chances are there are a few more that either don't post, don't have board names, or are not in the department that get involved with the community as much. After all, looking at all the regulars, most are Head <position> or close too: Statesman is lead developer, Geko lead powers guy, Positron... um.. lead programmer guy I think, etc.

Oh, and of course, who could forget Aura (not one of the two mentioned above)?

As for females and the game industry/gaming in general, there are a lot more than most [guys] think. It's just that the stereotypes and misconceptions are way overblown and as well, females don't tend to share the same sort of outward obessiveness that guys do (whether because of social or other reasons).



LOL I'm sure it'll come as a great shock to Poz that he's a female.

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See this is the reason I shouldn't listen to anything on the boards. There was a multi-page thread just two days ago claiming Poz was female, and Positron even commented in it and never bothered to correct anyone.

Oh well live and learn.



Looks like video games aren't a boys only club anymore.



Looks like video games aren't a boys only club anymore.

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hehe...tsk tsk. It never was just boys only club We just don't go to as many conventions as you all or Tournaments. Ms. Pacman wasn't made to get the guys playing you know lol...it was a marketing tool to get more girls playing and it worked Personally, my favorite ole video game was Galactic (I think that was the name of it)



I think this general line of question is just lame.

It's just like people who ask female characters whether those players are really female in real life.



Looks like video games aren't a boys only club anymore.

It never was. Chicks like me have been playing and gaming for years now. I have been since Pong. :x



yep, been playing console games since NES. Havent gone a day w/o a system since. sims? psht.

(not that I don't like the sims, it's a neat game, and accessible, just don't go around batting about all that
"girls don't play games" nonsense. At least half my girlfriends are gamers, and have been since we were kids. ANd my roomate's an absolute freak for the stuff, she'll kick your *** at doom any day , I mean really, what? we don't like to have fun or something? Seriously if I get p.o'd at my man for playing a game, it's not the game - it's a freaking lack of the basic interpersonal skills to realize that you just invited me over then decided to ignore me for 3 hrs while you shoot [censored] . rude dude! )



Looks like video games aren't a boys only club anymore.

It never was. Chicks like me have been playing and gaming for years now. I have been since Pong. :x

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Yep..same here..been here since Pong too. Had everything, the Commadore 64, an Amiga, Intellivision, Coleco, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, etc. , etc.



War Witch is a guy, just like all you "guys" who play female toons. Don't be fooled!!

Night Goblin 35 lvl BS/Regen Scrapper
Slag Heap 38 lvl Fire/Axe Tanker
Energy Anomoly 23 lvl Energy/Energy Blaster



Looks like video games aren't a boys only club anymore.

It never was. Chicks like me have been playing and gaming for years now. I have been since Pong. :x

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Looks like we're in good company, too:

***According to the Entertainment Software Association, about 40 percent of gamers are women. And experts say older women are big gamers online, though they tend to gravitate to casual time-passers like checkers, chess and Scrabble.***

They forgot about Tetris. Still one of my personal favorites while growing up.



My wife loves scrabble, plays it like a mad woman.

Abyssal Shade, 50, DM/Regen, Virtue
Meltdown Girl, 49, Rad/Psy
Proud member of Evolution
RIP Hamidon(12/21/04, 22, 23)



LOL I'm sure it'll come as a great shock to Poz that he's a female.

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See this is the reason I shouldn't listen to anything on the boards. There was a multi-page thread just two days ago claiming Poz was female, and Positron even commented in it and never bothered to correct anyone.

Oh well live and learn.

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Positron said that he and Poz were two different people, Why do you assume they must be the same gender?



LOL I'm sure it'll come as a great shock to Poz that he's a female.

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Poz got a sex change

Oh my lord ... I always knew there was something funny about him ... errr ... her!



Oh...We can fix that now. We have the technology!

"Uh..yeah...Pos. We have a little....'project' for you." :P

*shakes her head* Nope. Positron is a guy.

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QueenVoodoo --

ColecoVision was where I started. With a game called "Ladybug".



It never was. Chicks like me have been playing and gaming for years now. I have been since Pong.

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Eh, I think he only meant to refer to the recent surge in female gamers. I don't think anyone's claiming that no girls played video games prior to 1998, but generally speaking, prior to that (give or take, obviously) the breakdown of the population (at least with respect to regular/hobbyist gamers) was extremely uneven gender-wise. It's definitely balancing out now, or at least the scales aren't tipped so far in one direction.

I for one am excited to see what happens a few years from now when the recent flood of female gamers begins to translate into more and more female game developers. I expect a "female revolution" in game design, complete with plenty of fresh ideas and perspectives. It might be just what the industry needs to break out of some of the "ruts" it has gotten itself into in recent years.



Incidentally I think you would be (pleasantly?) surprised to find how many CoH players are actually women. The number of female gamers in recent years has absolutely skyrocketed. Any actual numbers slip my mind at the moment, but I wouldn't be surprised if they are approaching or above a quarter of the population.

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I think The Sims has a lot to do with more females getting into video games... I know it's the first one my girlfriend really started playing (must be 'cause women are so controlling - lol) and now she plays Jedi Academy, Medal of Honor, Battlefield 1942...

And I just got her City of Heroes.

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Tsk tsk :P Some of us have been playing videogames from the days of Pong...and may the heavens drop on my head if I ever load another Sims game onto my computer (free game, it stayed on my computer 1 day only).

You'd be surprised at how many women played (and still play) the good ole MUDS and progressed from there.

PS...ooooo...you just had to bring up the stereotype of the "controlling female". bad bad bad. Not nice and very blind of you since men have been controlling women since oh...the dawn of time bad! shame on you! It's my turn to control and you better snap too Mister!

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PONG was cool! With the little *** guys shooting the balls??



what are you saying that girls cant fix bugs?

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Girls don't fix bugs... they squish them - or run away screaming like a swat guy. I'm assuming the female devs are of the 'squish bugs' variety.

By the way, I wouldn't be so sure that Positron is male.... after all, when someone wears power armor all the time, it's pretty hard to 'check under the hood'.

Zeus - god of insight



A more important question would be...

are there any attractive single female developers....and are they looking to date a poor/pretty-darn-cute/creative-type/computer-game-player like me?



There's a red name I haven't seen in awhile. That avatar needs to be updated though. War Witch got a haircut in last month's comic.



*shakes her head* Nope. Positron is a guy.

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Do you like madonna?



At Gen Con there was a person there (short of doing the flip upside down check) that was most definately male with either Poz or Positron on his badge. I asked him "So you are the Poz/Positron from the forum boards?" (which ever was on the badge, i thought). His reply was confusing untill that last thread where Positron said Poz and Positron were different people. I think I may have said "so you are the (whatever wasn't on his badge) from the forum?" and he said "(whichever one wasn't on the badge but I must have said), he is around here." That points to both Poz and Positron being male, as this bearded fellow was not part of a circus act, and also refered to the other as a 'him'.
